THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1949 PACE FOUR BIRTHDAY PARTIES HELD AT OWYHEE SUNSET VALLEY. May 5—Mr and Mrs. Neil Dimmick, and their daughter, Mrs. Harold Fylllngness, and her two children, Christine and Oliver, arrived home Monday af ter attending the 50th wedding an niversary of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dimmick in Yakima over the week end. An informal reception was held Saturday evening in the Y. W. C. A. building with 160 friends and rel atives participating in the cele- b-atio. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence i Larry) Dimmick and son of Nyssa were also able to attend, as Larry is at present studying at the Yakima Valley college. Three sisters of Mrs. Neil Dim mick. Mrs. M. I. Roberts of Tekoa, Washington, Mrs. David Evans of Seattle, and Mrs. Frank Lathan of Albion, Washington, were over night guests at the Dimmick home Friday evening. The three sisters were enroute to Raymondville, Texas, located at the southernmost tip of Texas on the Gulf of Mexico, where their mother, Mrs. Susan Handley is visiting. Mrs. Handley had .offered a heart attack while visiting relatives, and her daugh ters planned on bringing her north. Sunday dinner guests at the Lewis Mitchell home were Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mitchell, Henry and Denzil Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs l'liil Mitchell and son, Jerry. Mr. and rs. Lewis Mitchell, Mr and Mrs. Melvin Pendarvls und Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hlllls attend ed the Vale rodeo Saturday even ing. Ellis Le Fefore of Portland, for mer war buddy of Don Strick land. und Mr. Parker of Baker, were unexpected guests Sunday at the Don Strickland home. Le Febrc was a sergeant when he and Strickland were overseas with the 41st division in the New Guinea campaign, and the two had much reminiscing. Le Fibre is now em ployed In Baker installing new sprinkling systems. The guests and the Strickland family had dinner und then drove to the Owyhee dam. Mrs. Martha Klingback was hon or guest at u dinner celebrat ing her 01st birthday Friday eve ning at the home of her duughter, Mrs. Jesse Gregg. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald and family, Fred Kllngbiuk, und Mr and Mrs. George Gregg and family. A lifetime appointed Sheaffer pen was presented to Mrs. Klingbuck by her children. Little Janis Greg)?, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Gregg, who was celebrat ing her first birthday, also had a special tiny birthday cake. 'Mr. and Mrs. James Lungley were hosts at a Sunday dinner honoring Mrs. Langley's father, E. J. Hob- Gary Nielsen celebrated his 7th birthday Tuesday. Dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wallie Orcutl and, family of Payette, and Mr. and Mrs’ Clifford Nielsen. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Klaudt of Sacramento,, have been visiting tne past week at the Henry Hint/, home. Klaudt is a nephew of Mrs. convention by inter-factory com mong the visitors in attendance. Goates and Fullmer represented mittees repreoentiikj 53 local unions end all the major beet sugar comp Beet Sugar Refinery Employees local No. 22918 of Nyssa at the anies in the United States to dis convention and also the entire cuss and plan for furthering better Amalgamated unions, a loo,? with and labor in the entire sugar In other delegates from each local in the five operating plants of the dustry. Highlights of the convention company, as they are chairman were the appointment of two and secretary respectively of the .pecial committees, one to draft, Amalgamated Inter-factory com ready for presentation to the comp mittee. anies, an industry-wide contract overing both wages and working Eiders Have Party— conditions and another to study I The elders quorum and their and work out a pension plan equit- I partners, of both the Nyssa first and second wards of the L D. S. able to labor and management. Two hundred members attended • churches held a weiner roast and the business sessions and entertain party at the city park Thursday ment features of the convention. > evening. Grant Jones and Leon The international president o f , Child were in charge of arrange he council. R. E. James, was a ments. OUTSIDE White Paint NATIONAL TITANIUM O N LY $3.5o In 5 Gallon Lots N yssa Lumber Company Phone 118W Orange Juice Blended Juice Grapefruit Juice Tomato Juice Boysen Berries Peaches Fruit Cocktail Prunes Grape Fruit Peas Pumpkin Beets Beets Kraut Spinach Spinach The federal security agency and the department of agriculture issued the following statement on April 5, 1949 after a meeting of the principal gov ernment agencies concerned with the utilization of DDT in the national and international health and economy. “A number of statements have been published during the last several days which have misled and alarmed the public concerning the hazard of using DDT as an insecticide .. .The food and drug administration has not prohibited the use of DDT in spraying dairy cattle and barns . . .There is no justification for public alarm as to the safety of the milk supply from the stand point of DDT contamination.” TOBLER’S FEED & FUEL USE PURINA DDT PRODUCTS TO CON TROL FLIES AROUND DAIRY BARNS Spray Early—Spray the Building—Spray the Cattle, and re-spray when necessary according to directions on the package. 3 CANS 46 oz. Del Monte 3 CANS 46 oz. Del Monte 4 CANS 46 oz. Del Monte 4 CANS 303 glass Del Monte 3 JARS No. 2 Vi Elberta, Del Monte 2 CANS No. 2 \ 2 Del Monte 2 CANS 2 lb. box, Del Monte EACH No. 2 Del Monte 3 CANS No. 303 Del Monte 5 CANS No. 2 Vi Del Monte 3 CANS No. 303 glass, sled, Del Monte 2 JARS No. 303 glass, midget, whole, Del Monte 2 JARS No. 2Vi Del Monte 4 CANS No. 2 Del Monte 4 CANS No. 2Vi Del Monte 4 CANS f l y in g iW l * SERVICE l f you w ant service- Flying A Service, that is__ just drive th»t car of yours intQ our station. VtV re willing, anxious and Z p able of giving is complete service Z treatment it deserves t hat’s more, we have the Complete line of Assoc, .te d petroleum products and top quality auto sup plies at your command. Let’s Get Associated. Veedol Safety-Check Lubrication Veedol Motor Oil and Greases Federal Tires— 1 year guarantee Aero Batteries Complete Line of Auto Supplies Thompson Oil Co. 99c 93c 99c 93c 95 c 79c 69c 39c 49c ÔÇc 49c 39c 47c 59c 59c 79c Corn Corn Catsup Dill Pickles Sweet Pickles Coffee Bacon Salt Pork Liver Hams Hanis Hams Hams Potatoes Lettuce Asparagus Tomatoes 12 oz. vac. wh. knl, Del Monte, 3 CANS 49C No. 2 Cream style, Del Monte 3 CANS 14 oz. bottle, Del Monte 2 JARS Sliced, 24 oz. Del Monte, 2 JARS Mixed, 24 oz., Del Monte 2 JARS 1 lb. Del Monte EACH 59c 29c 65c 99c 50c slab, lean, cured just-right LB. 39c Excellent for flavor LB. 30C Pork, fresh, tender, sliced LB. Picnics, lean, all sizes LB. Regulars, Swifts LB. 20c 38c 60c Regulars, Carstens LB. 59c Regulars, Wilsons LB. 55C New, white Shafter Crisp, green Tasty, homegrown Bulk, firm, red 4 LBS. LB. 2 LBS. LB. 25c 12c 25c 22c Wilson’s Super Market Let us show you the biggest selection ever.. Don B. Mon FIRESTONE STORE DAIRYMEN YOU CAN USE DDT! 46 oz. Del Monte COtAl I* from tho largest •toekt in tho West V A W V A V W .’ SATURDAY, MAY 7 At Nyssa Insurance Agency Office Catholic Altar Society CORRAL FULL OF BARGAINS AT OUR MONTE ROUND-UP OF VALUES!!! Prayer meeting was held at Wil liam Gregg's home Wednesday eve ning with over 30 attending. Mr. and Mrs. William Gregg and son, Phillip, were dinner guests Sunday at the Donald Grant home. Charles Briggs of Caldwell vis ited hLs brother, Frank Briggs, Sat urday. son, on liin (¡1st birthday. Guests were Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Hobson (Continued on Page 5) Lorln W Goales und L. H. F ul lmer returned home Friday eve ning from Ban Francisco, where they attended the second annual week-long convention nf the In- ternatlonal Council of Sugar Work ers and Allied Industries unions, which was held in the Hotel Whitcomb. Meet lugs w ere held prior to the j Mother's Day Sale w « m 9Bm JOHN E. OSTROM, Owner Hint*. GOATES, FULLMER ATTEND SESSIONS OF LABOR UNIONS PER GAL. Col. Bert Mr. and Mrs. Bert Adams of Home- ion John Day highway, then « 4 'chickens, machinery. Visit in Nyssa— 'mile east, then 1 mile north. Dairy | Anderson and Joe Church, auct- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brown and dale Sunday. cows, household goods, pigs, horses, | ioneers. daughters. Pauline and Geraldine, SALE CALENDAR and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Brown and family of Boise, were visitors PUBLIC FARM SALE — Located over the week-end at the home of | one mile west, then one mile north Mr. and Mrs. Burnall Brown. j of Vale. Sale starts at 1 o’clock. Wednesday. May 11, terms, cash, A. ! K. MoMurdo, Owner. Visit In Homedale— Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge N. Bear visited at the homes of Mr. and FARM SALE—Friday, May 13, 1 COOKED FOOD AND BAZAAR Mrs. Elsmer Finn and family and p. m. Zeb Evins, 6 mi. No. of Vale "MODERN METHODS MAKE SHOPPING EASIER HERE” HOURS: Week Days—8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sundays 12 noon to 9 p. m. May 6, 7, & 8 Phone 21 Fi ee Parking and Deliver}'