Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1949)
77ieNYSSA VOLUME X X X X IV NO. 17 $1200 Worth Of Tickets Sold To Lions Carnival » -* * sSÆBasÊb^ ' .f . JOURNAL THE NYSSA G ATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON, THURSDAY, M A Y 5, 1949 GLEE CLUB AND ORCHESTRA WILL PRESENT CONCERT Additional Fund For Hospital Is Sought By Group JUNIOR RIDING CLUB ORGANIZED BY PfYSSA ADULTS Nyssa Bulldogs Take S.B.V. Championship In Both Baseball And Track Within Last Week Larry Holmes, 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Holland Holmes, was Club Nets $555 To Be Us Suggestion Made Merch elected president of the Nyssa Junior Riding club Saturday even B u l l d o g s Take Track Nyssa Nine Defeats Pay ants, Under ed For Hospital SAM PLAYFORD OF ing, when a group of young people Title By Margin of a- ette In First Two met at the home of D. O Bybee, write $40,000 NYSSA DIES AFTER Equipment who was appointed drill master bout 30 Points Games O f Series TWO-YEAR ILLNESS A large crowd spent a hilarious A plan for underwriting addit fo r the club. Funeral services were held M on Bonnie Kressley was elected vice- The Nyssa Bulldogs scored 63.3 evening at ;he carnival sponsored Nyssa high school athletes have ional funis for completing and president ¿¡id Coleen Bybee. secre paints in the annual Snake River day at 2:30 in the Nyssa Funeral by the N yt-a Lions ciub in the equiping the Malheur hospital was tary and treasurer. Roy Holmes, the Valley league track meet held in home chapel for Sam Playford of added two more trophles list won during the current school Nyssa gymnasium last Saturday discussed at a meeting of the president o f the Owyhee Riding Weiser last Saturday to win the Nyssa. Interment was in tlie night for the oenofit of the M ai' year by taking Snake River Valley Nyssa chamber o f commerce Wed- club, and Mr. and Mrs. N ell Dim- conference title with a margin of Nyssa cemetery. heur Memorial hospital and spent Plans were nearly 30 points over their nearest Mr. Playford died April 28 in league championships in baseball nesda noon by Harold Henigsou, niick, were present. approximately $1.100 for the p riv made to hove the junior club meet rivals, the Ontario Tigers. Pendleton following an illness ex and track. representing the hospital board of ilege. the last Friday o f each month, the Ontario scored 33.6 points, Em tending over a period of two years. O f the six trophies given by the directors. The chamber voted to same as the senior club date. Dennis W. Patch, general ch air mett 27, Vale 24.6, Weiser 155, New Mr. Playford was born in eastern Snake R iver Valley league, Nyssu hold a general discussion on the man in charge of the affair, said Members o f both the junior and Plymouth 5. Payette 3, Parm a 2 Canada September 14, 1882, moved | high school won four, subject at next week's luncheon. senior clubs are plannng a pleas and Fruitland 2. the cluo netted $555 on the carni to Colorado as a boy and came to. The Nyssa trackmen, tutored by val, 'which the Lions hope to de- Th e board o f directors sent a ure ride to be held May 15. Any W ith a lime o f 1:33.3, the Nyssa Nyssa about 22 years ago. He op- k . E. Keveren, won the Snake ve.op into an annual event, as delegation to Portland with a view one between the ages of 8 to 18, 880-relay team broke its own record they said it was the beat “ swindle” at trying to get outside aid, but who are interested in horses, are established in 1939. T h e old mark erated a farm for a few years and I river title last Saturday fo r thu second consecutive year by down- they had yet discovered for rais the group was unsuccessful, so far invited to join. Dues are 25 cents ¡was 1:36. Vale set a new record also did hauling. Survivors are his widow. Mary, mg several other teams in tlie ing money for worthy causes. as getting general federal aid is per year, if the parents are mem- in the mile relay in 3:40.7, beating and a brother, Sieve of Cripple valley. The track team earlier concerned. However, there remains bers of the Owyhee club, and $1 per O ntario’s 1948 record of 3:53.2. M ore than h a lf o f the $1200 Creek, Colorado. won the Snake R iver valley relay worth of tickets and carnival the possibility that the association year for others. The drill master James Hume o f Ontario set a new carnival for the second consecutive might secure chronic disease money hopes to have a drill team In sha;ie record of 4:32 in the mile run, money were sold before Saturday year. In that case the association would to perform at the Rodeo here, July bettering the 4:32.3 mark set by night, so that the crowd garnered The Nyssa high school also won early to participate In the various be required to provide a number 21, 22, and 28. White o f Payette in 1939. Ronald the B league basketball trophy o f beds for chronic disease patients. games and other functions, in Chadwick o f Emmett set a new during the winter. cluding oingo, till and dart games, The board applied for federal record in the highjump, clearing This is tlie first year, however, fevti pond, fortune telling booth, aid in the sum of $38,000 on tne the pole at 6 feet, ‘,4 inch. _ „ . ‘ . ¡that the Bulldogs have won pen- roulette end others. Some o f tlie chronic disease basis. If this Nyssa placers in the vnrious Following settlement of a strike i Hants in both baseball and track, operators o f the games of chance Th e Owyhee Riding club held money is secured, the association events were as follows: 120 -ynrd ’ of building trades workers in the j yhey took the baseball title this and refreshment oooins sold all of its regular meeting April 28 at the will still need $40,000 to complete high hurdles. Hale, first; Lowe, i Boise area, plumbers started w o rk ! week by del eating Payette in two tneir wares by the time of tne D. O. Bybee Iwme, with 38 mem the building and buy equipment. third; 100-yard 1 dash, first; ” 1 ’ ,ftA J~~1' Wilson, ri *■ ‘ on tlie Malheur Memorial hospital consecutive giunes, winning on the T h e hospital board would like di awing fo r $200 in door prises. Plans ar* virtually completed for Takami, second: mile run, Bush, bers present. Hostesses for the Nyssa diamond Monday night by Amy Lewis, daugnter o f M r. and evening were Mrs. Lloyd Marshall to have businessmen and farmers the home talent jamboree to be third: 440-yard dasli, Pecka, fourth; Monday. The plumbers could have started ‘ a ..*.ore of 24 to 3 and Tuesday connected with the hospital to sponsored by the women’s aux 200-yard low hurdles, Hale, first; work at the hospital when they Mrs. R ay C. Lewis, won the electric and Mrs. C. M. Tensen. '......' ' .. ............ 'n y h t on the Payette field by a ironer, ofiered as a first prize; Plans for coming events were underwrite the $40,000 and raise iliary o f the Malheur Memorial Lowe, fourth; medley relay, Nyssa went on surike five weeks ago and Jake Fischer won the No. 2 prize, discussed, including those for the the money in a general solicitation Hospital association in the Nyssa first; 220-yard dasli, Takami, first; could probably have finished xlie count of 1*2 to 3. Earlier in the - a w a.iie iron, and Janice McGee rodeo, which will be held in Nyssa in the fall. This plan was sug theater Monday night, M ay 9 at 8 Chadwick, second: discus, Long, hospital work in three weeks. The season they won the title In the Oregon division o f the Snake River gested in order to avoid waiting o'clock. won the coffee maker. July 21. 22, 23. first; Javelin, Long, second; pole contractor said the plastering could Valley league for tlie second The crowd dispersed Shortly after Tom Sepptoh, master o f cere vault, Krul, tied for second; broad- have ueen finished by this week. Activities planned for the near until fall for the money. straight year. the drawing of the prizes. A large future Include a dance, and an monies, advises that " I f you enjoy jump. Hale, first; Wilson, second: Now, tlie carpenter work will be T h e Bulldogs romped over the number o f Lions munediately start other riding excursion. Dance ar a good laugh don’t miss tiiis show; liighjnmp, Hunter, William s and delayed until the plumbers finish BEN MARTINEZ IS Pirates witli ease Monday night be ed cleaning the building and com rangements were not completed. For if you feel grouchy, you had better Coleman tied for third und fourth ' roughing in " tlie plumbing. fore a crowd estimated at 500 STRUCK BY AUTO stay home". pleted the work before they left the proposed outing it Is planned place. Tne agreement ending tne strik e ' persons. They scored 1 run in the gymnasium that night. Impersonations of movie stars for the riders to go to Grassy was signed by the building trades the flrsl cle the at one all. Benjam in Martinez, 66-year-old and other celebrities will be feat mountain, members and their union reresentatives and the con and went on to score 3 In the sec Nyssa Mexican, was injured inter ured on the program. Those who friends are invited. tractors in a session w itli Guy ond, 7 in the third, 4 in the fourth T h e club also elected members nally last Saturday night when he will be impersonated include Al Lmther of Portland, federal labor and 9 In the sixth. The Pirates needed to advertise, report, and was struck at First and Main Jolson, L ittle Annie Rooney, Beat department conciliator. scored their second and third runs collect material lo r the Western j streets by an automobile driven by rice Kaye, and Howard Che Bhmoc The agreement provided an im in the second and fifth frames. and his Musical Kroo. The per Riding association’s new magazine, I Robert Braun of Nyssa. mediate Increase in pay of 12 ta Wilson, Coach Howard Lovejoy's “ Tne Sportsman and Horseman". M artinez was taken to the Holy formers will also Include a darky Clyde Snider has been appointed cents an hour and an additional A lengthy discussion was held aL Those elected were Mrs. Roy Holm- Rosary hospital in Ontario Tues- quartet, Che Florence Nightingales, chairman of tlie Boy Scout fin 5 cents an hour to become etfective new find in the pitching depart ment, assisted Cleaver with the the regular meeting of the Oregon es, subscription manager; Mrs. C. day for x-rays and observation. He the baitoer shop quartet, with vaud ancial campaign, which will be July 1. hurling chores. Cleaver struck Trail Grange last week on tlve M. Tensen, advertising, and Mrs. | received treatment at the Nyssa eville skits, and Max the cop and conducted in Nyssa. beginning out four batters and Wilson fan proposed Columbia valley auth Neil Dimmick, pictures and news Nursing home for three days, his harmonica. Other numbers wlU Thursday, M ay 12. Francis D efier ned three. ority. Announcement was also reports. Subscriptions fo r tlie new Chief of Police Orville Maze said be dancing acts, tumbling and will lead the campaign in Adrian. RIDING CLUBS TO Umne runs were scored by made that a C. V. A. meeting will monthly magazine are *2 a year. no charges have been filed against mystery skits. T h e executive committee for tlie SPONSOR MAGAZINE P-TifKts, ItamuiT and Brawn. b « he'd ; t " ic Oregon Slope hall T h e auxiliary will give several campaign met at noon Tuesday President Roy Holmes was in Braun as Martinez was reported to To the Tuesday night game, the M ay G. charge of the Friday night m eet have walked in front of the car prizes, but declines to reveal how in the D oll House with Leon Myers Arrangements have been com teams ended the first Inning In a Master Frank Sherwood gave a ing. they w ill be awarded. Mrs. Lynn Snodgrass gave without seeing it. of Ontario, scout executive to make pleted between the Western R id one-all tie and went scoreless report on a Malheur County Farm several reports of interest to mem Tickets are on sale at the post plans fo r the campaign. Receipts ing association and A1 Mancarr for through the second frame. W il Labor Sponsoring association meet bers. Plans were made to meet at office and at a booth on Eder’s of the Ore.-Ida. council of Boy the publishing o f a magazine with son scored in the first Inning on INSURANCE MEN OF ing that he attended. lot. Today and Friday the booths 8couts in 194« were $23,379.47 and articles and items of interest to the rodeo grounds Sunday for a a fielder's choice after going to NYSSA ORGANIZE w ill be open from 11 to 1 and from expenditures were $25,637.27, leav horsemen. Mrs. Loyd Adams announced that work-out and several races. A fter first base on a walk. the next meeting of the Home Ec the business meeting musical sel 3 to 6, and all afternoon Saturday ing a deficit of $1257. T h e only On April 20, Lynn Snodgrass and The fireworks started In the onomics club would be held at the ections by Mrs. Ira Sage and Mrs. Nyssa's six insurance men met and Monday. Tickets may also be money that was sent out of the Roy Holmes of the Owyhee Riding third inning, when the Bulldogs home of Mrs. Frank Parr with the D. O. Bybee were enjoyed by the last week to form a local organ purchased at the box office Mon council was $275, the national club attended a special meeting of scored two runs. Pounds reached heme economics tnairmen of this group. ization, to be known as the M al day night. chapter fee. In return fo r this fee the Western Riding association at first on an error, Bowen walked, district attending. A potluck buf- T lie next meeting will be held heur Insurance Agents association. the council secured the services ol the Lodge club in Boise. Follow Hale singled and Takami brought let lunch will be served. Bernard Eastman was elected ADRIAN STUDENTS at the home o f Ronald Holmes three men from the New York ing the dinner, detailed plans were in two runs with a double. Harlan Diven said he was told May 27. president: Robert Thompson, vice office for a month und five men made witli A1 Moiuarr, editor of In the fourth-inning playing, SELECT OFFICERS from the regional office in P ort the Idaho Sportsman magazine, to which by the manager of the telephone president; Kenneth Renstrom, sec really clinched the game, the company that as soon as cable retary; Ralph Lawrence, state vice land, who spent the equivalent of combine tlie association's horse Bulldogs scored five runs. H ol is available, telephones will be in RIDING EVENTS Student Body officers for the one month in the council. president, and Kenneth Pond and The puollcations witli the Idaho Sports comb, the second man up, singled, stalled in the district soutli and IN VALLEY SET M elvin Beck, members o f the ex coming year were elected last F ri budget fo r this year is $29,267. man. Wilson singled, Pounds reached west of Nyssa. ecutive committee. The local day at the Adrian high school. Don Team captains will meet in Mr. Snodgrass reports that at tlie first on a fielder's choice and Ed Jamison reported on a Nyssa group is a member of the stale Jones was elected student body Snider’s office at 7 o’clock tonight regular meeting of tlie Western Itumura walked, filling the bases. Several events have been sched safety council meeting that he a t uled for horse lovers of the Snake and national associattlons. president; Duane Wilson, vice to further plans for the campaign Riding association April 26 in the Bowen was tagged out at first resident: Alden Shank, secretary tended. They hope to solicit 90 per cenl Orange hall in Nampa, the associ and Hale drove out a double, scor River valley for the month of May. Mrs. Frank Parr and Bob Holmes and Carmen Sillonis, treasurer. of the wage earners as well as the ation made its final decision to ing fou r runs. Hale scored on an T h e Western Riding association’s KID DAY PROGRAM were appointed as members o f a three district groupings of events M arjory Jelinek was elected May business people. sign a three-year contract with and Chadlwlck went out strik committee to arrange the Grange are so arranged that no conflicting SET FOR JULY 21 queen. Her attendents will be Lois Members of the executive com M om arr of Boise, for publication error ing to end the inning. booth at the Malheur County fair. dates will occur within a local Ricks, Marion Price, Shirley Smith. mittee are Mr. Snider, Mr. Deffer, of tlie association magazine under Nyasa did about as iwell in the The Grange voted to sponsor a group. T h e Nyssa chamber of commerce Arlene Piercy, BeCty Newbill and Bernard Frost, Leo Child, Rosel the title “ Idaho Sportmun and fifth inning, scoring four tallies. 4-H scholarship for a g irl to the T h e M ay scheduled dates and voted at its luncheon Wednesday Jean Dierklng. The coronation ex Hunter, lElden Yergensen, J. L. Horseman". Cleaver singled, Wilson singled and amount of $32. sponsors are as follows: Group 3, noon to sponsor its annual kids' ercises will be held at the class Herrimun and (Leslie Stoker. Under the contract, 24 riding Pounds went to first again on a The lecturer. Mrs. Runcorn, dur M ay 15. field day at Weiser, In- day program on the first day of night exercises M ay 20. i lubs in tlie organization receives fielder's choice. Hamura reached ing a safety program, asked some dianhead club, and M ay 22, rodeo the rodeo July 21. Try-outs for the cheer leaders Has Eye Operation— 60 cents from each subscription first on an error and Bowen walk one to participate in a highway by the Sage and Saddle club at Mrs. Charles Marshall underwent sold, and a percentage on the ad ed. Hale hit and Takam i reached T h e Owyhee Riding club, which will be held on M ay 12. essay contest. an operation for eye cataracts at verttsing. Ontario: group 2, M ay 15. Desert will sponsor the Nyssa rodeo July The magazine will b e ,iirst on a fielder's choice. Hale Kiaas Stam and Mr. and Mrs. lodi;e, W hite Horse ranch, and May 21, 22, and 23, will permit the child T o Attend Convention— St. Luke’s hospital in Boise Tues a m onthly issue. All items must | “ died” on third after four runs Garret Stam furnished refresh 29 and 30, races at Sage Acres, and ren to see the first day's show free Three Nyssa boys, who are m em day. be. in by the tenth of the month, had been scored. ments. bers of the DeMolay chapter at group 1. M ay 15. Ada county sher of charge. The regular M ay association Nyssa failed to score In the last Parma, Jim Rigney, Allan Frost Elies T o San E'ranrisro— i f f ’s posse at Boise, M ay 15, horse meeting will be held at the Ameri two frames. Health Meeting Planned— and Elvln Alexander, will attend sale at Tw in Falls, and May 26 Nyssa Nursing Home— Olenn Peterson flew to San can Legion hall in New Plymouth, Nyssa players were Wilson, p; The annual meeting o f the M a l and 27. stock and dairy show at New arrivals at the Nyssa Nurs the Idaho state DeMolay conclave Francisco, to attend a co-op con with Nyssa as co-hostess. Pounds, 3b; Hamura, If; Bowen, heur County Tuberculosis and Kuna Kave. Kuna. to be held in Nampa May 14 and vention over the week-end. ing home are: Hale, lto; Takami, c; Chad Health association will be held at On April 21, a son, weighing 7 15. The session will be the first Spraying Scheduled— wick, rf; Knowles, c f; Holcomb, the Moore hotel Tuesday. M ay 1* Leaves For Coast— annual Idaho state DeMolay con Livestock Men To Meet— pounds, 8 ounces was born to Mr. A t a meeting held Monday, rep 2b. and Cleaver, relief pitcher. at 8:30 p. m. A program has been clave. Boys interested in joining Mrs. Lucille Johnston o f Tw in and Mrs. Royee Fields o f Nyssa. A meeting of tlie Malheur L iv e resentatives from Ada, Owyhee and T lie Bulldogs will go to Bums planned witli L. P. Putman, field Falls, who has been visiting at On April 22, a daughter, weigh the DeMolay chapter at Parma are stock association will be held Sat Canyon counties in Idaho, and Saturday for the first o f a series oiganization director for the Ore the home o f her sister, Mrs. Ella ing 6 pounds. 10 ounces, was bom invited to contact Jim Rigney urday. M ay 7 at Jordan valley. At M alheur county made plans for of p la y -o ff gomes to be staged to gon Tuberculosis and Health as Smith, left this week to visit at the to Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Doolin Two Wilder boys. Bill Anders and this meeting recommendations will the cooperative spraying for white- determine the winner of district sociation as uuest speaker. Mr. home of her son, Paul Johnston, of Prairie City. George Kenyan, were initiated into be formulated to be sent to the top in the islands of the Snake No. 1, who will enter the state Firtman will speak on "Foundation* at Springfield, Oregon. Mrs. John chapter Wednesday state livestock association meeting river. There are about 300 acres tournament In Portland. The win On April 22, a daughter, weigh the Parma o f the County Association” . A ston will spend tlie summer on the ing 8 pounds, 4 ounces, was born night. to be held in Pendleton M ay 16, in the islands tliu't will be spray ner at Burns will play L a Orande motion picture entitled. “ You Can coast. 17 and 18. Speakers at the meeting ed from an airplane. The spray and the winner there will play the to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Newell H elp” will be shown at the meet Wins Music Honors— in Jordan Valley on Saturday in ing will toe started May 10, ac winner in the district located west of Parma. ing A short business meeting will Attend legion Meeting— Irshal Davis, director of school clude Dr. Charles Hayes, Oregon cording to an announcemnt made of the Blue mountains and east On May 1, a daughter, weighing be held for election of officers for Several members of the Nyssa 6 pounds, 10 ounces, was bom to bands at Aberdeen, Idaho recently state veterinarian ; Roy Nelson, by G eorge Bain, assistant county of Hood River. the coming year All members of American Legion and the L«glon Mr. and Mrs. Jack Knowles of took division rating and won the theft investktator, who w ill explain agent. the county health association, or auxiliary marching trophy at the national the new brand law; Senator Elmo attended the district Nyssa. T O O IV E C O N C E R T those interested in the work, are meeting of the American Legion On May 2, a daughter, weighing J musical festival held at Pocatello. Smith, Who will speak on Legis M RS CRUM P TALK S Ted Holly, Adrian pianist, will be Invited to attend. at Bums laat Saturday. A dinner 6 pounds, 8 ounces, was bom to Mr. Davis, who has a band of 84 lation, and Dorman Turner, sec T O W O M E N ’S GRO UP presented toy his teacher, Miss was held in the evening following Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Britton of pieces, the second largest in Idaho retary of the state cattlem en’s as Mrs. J. C. Crump of Payette, Wilhelmlna Hoffman, in a concert I ndergoes Operation— was former band director at Nyssa sociation. an afternoon .session, with a dance Sunset valley. district president of the Women's to be given in the Kirkpatrto mem Wayne Chritton underwent an held during the evening. Those a t Society of Christian Service of the orial Community church in Parma, appendix operation in the Holy tending from Nyssa were Mr. and To Klamath Falls— P. T, A. Executive Meeting— T o Utah— Methodist church, was guest speak beginning at 8:15 p. m. Sunday Rosary hospital in Ontario Tues Mrs. E. H. Fleshman. Mr. and An executive meeting of the Mrs. Jack Simpson left last week er at the women's society meeting evening, M ay 8. The public is ln- W. W. Faster and Tom and M ar day. In addition to the operation, Mrs. Bob Tafcot, Mr. and Mrs. K e r garet Eleanor Foster spent the Nyssa Parent-Teacher association for Utah, where she had been call held last Thursday at tlie home of vitel to attend without charge. Wayne is suffering from the meas- im t Lienkeemper, Mrs E. K . Bur week-end in Klam ath Falls, where w ill be held in room 7 of the grade ed because of the death of a Mrs. C. M. Smiley. Mrs. Crump Holly, a senior in the Adrian le>. His condition is improved. ton, Don Graham. Wallace Holmes, they were met by Mrs. Foster, who school building Saturday afternoon friend. spoke of the part of the woman's high school, lias frequently ap Helmar Ostrom and Delbert and was returning from the state Par at 2:30. society in the four-year advance peared in recitals given by Miss Arrives In England— Art Rouse. ent-Teacher convention at Eugene. Eire Oee program of the Methodist church. Hoffm an in Nyssa. He presented Judije Don Graham received w ord 1 Trash in a box at the rear of Devotions for the afternoon were his first complete recital in 1943 They visited at the homes of Mr. P. T. A. To Meet— that his wife arrived in England Babies Born At Hospital— Th e last meeting fo r the year of Gordon's Drive-in caught fire ltd by Mrs. Carlos Buchner. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson and Mr. at the age of 11 and has presented Tuesday morning. Mrs. Graham Several Nyssa couples are the and Mrs. Charles W Wilson, re the Nyssa Parent-Teachers associ Wednesday afternoon. Firemen During the business meeting, a complete 10-ptece program at the left last week for a visit in her parents of babies born at the turning to Nyssa on Monday. ation will be held at the high quickly extinguished the flames be Mrs. Buchner gave a report of the national piano auditkms on five native country. school Thursday evening. May 12. fore any damage was caused other nominating committee, and the different occasions, winning un Holy Rosary hoigiital. Mr. and Mrs Ed T op litf are the parents of Polio Group To Meet— Special entertainment and instal than to the box. following officers were elected for usual praise from the Judges. T o Work On Churrh— a girl born April 28. Mr. and Mrs. A meeting of the Malheur Coun lation of the new officers are the coming year: Mrs. Dennle Holly will perform piano numbers A short informal service for Henry Esplin are the parents o f a ty chapter erf the National Polio planned. HOOTS A T LUNCHEON Patch, president; Mrs. L. L. Trailer, ranging from the classical atyle of members of the Lutheran church boy bom April 28. On April 29. a Foundation will be held in the The speech class under the dir vice-president ; Mrs. Robertson, eor- Bach, through the romantic period will be held Sunday morning at boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Torn new clinic building in Ontario F ri Go To Washington— ection of Mrs. Harriet Brumbacti lenpondlng secretary: Mrs. R ay of the 19th century, to the modern 10 30 The service will be fo l Moore, and a girl to Mr. and Mrs. day at 8 p. m. All persons inter their mothers and mond Sager, recording secretary, works o f such composers as De M r. and Mrs Jcrfinny Turner and entertained lowed by a work period at the John Dority. ested are 'invited to attend. Dr fam ily left Wednesday for Pasco, members erf the faculty at a lunch and Mi*. Leo Oonyer, treasurer. bussy, Mokrejs and Hanson. The church and potluck dinner at noon. L. A. Maulding of Nyssa will Washington to attend to business. eon a t the high school home ec T h e officers will be Installed at a program will close with two piano Returns f rom Hospital— onomics room Wednesday noon. A meeting at tlie church M ay 26 .peak. O fficers will be elected. duets played by the solo 1st and Mrs Walter Nye returned to her Visits Sister— Visit At Corvallis— varied program of musical num- A t the clone of the meeting, gifts Miss Hoffman. Mrs. Richard Camp and small home this week from the Holy Ros Tu Hold Food Sale— Miss Adrienne and Miss Elaine bers and speech selection« was pre for a shower for the church kitchen Olenna Speer, violinist o f Parma, son visited over the week-end at ary hospital, where she had been Members of the class i l l - ' were given A social hour followed will assist with two groups o f violin T h e Catholic Altar society will Peterson were week-end guests of sented the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard confined with a double hip fra ct hold a cooked food Mrs. Robb assisted solos. Miss Speer, a student at the sale and Miss Doris Beers at the Sigma ustrated some o f the things that j the meeting. V Wilson. Mrs. Wilson and Mrs ure received in a car accident laat baaaar Saturday. M ay 7 In the Kappa House on the Oregon State have been done by the speech class Mrs. Smiley during the serving of College of Idaho, Is concert mistress Camp are sisters. week Nyesa Insurance agency office. in their regular classes. | refreshments. campus. of the College of Idaho orchestra. The Nyssa high school glee club and orchestra will present a con cert in the gymnasium Tuesday night, M ay 10 beginning at 8:15. Director Lynn Lawrence has an nounced the program as to 1 tows Glee clulb— "N igh t Divine" (Bar carolle from Tales of Hoffm an i by •J- OUeiibach; Trees , words by Joyce Kilmen, music by a Sister of Mercy (Sister M. B .); "By the Bend o f the R iver” by Clara Bd- ward.s; ‘-Shadow W altz” by Harry W arren: "Golden Days” by Sig mund Romlberg. and "Ole Arks A- M overin’ ", a neg-ro spiritual, con cent version by Noble Cain; o r chestra— "Mosatic Overture” , arr anged by Julius S. Seredy: "Fairy Tales” by K arl Komzak; “Spanish Dance” by H. Engehnan; ‘•Hung arian Dances” , numbers 5 and 8, by Joannes Brahms: “Themes From Piano Concerto No. 1” by P. Tschaikowsky. and “ The Song Is You” by Jerome Kern. Nyssa Rodeo Set For July 21-23 Grangers Talk On CVA Proposal T Farmers Plumbers Start Hospital Work Plans Outlined For Talent Show Boy Scout Drive Will Start Soon