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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JQ.URNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1910 Classified PACE THREE POR SALE—One bedroom modem ¡ F O R R E N T — Two-room cabin. through Section 19 in said Town- additional garages where ga-olme. R C C T X H I 1 M N I N P IQ house, garage, chicken house, small Chadwick's camp 14atfc ship and Range and Sections 24, distillate and oils are kept unu * * n i l l l l i n u I j barn, lot 130 x 130. »3230. $1700 J5, 36, and 35, T 20 S, R 46 E, and portions of Zone 3, wnicn relates BEGUN IN VALLEY loan. continuing; along the meandering to the "Business District." LOST Three bedroom home on Park COLUMBIA AVENUE. May 5- center line of the Owyhee River NOTICE i s ALSO HEREBY avenue, modern except heat, half LOST—A weaner pig. white, 2 miles through Sections 2 and 3, T 21 S, GIVEN that at a regular meeting Thinning beets has started in basement, good construction, at east and 2 miles north of Nyssa, R 46 E, to its Intersection with the convened on the 12 th day o. tills community. Mrs. Nerma Jamison and Mrs. tractive. $5,500. 1 APrd- the City Council, on phone 023J11. Richard Imbler. West line of said Section 3; POR SALE—Two-bedroom modem Thence North along the West ‘ V* own motion, resolved to amend Jake Groot o f Adrian shopped in 6ml xp heme, small basement, furnace line of said Section 3 and along the second paragraph of Section 7 Caldwell Thursday. RATE: Two cents per word fc r each issue. Minimum, cash ir Mr. and Mrs. George Smlt of heat, lot 100 by 120 feet, $5000, the West line of said Sections 34, of Ordinance No. 299, as amended, MISCELLANEOUS Nu-Acres entertained at cards and advance, is 30c. with easy terms. 222 Ennis. 27, and 22 of T 20 S. R 46E, to its which reads as follows; Guests "The coastmetion, erection, oper tea for several friends. POR SALE—Ten acres with small .MISCELLANEOUS — Refrigeration Intersection with the East-West ation and maintenance of any were ¡Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot of home on Adrian highway, priced and household appliance repairs. center line of Section 21 of said Arcadia, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot additional garages and or filling for quick sale. $2,850.00. Howard Haggardts Appliance Re- Township and Range; stations where gasoline, distillate and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen. POR SALE— -Modem home, one TOR SALK— Let us measure your ___, Thence West along said center ... . pair. 540 S. E. 2nd street, Ontario. Sunday afternoon visitors at N. and oils are kept and stored for F c r S a le windows for Venetian ollnds. No acre, large chicken house, good phone 784W. 28a4xp line of Section 21 to the West sale at retail will be prohibited E. Hatt home at Owyhee were ------------------------------------------------------ ¡charge for this service or estimates well, Alberta avenue. $5600. line of said Section 21; in that portion of Zone 3, Bus Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot. FOR SALE—5 H. P. motor, three ; Obtainable In one wee*. Assorted Apartment house with two large MISCELLANEOUS—Pour your in Thence North along the West Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Jensen were iness District, within the follow- phase; 10 H. P. motor, three phase; , colors in steel or aluminum slats apartments on ground floor, extra surance needs of any kind see line of Sections 21, 16, 9, and 4 of iiig boundaries, to-wit; Between in Ontario Friday, two-inch centrifugal pumps; small ¡Nyssa Furniture company, phone large room upstairs, three-room Mel Beck, Grigg Bros, and Butler. said Township and Range to its Mrs. John Broad and Mrs. Pete tiie center line of Good Avenue pressure pump. Sid Burbidije.5m3xc 1149-W. 20Mtfc. apartment in basement, $6,800. 5mtfc intersection with the center line and the center line ef Bower Tensen spent Friday in Boise. NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY Sunday dinner guests at the of tlie Main North Canal of the Avenue and between the centei FOR SALE— 1937 Chevrolet coupe. | FOR SALE—Unpalnted cabinets Ralph G. Lawrence, Agent MISCELLANEOUS — Insurance is Owyhee Irrigation District; line of First Street and the George Smit home in Nu-Acres This car probably wouldn't ev en 1 and chests o f drawers. Cabinets Nyssa, Oregon not fire protection. Any iniiuue Thence following the Meander center lme of tiie State Hign- were ¡Mr. and ¡Mrs. Oerrit Stam. place in the Indianapolis speed' are in section and can be bought day or night you can have u fire. ing center line of the North Main Mr. and Mrs. Pete de Leeuer ways leading toward Adrian aud classic but there is a lot of trans- 1 complete or In sections. Nyssa FOR SALE Automatic fire control protects mil Canal in a general Northeasterly return last week from Puyllallup, Ontario. Oregon, respectively." portation in it for $245. Herriman | Lumber company, phone 118-W. lions in property and life. See your Washington. New two-bedroom home, utility Motor Co. 5m lxo ! 16Dtfc room, hardwood floors, gas furnace local dealer for free estimate direction through Section 4 of said so as to revise the prohibition Pete Tensen was a business vis Township and Range and through against the construction, erection, Claud Willson, 660 No. Fourth itor in Ontario Saturday morning. TOR SALE—Spotted Poland China POR SALE!—Strawberries, raspber and hot water tank, garage. Cor street, phone 128-J, Nyssa. 5mtfc Sections 32. 33, 28, 21, 22, 16. 15. operation and maintenance of any Mr. and Mrs. Oerrit Stam vis 14, 11, 2, and 1, T 19 S, R 46 E, additional garages where gasoline, bred gilts. Fred Krataberg, R. 1, ries, grapes, fruit and shade trees, ner lot, close to school, priced for ited at tiie home of Mr. and Mrs. Nyssa. 5an3xp dwarf pear and apple trees, also quick sale $7350.00. P. H. A. terms. MISCELLANEOUS—Try our roller and Sections 36 and 35, T 18 S, R distillate and oils are kept and Acreage with large, new modern mill and see if the animals don't 16 E, to a point on the West line stored tor sale at retail within the Z. Davidson in Parma Friday a l- Stark Bros, representative. Lewis uiouve described portion of Zone 3, ternoon. FOR SALE—White porcelain range, Nursery. 31mtfc home, double garage, full basement, save more feed and do better. of said Section 36 close in, some terms, immediate Phone 163J for an appointment or coal and wood burning, price $30, Thence North on the West line District- All persons and owners of prop Returns From California— possession. men’s sport jackets. Mrs. Cahoon, FOR SALE call at mill. Nyssa flour mill. of Section 36 to the point o f be erties affected by or interested In C. M. Caldwell returned last Fri Eighth and Locust. 5mlxc Several good dwelling lots, well 28a2xc ginning; excluding from said area, tiie said proposed amendment of day from California, where he New modern 5-room home with located. however, all property which is ex said Section 7 of Ordinance No. visited for a month. He visited J. FOR SALE—-New and used pianos. utility, good location, hardwood 200 x 150 lot on Ontario high other relatives, We sell Baldwin pianos exclusively. floors, lawns, insulated and weath way, next to Polar Cold storage. MISCELLANEOUS — W e s e l l o r cluded by Chapter 30, Section 99- 299. as amended. W ho have "object- ' C' Caldwe11 trade pianos. We sell Baldwin er stripped, $2350. G. I. loan to be 3001, O. C. L A. ions to tiie same shall present j Grigg Bros, and Butler. 6mtfc About 3 acres, unimproved, erfee pianos exclusively. assumed. Dated: April 7th, 1949. Griggs Bros, their written objections and p r o -! ,,ere Krom Fa Grande— FOR SALE—One very good used Five-room modern home, Cali of town on Adrian highway, good and Butler, Bybee building 27jtfc First Published, April 21. tests to Che City Recorder of the Miss Shirley Whitley visited over piano, completely reconditioned. fornia bungalow style, insulated, soli. All or any part. Last Published, May 5. City of Nyssa, Oregon or shall ap- I miul llome She is a student at Grigg Bros, and Butler. brntfc air conditioned, u n d e r - g r o u n d FOR SALE— Business building, MISCELLANEOUS—General truck H. S SACKETT pear in person and be heard at Hastel'u Oregon College of Educa- sprinkling system, spacious lawn Main street location, lot size 25x116. ing. John Barnett and Kenneth County Clerk oaid meeting of the City Council |tlon at ° rande- FOR SALK—Two 1941 Ford sedans. and garden, double garage, close to Main street. Reece, phone 123-R. lJtfc. on the 10th day of May. 1949, at If you twist our arm we would let business district, large enough and BERNARD EASTMAN Here From Twin Falls— CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING the hour of 8:0« o ’clock, P. M. CALL FOR BIDS you have both of them. Herriman suitable for private home and office Insurance Real Estate Mr. and Mis. J. D. Claytoorn and Stock received Monday, Tuesday, This notice is given pursuant to NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Motor Co. 6mlxc for a doctor and dentist. $2000 Phone 64 Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m That bids will be received toy the the provisions of Ordinance No. son Edward, visited over the week down, terms to suit the buyer. to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. undersigned until the hour of 8:00 299 governing the procedure to be end at the parental home of Mr. FOR SALE—Six room modern One city block for sale, $3300. 1/3 FARMS AND HOMES No stock received on Sunday. o ’clock p. m. on the 1st day of followed in amending said ordin and Mrs. C. C. Cotton. basement house, built in 1948, It» down. 80 acres, 2 sets of buildings, 2 Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery June, 1949, at which time they will ance and us by law required. acres of ground, drilled well and Four-bedroom modern home, Here From Meridian— to Polar locker plant. (a;d> E. K. BURTON be publicly opened by the School pressure system, chicken house, suitable for apartments, large lot, soft water wells, fruit, shade, lawn. Marion Osborn of Meridian vis City Recorder of Nyssa, Oregon cheap. Rex White, 2‘i miles north insulated, paving and curbing paid, Nice pasture, farm planted to hay, One mile west . a Alberta avenue District Board of Union High ited over the week-end at tiie home sugar beets, grain and spuds. Crops, Phone 05R1 School District No. 4. Mallieui of Parma. 28a2xp on sewer, $5500. of Billy Coleman. machinery and everything can be JAKE FISCHER County, Oregon, at the school GRANGE VISITED 40 acres on Nyssa-Ontario high house in Adrian, Orajon, for tin FOR SALE—Used Norge electric way, lays perfectly, good soil, 4- bought separately. Price of farm a only, $16300.00. BY STATE DEPUTY M I S C E L L A N E O U S —One 1936 transportation of pupils during the range in excellent condition. Os- room home. 20 acres near town. Best of soil Plymouth four-door sedan, car In school year 1949-50. trom Bros. Appliance Co., phone 440 acres perfect row crop land. 269J. 28a2xc 6 room modern ranch heme, two and lays perfectly, good improve good shape. You buy the repair Said transportation of pupils KINGMAN KOKONY, May 5-^J. ments, price $10,000. Crops extra orders and we give you the car. will require two 62 passenger school O. lane and Gregory Thiel at tenant houses, M down. FOR SALE—Eating potatoes, Wil 58 acres, 23 acres red clover, 35 20 acres good row crop land, acres wheat, 4 room house, bath Leo Fife, welding and repairing, buses and four 42 passenger school tended a Farm Labor Sponsoring liam Peutz, phone 010-J2. 28atfc 21atfc. buses or the equivalent thereof. association meeting Monday even- three-bedroocm modern home, old room, garage, basement, bam for phone 016J1. The routes of said school buses ng last week. TOR SALE—Colored fryers. Fred Owyhee water right, close to Nyssa, cows. This is a dandy place for MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? total approximately 246 miles pci Tiie Kingman Kolony Grange Kratzberg, Rt. 1, Nyssa. 28a3xp $10,000, $5,000 down. dairy, easy terms, law cost at $10,- Loans on farms ror refinancing, day. met Monday night. Vern Lantz, For your insurance needs or if 500. building, improvements, b u y i n g . The form of contract to be en state deputy vistted and Threlma FOR SALE—1941 tudor Ford, new you are in need of a loan on your 20 acres, 3 miles from town, a Long term, low Interest, see Ber tered into said transportation shall Elliot talked in regard to the 4-H paint, radio, heater, spotlight, motor property contact Mel Beck at Grigg nice small place with good small nard Eastman, phone 64. Nyssa. be determined by the School Board, summer school scholarship that the in good condition, phone 26 or see Bros, and Butler. house and other buildings. Lots Mr. and Mrs. 3Atfc. information concerning which may Orange sponsors. Ray Linville at Tobler's Feed store, GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER of fruit, berries and shade. Terms be obtained from the undersigned. Brumbach were hosts. box 48. 28atfc Bybee Building Phone 179-J can be arranged, $5,000. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Toombs were Bids shall specify the amount MISCELLANEOUS—Available now, 5 room home, all oak floors, very Electrolux cleaners and air puri per day to be paid by the contract in Caldwell on business Wednes FOR SALE—1937 Chevrolet, 1 ton POR SALE—Baby Chicks. Now is pickup. You guess which fender the time to order Thompson's fine lawn and shade, paved street fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. or for transportation. All neces day. and sidewalks, close in, a nice elec has the Toni. Herriman Motor ¡Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pinkston, Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho, sary information may be obtained Chek-R-Chlx for delivery every tric dish washer. Price $3200. Co. fVmlxc the undersigned. School Ruby Dell McKee, and Johnny 17mtfc. from Wednesday and Saturday. For 5 room home with all the most phone 067-J4. Petty were Sunday dinner guests Board reserves the right to reject FOR SALE—Two acres on high breeds and prices write. Thomp m o d e r n conveniences, including Dead animals picked up free. any and all bids and the right to at the E. E. Nelson home in Ridge- way, one mile north, cash price son's Ontario hatchery, box 578, stoker heating system, shade, lawn For prompt service call collect. determine the best bid without re view. 17ftfc. and flowers. This is a cozy place, $650. Ralph Lawrence, Nyssa In Ontario, Oregon. Ross and Keith Lane returned Ontario—Ontario Grain Co. 53 gard to which may toe the lowest to Corvallis Saturday, after spend surance agency. 21atfc POR SALE—One large size oil $7,000, easy terms. bid. Parma—Parma Seed Co. 25 4 roams, all arranged hicely on ing a week at home. First pub., May 6, 1949. 100 FOR SALE- -Lots 1 and 2, Ward's burning heating stove; one heavy large lot in quiet district, priced Nyssa—Main plant L. L. Kreager was in Ontario on Last pub., May 12, 1949. duty horse and cattle trailer; one Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. for quick sale. $3,500. addition, price $375. See G. Samp business Monday. RAYMOND H. HOLLY lightweight utility trailer; one 4 rooms, new, in a very nice part son, one block west of Wilson’s Mrs. Dale Ashcraft attended a Clerk, Union High School District Highway market. 21a3xp 550-gallon gasoline or fuel tank. of town, all fenced on 100 x 120 MISCELLANEOUS—We have mod No. 4, Adrian, Malheur County, Garden club meeting at Mrs. G ar- Leo Fife, welding and repairing, foot lot. You will have to see em Foley machines for filing saws ett Siam's home Monday. Oregon. 13Jtlc this to appreciate it and at a very and sharpening lawn mowers. Also FOR SALE-1937 Buick special phone 016J1. Phyllis McKee has been sick with low price, $4,000, terms. scissor grinding. Patterson saw sedan,, good condition. Bob Thomp- 4he measles this week. If you wish to build a new home shop, 300 block No. 1st street IN THE COUNTY COURT OF 21atfc FOR 8ALE—Russet eating pota son. Mrs. Guye Glenn and children | THE STATE OF OREOON TOR toes, bring your own sack. L. J. we can make you an FHA loan. 24m tic and Mrs. Kreager and children THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR TOR SALE-1947 International M Josepbson and son, Payette. Idaho, We also offer 100% service on all In the Matter of tiie Estate of shopped in Caldwell Saturday. 17mtfc lines of insurance. 028J5, Ontario. phone 392-J. tractor, phone MISCELLANEOUS - Duplicate car EDWARD J. BURROUGH Deceas J. O. Lane and ReviHenry Moore | ED JAMISON AND KEN POND 14a4xp and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- ed, also known as E. J. Burrougn were In Caldwell Wednesday. FOR SALE— Tile wall coverings, Real estate and Insurance Agency neman’s. 250tfc Notice Of Final Account Mr. and Mrs. Art Sparks, and FOR SALE—Have farms and homes chrome table and sink edgings, 100% Service NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Mr. and Mrs. N. P. French, Mr. for sale. Need more, list with Ken waterproof cement, etc. Nyssa Fur- Nyssa, Oregon MISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and that the undersigned, Andrew J. and Mrs. Arthur Case, and Mr. and ----- SMtfc. Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29Jtfc. I nlture Co., phone 149-W free pick-up or your dead, crippled Swan, Executor of the estate of Mrs. J. G. Lane were among those WANTED or sick livestock. Cans received be Edward J. Burrough, Deceased, has making calls in Adrian Sunday fore 9 o'clock are picked up by filed his Final Account as said night, as a part of tiie group vis WANTED—Someone to care for noon. Efficient drivers. Call col Executor in tiie County Court of itation plan of the United Pres children about middle of May. Mrs. lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys Malheur County, Oregon, and that byterian church. James Gahan, four miles west on sa 102-W. raano Animal Products said Court has appointed Tuesday, Alberta. Simlxp Company. SJtfc the 31st day of May, 1949, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, MERRY MATRONS OF 4 Lubricate chassis completely WANTED—Someone to help with for the hearing of objections to ORE. TRAIL GATHER housecleaning. Mrs. E. H. Brandt, said Final Account and the settle * Fluih crinkcese and rsflil with POR RENT phone 017J2. 5tn2xc ment thereof. fresh, clean oil OREGON TRAIL, May 5—The NOW, THEREFORE, all persons Floor * Chanie trinsrmssion and dltlar- Merry Matrons club met Wednes WANTED—To rent a two or more interested in the estate of Edward ential lubricants to summer (redo day, April 27 with Peggy Brown bed room house by June 1, per Sander J. Burrough, Deceased, are noti 4 Repack front whool bearings as hostess. Tiie afternoon was manent, can give references, phone fied and required to appear at the g Clean oil bath air dean« and r»- Reasonable 25J between 8 and 5. 6mtic County Court Room in tiie Court spent embroidering for the hostess. lill with trash, clean oil PHYSICIANS LODGES House at Vale, Malheur County, Eight members and one guest. Ruth WANTED To rent late potato * Install a now oil tutor cartridfl Oregon, at said time, to then and Conant, answered roll call with "My ground. Sig Murakami, Rt. I, On Nyssa Post No. 79 there Show cause, If any there be. Favorite Flower.” Flower seeds and SAKAZ1N CLINIC tario. 28a5xp Bernice why said Account should not be plants were exchanged. Dr. J. J. Sarazin American Legion settled, allowed and approved and Seuell gave a review of the book WANTED—Farm implement m ech said estate distributed and said "Women Will Be Doctors.”. A Dr. K E. Kerby Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. anic. B. and M. equipment com donation of $5 was given for the Executor discharged. pany. 24m tfc Dr. L. W. Scott Veteran’s Hall— 8 P. M. Dated and first published April cancer drive. Lunch was served by the hostess, 28, 1949 Date of last publication, Physician and Surgeons All Veterans Welcome WANTED— To Duy anything in assisted by Mary Smiley. May 26, 0949. beef or veal. Also custom killed ANDREW J. SWAN The next meeting will be held and delivered to Polar Cold Stor L. A. Maulding, M. D. Gate City Lodge Executor of the Estate of May 11 with Gladys Byers as hos age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY Physician and Surgeon Edward J. Burrough, Deceased tess. Roll Call will be "Mother’s No. 214 Harold Henigson day verses." Phone 37 I.O.O.F. For Rent Attorney for Executor Hours; 10 to IT and 2 to 5 Mr. and Mrs. F G. Holmes and Daily except Saturday and Robert were supper guests Sunday Meets every Monday POR RENT—Two-room furnished LEGAL ADVERTISING Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 evening at the F. S. Byers home.. LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC cabin, phone 122-J. 6mtfc night, 8:30. NOTICE OP HEARING HEARING TO HEAR PRO Elmer Olson made a business South First Street POR RENT—Sleeping room with TESTS AND OBJECTIONS REL trip to Tule Lake last week. By order of the County Court of C. J. Kopp, M. D. private bath. One block from post Malheur County, Oregon, Issued ATIVE THE AMENDMENT OF office. Phone 72-R. 5mtfc Physician and Surgeon ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 299 April 6th, 1949, notice is hereby DENTISTS NOTICE IS HEREBY OTVEN Fry Building FOR RENT—Pasture. Will take given that on May 11, 1949, at that on the 10th day of May, 1949. Office hours up to 200 head cattle to pasture 10:00 o'clock a. m. of said day in at the hour of 8.00 o’clock P. M DR. C. M. TYLER 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 In fenced, well-watered bunch the County Courtroom in the Court the City Council of the City of Daily except Saturday and grass pasture, $2 per head per House at Vale, a hearing will be Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon, at Wilson Building APPROVED — Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 month. Will salt and care for. held on the proposed formation of Its regular meeting thereof, to be Phone 165-J. Nyssa a rural fire protection district to Call Blanche L. Hite, Nyssa, even held at the Council Chamber, at hours from 9 to 5 except ings or write Hite brothers, star be known as the Nyssa Rural Fire City Hall, Nyssa, Oregon, will meet, JEWELRY STORES Office Saturdays, 9 to 12. route, Burns, Oregon. 5m4xp. Protection District, the exterior and hold a public hearing to hear boundaries of which are as follows: and consider objections and pro POR RENT Furnished apartmen PAULUS J. R. CUNDALL Beginning at the Northwest cor tests, if any. to the proposed action with laundry facilities. Available JEWELRY STORE June 1. Phone T2-R. 5m tfc ner of Section 36, T 18 S. R 46 E; of the City Council to amend Sec Dentist thence East along the North Kne tion 7 of Ordinance No. 299, as Union Pacific Time Inspector If you are driving a Kaiser or Frazer car Phone 56-J POR RENT—Three-room duplex of said Section 36 and tiie North amended, insofar as it prohibits JEWELRY — DIAMONDS Sarazin Clinic we are equipped with the latest testing with bath, three-room house with line of Sections 31, 32, 33, and 34 the construction, erection, oper WATCHES NYSSA OREGON bath, 133 Ennis avenue. D. Pam- in T 18 8, R 47 E, to a point ation and maintenance of any equipment and factory trained mechan Main Street a. Second perien, phone Vale 3035. 28a2xp where said North line of Section ics to put your car in the best of condition. 34 intersects the center line of the OPTOMETRISTS POR RENT -3 room apartment WYCKOFF Snake River; 21a3xc with bath, 699 N. 6th Thence following the meander JEWELRY STORE DR. J A MCFALL POR RENT— Electric hand sanding ing center line of the Snake River Official Time Inspect«* lor machine, excellent for light sanding through Sections 34 and 33 of said Optometrist Union Pacific BRING YOUR TROUBLES TO US DR. JOHN EASLY I work. Ostrom Bros. Appliance. 50 Township and Range and Sections ONTARIO OREOON Free Pick-Up And Delivery From Nyssa ! North First street, phone 269J 3ftfc 4. 9. 10. 15. 16, 21. 28, 33, and 32. Eyes Examined T 19 S, R 47 E. and continuing to VETERINARIANS | POR RENT—Cement mixer, gas- follow the center line of the Snake Phone 720 I ollne powered. Stunz Lumber River through Sections 4, 5, 7, S, I Company. 14atfc 18. and 19 of T 20 S. R 47 E, to DR. HAL D. WHITE 718 Arthur St. ] FOR RENT - Pollah your own its Inter-section with the meand Veterinarian Highway 30— East of Town i floore. Rent our high-speed pol ering center line of the Owyhee Caldwell, Idaho Phone Phone Nyssa 275-W ishing equipment Easily handled River; Ontario, Oregon Phone 287 Thence following tiie meandering by women Nyssa Lumber company. 3ALfc center line of the Owyhee River J Advertising I AilingCars^** Across the Nation Caused by Lack. Of Lubrication MAKE YOUR CAR SAFE WITH THIS S p H, imbrication ;Spe«a/ professional and Business Directory $ 8.45 H errim an Motor To. KAISER-FRAZER S ER V IC E ^¡ 00 ^ Sales C r Service DR. G. W. CRAVES MUTCH OIL CO. 21, Ontario, Ore