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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1949)
PAGE FIVE THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1949 Social Notes OPEN HOUSE IS P LA N N E D BY PTA Mrs. Threhna Elliott, Mis. Leo Thompson, Shirley Sparks and Av- adna Peterson to Ontario Wednes G U IL D MEETS N EW E LL H E IG H TS. April 14—T h e day afternoon for a 4-H Leaders St. Paul's Episcopal guild, meet- P. T. A. w ill give an open house meeting. ! ing with Mrs. Grant Rinehart program Saturday night, April I 6U1 Tickets fo r the 4-H show held Monday evening, issued a check in at the new grade school. Wednesday night were sold by all the sum of $121.91 as a contribut- Some at those in Ontario W ed | ion to the Malheur Memorial hos- nesday from Newell Heights were the 4-H youngsters of the com | pital association auxiliary. Mrs. Vern Butler and small daugh munity. Plans were made for the annual ter and Mrs. Charles NeWblll and M rs Virginia Timmerman mot progressive bridge and pinochle son, Donald. ored to Caldwell Tuesday, April party to be held April 28. Spring Wesley Peircy has purchased a 5 to visit Mrs. Gloria Holly and thrift sales will be held April 21, new car. her new baby hoy m the hos 22 and 23 in the parish hail. St. M. L. Kurtz and Joyce and Bob pital. Paul's guild w ill be hostess to the were dinner guests in the Bob Mrs. Ida Collins of Boise vis women's church auxiliaries at a McCullough home Wednesday ited in the M. L. Kurtz home this World Day of Prayer program in night. week. Mrs. Collins is an aunt of 1950. Mrs. Charles Harris accompanied Mrs. Kurtz. After the business meeting. Mrs. J. L. Church reviewed the Easter season and ascensiontide, written by the Rt. Rev. Prank E. Wilson, D. D., S. T. D. Refreshments were served and a social hour followed. A N N O U N C IN G N E W M AN AG EM EN T OF THE O W YH EE GROCERY W e Sell Groceries, Hardware, Gas, Oil and Many Other Items Come In And Get Acquainted. W e Welcome All Old And New Customers MR. A N D MRS. H A R LA N KOGER MR. A N D MRS HOMER LOVE Used Tractors 1944 AC, MODEL B, W IT H PLOWS, CULTI V A T O R A N D TOOLS, M OW ER AND BEAN CUTTER. C U T TO HONORED A T SHOW ER Mrs. Wayne Garner, Mrs. Keith Gaines and Mrs. Harvey Springer were honored last Friday evening at a shower given by the Rebekah lodge at the I. O. O. F. hall. Each of the recent brides was presented with a g ift from the lodge. Bunco was in play during the evening, followed by refreslunents. H OSTESS T O CLUB Mrs. Grant Rinehart entertain ed the members of her Tuesday evening bridge olub at her home this week. Prizes went to Mrs. Albert McKintmey and Mrs. George Vaughan. Guest players were Mrs. M cKim m ey and Mrs. John Telisak. 1948 V. A. C. CASE Used One Season Tractor and 6-Row Beet Bars $1400 BOTH TRACTORS G UARANTEED Nyssa Implement Co. “THE HOUSE OF OLIVER” 3&i5igisigiEi5isie5@]&i&iaMsisisigissisi5igiBiBwn9iGiaMaHraMMMMMMM W ilson’s Easter Specials Ladies’ Plastic Children’s Tee Aprons Shirt Fancy Bibs Fancy, Sizes 2 to 8 39c 59c 15 Denier Ladies’ Men’s Chambr&y Nylon Hose Shirts Irregulars Good Value 98c $1.18 to 10.0020. • ° v *-* n — • n9 .n.. B i r o 0 *,’ »«5 -h .p » . b,ok# " F A IT H • ITTHERAN CHURCH Regular Sunday school, 2 p. m. Church services, 3 p. m. SUNSET V A L L E Y AS SE M B LY OF GOD Rev. Joe E. Dodson, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Worship services, 11 a. m. Young People, 7 p. m. Rev. Vingil Krause, leader. Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. m. Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. W e welcome and urge you to a t tend these services. M E TH O D IST C O M M U N IT Y CHURCH Ilonald S. Campbell. Minister 9:45 a. m „ church school. l'l a. m „ morning worship. Ser mon: “ The Eternal Road” . A n th ems 'by the choir: “This Glad Easter D ay” by Dickinson and "Hosanna" toy Granler. 7 p. m „ Youth Fellowship. Lead er: Tom Foster. 8 p. m., evening service. The choir will present the Easter can Sunset Valley tata, “ Eastertide" by Protheroe. Community Hall Soloists include Kathryn Crandall, A R. Herring, Pastor Audrey Stall, Mrs. Ruth Klinken- Sunday school, 10 a. m. berg, Hugh Tobler, Oscar Bratton, Morning worship, 11 n. m. Easter service and Sunday school, and Merlldean Robbins. Easter program by Sunday school. T H E CHURCH OF TH B CHURCH OF C H R IS T NAZARENE Don R. Maxfleld, Pastor Rev. E. J. Wilson, Pastor 9:45, church school hour. 15 10 a. m., Sunday school. minutes early this Sunday only. 11 a. m., congregational and Special children's program. special singing and sermon. 11, morning worship. 7:15 p. m., N. Y. P., teen-age 6:30, Senior Endeavor. and junior services. 7, Junior Endeavor. 8 p. m., the young people will 8, evening worships. be givin g a conlaita, "T h e First 8, Wednesday, "Fellowship of Easter." the concerned” . Services every Wednesday at 8 p. m. M IS S IO N A R Y B A P T IS T CHURCH Elder H. F. Gage Too Late To Classify Missionary Pastor Sunday school. 10 a. m. FOR R E N T —Three-room house, Morning service, 11 a. m. with bath, 303 Ennis avenue. Phone Young people’s service, 7 p. m 3035 Vale. Date Pamperien. 14alxp Preaching service, 8 p. m. Wednesday prayer service, 8 p. m. FOR SALE— 1939 Chevrolet 3/4 ton pick-up, good stock rack, 4-speed C A T H O LIC CHURCH transmission. E. M. Cearley, Collins Park Avenue and Third Street Trailer Court. 14alxp Rev. P. J. Galre, Pastor Confessions Friday evening, 8-9 F O R R E N T — Two-room cabin. FORD TRUCKS have the million dollar cab Extra driver comfort is Bonus Built into every Ford Truck C ab . You get 3 -w a y air control . . . new coach type seats . . . more room throughout . . . "Picture W in d o w " Visibility and new Level Action C a b Suspension. TH E U p to / 4 5 H orsepow er Pick from ths 3 big, n *w • n g in . t — 1 4 5 h .p . V -8 , 1 00 h.p. V-8 and 9 5 h.p. SIX. Over /39Mode/s Bonus Boi ft to fast /onger S £ £ YO U R fO R O Herriman Motor Company QSLbAnutáGüriA (Wu/UtÆ-upTjr Samson Tables Mother draws out a Salmon, to handy for quick pressing sud cleaning jobs; for •«wing and packing •. At 95.95 she can afford several. Don’t Fail To See Lee Grabei and Company IN P E R SO N Close Out Monday, April 16 ELECTRIC W A FFLE IRONS, $9.95 V A L U E Now Only 8 :0 0 P. M. Nyssa Gym • $5.95 M EN’S BIB OVERALLS, 8 OZ. DENIM Sanforized Shrunk $2.29 Acclaimed W orld’s Greatest Magician • Dad and Junior draw up lo a Samson lor checker*. Samion models all are strongly underdosed with steel, have aleel frames snd electrically welded tubular aleel legs. N E W ASSORTM ENT OF EASTER DRESSES — BENBERG SHEERS, BUTCHER LINENS, RAYO N, F A N C Y COTTONS— N O W IN OUR S'r have matching Samson lolding chairs in six stunning dec-' orator colors at only $7.95 each, i Samson all-purfjoseI ♦CO LO R FUL COSTUMES ♦COM EDY SENSATIONS Admission: Adults 75c, Children 30c, Inc. Tax Wilson Bros. Dept. Store Nyssa FOLDING TABLES and CHAIRS ♦FAM O U S MYSTERIES ♦O U T S T A N D IN G ARTISTRY R E A D Y-TO -W E A R DEPARTMENT. Choose from six wonderful patterns in "strong enough to stand on” Samson tallies. Use them all over your home. ' And at the amazingly low priee o f 85.95 each—you’ll want lots and lots o f them. F.S. Over two hours of entertainment! Phone 32 boysenberry, your.,jerry, dewberry, FO R R E N T —Garden plot. 8°od rhubarb plants, almond and fii- around, water, phone 82M after berts trees. Milton Richard, phone 6 p m 14a2xp 100J1 Wilder. 14alxp ----------------- — ------------------------ — --------- FO R S A L E -C o c k e r spaniel, male. FO R R E N T — Three-room house, can be registered, phone 0Q2R1. Bernard Eastman. H atfc 14alxc ASSEM BLY OF GOD Sterl D. Spiesi. Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. M orning worship, u a. m. Special Easter singing by young people. Evanglistic service 8 p. m. Junior church, 7 p. m„ under direction of Mrs. M ilt Connelly. Tuesday. 8 p. m „ Bible study and prayer service. Friday, 8 p. m., young peoples service. You are welcome to all services. Church Notes $1150 Complete ìl5lS151EU5lBlS151S1015lS101515M£lEiS1515131011ùl5151Sl51010lSV5 l5l5l5l5^iSI5M5l5M5te l515l5l5l5l51F15I5®5l5l5lïïi51Sl515lSl5Bl5i5l5l515151515l5M5l5l®5l5l5l515l5îSIi B O W LIN G TE A M E N TE R TA IN E D The members of the R itzie Dress and Floral shop 'bowling team and uheir guests were entertained at a chicken dinner at the Country club last Saturday evening by Opal King, sponsor of the group. Following the dinner, dancing was enjoyed. Those present were De- lores Abbott, Helen Keloh, Maur een O'Connor, Opal King, Wayne Abbott, Mar-ion Suiter, Bob Schweiaer and Doc Carlisle. p. m. 14aifc Chadwick’s camp. Confessions Saturday, 3-5 p. m. 1 FO R R E N T —Cement m ixer, gas- No confessions will be heard be Lumber Stunz powered. oline fore mass on Sunday morning. Company. 14atfc Mass at 9:30. FO R SALE— Raspberry, strawberry, ST. P A U L ’S EPISCOPAL CHURCU Kev. U. L. Callahan. R setae Good Friday services will be held at 7 p. m. with Rev. Callahan apeeaking on the "Seven Words From T h e Cross’’. The public is invited. Easter morning services will be at 9 o’clock, Rev. C. T . Callahan .peaking. Church school at 10:30 with an Easter egg hunt and cookie tree afterwards. ■ INTERMOUNTAIN X ju m itim e com patta Sponsored by Nyssa Lions Club. E V E R Y T H IN G Hospital Committee FOR YOUR HOME PHONE 176W NYSSA, OREGON