Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY .JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGOE THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1949 PAGE TWO Guy Moore and Esther M e-; of Union and Mr. and Mrs. Stills tict, Malheur County Oregon, for Mr. and Mrs, Everett Payton and POLLYANNA CLUB son Everett Ja n oi Portland have Cormiek took Johnny Sneed of of Caldwell were also dinner guests. the purpose of reviewing and cor SPONSORS PARTY been visiting Donald Ruble from, Idano to his home after The occasion was Bonnie Reuter's recting its assessment roll and ap Boise. This group were visitors he had been staying several days second Birthday. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lane made a KINGMAN KOLON Y. April 14— at the Lynn Hurst home Monday. w in his grandparents, Mr. and business trip to Vale Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ruble and Fred Ruble is Lynn Hurst’s cousin. Mrs. Guy Moore. Mrs. James Phifer received many Bonnie Reuter went with them. lovely igifts at a pink and blue Ardyce Hum resumed her studies shower given by the Pollyanna cluo at the Nampa Business college at the Roy Bowers home.' The] Wednesday. rooms were appropriately decorat-1 Mrs. R oy. Bowers entertained at ed. Games were p.ayed and prizes the Murle Marcum home in Nyssa were given. Ice cream and cake witn a pink and blue shower for Mrs. Harold Marcum. wre served. Cliff Beaumont and Mae Beau Mr. and Mrs. James Gray and mont were Sunday dinner guests j son of Seneca were week-end HANCOCK DISTRIBUTOR at tue C. C. Cotton home, in Nys^a. guests at the N. P. French home. Mr. and Mrs. Brute Pinkston Howard Markam and family, and family called at the Walter Charles Andrews and family, Mrs. M a k e Y o u r G a s $ G o Farther Pinkston home Thursday evening. Loyle Nous and daughter, Patty Waiter Pinkston is convalscing and Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Mont from a ca. e of pneumonia. gomery and children of CorVallis Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Richardson and Eugene hae been recent vis More Miles Per Gallon of Nu-Acres were Sunday after itors in the Roy Bowers home. Bill Toombs and Cliff Beaumont noon callers at the Lynn Hurst More Gallons Per $ were in Ontario Monday buying home. Charlie Markham and family of for their sprinkling system. Special Rates To Truckers Ardyce Hurst attended the 4-H Meridian were overnight guests at Riding club meeting held at Adele the R >y Bowers home. home in Newell Henry Reuter's parents, Mr. and Hammond’s Mrs. E. S. Reuter of Union were Heights Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Sunday dinner guests at the Reut L. Kreger are leaders of this club. Every Day Is Bargain Day Mr. and Mrs. Jake Schoessler of er home. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stills Ontario were Sunday callers at the Roy Bowers home. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Case and son, I Claris Case, and Miss Beatrice 6 0 0 - 1 6 H ood Tires $ 9 * 9 5 Falen of Marsing spent Sunday afternoon at the Arthur Case home. Mrs. Henry Reuter shopped in j Parma Tuesday. Conoco Motor Oil $6.60 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bowers visited | friends in Ontario Friday. Case 24 one-quart cans Gregory Thiel, John Thiel, Mary Ann Thiel, and Myma Lane shop for Conoco, 5 Gal. in your can $4.90 ped in Nampa Saturday. Arlene Piercy, Myrna Lane and ogriculfural, Dick, Shirley, and Guy Sparks were among those swimming at in d u stria l or Snively's Sunday afternoon. U p to $ 8 Maurice Judd was a Sunday din domestic use. ner gueest of Ronald Lane. For Your Old Battery J. G. Lane accompanied Max Swenson to a Farm Buerau meet on New Laher Guaranteed Battery ing in Baker Saturday. Berrett Service Jacuzzi Pum ps and W a te r System s Washing and Greasing Our Specialty ^5= 1 -& e* Vf portionment of changes for oper ation and maintenance for the 1950 season, and assessment of 50 cents per acre and 14 cents per acre for operation and mainten ance, and $2.31 per acre for con struction charges of the Park Unit of said District during the Year 1950 The assesment roll and record may be inspected at the residence of H. R. Hatch, Secretary of said District by any interested persons By order of the Board of Directors, H. R. Hatch, Secretary, Big Bend Irrigation District. First publication April 14, 1949 Last publication April 28, 1949. to - D O N 'T BURN UP! am t* g i t this ju n k out o f the house ■ b ìfo r e i t starts a fire * N YSSA LIONS CLUB Turkey Dinner WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS Saturday, April 16 ^ ** SPONSORED BY Nyssa L. D. S. 1st. Ward FOR CHURCH WELFARE W ORK Treat Your Family To This Easter-Eve Turkey Dinner Visit In Idaho— $2.00 PER PLATE Mr. and Mfs. Frank J. Pike and two daughters, spent the week-end at Meridian, visiting with Mr. Pikes sister, and family. Serving At 8 P. M. AND 9 P. M. In Boise— ----- ‘% I wm . . — Kg» CLEAN-UP D. O. Bybee and Bud Keller were in Boise on business Tuesday afternoon. N Y S S A H IG H S C H O O L BLDG. NOTICE OF MEETING PAYETTE TO Gtf Eder Hardware Co. BIG BEND IRRIGATION DIST RICT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board of Directors of the Big Bend Irrigation District, Sit ting as a Board of Equalization, will meet on the 3rd day of May 1949 at 8:00 o’clock P. M. of said day a t its office at the home of H R. Hatch in the Big Bend Dist- Special Entertainm ent DON’T MISS THIS BIG TREAT! L O O K IIÌ HERE! KEMGLO MIRACLE LUSTRE FINISH LOOKS AND WASHES ^ W — '-" '" I f BESTWOMNGf iE STW O /O M L* 8BST COOK/NGf The New Westinghouse. Look of massive m agni ficence th at represents the finest in modern cooking! UKEBAKED ENAMEL! Amazing NEW paint discovery by the makers o f /(gfK/fce IT’S TIME FOR FENCE FIXIN’ ! winter'« severe weather played havoc with many things and farm or range fences sulfered their share of damage. Realizing that many of you would be faced with a major job In this respect we started laying In a supply of fencing material some time ago so that now — Boise Payette's the Place That Has the "Flxln's" -WALLS, WOODWORK, CUPI0ARDSI Rich, lustrous . . . easy-to-keep-clean finish for kitchens, bathrooms, finest woodwork! 6 ,-j ft. Sieri Erme Posts 2- point Itarbed Wire Feme ra. $ 0.90 NO rod spool $ 8.50 32 in. Woven Wire Field Fence I2'j RAUgr roll $10.00 Fence Staples lb. $ 0.11 SUPER-SIZE M IR ACI! OVEN SURFACE COOKING CAPACITY (••ài feed ia eey reck pen tie« I I m i warRIas ipon I d n o M M New spaciousness? New ■DMdt New perfect heat circulation! 4 full-mze Corox Units! New room for large utensils! NEW! SIMPLIFIED COOKING CONTROLS 0*4 d 14 « S I M M 2 MM I Best Cooling Tel-A-Glance Switches and Single Dial Oven Control! THE STARTLING, NEW ; w h ite! WiU not turn y e llo w ! SIMPLIFIED RANGE i t Issy, ready »« opp/y! • He primer I • He i One reef cerersl • D rie s-3 te 4 been I • • Colon match, harmeaize with \ \ é s t in g jb o u s e DOWN PAYMENT ONLY $66 OSTROM BROS. APPLIANCE CO. C. F. M INK, Mgr. NYSSA, OREGON 50 North 1st St. Phon« 269J TUNC IN T I0 MAIONC • . . every morning. Monday tfuougk Friday . . . ABC Network • H R e 11S F A I N T T R IU M P H O F TH E C E N T U R Y - that’s KEM GLO! It looks f o r a ll th e w o r ld like bak ed en a m el I So smooth! So lustrous! Such satiny gloss! W ASHES L IK E B A K E D E N A M E L I Dirt washes off KEM-GLO’S porcelain-smooth surface like magic! S O E A S Y TO U S EI KEM GLO flows on like a breeze! One coal does il over most surfaces! No primer, no undercoater needed! B E A U T I F U L ! KEM-GLO colors are decorator colors! They give walls and woodwork a new, new took that lasts and lasts! KEM-GLO Stay While — rea lly stays and Washable I Ktee-Teeel Punishing Tests Prove K EM -G LO C m Take H I 1. leeks Oat Crease! 2. Withstands Scuffs! 3 . Resists Boiling Water 1 4 . Dirt Wipes Off I S. Resists Staiosl KEM-GLO — the perfect combination for smartest decoration! S herwin W iuiams R unts Henneman Hardware Company