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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1949)
‘ r—'i— V -^^^>r * r y * ^ . Ä * JOURNAL 77 ïeNYSSA VOLUME X X X X IV NO. 14 W A D E D IS T R IC T T O VO TE ON BUDGET B IO BEND, April 14— A meeting will be held at the Wade school- house April 18 to vote on the proposed budget. Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts at tended the funeral of Roscoe Conk lin at Baker last Friday. Mr. Conklin, who was a brother-in-law of Mr. Roberts, was killed in a truck accident while working on the M cNary dam. The Wade P. T . A. met Friday, April 8 at the Frank M iller home. A covered dish lunch was serv ed at 1 o ’clock. A t 2:30 the reg SE C O N D S E C T IO N THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, A P R IL 14, 1949 ular business meeting was held Mrs. Eleanor Roberts read sec retary's report, Mrs. Brumbaek i*v e a legislative report and Mrs. Hutcheson and Mr. Witty report ed on the 4-H activities. Mrs Roberts suggested that the 4-H rooking and livestock clubs give a practice demonstration near the end of school. Mrs. Jack Steiner, nominating chairman, gave the report at the nominating com mittee as follows: For president, Mrs. Esther Bennett; vice presi dent, Mrs. Goodenow, and secre tary, Mrs. Eleanor Roberts. A motion was made, and carried that a unanimous ballot be cast lor the choice of the nominating com- mittee. Miss Helen Hatch, pro gram chairman asked each mem ber to tell what he had received from the meetings the past year. Mrs. Ruby English, president for the past three years, received much praise for her faithfulness, and for the businesslke manner n whch she conducted her meet ings. Mrs Brumbach read part if a letter from one of her pupils, who has been teaching 40 years including 30 in the Baker schools. Mrs. Irene Hatch has been quite ill at her home with a throat in fection. Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Wilson were Vale business visitors Tuesday. "IT HAPPENS EVERY DAY” By PLOTNER y/A^óiOOMV. VÜ£/?É 60 IN OH A Vd££K£ArD \M £ ATÌ OM-5 ¿ l 72 £ Bur-Boss- ruipi'i su$r tu’ WíATUgRÍ BAP, QuT-$0\»W HOMZvJAPV SOU MB £7?0M TAZlTZ ft? IP M/SîïHlHji IN yJtj A i A P V - (ffi~JbSr»ToH V E13iN '. V£AP. < WMAT KIND O f A CAT? To OK! v .’o n PLOT- WOULV VP AVI UP adout oup rmp HOTMl n ' T u N n V ABOUTA CAte 5£72V/CÊD sy Fono !p . ARRIMAN M oto so . V o x 137 , J A D R IA N 4-H C L U B A C T IV IT IE S STA R T I The second week of April finds 1 the 14 4-H club members and their leaders in the Kingman K ol- ony district busy with spring act ivities. A t present there are 96 enrolled in the clubs of this com munity. with rose and flower gar den and canning clubs yet to be organized. The clothing 1A and B club led by Mrs. Dick Kreigh, will give a tea for their mothers at the next meeting o f their group. The B group will demonstrate the making of coin purses. Th e clothing 2 group is lead by Mrs. Charles Harris and the pro ject for the club includes the mak ing of dresses, and the correct garment finishes. One group not officially included in the 14 clutos is the Three Jolly Se amers, three girls enrolled in a clothing group led by Mrs. Doris Harnmon. Shirley Sparks is the leader for the first year cooking group. The cooking 2 club has just held a meeting at the home o f the leader, Miss Avadna Peterson. Miss Pet erson gave a demonstration on the making o f angelfood cakes. The cooking 3 members led by Mrs. Threlma Elliott, work in t.wo's, and complete a meal at each meeting. Some o f the girls are toeing Invited by neighbors to prepare a meal in their homes. Mrs. M . Li. Judd leads the home- making project. The girls in this group learn how to keep their rooms in order. A room inspect ion M il toe held in the near future. T h e dairy club, led by C liff Wright, has chosen the name M ilky W ay” . Oscar Shaeffer is eader for the swine club, which is called the 'Poppin' Porkers". Mrs. George De Haven Is leader for the vegetable garden club, which at the last meeting, selected the vegetables which may be planted at this time. T h e poultry club and their lead er. Mrs. R. D. M cKinley, recently visited the Lemon hatchery in Nyssa, where each member was given 25 clucks. Mrs. Leo Thompson is the leader of the rabbit club. Anothher club is the Rough Riders of 49. consisting of 24 young horseback riders who are members of the 4-H saddle club. This group is led by Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Kreager. There are two health clubs, the 7th and 8th, led toy Mrs. G eoff Williams and the 5th and 6th led by Mrs. Elmer Sparks. Several persons are carrying In dividual projects. They include project; Bobby Hammon with a Donald DeHaven, with a potato com project; and Jenepher Thom p — CLEAN-UP - '— — D O N 'T BURN UP! NYSSA C H AM BER OF COMM ERCE Spring Paint-up Special 100 PER CENT PURE GENERAL W H IT E House Paint $ 5 .6 0 per. gallon $ 5 .5 0 per. gallon in five gallon lots 100 per cent pure paint contains only the finest of pure pigments and vehicles. R Coffee Radishes " Green Onions Asparagus m k t . p r i c e 1 lb. 45c Ml,,ion. Tin. 21b. 89C Tomato Sauce ea. 5c Hunt’s, 2 for 39c Del Monte, Whole, 303 Glass. Yellowtail Flakes ea. 29c Shoestring Potatoes 2 for 35c Fruit Cocktail oo« Del Monte, 2 'i Tin. Each Catsup Del Monte, 14 ounces, 2 For * . ,*V Spinach 5 * SALE 15c Tender, Healthful, Bunch N E W PEAS AND POTATOES /**■*': •...a * M ARKET PR ICE Carrots 2 5c Crisp, Crunchy, 3 Bunches Daffodils OOV V t f ’S 25c For Easter Table, 2 Dozen BUY w , vt> o z t s o o YOUR EASTER 31c HAM . T H IS W EEK-END Macaroni *74 “ Your General Paint Store” Crisp, Homegrown, Beets iTinsauii, STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY io Garden Fresh, 3 Bunches 35c * «uiiua, Shredded Wheat NBC, 2 For Rib Boil O tJ C Choc. Cherries rqr OUK, 1 Pound Box 40 « Tomato Juice Miracle Whip rqr Dressing, Quart, Each Choice Beef, Pound 17c Kings Red Rose, 4 Pound 52c Lard H EA V Y WASH HARD WATER SUDS CHAMP Bacon Orange Juice cqc Salt Pork c f«/ V Corn 20c Tender, Ready, Pound rqc Del Monte, 46 Ounces, 2 For Pork, Tasty. Pound Hams, picnic Del Monte. 46 Ounces, 2 For Blended Juice 39c L iv e r *J i/ V H Slab, I,ean, Pound Flavor-Fine, Pound 30c PJQC Tasty Kernel, No. 2 Can, 4 for Green Beans , te fjqc We will be closed all day Easter Sunday Cut, Blue Lake. No. 2 can, 4 For Ritz Crackers Large Size. Each on- aticial Y out finan „ , « 1 . » 8 '" " " Inin* ,JV7V' be P * " Uh ‘ ° n 8 Wilson’s Super Market „YSS* F IR S T a - t a " “» by basin«*- H A t io u a j; Modern Method» Make Shopping Easier Here April 15 and 16 FPvEE— Parking and Delivery that is to n k '- B our Store Hours W eek Days— 8 A. M. to 9 P* M. Phone 21 U no* to buiW O regon the bett "»y ATTENTION: * nd st O t e g ° n’ ^ _ - Move T o Ontario— Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Arch i bald have moved to Ontario, where he is engaged in business. Mr and Mrs. Jay Bybee moved into the house formerly occupied by the Archibald family. son, knitting and two baby beef projects. All members are at present work- in ; on the benefit program to be given April 13th to raise funds for scholarships for tire 4-H summer shoot. ........................................................ *> ”