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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1949)
• '.V i V i ' » % »* / -• - V *. t ~ -t -1 -T l « t _ j l ” i r Ì ^ r r r r / - r *- *- — — *-* JOURNAI ^ > , ^ . -'= 3 C W . 77>eNYSSA V O LU M E X X X X IV THE N YSSA G ATE CITY JO U R N AL, N Y S S A , OREGON, NO. 12 ing from a recent attack of in fluenza. Carol Adams spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. Eugene Cleaver. OREGON TRAIL, Mar. 31—Mr Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Holmes at and Mrs. John Bowen were hosts tended a farewell party for Mr. and at dinner Sunday. Guests includ Mrs. Delmo Smith Thursday eve ed Mrs. Grace Miles and Prank ning. Daiws of Payette, Mr. and Mrs. La Vern Cleaver. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Adams and I To Boise— family shopped in Weiser Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Fleshman Mrs. P. G. Holmes is recuperat were Boise visitors Monday. FAREWELL PARTY HELD FOR SMITHS TEARING YOUR HAIR? If you're tearing your hair watching the weeds grow in the corn when the haying can’t wait—or worrying about planting when the big tractor’s busy plowing or harrowing, . . mister, you need another tractor. With a Farmall Cub, you plant, cul tivate, or mow 12 acres a day. . . rake at 3 miles per hour . . . haul faster than a team. And you can spray, pump, saw wood, shell corn, grind feed . . . any job that takes 10 horsepower or less is made to order for Farmall Cub 5-way, all-purpose power. Stop in the next time you’re passing the store. HEALTH INSPECTION NEWELL HGTS. 4-H OF HOUSES NEEDED CLUBBERS GATHER TH URSDAY, M ARC H 31, 1949 SECOND SECTION Ellis Warner. by way of Portland, where she was A large number from here at to participate in the wedding cere- tended the funeral of Clarence mony of a Sigma Kappa sorority Barrett in Nyssa Sunday. Mr. sister. Barett was a resident of the Ar . _. . cadia community for 40 years. Stu d e n ts M s it — Mrs. Lily Dement o f Ontario Miss Harriett Heriman and Miss spent the week-end with Mr. and Audrey Ingram of California, both Mrs. Ellis Warner and family. seniors at Oregon State college, re- Mr. Krimer of Notus was a guest speaker at Arcadia after Sunday! school last Sunday. The Malheur county public 1 NEWELL HEIGHTS, Mar. 31—Sev- health department at Vale has re | eral from Nr-wdl Heights attended ceived an Official notice from F. H. a cub P»ck meeting in Adrian A. State Director W. T. Lockwood, Tuesday eveing. making it mandatory for new F. H. The ‘ Crooked Hemmers" 4-H A. dwelling units to be inspected club met Wednesday afternoon at and approved regarding individuai j the home of Mrs. Charles Harris water supplies and sewage dis Mrs. Marian Colford demonstrate posal facilities, states Henry C. [ ed the sewing machine. Justine Endres, Malheur county sanitarian Kreager, who in taking clothing S t u d e n t V i s i t s — Anyone building an F. >H. A. IV and Adele Hammon and Mar- Miss Beverly Ure, student at the financed home with individual wat | cyln Mc-Kinnley, who are taking University of Oregon, visited sev er and sewage disposal facilities clothing III were also present. eral days last week at the home should submit their respective Mrs. Francis Defier visited. of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira forms to the Malheur county public The “ Busy Bakers" 4-H cooking Ure. Miss Ure returned to Eugene health department for approval be club met at the home of Linda fore the dwelling units can be Bland. Francis Peterson and cleared through Boise. Linda demonstrated making french fried potatoes. Those from Newell Heights who are taking dancing lessons in Adrian on Saturdays are Carl Lee, one minute Nancy and David Hill. Anita and White Rose Seed reading this Frans is Pratt, Effee Rose Smith, Janice Goule, Ronald and Francine Potatoes may save you f | g { Peterson, Mary Stoker, and Char Grown From Blue Tag years of lene and Gay Harris. Mrs. Cleone Maw is the instructor. Seed corset misery Ezra Ricks of Elgin, Oregon, spent tihe most of the week with the Kenneth Smith family. Mr. Risks is Mrs. Smith's uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leach and Phone 05R1 family of Nyssa visited at the Jake Borge and Charles Harris homes D o n 't p u t u p w ith a p ln c h -a n d -p o k e c orse t t h at m a k e s b e n d in g , sitting a n d st o o p in g a torture I Sunday A s k y o u r C h a r is P r o f e ss io n a l C o r s e tie r e t o fit Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pratt and yo u . In tho p r iv a c y o f y o u r h om e, w ith a f o u n d a By PLO TNER Mr. and Mrs. Gene Pratt at tio n w ith e xc lusive, p a te n te d V ita - L ift a n d D u a l- C o n tro l fe a tu re s f o r b e a u ty -w ith -c o m fo rt. A l l o t tended the ladies night program r e g u la r , o r d in a r y -c o r se t p ric e s— with o u r e x H tA J iH h P U L I of the Lions club in Nyssa Tues clusive 3 0 - d a y m o n e y -b a c k g u a r a n t e e I of 4A1ÓÈJ.5 W a I o day night. flrat . G ird le * . O n e -p ie c e Foundation» A large number of children took HAvm T D 0 N 7 S H O P - P H O N E FOR THE R I G H T F IT the diphtheria shots given in Of WAY"-Sur Adrian Monday morning by Dr. L. fA U L T V fli?AKè$ A. Maulding and Mrs. Edna Farris. rn y*)isg$T $ Two hundred and twenty four y o u 'U 5 V £ M D shots were given. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Clough of y îa ç Boise, Miss Ila Jay Biglow of MRS. GOLDA HANSEN i$ P o » r T? Widhita, Kansas and Verna Cost- Phone 91-R ley were dinner guests in the Warden home Sunday. turned to their classes Sunday, fol- lowing a visit at the Herriman home __________________ Here From Payette— _ , _ , „ „Mr‘ ta" i “ rs HEarl * Pay', ,>tte vlsKed Sunday at the home ot Mrs. Ella Smith. W OM EN FOR S A L E / Jake Fischer O W Y H E E TRUCK & IM P. Co. "IT HAPPENS EVERY DAY” ÓO/AJ' CHARIS A l l \ -------- OUlt pacpors v ivm AdLiBRAti JOB CHECK-UP a T HWRMAH MOTOR CO. box 137 l? I a. v A ly S S A . O RE COM. 7 7 Friday Cr Saturday Values April I and 2 Cannon Towel WHITE Size 18 x 36 SHEET REG. 39c Blanket $1.98 29 c MEN’S ROCKFORD CANVAS FUNERAL OF HARRY LONG SET FOR SUN. ARCADIA, Mar. 31—The body of Harry Long, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Long of Adrian, who was killed on Okinawa in May, 1945 is being returned to Nyssa.1 The funeral will ibe held Sunday, April 3 at 2 p. m. from the Christ ian church in ' Nyssa. Interment will be in the Nyssa cemetary. Mr. Long was employed here on the Ure farms before entering the service. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Currit of Frultland gave a demonstration supper March 21 at the Otis Bull ard home. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. John Zittercob, Mr. and Mrs. Bob McKinney, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zittercob, Mr. and Mrs. George Moeller, Theo Matherly, Mrs. Anna Dail and Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard and several young people. Mrs. Anna Dail was dinner guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dail in Nyssa. Nell Bowers met with her 4-H sewing club March 19 at the home of Annette Stradley, with eight members present for a work m eet ing. Refreshments were served by the hostess. The nextt meeting will be held April 2 at the home of Kathrine Coleman. Miss Alice Warner of Ashland spent her spring vacation here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. An Outstanding Candy Treat $1.50 Per Pound OWYHEE DRUG COMPANY G. H. Peirsol Phone 2 5 5 W ONION SEED FOR SALE Utah Certified Yellow and White Spanish EASTERN OREGON PRODUCE CO. PHONE 120 Phone Evenings 190W Socks Gloves 19 c □ MEN’S I9c CHILDREN’S LADIES RAYON RAYON Panties 29c Panties 39c CHILDREN’S CLOSE-OUT MEN’S Saturday, April 2 Is A Day For The Voters Of Nyssa School District 26C To Remember Vole For Bonds BIB Dresses Overalls $2.49 7-12 89c JUST ARRIVED— CHILDREN’S EASTER DRESSES VISIT OUR NEWLY OPENED LADIES READY TO WEAR DEPT. We have just installed a new Primex X-Ray Machine for shoe X-Raying Wilson Bros. Dept. Store TO ERECT OUR NEW SCHOOL BUILDING A FEW DOLLARS INVESTED NOW IN OUR CHILDREN’S EDUCATION WILL PAY BIG RETURNS LATER RANCH-W AY Chick Starter gives your chicks more pep... faster growth...sturdier bod ies! Feed RA N CH -W AY from the very first day I See Phone 32 Ranch-Way Deafer NYSSA ELEVATOR Phone 42 ÿ'<iS&>ï ' - y ■>: ’ V H errim an M otor Co. YOUR TRANSPORTATION MERCHANT