Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1949)
CONSOLIDATION AT WADE IS DISCUSSED THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 5. 1910 treatments on her leg. which she electric saws, electric irons. 1 kitch school. played a game at softball. Friday,, OWYHEE TO MAKE Injured in a fall three weeks ago. en caoinet. G and H second hand STscS: S J T a T i . “ I PLANS FOR P,CN 1C On Saturday her mother. Mrs. R. shop, block east of post S office. m lx p Friday after school, the Big Bend I ___ C. Jones came home with her and BIO BEND, May 5—Vemen Carl stock clulb met with 24 members1 OWYHEE, May 5—The Owyhee P. Sunday evening both women re FOR SALE—16-foot Schultz trailer son left Sunday for Norway to present. The time was spent work T. A. will meet at the schoolhouse sleeps 4. see at Arcadia turned to Boise, where Mrs. Wall house, work as a missionary. in g on record books. evening. May 12 at 8 p. ers schoolhouse. A. V. Cook, phone A mass meeting was held at the The Wade Goody cooks met at Thursday will take more treatments for 018-R4. 5mlxc Big Bend schoolhouse Monday the home of their leader, Mrs. m. Plans will be made for the her leg. evening to discuss the proposed Hutcheson. Ethel Mecham and last day of school picnic. Mrs. Darrell Williams and Mary FOR SALE—Case baler. A-l Prayer meeting will be held Wed Ellen shopped In Boise Saturday. dition, with blower and auger. con school consolidation. Margaret Bennett gave a demon nesday Al night, May 11 at the Her- A missionary evangalist from so bailing wire. Phone Stanley The Wade 4-H cooking club giris stration on how to make a sponge schai Gregg home, with George and lcoders went on a swimming cake. China Inland mission will speak Hill, 07-R3. 6m2xp party Monday, May 2. They were Wade patrons cleaned the school- Gregg as leader. Sunday morning and Monday eve Mrs. Hutchinson, Mrs. Bennitt, house Tuesday afternoon. They Mrs. Cora Tomillnson and her ning at the Owyhee Sunday school. FOR SALE—1937 Chevrolet sedan, Donna Ricks, Mary Ricks, Elaine washed the windows, cleaned and mother, Mrs. Mattie Moreland oi Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Suppy en excellent condition, low mileage, Ricks, Janet Bell, Eve Meehan, polished the wood work and scrub- Nyssa. were Sunday dinner guests tertained at dinner Thursday night new paint Job and recent over Ethel Mecham, Margaret Bennett, ed and waxed the floors. Thev of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bigelow on the 5th birthday oi their soil, haul. See Margery Nihart at high Lorraine Vande Water, Maryann also put up a double swing. Those Mrs. Martha Kliniiba.'k and Fred Vernon. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Handler, Christine Snap, and Mary who helped were Mr. and Mrs. were Sunday dinner guests in the Ray_ PYanklin and Trula, Eileen Hatch. They enjoyed a picnic sup Tuppeny, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, Jesse Gregg home in Sunset valley. Bowers, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Clary Mrs. Kenneth McDon and Sharon, all of Parma, and per alter swimming. Mrs. Packwood, Mrs. Gauntt, Helen ald Mr. and and Butch made a trip to The Big Bend cooking club met Hatch and Mrs. Hamilton. Walters. Caldwell Thursday to shop and at Byrd Wednesday. The girls played | Mr. and Mrs. Warren Shaw of tend to business. games and sang songs. Gladys \ Attend Music Clink— Delta. Colorado were week-end Mrs. Rosa Eiliot and son-in-law Molt and La dawn Wooley served j Seventy Nyssa high school stud and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Cal guests at the Scott Hiatt and G. I cake. W. Knowles homes. On Monday ents participated in a music clinic Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hatch and held in Ontario Tuesday. Other Hill, and son of Eugene called at the Shaw and G. W. Knowles fam the Wilson Winter home Thursday family entertained a visiting group j schools partcipating were Ontario afternoon. Mrs. Elliot and party ilies were visitors in the A. T. of the United Presbyterian church and Adrian. A concert was given were returning to their home from Knowles home. Saturday evening. by the combined glee clubs and a trip to Kansas and other middle Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Vandewall The Wade lower grade pupils bands Tuesday night. of Nyssa called in the William western States. Mrs. Elliot is an Peutz home Wednesday afternoon. aunt of Mrs. Winter. Mrs. Keith Kygar and children Mrs. Martha Kiingback and Mrs. aIlcj \ji-s. Jesse Kygar visited in Jesse Gregg and children were in , Vule Saturday at the Kenneth Payette Saturday on business and Kygar home. called in the Jay Duncan home Mr. and Mrs. Don Franklin and during the afternoon. made a trip to Boise Tues Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Patton children day and called in the Dick Brown and children and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot went to Grandview, home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lapier of Har- Idaho Sunday. rah, Washington left Tuesday Mrs. T. H. Brewer and Mrs. Dar morning after spending the week rell Williams called in the Howard visiting their grandchildren in Evans home in Parma Thursday end the Herschal Gregg home. afternoon. Clayton Patton is pouring the Mr. and Mrs. Charley Culbert cement for the foundation of a son were dinner guests of Mrs. new poultry house this week on Dorothy Slippy Sunday. his place. Mrs. Martha Kiingback was hon Fred Kiingback attended the ored guest at a dinner on her music festivities in Ontario Also Special Rate birthday anniversary Friday eve Tuesday week and in the band. ning. The dinner was given at Virginia Cook played also attended and the Jesse Gregg home with the To Farmers George Gregg family, the Kenneth appeared ^vith the majorettes. McDonald family and Fred Kiing Girls Chosen To Broadcast— back attending. Later in the eve This year, the Weiser stake chose This agency thanks you ning Mrs. Kiingback received a Nyssa to represent the stake in telephone call from Seattle from broadcasting over radio station for your more careful her daughter, Mrs. Russell Wolf. KSRV, for the purpose of adver (Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Patton tizing their day, which will driving which has made were dinner guests in the Rodger toe observed Swarm 21 at 11 a. m. at Orris home in Nyssa Saturday the Caldwell May park. The broadcast night. will toe conducted Sunday at 1:45. this reduction possible Mr. and (Mrs. Darrell Williams The were chosen for their and Mary Ellen were Sunday din work girls filling the most cells for ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard their in group. are VellaDee Evans In Parma. Also present were Poulson, for the They For Today’s High Compression Engines builders, Nannette Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tallman and Bybee for the gatherers, and Cole- children of Homedale. You Can’t Buy a Better Gasoline! en Bytoee for the gardians. NYSSA I N S U R A N C E Roy Brewer and son. Jack, of S. P. Bybee assisted the girls Mrs. in Ontario called in the T. H. Brew making broadcasting arrangements. Faster starts • Smoother performance er home Sunday afternoon. AGENCY Mr. and Mrs. Charley Culbertson The Theme this year is •‘Camping Quicker w armups • Speedier getaway and Larry and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Out". Each girl will furnish a covered Wilson and son made a trip to Owyhee dam Sunday and drove dish, to assist with the lunch. back by way of the corrals to check Too Late To Classify Ralph G. Lawrence on the cattle they have in those hills. Wm. E. SCHIREMAN tomatoes, cab Agent Mrs. Martha Kiingback, Mrs. An FOR SALE—Plants, peppers, etc., California giant Phone 61W nie Gregg, and Mrs. Jesse Gregg bage, carnations, snapdragons, pe Nyssa, Oregon and Becky went to Boise Wednes asters, Nyssa, Oregon tunias, etc. Nyssa Greenhouse, 716 day. 5m2xp. Mrs. Byrd Walters spent a few No. First street. days in Boise last week receiving MISCELLANEOUS—Electric plates, Reduced Price on all Auto Insurance NEW Ping-Free Power! 5 S**) ] Down 15 to 25 per cent More Heavy Trucks foRSsrvME.. Fo*6ErwE*mai ¿T ^ W festinghouse CWTHBSVRy se From now on— as the crops begin to move— you will really need that car insurance. Remember— liability coverage defends you against— collision insurance repairs your car— medical payments take care of those who are hurt. And we sell medical on trucks and pickups as well as on passenger cars. Robert F. Thompson Frank T. Morgan Agency erg u M «nA nt * DRY* DIAL é /u j i Tum bía-D ry Action h r * 1 "set**. . N o Tim er N o G u e ss w o rk N o W a tc h in g N o W a itin g •»-«—»er* Let the W e stin g h o u se L a u n d ry Tw ins Do ALL tho W o r k The LAUNDROMAT with £»- cltuiH Water Saver washes clothes automatically. The CIOTHIS ORYIR with Etb elustM Dry-Dial dries dotbss automatically. : Buy on PROOfl Hero's Howl Let us wash and dry a load of your clothes FREE! ft*«»* sm .. Wes ti nghou se OSTROM BROS. APPLIANCE CO. TUNf IN n o MAIOM* . . . every meming. Monday through Friday . . . At C Netwerk LAUNDROMAT ii • Trsde-Merk. Reg. U. >. Pst OR. Why Let The Wheels Pound The Road WEAR OFF RUBBER MAKE DRIVING DIFFICULT? Properly balanced wheels eliminate driving fatigue . . . add greatly to SAFE driving. It is easily possible to wear off more rubber than it would cost to have this service performed NOW. Wheel alignment is another important safety and economy factor. W e do the job scientif ically and at reasonable cost with the Merrill E l e c t r o n i c wheel balancer— the scientific method. Waggoner Motor Co. Phone 180 102 Good Ave. Nyssa, Oregon PAGE SEVEN Smlxp FOR SALE — Two-wheel c a m p trailer, steel box, 16-inch wheels, stock rack. Price *50. phone 021R2. 525 No. Sixth street. 5mlxc MISCELLANEOUS—See our ad vertisement on reduced insurance rates on this page. Ralph Lawrence, Nyssa Insurance agency. Stnlxc FOR SALE—One-bedroom modern home, 2 lots, shade trees, nice lawn, white picket fence, *2500 will handle. . Balance easy terms, low rate interest. Located Second street east of underpass, first house north on east side of street. G. L. Fields. 5m4xp FOR SALE—'Baby's play pen and baby wardrobe dresser. Phone 021J5. 6mlxp FOR SALE—80-acre farm, 22 acres in alfalfa, clover and grain. Write Frank Olson, route 2, Parma. 5mtfc FOR SALE—Or trade bean culti vator for good hay rake. Frank Olson, two miles north and IH miles southeast of Nyssa-Parma junction Smlxp What About Users Say The O L IV E R Baler Cliff Farmer, who operated an Oliver pick up baler during the 1948 season, reports that the best recommendation he can give for the Oliver baler is to have the persons interested talk to the farmers he has baled for. O. L. Maine says it is the best dam job of baling he ever had done. Mike Derie gave the machine a one windrow trial and then gave his whole haying job to Mr. Farmer. George DeHaven, Charlie Schweizer, Guy Glenn, D. L. Hammond are a few of the other farmers who were just as enthusiastic in their praise of the Oliver baler. Mr. Farmer says the bales averaged from 100 to 117 pounds and the machine is capable, with two men, of turning out between 90 to '100 bales an hour, if the man tying can take care of his job. This machine was bought on the strength of a recommendation by Bill Olp, who had operated an Oliver baler for four years. He told Cliff that it was undoubtedly the best baler on the market. After one year of practically trouble- free operation (not more than two hours were lost all summer), Mr. Farmer agrees with him 100 , . The above statements were taken from me and written in my presence and are tine in every respect. C. W. Farmer Payette, Idaho, Route 1 “The House of Oliver” Nyssa Implement Co. CLOSE OUT SALE BED R O O M FU R N IT U RE 4-Piece Maple Suite by F. S. Harmon Mfg. Co. BED, VANITY, CHEST AND BENCH Special $89.50 All suites below especially priced and with each we include Absolutely FREE One “Permaform” Nachman 252 coil Imierspring Mattress with built-in Flex-O-Lator A $39.50 Value. S119.50 $147.50 $149.50 $159.50 $179.50 5-Piece walnut waterfall in bleached or dark finish. Built by Harmon to sell much higher Now only 5-Piece bleached walnut, plank top, built to last, another Harmon super value at 5-Piece walnut or bleached with large chest and vanity,solid end bench, very rugged construct ion, waterfall 5-Piece walnut or bleached, also with large chest and vanity, solid end bench, two-tone finish, Another quality-built set 5-Piece walnut or bleached, a massive vanity with 40” x 38” mirror, large chest with beveled plate mirror, beautiful bench with back, sturdy bed, two drawer full depth night table. You will love this large suite and you will admire the lifetime construction. Priced at only We have ten of these fine bedroom suites and with each we are giving Free— A fine ii inner- spring mattress, $39.50 value. AND WHILE THEY LAST: Nationally adver tised “CHEST O BED” .That all-steel bed with a full four-drawer chest built in. Only $69.50 in cluding a double deck coil spring. Shop today for the latest, the best and at the low est prices possible. Terms and free delivery ED CASE’S FURNITURE BARGAIN CENTER U. S. 20, No. of Y, Nyssa