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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1949)
PAGE SIX áwtal ¿toóles I Sr. THE NYSSA G ATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1949 that Mrs M. L. Judd of Newell Coffee and cake were enjoyed by | the members of her Monday af- ternoon bridge club at her home had received a paat-presi- 1 the M guests. this week. Mrs. Houston Witoon and Mrs. John Kopp received hon I de« L!, Pl" ' . . , ' STYLE SHOW PLANNED Following Che business meeting, , . . a social hour was held In the home Tile annual spring style show ors for the afternoon. - - COUNTY P. T. A. ELECTS economics room, with Mrs. John presented by the Nyssa Civic club SOCIAL IS HELD Mrs. W. W. Foster of Nyssa was stam. Mrs. Roy Barnes and Mrs. ** held at the Nyssa theater The second ward L. D. S. Mutuals ele ea president of Che Malheu. , Elmer Hill serving on the jea W y rn^ L lo V ^ PW i l ^ “ L chahinan county unit of the Oregon C o n - : committee. Presiding at the Mri- Lloyd Wilson is cnairm n held their closing social Wednesday for this year's style Show. Assist evening, with a program and dance press of Parents and Teachers at! were Mrs Dlck Jensen, Mrs. W. W. a county P T. A. meeting held at | Foster and Mrs. Bernard Eastman, ing Mrs. Wilson will be Mrs. A. C. Refreshments were served to over the -Nyssa high school building Mrs. Grant Rlneliart. Mrs. Cnurles 3:niee. who »111 be chairman for 100 persons. Bracken's display, Mrs. Bernard - « - Saturday afternoon. 1 Srtiweizer and Mrs Bill Russell Frost for Wilson's Dry Ouod.s; PRESBYTERY MEETS Other county officers from Nyssa j* ™ * 1 « the hospitality commit- Mrs. Ron Campbell for Golden The women's division at the Ida elected to serve are Mrs. Bern- i tee Rule; Mrs. Burnall Brown for the ard Eastman as secretary, and Mrs | The incoming officers will be Ritzie Dress shop and Mrs. Bert ho presbytery of the United Pres Ed Frost as treasurer. Completing Insta.led ai the next meeting 01 Lienkaemper for Field's Dress shop. byterian church was held at the the slate of officers were Mrs. K en- j the county council, May 27, In On- Other con-rents who will participate Adrian United Presbyterian church last Thursday. The theme of the neth Greenfield of Vale, first vice tario. are Paulus Jewelry store and Ja :k- meet in,» was "Learning the Glory president; Mrs. Dewayne Alder ofi —8 lon t Jewelry store, the Beauty j song”. Annex, second vice president; Mrs. SHOWER IS GIVEN Nook and the Owyhee Beauty The all-day meeting was opened W. W Peterson of Ontario, third | Mr anc( Mrs. Francis Hight were h ,p. Peterson s Furniture store with Mrs Jack o i Klng HtU. vice president, and Charles C h rist-. honored with a miscellaneous will provide furniture for the stake | conference president, presiding at lansen of Ontario, auditor. shower given Saturday evening at for the show Program -he morning session. Mrs. John Mrs. Dick Jensen, present county the David Beers home, wich Mrs numbers will be provided by tn e, Auker of Adrian led the morning Beers and Mrs. Leroy Herrman as president, presided over the Sat Betty W Lon school of Dancing, I devotional period. During themorn- urday meeting. Each unit presi hostesses. Following the evening's and violin numbers from the h igh1 ing session reports were given by entertainment, the couple were dent reported on the outstanding school orchestra Favors and rerasentatives of the churches in accomplishments of her unit. presented with many lovely gifts, flowers will be provided by the • ne conference and new officers including a three-tiered decorated County chairmen also reported on Ny-sa pharmacy and the Owyhee were e’ected. Officers from Adrian cake, baked and presented to the □rug company. the work of their committees. | who will serve for the coming year Mrs. Dick Jensen announced couple by M is. Robert Smith, Sr Mrs. Houston Wilson is chairman; dre j^rs L, Kurtz, secretary for of the tea committee. . Ljie junior work, and Mrs. D. L. Hurst, thank offering secretary. V1R. AND MRS CLUB MEET3 Following a potiuck luncheon at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson en- noon, the afternoon session con- tertained the members of their vened with devotions led by Mrs. ■Mr. and Mrs. club at their home H. C. Jones o f Kirv; Hill. The main hist Sunday evening. High score iddress of the afternoon was given was hold by Mr. and Mrs. Gene by Rev. William Shane of Nampa, Stunz and low score by Mr. and who spoke on the subject "Take My Mrs. Ted Morgan. Life". The Adrian junior church department under the direction of - I — Mrs. Franois Deffer, presented a DELPHIANS TO MEET The Dcli>hians met last Friday program at the close of the after at the home of Mrs. Grant Rine noon session. The women of the hart. Mrs. Bud Wilson was lead Adrian church served a dinner in er for the day. Discussing phases he evening. During the evening of the topic, "Nationalism, its neting, the new officers were in Origins and influences” were Mrs stalled by Rev. R. L. Wilson of On J. J. Saraztn, Mrs. Grant Rine tario. and music was furnished bv hart. Mrs. Dale Garrison and Mrs. a group from the Weiser church. A Gerrlt Stam. The next meeting religious film, ‘M y Name Is Han”, will be held at the home of Mrs completed the evening's program. Stam, Friday, April 22. - 8 - SURPRISE DINNER SERVED • - 8 - A surprise potiuck dinner was 1IOSTE3S TO CLUB Mrs. Gene Stunz was hostess to served at the LeRoy Herrman resi dence by a large group of neighbors Friday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bailey and W. O. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bailey and family are moving to Port land to make their home. 8 j Men’s Suits 4 Days Only Friday, Saturday, M onday, Tuesday The Hottest Iiun In Years A LL W O O L SU IT S with 2 P A IR of P A N T S Suit $27.97 Extra Pants $7.97 We Will Have a Variety of Color» and Pattern* in Worsted and Tweed Materials. LONG, SHORT AND REGULAR MODELS IN SIZES 35 TO 46 This is a special shipment and compares with $60.00 values Oregon Nyssa NYSSA prqgram Telephone IO Ö THEATRE NEWS VIEWS - 8 - CLUB ENTERTAINED Mrs. Burnall Brown entertained the members of her Thursday a f ternoon bridge club at her home last week. The prize for high score 'Aent to M w. Frank Morgan and travelmg to M rs Ron Camp bell. Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Cranney were guest players. home here Tuesday after spending church affairs In Lucas before the week in Salt Lake City attend coming to Nyssa in 1940 ing the L. D. S. conference and CARD OF THANKS visiting relatives at Clearfield, Roy We wish to -thank all those who and Ogden. Utah. assisted at services for our son and brother, and for the beautiful Visit In Utah— floral offerings. We especially Bishop D. H. Christensen and wish to thank the Nyssa Veter- family and Wllford Bybee and fam j ans association. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Kurtz and ily, were in Utah over the week Harold. end attending the L. D. S. con ference in Salt Lake City and vis iting relatives. Scouts Meet In Nyssa— Lou Herriman, leadership train ing chairman o f the Boy Scout Council, has announced that on April 23 and 24 the Malheur dist rict Green Bar maneuvers will be held in the Nyssa city park. The camping program will begin at 1 p. m. on Saturday and will con tinue through Sunday afternoon. THE COURT DECIDES ____ that it is YO U R fault------- another car is wrecked . . . heavy damages to pay. But liability insurance will protect you against suit. The insurance company meets the charge. For the best in car insurance 2nd Ward Conference Held— The second ward of the L. D. S. church held its primary conference at the L. D. S. church Sunday eve ning. The theme of the confer ence was "And They Shall Also Teach Their Children to Pray, and to Walk Uprightly Before the Lord." Each class in the prim ary took a phase of the general theme and developed It for the program of the evening. Robert F. Thompson Frank T. Morgan Agency J Stork Club Meets— The 4-H Stock club met April 8 at the home of V. L. Kesler. The club now has 11 members. Refresh ments of ice cream, pop and buns were served by Mrs. Kesler. The next meeting will be held at the home of Carl Kesler. Eat Easter Dinner AT THE SW EET SH O P Visits In Eugene— Miss Doris Beers of Corvallis spent the week-end at Eugene vis iting at the home of a friend, Miss Joan Manney. They are both sigma Kappa sorority members. CHOICE OF VIRGINIA BAKED HAM OR PAN FRIED CHICKEN Brothers Visit Here— Visiting over the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Snider, were Mrs. Snider's brother’s H. C. Davis of St. Louis, Missouri and A. L. Kendig of Wheatland i Wyoming. Special Easter Price, Return From California— Mr. and Mrs. Albert Philer, wno have been spending the winter at Oxnard, California, returned to their home on their farm near Nyssa last week. ltv Herriman Dr Duvall of the National To Ogden— Corn. -11 on Family Relations claims Mr. and Mrs. Burnall Brown left iat the trouble with husbands the first of the week for Ogden Is that they still think they're on a business trip. the blit boss. This makes them HONOR GUEST AT PARTY as oid-tashioned as high button Mrs. John Kopp was honored at Undergoes Operation— shoes and "23 skidoo!" according Mrs Ed Beam of Nyssa under a pink and blue shower held at to the Doc. TnLs gives the im went an operation in the Holy the home of Mrs. Gordan Hollings pression that progress is moving Rosary hospital hi Ontario Tues too fast for the family meal tick- , worth of w Ontario last Wednesday „ day. et ami that he's dragging his feet eveni" * ' Mu5? Shirley Walker was and trying to slow up the parade. \ c ° - hof e“ *or the aWalr; Tbree ( Have Family Reunion— Pon'.s critic brings up a haymaker! table* ot blidge ® play dur' ing the evening. The honor guest | Mr. and Mrs. Parley Fiek at from the floor, by saying. "Their received a number of lovely gifts. | tended a conference at Salt Lake old niaster-of-the-household role City during the past week. Enroute - 8 - Just doesn't fit any more." inci home they stopped at Idaho Falls, SHOWER GIVEN dentally, the doctor is a la d y ... A shower was given for Mr. and where they visited the temple, and Dr. Evelyn M Duvall. Could she Mrs. Francis Hight by Mrs. LeRoy also attended a family reunion. be biased? Herrman and Mrs. David Beers at Mrs. Ruth Anderson accompanied! A gorilla In a Chicago zoo had them. a 21st birthday recently. Now it's lie Beers residence Saturday eve Mrs. Dorman Remembered— ning, Apr« 2. Entertainment was aid enough to vote, and as one Mrs. O. E. Dorman was recently ! provided for the evening. Many- frustrated politician said, "Prob remembered by the "Be Neighborly ably smart enought, too." We lovely gifts were presented to the Club” of Lucas. Kansas, as well as ! don't know about that. Monkey bride and groom. A very special Star members and friends. Mis. business is out of our line, but for bit was a three-tiered anglcfood Dorman was secretary, treasurer ■xperienced car care drive In to cuke baked and decorated by Mrs. and corresponding editor for many Refreshments HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. Don't Robert Smith, Sr. years of the Lucas club, which let dirty worn spark plugs rob you were served to 38 guests by the recently celebrated its 25th anni of gas! Old plugs steal as much hostess, assisted by V club mem versary. She composed a poem as 25'’; of your gasohne. Let’s bers. relative to the establishment of —8 - get rid of those thieves and re the club and also on the occasion place them with efficient- new Goes To Utah— M rs.! Mrs. Oscar Pike spent the week of its 25th anniversary. spark pints. Save money, start Dorman was active in club a n d , faster in the morning, and have end in Salt Lake City, attending the L. D. S. conference and vis more power! Phone 77. iting her mother, Mrs. Lois Satini le:-, and friends. Girls’ With Sabu— Joanne Page 2 Reel Musical Green, Grey White, Rust, Sizes 4 to 9 $ 2-98 -s - TOWEL UNO WASH CLOTH SPECIAL Towel 18 X 36, Colored Border ................. 25c Wash Cloth to Match, 4 For j H errim an M o to r C om pany ................... 25c BRACKEN’S City Clean-up Week April 18-25 Dry Goods — Shoes — Clothing X-Ray Shoe Fitting NYSSA OREGON Attend Conference— Mr. and Mrs. Ersel Beus and four children returned to their C ro sle y Shelvador Refrigerators “ MAN EATER OF KUMAON” $ 2.98 $ 1 .0 0 Slippers Ballerinas Casual Black and Green Sizes 4 to 9 SATURDAY, APRIL 16 S A T U R D A Y ONLY NEWS OF RECORD COMPLAINTS, CIRCUIT COURT Lucille F. Galloway vs. O. L. Galloway, divorce. Dot Tensen vs. Klaas Tensen, divorce. Credit Bureaus adjustment de partment vs. John Gannon, et. al., recovery on account, $641.32. Model grocery vs. Richard Keefe, et. ux.. recovery on account $306.30. ► Cartoon Mat.. Sat.. 2:30; Adm. ¿0c-9c Inc. Tax Adm. Evening* 44c-9e Inc. Tax \ SUNDAY AND MONDAY. APRIL 17-18 Beautiful porch furniture of every description . . . . chairs, tables— simply everything for cool living in a hot summer . . There’s a floor full of values, so take your choice! Lana Turner— Gene Kelly "THE THREE MUSKETEERS” COLOR BY TECHNICOLOR . . .at home on the field of honor or in a wo man’s am is! COLOR CARTOO N Slat., Sun.. 2:30. Lawn Table £r Bench Folding Chrom e A tint. 30c-9c. Inc. Tax. C a m p S to o ls Adm. Kvrnint* 44^-9c Inc. Tax Lawn Chairs $ 11.75 TUESDAY. APRIL 19 B AR G AIN NIGHT George Brent— Vera Ralston in "ANGEL ON THE AMAZON” From DISNEY C AR TO O N WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY. APRIL 20-21 Thrill to the exciting adventures of the most feared man in the west. Alan Ladd— Brenda Marshall Robert Preston— Donald Crisp In "WHISPERING SMITH” IN TECHNICOLOR M a liner Wednesday 1:30, Admission 30c-9r. Adm. Evening« 44c-9c Inr. Tax NEW S Colorful Ca nvas Folding Chairs $3.75 and up $219.95 Admluion 30c-9c, Inc. Tat. CARTOON 60c to $409.95 Model Shown MA. 9 SUPER CAPACITY. .. $339.95 EASY TERMS Nyssa Furniture Co. 1 Block W est of R. R. Depot P ET ER SO N FU R N IT U R E C O M P A N Y CREDIT TERMS Nyssa Ontario Vale f