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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, M A Y 5, 1949 PAGE SIX BEUNA V ISTA . M ay 5~M rs. S. B Hoffm an received a painful Injury when she fell last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver and Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver were In Tw in Falls Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward T o p liff have a baby daughter, born April The g irl has been named Reta I W 28 W O M A N RECEIVES IN J U ________ R Y IN F A L L „ AI „ Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell were O M A N ’S F O O T IS H U R T IN A C C ID E N T * Jordan Valley 8atUTday' ■ Mrs' * * * C!eaver and children \ and Mrs LesM:r Cleaver and chUd- ren 8pent Sunday at 1118 HowalJ | Day home. ! Harriet Cleaver, small daughter ] Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cleaver has been ill with tonsilitis. Farm Sale Located one mile east of Nyssa, Oregon, then two miles south on Apple valley road, % mile south of Apple valley schoolhouse. Having sold my ranch, I will sell all personal property at public auction Th ursday, May 12 S A L E ST A R T S 1 O ’C LO C K 14 - Cattle - 14 1 Holstein cow, 7 yrs. old, 3 gal. now. I Jersey cow, 6 yrs. old, gal. now. 1 Jersey cow, 7 yrs. old, springer. I Red cow, 8 yrs. old, springer. 1 Holstein cow, 2 yrs. old, 2 gal. now. 1 Guernsey cow, 2 yrs. old, 1 gal. now. 1 Guernsey cow, 3 yrs. old, springer. 1 Red cow, 2 yrs. old, with calf by side. 1 Guernsey heifer, 2 yrs. old, bred. 1 Holstein heifer calf, 4 months old. 1 Jersey heifer, 1 yr. old. 1 Holstein heifer, 1 yr. old. 1 Guernsey heifer, 5 months old. 1 White heifer, 2 months old. Cows are tested for abortion. 2l/ 2 x/ 2 Machinery 1 Iron-wheel wagon. ! Potato cultivator. 1 Hay derrick, with cable and pulleys. 1 Valley Mound corrugator. 1 Mower. 1 Hay Rake. 50 Fence posts. 1 2-section harrow. Some used lumber. 1 Corn cultivator. 1 Roll woven wire, new. 1 2-wheel trailer. 1 Roll siding. 1 Pump jack. Some barb wire. 5 Milk cans. 2 16-ft. panels. Pile of slab wood. 3 12-ft. panels. 1 Wheelbarrow. 1 Grindstone. Some household goods. 1 Washing machine, Maytag. Forks, shovels, log chains. 1 Set harness. Hay and Straw 8 Tons of chopped hay. 200 Bales of straw. 25 Bales of hay. 2 Feeder pigs. TERM S C A S H L U N C H SE R V E D O N G R O U N D S John J. Fisher, Owner Auct. Col. Bert Anderson, Joe Church L. H. Fritts, Clerk NU-ACRES. M ay 5—Mrs. Frank Preston, Mrs. M. C. Seuell and Jean Blakesley and Terry were Payette shoppers Saturday a fter noon. Mrs. Julius Fields, Mrs. Frank Preston, Mrs. Frank Johnson and Mrs. Dale Carey went to Payette j Moiiday afternoon to attend a meeting o f representatives from all Payette County clubs to discuss a c quiring a county home demon- stiation agent. Mrs. Fields, Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Carey represent ed the 4-H clubs, and Mrs. Pres ton represented the Farmerettes club, of which she is president. Mr. and Mrs. George Sm it at tended a Pinochle party at the home of Mr. and Mrs Z Davidson of Parma Thursday afternoon. Fred Flanrey of Nampa visited for a week at the home o f his lister, Mrs. Earn Henne. Mrs. Sam Henne's left foot was rrushed when a plow fell on it. The foot has much improved, but he still cannot wear a shoe. Sherman Keck is now the leader for the boys 4-H club. A meeting >f the officers was held at the Keck home to set up a year-book. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brewington j and fam ily of Bums, Oregon were 3unday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Seuell Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hawley and Dick attended the state Guernsey i sale at Boise Monday. Later ill the day they visited their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Clhner, a n d ' twin daughters, and friends. M. C. Seuell, Thomas Evans, Sr. and Sherman Keck attended a CVA meeting in Boise last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans have five o f their children in bed with the red measles. Those attending the state band concert at Boise Friday from this community were Leroy Henklo, Dick Hawley. M ary Lou Orasmick, Phyllis Evans and Horace Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Evans anJ Janice were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Charles Kayward of Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grasmick purchased a 1949 Mercury car at Boise recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ramer and Carol Jean o i Boise were over night guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H Grasmick Saturday. Mrs. M. C. Seuell and Mrs. Merl Thomson are helping sell tickets for the talent show to be held May tith at the Nyssa theatre for the benefit o f the hospital under the auspices o f the Malheur M em orial hospital auxiliary. Both ladies are members o f the auxiliary. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Seuell were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baker. Later in the a f ternoon they called on their son, Mr and Mrs. E. M. Seuell, also of Nyssa. T lie Do M ore 4-H girls met Sat urday for their first sewing m eet ing of the season. Mrs. Curtis Fry spent Friday a f ternoon with Mrs. Harry K eller of Nyssa. Mrs. Curtis Fry and M ary Joe made a business trip to Caldwell, where they shopped. Lelu Fry, small daughter of Mr and Mrs. Curtis Fry, is the last person to contact the red measles. Roger Jenkins, with five other bovs from Fruitl&nd, spent Sun- day afternoon exploring Malheur butte. Richard Jenkins, who has been livini; at Fruitland and assisting the janitor at Fruitland school, spent one evening last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Fry. Mrs. Curtis Fry and Larry at tended a P. T . A. meeting at Fruit land. It was the last meeting of the season M r Chaney showed motion pictures that he took while on vacation in the Hawaiian isl ands. T h e pictures, which were very interesting, included pictures of beautiful flowers and scenery. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Preston and fam ily visited Sunday with Mrs. Da Wayne Thorpe, who is in the Samaritan hospital at Nampa. Mrs. Thorpe has been seriously ill and is still not out of danger. Her two children. Jeanme and Denny, are -.laying with Mr. and Mrs. Preston indefinitely. Gayie Hohstadt and fam ily of Ontario visited Sunday with his brother, Pat Hohstadt and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tyree and fam ily o f Fruitland spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hohstadt. Mrs. Hohstadt and children spent Saturday afternoon with her mother, Mrs. Bert Ivie o f Fruitland. George Smit, Jr., was best man at the wedding o f Dick Strasbaugh and Ruth Rose Toombs at the Methodist church Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lestiter of Nyssa and Mrs. Emma Hall were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hansen. Callers at the Jim McDroe home Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Harry K eller of Nyssa, and Mr. and Mrs. Cal McDroe and fam ily o f O n tario. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Elwood and children went to Emmett Satur day and stayed overnight with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Elwood, returning home Sunday eveniai. Mrs. El- wood's little sister, Sussie is visit ing with Delbert Elwood. General Contracting and Building Custom-Built Cabinets and Furniture Furniture Repairing and Refinishing 1'4 miles north of Nyssa-Parina Junction Highway 95 Phone 023J1 N O T IC E I take pleasure in thanking the people in the Nyssa com munity for their past patron age. as I have taken over C. C. Anderson's washing machine re pair shop in Ontario. I am hoping I w ill get your repair work as I will be giving better and quicker service. TO ASTE R $ 18.70 \\ 4FFI.K. IRON $ 9.95 Iron $ For details local Boise ROASTER $45.95 MIXER $34.95 $139.50 RAN G E End Table Pictures Mirror 10', O ff Regular $6.95 Price L J rf ' | (day) (time) 1 Please send me FREE BOOK about I "Invisible Hearing". Name .......... ...... \ZSr _ J . U N Wed.,May II Your local Hearing Headquarter for Repairs and Batteries for A ll ★ With many families three bedrooms are a necessity. Here's a plan that provides them without unduly raising construction cost. ★ By a compact arrangement of rooms the designer of this plan has achieved an unusually high Payette yard over all dimension which will allow for building on a lot as narrow as 40 feet. ★ In exterior appearance, too, this home has distinction And, there can easily be three variations ★ SCHLAGE HARDWARE industry-engineered home of distinction and conven ★ HARDWOOD FLOORS ient arrangement which can be built at a cost in reason . . . and which is easy to get through— ★ CURTIS CABINETS AND WOODWORK ★ NO. I RED CEDAR SHINGLES OR F I R S T G R A D E COMPOSITION SHINGLES Th« Down in that respect. (Ask to see the variations at your Boise Payette yard.) ★ this is another architect-designed and mm WE C O O P E R A T E W I T H L O C A L ~ C O N T R A C T O R S P a y m a n l Is A l l a H o r n * R e a l l y Costs P E T E R S O N F U R N ITU R E C O M P A N Y NYSSA VALE O N T A R IO PAYETTE “ The oldest and most dependable Furniture store in the valley” = S O N N A BLDG., BOISE consult yonr DEVOE PAINTS ■ ! Arrowhead Motel BALSAM WOOL SEALED BLANKET-TYPE INSULATION ★ _ 9:30 A. M. to 1:00 p. m. except by appointment ★ Regular Price Table Lamp lc PLA T E GLASS ^ ACOIJSTICON PEDERSON COMPANY Qua lity Materials $16.75 1 7 .5 0 . or seed for free too*/ Lowe’s Home $167.00 Kitchen Stool M i l TtVOUTI - degree of livability. Furthermore, this home has an Sewing Machines $139.50 ^ Appliance Shop ★ $34.95 for $29.50 Electrical Appliances I ‘ ^ * SEE T H IS H ID D E N C O M F O R T W . B. L O W E Occasional Chairs 10', O ff Regular Price Coma In - discover for yourself how you may now have “ Balanced Hearing” - that means hearing in the way people with no impairment do — in a way that’s so completely unnoticcsble, so com pletely out o f sight that even your closest friend can’t spot itl through Sound P lanning As Low As $6.95 $9.50 ,, ♦ > ^ ic v u M i c o n tl still have a few good second hand washers and a few electric motors for sale. You Can Build This Home on Convenient FHA Terms Floor Lamps -^ 1 No R o to iv o r Button in th* E a r! No U n sig h tly , D a n g lin g C a rd s! No H a a v y , B u lk y B a tta ria s l LOW COST FOR 3 BEDRO O M S May 6th and 7th Hassocks D EA FEN ED HEAR EVERYTHING! SEE NOTHING! . Johnson Cabinet Shop Mother’s Day Specials lc For Second Lamp Praised by / / Table Lamps INVISIBLE HEARING" For home plans, specifications, materials, financing and aid in construction depend upon your Boise Payette yard. C. F. M INK , Manager Nyssa, Oregon