THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, M A Y 5, 1949 PAGE TW O The Gate City Journal . . . . . KLASS V. POWELL Editor and Publisher Sunday school and church to be present. 7:15 p. m., young peoples services. 8 p. m.. evangelistic service. Services every Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. We extend to you a cordial in vitation to any or all of our serv- •ces. ADVERTISING RATES SUBSCRIPTION RATES METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH Donald K. Campbell, Minister 9:45 a. m., church school. 11 a. m., morning worship. Moth er's day service. Theme: "Home Builders are World Builders”. The young people will provide each Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. mother in attendance with a cor Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission dage. through the United States Mails, as second class matter, under 7 00 p. m.. Youth Fellowship. • the act of March 3, 1879 Leader: Barbara Henderson. 8 p. nr, evening service. Dis cussion will be built around 'R e Smith superintendent. Good teach ligion in the Home” for the next ers for all classes and classes for two weeks. This week the theme will be "Religion of the Pre-schoi.l all ages. Child". 1-eader: Mrs. Either M. 11 a. m.. congregational and Campbell. THE CHLRCH OF TI1E special singing and sermon by the NA/ARENE Sunset Valley p a stor. Subject-'M other” . We Rev. E. J. Wilson, Pastor Community Hall 10 a. m., Sunday school, Russell would like for every mother o f our A. R. Herring, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Mother’s day service. Subject "Our Mother". You are welcome. ..... 40c One Year .......... $2.00 Open rate, per Inch 49c Six Months.__ ______ $1.25 National, per inch 2c Single Copies .05 Classifieds, per word Minimum 20c iStrictly In Advance) 1 HE C h urch N o te s Qstrom Qabine tShop CUSTOM BUILT CABINETS WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES Phone 118J SCREEN DOORS Free Estimates "IT HAPPENS EVERY DAY // WUÓf ^AVÉA CAÍ? W / 7W CLA55, ÍPSÍDAHV COMfOBT C/A ÍB Í VJHATlMTAH ASSEMBLY OF GOD Sterl D. ^plesr, Pastor Sunday school at 10 a. m. Worship at 11 a. m Junior church, 7 p. m. Evangelistic service, 8 p. m. Tuesday, Bible study and prayer, 8 p. m. Friday, Young People, 8 p. m. Wcdne-day, May 11. Ministers and friends of eastern Oregon and Idaho will be with us in a fellow ship meeting. Services 10:30, 2:30 I» By PLOTNER .y'ÍA H - HE BOUGHT H lî vjhíh you Buy VOUQ' DMAM car VRtAH, CAR "— BUT WHAT VOi$ H i VO W/7Á4 IT ? ----- y£A H ' lù iU S k i ruiuK BE SURE i r f l ß youliMliVS. BB I f BOU VLÍAÍU R Í For Y o u r P lu m b in g N ee ds J. C . S M I T H Old-Time Dance od m in a s. you CAH VÍPÍHD OH ourz FEATURING SQUARE DANCING (jUARAWfifD STARTING AT 9:30 CAR S TÖGlVfyoil THOUSANDS O f rnouBitPRitMiits UÍ2PMAH MOTOR CO. box 137 M a A iW * vi i n i m i ' S and 7:30; Pot luck lunch served at sisted during the Illness and death payable at the office of the Coun bid must be accompanied by a ! noon and evening. Come and enjoy of our husband and brother. ty Treasurer of Malheur County, certified check in the amount of these blessings with us. Mrs. Mary Playford Oregon, or at the Fiscal Agency Nine Thousand One Hundred and of the State of Oregon at New Sixty ($9.160.001 Dollars as a de Steve Playford. CATHOLIC CHURCH York City at the option of the posit to insure fulfillment of said Park Avenue and Third Street bid. purchaser. LEGAL ADVERTISING Rev. P. J. Galre, Pastor The approving legal opinion of Bids for said bonds must be In All of the Catholics of Nyssa are writing and sealed, and must Messrs. Winfree, McCulloch, Shul urged to attend communion Sun NOTICE OF SCHOOL DISTRICT specify the rate of interest at er and Sayre will be furnished the BOND SALE day. May 8. It is the first year NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVER which the bidder will take said successful bidder. anniversary of the church and The District School Board of bonds at par. and must be filed Mother's day. Confessions will be that School District No. 26C of with the Clerk of said School School District No. 26C. Malheur heard Saturday evening from 8 Malheur County. Orajon, offers for District No. 26C at the Nyssa High County, Oregon, reserves the right sale EY»ur Hundred Ptfty-eignt until 9 p. m. Thousand < »458.000 1 Dollars m gen 3chool in the City of Nyssa, Ore- ■to reject any and all bids. EMIL A. STUNZ eral indeptedness bonds of the ion, on or before 5:00 o ’clock P. M. FAITH • • THERAN CHURCH said School District dated July 1, on the 8th day of June. 1949. Bids Chairman, School District No. 28C Sunday school, 2 p. m. 1949, numbered consecutively from will be opened at the office of the .Attest: Divine worship, 3 p. m. 1 to 458 inclusive, in denominations Clerk of said School District No. ¡HARRY H. HARTLEY District Clerk of One Thousand ($1,000) Dollars 26C at the Nyssa Grade School, MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH each, maturing serially in numer Nyssa, Oregon, at 8:30 o'clock p. m. I Published May 5th, May 19, May Elder H. F. Gage '26th and June 2nd, 1949. ical order commencing January 1, on the 8th day of June, 1949. Each Missionary Pastor 1961, and each year thereafter Sunday school. 10 a. m. until paid In full as per the fol Morning service, XI a. m. lowing maturity schedule: Young people's service, 7 p. m $18.000.00 maturing on Jan. 1. 1951 Preaching service, 8 p. m. $18.000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1952 Wednesday prayer service, i p . Dt $19,000 00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1963 $19,000 00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1954 CHURCH OF CHRIST $20,000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1955 BATH SETS, WATER HEATERS AND Don R. Maxfleld, Pastor $21,000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1956 10 a. m„ church school hour. $21.000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1967 PRESSURE SYSTEMS CALL 11 a. tn., morning worship and $22,000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1958 Lord's supper. $23,000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1959 7 p. m., Senior and Junior En $24,000,00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1960 deavors. $24.000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1961 $25,000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1962 8 p. m., evening worship. $26.000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1963 13 Years In Nyssa Phone 286-J $27,000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1964 SUNSET VALLEY $28,000 00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1965 ASSEMBLY OF GOD $29.000 00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1966 Rev. Joe E. Dodson, Pastor $30,000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1967 Sunday school. 10 a. m. $31.000.00 maturing on Jan. 1. 1968 Worship services, 11 a. m. $33.000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1969 Young People, 7 p. m. The interest on said bonds shall Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. m. not exceed four (4%) per cent per Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. annum payable semi-annually on CARD OF THANKS the 1st day of January and th e , We wish to express our thanks 1st day of July. Both principal I and appreciation to those Who as- and interest of said bonds shall be Dll. Saturday, M ay 7 W e D o A C om p lete Job — Taking your land right from the brush (if necessary) and turning it over to you— READY FOR THE WATER 30 Years Experience in Oregon, Idaho and California FOR EAGLES AND GUESTS Eagles Hall A . E. H A W K I N S Three miles west of Cairo Junction Route 1, Box 93, Ontario % Auto Insurance M o th e r ’s D ay Cards BOX CHOCOLATES DUCKLINGS STATIONERY BODY POWDER PLASTIC CARD TABLE COVERS JEWELITE HAIR BRUSHES EVENING IN PARIS SETS MAX FACTOR SETS DUBARRY SETS PERFUMES COLOGNES O w y h e e D ru g C o m p an y G. H. Peirsol Phone 255-W M v « S îS J tttt® ATTENTIO N, RESPONSIBLE DRIVERS . . . SAVE 15% TO 25% on insurance covering loss or damage to your automobile SELECT FROM 8 NEW CROSLEY through GENERAL Preferred Risk Plan Sh e lva d o r R e frige rato rs I hese 3 Crosley models repre sent size groups in the Crosley 1949 line. These size groups also include 5 other models that afford choices to fit every need — every purse. AMERICA’S These strong capital stock companies lead again in pro viding responsible drivers with better insurance at lower cost. . . Ask us about it, now! Renstrom Insurance Agency From $199.95 W 3* — LI j ~ ü f ! i— * « - . 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