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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, M AY 5, 1949 PAGE EIGHT as maid of honor for her sister, and Darlene Stevens of La Granue who wore a pink gown, was brids- V- m maid. Both carried old-fash, cu ed nosegays. LOCAL COUPLE WIJD | George Smit of Parma was at- At a ceremony held at the ! tendent for the groom, with Billie Me hodist Church last Wednesday | and John Toombs, brothers of the evening, Ruth Toombs became the, served as ushers, bride of Richard Strastaugh. The A reception for the young couple s.ngle ring ceremony was perform- [ followed in the church parlors, ed by Rev. Don Maxfteld of the j with Mrs. Gordan Toc.mbs pre- Christian church before and altar siding at the punch bowl, and ,vL. banked with spring flowers witn * Will.arn Scrhirenian ..ervlng tnc lighted tapers on each side of th e ! wedding cake. Assisting with the altar. | serving were Beverly Dixon and Preceding the ceremony, Mablc j Darlene Stevens. Toombs, suiter of the bride, sang Mrs. Jarvis Mitchell had charge "Because”, acconmpanied by M rs.! of the gifts, and Marjory Bishop. Hilda Tensen and Irene Bibbey the guest book. Mrs. Tuom..., wore and Donna Florea sang, "I Dive a pink and black print with ina.eeh- You Truly". Tlie wedding marches ‘ r.g hat for her daughters wedding were played by Mrs. Tensen. | Her corsage was of white carna- Mrs. Strasbaugh wore a Ih e bride wore a white satin tions. gown with a s'hort train. The fing- prey suit with red acceaories. Hei ert'p veil was caught in a pearl corsage was of red roses. Mrs. Strasbaugh was graduated beaded tiara. The bride’s bouquet was of pink sweet peas. Dennis from the Ny&sa High school in Miss Donna Fischer of Nyssa was 1918, and enrolled last fall at the Toombs gave his daughter in mar Eastern Oregon College of Edu- married in Winnamucea. Nevada riage Mable Toombs, in a blue gown, cation at La Grande. She is the April 20 to Alfred Vern Liechty of Emmett. Uncial iWiti's ; ^ M O T H E R ’S DAY Sunday, May 8 B eau tifu l H osiery by Mojud— a wonderful Gift for Mother M ojud Slip s Satin Slips Fine quality--4 Gores $ 1.98 Multi-Filament Rayon with Lace Trim $2.98 Always a nice Gift— Handkerchiefs Big Assortment of Lovely Handkerchiefs From 25c to $1.00 each | SUNSHINE QLUB TO MEET their mothers at a tea Monday af I A meeting of the Sunshine club ternoon at the grade school build □f the Reoekah Lodge will be held ing in Adrian. Tea. jello, and at the I. O. O. F. Hall Friday af cookies were served. The mem ternoon, May 6 at 2 o'clock. bers decided to cancel all regular _ }_ Girl Scout meeting for the sum HOLDS ANNUAL PARTIES The girls will Just have The st. Paul’s Episcopal Guild mer. sponsored Its annual series at pro- camping trips through the sum giersive par-tie, last Thursday mer. evening. Bridge hostesses for the Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Harvey and evening included, Mrs. Bernard children of Wriser weie week-end East-man, Mrs. Lloyd Wilson, Mrs. guests in the Jake Borge home. Ted Morgan, Mrs. Grant Rinehart Mrs. Harvey is a cousin of Mrs and Mrs. J. J. Sarazm. Pinochle j Bonje. .1 jo tesses were Mrs. William Schire-j Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Culbertson and Mrs. V W. Duns. At the'had Sunday dinner with Mrs. Dor- cloie of the evening the guests iothy Slippy and family, gathered at the parish hall w-he:e Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bailey of e and coffee were .served and the Agile Valley spent Sunday evening irives were awarded. Prizes fo r 1 at the home of Mrs. Dorothy high scores at pinochle went to j Slippy. dr., William Church and Dean Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gonlet Smith, and for low to Mrs. C. C. went to Pendleton Monday to at Cotton and Tom Turner. Prizes tend a Catholic Parents associ for high scores at bridge went to ation meeting. Mrs. Hermon Mrs. Robert Wilson and L. P. Towne, Mrs. Nick Smit, Mrs, Thomas and for low score to Miss Teresa Beronek of Nyssa and Mrs Hattie Burnsmldt and Glea Billings. John Shiel of Kingman Kolony went with them. Mrs. Stanley Gonlet is working GIRL SCOUTS GIVE on a cooked foods and embroidery TEA FOR MOTHERS work sale to be held in Nyssa by daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Toombs of Nyssa. Mr. StroJbaugh attended schools in Nebraska, and NEWELL HEIGHTS, May —The day In Tenderfoot Girl Scouts entertained office. pent two years in tlie United States Navy. He is associated with nis father In business in Nyssa. Following a short wedding trip, .he couple will make their home .n Nyssa. - 5 - Pajamas and G ow n s $ 2 .9 5 to $ 4 .9 5 WILSON BROS. DEPT. STORE Nyssa Phone 32 NYSSA p r o g r a m Telephone 108 THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY 6 7 Randolph Scott— Ella Raines William Bishop Edgar Buchanan In “ WALKING HILLS” Alone in the desert nine men and a woman . . . seeking fabulous treasure and cscajH* from their pasts. 2-REEL COMEDY CARTOON Mat., Sat., 2:10; A«lm. 30c-9c Inc. Tax Adm. livening»! 44c-9c Inc. Tax SUNDAY, MAY 8 William Powell Ann Blythe “ MR. PEABODY AND THE MERMAID” Here is a fantasy that is sheer delight Mai., Sun., 2:.TO, Adm. 30c-9c. Inc. Tax. Adm. livening* 44c-9c Inc. Tax MONDAY, MAY 9 HOSPITAL BENEFIT JAMBOREE Two Hours o f Fun and Glee on the Stage Starts at 8 p. m. Sponsored by W om en’s Hospital Auxiliary TUESDAY. MAY 10 BARGAIN NIGHT Dane Clark Gail Russell Ethel Barrymore “ MOONRISE” 2-REEL COMEDY COLOR CARTOON Admission .¡Of-Hc, I nr. T * v WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, MAY 11-12 Cary Grant Franchot Tone Betsy Drake Diana Lynn “ EVERY GIRL SHOULD BE MARRIED” It may be a man’s world, but it’s women who work the hardest—to catch a husband . . . don’t miss this breezy comedy, it’s sure fire entertain ment for the entire family. DISNEY CARTOON NEWS SPORTS Adm. t i m in g s M r-9c Inc. T u 8 P. M. NYSSA THEATRE Conducted under the auspices of the Women’s Hospital Auxiliary for the benefit of the Malheur Memorial Hospital This advertisement sponsored by NYSSA PHARMACY OWYHEE DRUG CO. B a th T o w e ls Lace Top Keg. Price $1.59 26 x 48 Asst. Colors Extra Heavy Irr. of a well known Mfg. Made to sell at $2.93 ^ -g tm r \ Mw 1 1-wVl «jJ A • .. LADIES’ STETSON G lo ve s Washable Summer Suede Cloth, Colors: white, black, navy blue, green, red, grey, beige H a lf S lip s SIlp S Crepe and Knit $ 3 .9 8 $ 1 .8 9 to $ 2 . 9 8 BOI.SE qu ests Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Pelrsol weie dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Abner Hants of Boise, at Hill House, last Sunday. The occasion marked the wedding anniversaries of Mr. and (Mrs. Peirsol and Mr. ind Mrs. Hanlg. PINK AND BLUE SHOWER HELD Mrs. Lynn Lawrence entertained at her home Monday evening at a surprise pink and blue shower tor Mrs. Richard Wilson. Bridie and pinochle were in play during tlie evening, with high score for bridge going to Mrs. Warren Farmer, a n d 1 low to Mrs. Howard Lovejoy. High! j score for pinochle went to Mrs. I | Vern Chadwick and low to Mrs ! | F. A. Norman. The honor guest | was presented with a number of gif Is by those present. We check compression, timing, fuel-air ratio and a dozen other things. Then we check and adjust ignition, carburetor idling speed, mixture and all else that needs attention. Then your engine delivers top performance on minimum fuel. . . . We’re truck service specialists—specialists in high-standard Inter national Truck Service. We use precision-engineered International Parts. We’re at your service for a single engine tune up—any make of truck—or a complete preventive maintenance program. Phone us now, and let us help you get the lowest possible cost per ton- mile for your trucks. . S | . Q 8 ^ ^ Janet Walker Rayon Crepe Lace Tup and Bottom White and Tea Rose Asst. Colors 5 - d in n e r See our complete line of Ladies’ Ready-to- Wear. Everything for Mother! Hospital Jamboree Monday, May 9 N it e G o w n s Asst. Colors « p. MARRIKD LN NEVADA Miss Donna Nadine Fincher, daughter of Mrs. Ilia Belle Fisch er of Nyssa, and Alfred Vern Liechty of Emmett were married in Winnemucca, Nevada, April 20. T ie ceremony was performed by Rev. G. W Foreman of the Meth odist church in the preserve of Mrs. Foreman and J. W. Davey of Winnemucca. Tlie couple will make their home .n Emmett, where Mr. Liechty vs a fruit farmer. Mr. Liechty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Liechty of Emmett, was graduated from the Emmett high school in 1944. He ■erved one year in the navy. Mrs. Liechty, a 1948 graduate of the Nyssa high school, has been em ployed in Falk's store In Boise since last fall. -5 - ENGAOUMEN’l ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Owen Gann an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Joye, to Daniel L. Nor land. Miss Gann Is a senior at Nyssa high school. Tlie wedding will be held in June. - Munsingwear H o m e T a le n t ladies ’ Blouses H ou se Dresses large Asst, of 80 Square Print Asst. Styles and . Colors. Full and Half sizes _ . ¿ V O O $ 3 .4 5 Sizes and Colors , Many Styles To Choose From $ "7 ,A 5 Make Bracken’s Your Mother’s Day Headquarters For Quality, Economy And Service is OWYHEE TRUCK & IMPLEMENT CO. B R A C K — E N ' S ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB ' Mrs. John Ostrom entertained ¡her Wednesday afternoon bridge club at her home last week. Prize i for high score went to Mrs. A. V. I Cook, and second high to Mrs. C. - H. Bennett. Mrs. Duus held trav eling prize. Guest players included Mrs. V. W Duns, Mrs. Alberta Bolen and Mrs. Luray Trabert. PHONE 245 /¿ a (miunoMi] INTERNATIONAL Trucks ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. Kninall Brown entertained member.- of her Tuesday afternoon bridie club at lie!' home last week High s-ore was held by Mrs. A Sallee and second high by N s. Frank Morgan, a guest player. NEWS VIEWS By I f * llt-rnman New York to P e first non stop air hop over the route. It tool hint 33 hours 32 minutes, wliicl sounds slower than a Scotamai reaching for a check today, but I was headline news In 1927. He ha< only a couple of sandwiches aloiq with him. That's hardly a ptenk lunch, but then he wasn't ftgurini the jaunt would be a picnic. Thi: year about half a million peopU will make the same trip in lesi than half the time; but it tool plenty o f courage to be the first Hr was called "Lucky Lindy.” II that was luck the Washingtor Monument's a hole in the ground An Alabama farmer found a lost hog alive after it had fallen into a deep well It was the sharpest drop in pork In years. If your car lias become n gas hog” or an “oil liog." it needs experienced atten tion. B riiv it in for advice, service repairs to HERR!MAN MOTOR OO. Is your motor out of tune? Bring It In and we'll make It sing with new pep and power. Our motor tune-up experts give more harmony to unhappy motors than anyone we know. Regular motor tune-ups save you money In the long riu». Phone 77. Herrim an M o to r Com pany pound N ucoa 25c W h ite King 5 2 c G ia n t Size Be iby F ,s 23c 0 0 d 3 cans Dry Goods — Shoes Clothing X-Ray Shoe Fitting NYSSA OREGON Booth Cann ed N 0 .2 V2 C a n Apricots 25c Pound Pork Liver 20c Pound Picnic Ham s 3 5 c Libbys Clapf La ,rd 45c CO FFEE Any Brand Pound 52c WILLIAMS FOOD MARKET I’ HONE 284-W PRICES GOOD THROUGH SUNDAY FREE DELIVERY y