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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1949 PAGE FOUR Honored At Party— I or at a party given Saturday by Mr. and Mrs. Malan of tliei friends, celebrating their wedding Owyhee district were guests of hon- ' anniversary. NU-ACRES GRANGE entire community is Invited to at- Carol Shepler of Fruitland TO H O L D MEETING tend declde the name 01 an overnight guest of Mary each road and where to erect the Grasmick Sunday night. was at crops at the open meeting of Sunday guests oi Mr. and Mrs. E. the Nu-Acres Grange April 21 at M. Seuell of Nyssa. Lou * ** the Nu-Acres community hall. Terry Blakesley fell down the Lloyd Seuell. Jean Blakesley and basement steps Monday. His head Gilbert Matsen, Payette county NU-ACRES, April 14—Milton Jcp- , ***“* and also how 10 imance Ule sea and brother of Mrs. Roy Han- ! *!*« duiner served b» agent, will show some educational Terry and Mr. and Mrs. K. L. was bruised and he was quite alck. sen and his daughter, Beverly have | the Grange ladies for the New motion pictures regarding diseases Baker and family of Weiser were I but he seems to be all right now. moved from Curtis. Nebraska to ( Plymouth chamber of commerce Idaho. Mrs. Jepsen and two was very successful and they wish daughters will follow at a later da'e. Beverly Jepsen was a Sun to thank the New Plymouth cham day dinner guest of Judy and Shir- ber of commerce for the attend ance and program. The Grange 'ey Preston. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Pulsipher ladies also served refreshments at were Friday night guests of Mr. a sale Thursday. Proceeds will and Mrs. Martin Hansen. They go toward paying for the Nu- celebrated Mrs. Pulsipher’s birth Acres community hall. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Ross and day. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. Mrs. Pul family of Nampa, Mrs. Mary Bal sipher went to the Ontario hos lard and Mr. and Mrs. Harold pital for a major operation Mon White of Parma were Sunday af ternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. day. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hansen Thomas Evans. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Climer and ind Mrs. Emma Hall were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. week-end guests of Mr and Mrs. L. G. Hawley. Mr. Climer has Frank Olson. Ed Meroney has been in bed with been in the veterans hospital at Influenza. Improvement seems to Boise for observation and return ed there again Monday. >e‘ slow, Mary Jo Jenkins stayed all night Mr. and Mrs. Meroney and Joy vere Sunday evening guests of with Donna Giesler so she could Mr. and Mrs. Harve Robinson of have more time to practice in the junior class play, which was pre Nyssa. Ira Morris of Mitchell butte was sented Friday night at the Fruit- a Monday caller at the Meroney land high school auditorium. A- mong those from this community home. Mrs. George Smit left Saturday attending were Mr. and Mrs. Curtis morning for the home of her Fry and Franky and Larry. Mr. and daughter, Mrs. Glenn Gallant, at Mrs. W H. Grasmick and Lloyd Goodrich, Idaho, where she will Seuell. The name of the play was "Angel From Red Canyon”. remain for a few days' visit. The S ty le lin e De Luxe 2 -D o o r S e d a n Roger Jenkins, Betty Davis, Rich W h ite s id e w a ll tire s o p tio n a l a t e x tra cost. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans and ard Jenkins and Ruthele Sissel family celebrated Carl Evans' birthday at the home of Mr. and went to Payette Thursday evening Mrs. Ira Tish of Greenleaf Sunday. to attend open house at the n at The Nu-Acres Grange will hold ional guard armory. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Fry made a an open meeting April 21. The business trip to Ontario Saturday. Guests at the Fry residence Sun now m ade even m ore attractive by new lower prices! day afternoon were Mrs. Milred Giesler and Dona of Fruicland and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keller and with typically tight-fisted Chevrolet savings Talk about thrills! You’ll get Robert of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pett has as the biggest “triple-thrill” in motor oil gas and oil. For here’s the only low-priced guests from Boise Sunday, Mr. and ing out of seeing, driving and saving money car with a world’s champion Valve-In-Head Mrs. Cecil Spaner and Mr. and Mrs Rex Pepper. with this new Chevrolet for ’49—the most engine—of the type now being used on more Mr. and Mrs. Taft Pett and ehil beautiful buy of all—now made even more and more higher-priced automobiles—the most dren are visiting at Malad. attractive by new lower prices! Mrs. Ralph Baxter entertained beautiful buy for performance with economy, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Neilsen of On And, while you’ll naturally be happy to just as it’s the most beautiful buy for styling. tario for dinner Friday. know it’s the beauty-leader, we believe you’ll Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baxter took Give yourself and your family the biggest get your greatest thrill out of driving it. You’ll their son-in-law. Dean Wilson to “triple-thrill” in motoring . . . see, drive and the veterans hospital at Boise Sun experience amazing new handling ease and day. He was operated on Monday save with Chevrolet for ’49 . . . the most riding ease, thrilling acceleration, and out Mrs. Ralph Baxter left Monday beautiful buy of all! standing hill-eliinhing ability, all delivered morning for Salt Lake City to visit friends for a few days. Mrs. P at Hohstadt spent Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Bert Ivie at Fruitland. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Elwood had Mr. and Mrs. John Hurley and daughters of Parma as guests Sun day. Mrs. Roy Hansen has been seri ously ill th e past week. Mrs. Frank Preston has assisted Mr. Hansen in caring for Mrs. Hansen. The doctor said she had smoke poisoning and some other unde termined ailment. She is some what improved, but still has to remain in bed. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Tayler and family of Wilder were Sunday af ternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sager and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. T . E. Sager of Middleton. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grasmick were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Fisher of New Plymouth. Your first thrill is seeing it . . . Your greatest thrill is driving it! FIGHT CAR WEAR, RUST, SQUEAKS, RATTLES WITH U9ISIERSEAL »naOCMAMH _______ — B R A N D ~ RUBBERI Z ED PROTECTIVE COATING *NOTHH & " ODUCT 7//e most £eau(/fa/ I t ’s down underneath where any car shows its first signs of wear T h at's where flying rocks, gravel and corrosive rood salts eat away a t under-surfaces, rust fenders through, start annoying squeaks and rattles. No wonder cars get old, ugly and noisy before their time! Don’t let that happen to your car! Protect it with "U N D K RSEA L" the new »prayed- on coating th at covers under-surface* with a tough, J 3 inch thick "hide” which protects against rust, muffles squeaks and rattles, insulates against drafts, cold, heat, fumes, dust. Ask us about “ UNDEKSKAL” C o a tin g today It's guaranteed to protect for the life of your car. Guaranteed Radio Repair PETERSON FURNITURE CO. Nyssa, Oregon Protective Coating, Protective W ag g o n er M otor C o . SX ^ W I1 * m Cables ONTARIO, Chevrolet Co. OREGON i A HOSE are harsh words, mister, but you can hardly be blamed when the hot water tap runs cold. Of course, that doesn't happen when an auto matic electric water heater is on the job. No matter what time of day or night it is needed, or for what household use, an automatic water heater provides instantaneous hot water. Tap-ready hot water is indispensable in every home. And the cost of this protection of your family's health and comfort is so little— particularly at Idaho Power's low electric rates. POWER ! a dependable au to hom es, b u s i electric n ess a n d In d u s t ry o f the w ater h eate r farm s, Snake 33 R iv e r years, Pow er V a lle y, sin c e Com pany for Id a h o w as o r g a n ile 1, h a ve alw ays had am p le sup p lie s of low co st e le c tric ity w here and when needed. r e c o r d p le d g e s the our to Saturday, April 16 Cow Hollow Hall Adm. $1.00 per Couple Sponsored by Cow Hollow Community least 52 city . . . m ended th e size io m y HOMt' capa when your hous# is dressed of gallon Tkty sty “Wktt a at hot recom for th e average fa m ily . This co m p an y m a in ta in DANCE... y ' l SK your dealer for m atic The IBUiy ~a// up fresh and sparkling— with the paint that proudest Western homes have worn fo r generafionsl Invest in duality — your best bargain over the yearsl for FULLER PURE PREPARED HOUSE PAINT fu tu re as well. gleaming white & colors I D C A H O ' P Ù l cc ù c ì j Does V POWER So MUCH-Costs So LITTLE ! ■Ott MCOIATIM Ml DON Firwtone B. MOSS Dealer Store * Why Standard helps young scientists through school The student's lamp that lights America's future never needed to burn more brightly than today. Dunng this school year, we have extended our graduate fellowship program from 19 to 25 scholarships and have increased the grants from $ 1,000 to $1,250, plus tuition where it is needed. These scholarships are awarded by 14 universities to promising young scientists and engineers. We hope some of them may later work with Standard of California, but there is no obligation either in their choice of studies or career. This is the eleventh year of these Scholarship Awards. It is our sincere hope they will help develop the well-trained men and women who can best insure continued progress for the West and the whole United States. Standard Oil Com pany of California