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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1949)
PAGE THREE THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL M, 1949 OW YHEE GROCERY I chised the store from Bob Rice STO A O SE D living wlU move in hls t o ianul> 3 1 U I R V E L r P U R I \ C c H n H LU q uarlers ' building ^e Mrs. Martha Klingback and Fred OWYHEE, April 14— Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald made Russell Patton, Jr. and fam ily and a tr.p to Payette Wednesday and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Douglas and Mrs. Klingback and Fred returned boys enjoyed a picnic at Owyhee hame ln new car, purchased aam Sunday. that day. H. K oger o f Cove. Oregon is I talcing over the Owyhee grocery | Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Walters are store this week. Mr. K oger pur-1 having some remodeling done to their house this week. The out- A T TENTION We Are Now In Position To Do All Types Of Cabinet Work And Contract Buildmg. Johnson Cabinet Shop Phone Nyssa 023J1 1 Mile North Of Nyssa- Parma Junction On Highway 95 side will be covered with white shakes", a large picture window put in the south side of the front loom, and a wash, and utility room erected beside the kitchen. Jerry Brewer, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brewer, is in the Nyssa Nursing home this week under the oxygen tent suffering iram a severe case of croupe. Mr. and Mrs. William K iley from Caldwell visited Sunday in the Lee Householder home. Charley Culbertson and daughter, Betty, were among the group of Owyhee Riding club members to go on a ride Sunday. The ridel's cooked and ate their dinner in the hills. Mr. and Mrs. Werner Peutz bought a now car in 'Seattle through a friend there and Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Nannary of Seattle drove the new auto here from Seattle for Peutz. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Nannary and Caryl Schweizer of Seattle are visitir^ here in the Oral Hite home and in Ontario this week. Mrs For The Month Of April Nannary and Mrs. Hite are sisters and Caryl is a niece of the women, Mrs. M ar-ha Klingback and Fred K ay and Butch McDonald, and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gregg and children made a trip to Squaw butte Saturday, to visit the Adam. John, and Eldon Klingback fam ilies and the Lee Dishner family. On the return trip they stopped in Q nm ett to see Charley Kling- back. Mrs. M ildred H ite of La Grande spent the week-end here with rel atives and friends. M r. and Mrs. Leo Huber and Ronnie of M eridian visited in the Werner Peutz home Sunday. Jesse Ditty, Jr., moved to Ow yhee dam last week to work as boat hoister this summer. His job is to ut the iboats into the lake and check the time they are gone and remove the boats from the lake again when the boatman return. Mrs. G rant Patterson returned home Friday after spending a week In Ogden visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orson Barrett. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Culbert son went to Caldwell onday on business. Prayer meeting was held at the Don G rant home Wednesday, with Mrs. Martha Klingback as leader. Rev. Robert K riner spent the after- noon in this vicinity making calls. He was a supper guest in the G rant home and stayed fo r prayer m eet ing. Rev. R. G. Chandler of C ald well was also making calls here Wednesday afternoon and he had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. George Gregg and attended prayer m eet ing with them. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Connaughy moved their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil O lp and children to Bums, where Mr. Olp will work for Carl H ite during the summer. Mrs. Martha Klingback and Fred, and Mr. and Mrs. S. D. B ig elow were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orover Cooper. Achievement tests were given the pupils o f Owyhee grade school last week. There was no school because o f the Friday teachers checking the tests. Henry Reuter and 10 of hls boys helped brand and vaccinate 20 calves on ohe M artha K lin g back ranch Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Donald H ite and children of M itchell butte called ln the W em ei Peutz home Sunday evening. M earl Kygar of K lam ath Fulls spent the week-end here with hls parents. Mr. and Mr*. Je.we Kygar. C.ur ts At D in n e r- and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Berritt ana The O. K K. club will meet with | daughter, Bonnie, of Roy. Utah Mrs. Wilson Winter «Thursday.; and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pike of April 21. Mrs. Raleigh Chamber- j Adrian were dinner guests at the lain will be assistant hostess. Each ! home of Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Bybet’ member is asked to show the Friday evening. M r Berrett pur- ear best picture of herself that she i chased the Hancock service station has. Members will try to guess j at Che "Y". T h e couples have the Identity. i been friends for over 20 years. CLEAN-UP - D O N 'T BURN UP! "THAT'S BILL S HOUSE HE DIDN'T BOTHER ABOUT CLEAN UP WEEK * N Y S S A V O L U N T E E R FIRE DEPT. Everybody's invited* Or As Long As They Last Everybody’s coming! 25 Per Cent Discount Its farmhand On All Discs Demonstration Month 6, 7 and 8 foot Tandem and Offset Heavy Duty Discs at B & M Equipment Company COSTS LESS THAN YOU THINK! A LS O Furs, diamonds, silver, money or securi ties . . . O NE item stolen could pay for burglary insurance time and again. It costs little—protects much! Come In or phone today for exact facts. N o obligation. Cultipacker Wings N Y SSA , O R E G O N Featuring special action displays o f the famous F A R M H A N D Hydraulic Loader and attachments, and the all- new F A R M H A N D "90” Wagon. D on’t miss ’em I . B. 8 M. EQUIPMENT COMPANY MaTa SM Phone 270-W 'I CET ALL 8 ITEMS ...*35.00 WORTH1 W ITH A NEW R E N ST R O M IN S U R A N C E AGENCY V. GENERAL- ^mm?w^W WWÎUÊÊaMKÊÊÊR^ÊtKtÊ F a r m S a le Five miles south of Adrian, Oregon, Bend school house. 14 east of Big Monday, April 18 S A L E ST A R T S 1 O ’C L O C K SEE IT IN ACTION . . . the only loader that combines 3,000 lb. lift . . . 21-foot reach . . . “ W rist-Action” leverage . . . to save you time, money, work on more than 50 farm jobs I Cattle 1 Holstein heifer, 2 yrs. old, just fresh. 1 Blue cow, 3 yrs. old, 6 gal. a day now. 1 Holstein cow, Sal, 2 yrs. old, 5 gal. now. 1 Holstein cow, Lady, 2 yrs., 5 gal. now. 1 Holstein heifer, Blossom, 2 yrs. old, springer. 1 Holstein heifer, Daisy, 2 yrs. old, springer. 1 Holstein heifer, Sue, 2 yrs. old, springer. 1 Holstein heifer, 1 yr. old. 1 Jersey heifer calf, 3 months old. 1 Holstein heifer calf, 3 months old. These cows are all tested for abortion. 2 Holstein heifer calves, 2 months old. 1 Guernsey bull calf. 1 Registered Jersey bull, 2 years old, record given day of sale. 1 Guernsey springer heifer, tested. 2 milking Guernsey heifers, tested, 2 % gal. day. 2 Steers, 1 roan, 1 Holstein. 3 Weaner whiteface calves. , WATCH ’EM WORK . . . the F A R M H A N D Loader attach ments that perform miracle jobs o f lifting, loading, stack ing, m oving and carrying. Y o u ’ll discover dozens o f ways this great loader and attachments can help on the farm! 1 Buckskin horse, gentle to work. Machinery SPEED QUEEN W A S H E R ... Choose from 5 Models IT'S UNHEARD OF! ALL THIS AT NO EXTRA COST . . . . $109 to $174.95 . . . $35.00 worth of wantad, food quality washing accessories to complete your home laundry! Ono sturdy "R ijid " Ironing Board . . . a Pad and Cover . . . non -collapsing Clothes Pin Bag . . . 5 dosen Clothes Pins . . . an Electric Iron . . a pair of Laundry Tongs . . . a Rinse Tub . . . and 12 p*1 * *9€* of Rinso. But this offer is limited! Don't put off! Como in today and Save Money ef . . . Compere these Speed Queen Features! Double wall tub, bowl shaped inner tub, tangle proof agitator, bar safety r e Io a s o wringer, finger clutch con- ftp trol s o d I m o n t trap and steel chassis con struction. 1 Corrugator. 1 McCormick mower, No. 9. 1 Hay rake. 1 Two-way horse plow. 1 Two-section harrow. 1 Rubber-tired wagon and rack. 1 Set harness. 1 Moline beet cultivator and tools. 1 5-ft. Miskin scraper. 1 McCormick mower, No. 9. 1 John Deere binder. 1 P & O cultivator. 1 John Deere manure spreader. 1 Set of harness, used one year, practically new. Hogs 3 Fat hogs. 2 Chester White gilts, ready to breed. T E R M S— C A S H L U N C H SE R V E D O N G R O U N D S AND TAKE A GOOD LOOK at the next wagon you’ll be buying . . . the F A R M H A N D "90” that gives you full 90° angle turns . . . Quick Hitch coupling . . , adjustable bolster and reach . . . a host o f new features you want I See this big working display now during FARMHAND Demonstration Month s' free SOUV ehi , Verner B. Carlson, Owner B & M Equipment Company Col. Joe Church Ostrom Bros. Appliance Co, Auets. Col. Bert L. Anderson, H. Fritts, Clerk P H O N E 270-W 50 N. 1st St. Phone 269-J