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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1949)
PAGE SIX THE NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. TH U RSD AY, MARCH 31. 1949 mim Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Holcomb and family of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Schurer and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Charles McClure and family of Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Cochrun were presented with sev eral evergreen shrubs for «heir yard as an anniversary gift. C H URCH C IRC LES M EET The circles of the women's coun cil of the Christian church held meetings last Thursday afternoon. One .¿roup met at the home o f Mrs. Elmer H ill and worked on their quilt project. The other group met at the home of Mrs. Orin Moyes. Later this group adjourned to i D E LPH IAN S ELECT O FFICE R S the church, where they did some work preparatory to the opening Mrs. Gerrit Stam was hostess to the De’phian society Friday ; service in the new building Sunday. -9 - morning. Mrs. J. J. Sarazin was A D R IA N F A M IL Y HONORED 1 elected president of the group for Mr and Mrs. W. W. Webb and 1 the coming year. Other officers who will serve with Mrs. Sarazin fam ily were honored at a farewell party given In the Legion hall In are Mrs. Gladys Rice, vice presi dent; Mrs. Dale Garrison, secretary Adrian last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Glea Billings, treasurer. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Webb were presented Clyde Snider was chosen as semin with a coffee maker. Mr. Webb has operated a garage in Adrian ar leader and will be assisted by Mrs. Harry Miner and Mrs. Gerrit for several years. Mr. and Mrs. Webb left this week tor Madras, Stam. where they will make their home, G U E ST D A Y OBSERVED a Christian." Guest day was observed by the Refreshments were served dur- W. S. C. S. o f the Methodist ^ mg the social hour with Mrs. K. church last Thursday afternoon E. Keveren, Mrs. Barney Wilson, with a large number of members Mrs. E. H. Fle&hman and Mrs. and guests present. During the Dean Sm ith as hostesses. The April m eeting will be held short business meeting, a nominat- in,{ committee w is appointed, with at the home of Mrs. S. W. Smiley, with Mrs. C. J. Crump of P ay Mrs Carlos Buchner, Mrs. R. M. ette as guest speaker. Cochrun and Mrs. R. T. Sager as E N T F R T A IN 3 B R ID G E CLUB members. Mrs. Edward Boydell, entertained Guest speaker for the afternoon was Mrs. Ruth Biggs, president of the members of her Thm sday a f the women’s society of the Idaho ternoon bridge club at her home High score was held conference. Mrs. Biggs opened her last week. CLASS ENJOYS P A R T Y talk by telling of some of the by Mrs. Robert Wilson, second hign The Loyalty Sunday school class outstanding world church leaders by Mrs. Ted Morgan and low by of 'he Christian church enjoyed a she had heard at the Jurisdictional Mrs. Eldon Uimer. Mrs. Ted M or party in the new church basement conference of the Methodist church gan was a guest player. Monday evening. T hirty-five mem- held recently at Oakland. During 5 I beis attended. Harold Robbins is A N N IV E R S A R Y OBSERVED the remainder o f her talk, Mrs. I tea her of this class. During a Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Cochrun Bl,igs urged church women to ac short business meeting, Henry cept their responsibility in m eet were honored on the occasion of their 39th wedding anniversary at I Storm was elected president of the ing the needs o f the world. ' group. After an evening of games During the afternoon program a buffet supper at their home pie and coffee were served by Mrs. Don Campbell sang two num- 1 Sunday evening. Guests included hostesses, Mrs. Harold Robbins and bens, "P rayer" and " I Want to Be their three daughters and families, Mrs. Elmer Hill. Rev. and Mrs. ^16l'oto^ltil6ilioffil^liatio®bl^aUfilfflaM^lSlbl6il!n^lBlblWSl^I‘r:aibl^IlolH01Sl®lSlIitti||_ Don Maxfleld were special guests of the group. I INFANT’S, CHILD S, BOYS’, AND GIRLS’ [•,] B RID G E CLUB M EETS Mrs. John Kopp was hositess to the members o f her bridge club Monday afternoon. High score was held b Mrs. Eldon Ulmer and low score by Mrs. Ted Morgan. Mrs. Ulmer was a guest player. House Slipper Special Corduroy, Bunny, Leather Felt 1 Infant Sizes, 2 to 6 m g -v $ Child’s Sizes, (5 to 12 c\ | Boys’ and Girls’ 12VL* to 3 -s - O IR L S E N T E R T A IN The girls of high school class of the Methodist church enter tained the boys of the class, and a group of college students home for spring vacation, at a party In the basement of the Methodist church last Thursday evening. Those who arranged for the affair were Betty Winchell, Janice Frost and Delores Coffman. Following an evening o f games, refreshments were served. — *— CLUB T O MEET The Sunshine oluto of the Re- bekah lodge will meet Friday a f ternoon at 2:30, with Mrs. Tom j Johnson and Mrs. Ed. Warren as hostesses. Hoys’ Dress Hat Special Little man’s type in wool felt Blown, Green, Blue 4(i inches wide yd. Oil Cloth Special Many Patterns and Colors 4<i inches wide 69c 1 39c I MEN’S 100', WOOL GABERDINE - I - Shirts 3 Button Cuffs, Tan, Special Brown, Regular values $12.50 I I $A95 § A M IT Y C LU B MEETS The Amity club met at tile home of Mrs Don Moss Friday evening, March 21. Following the business meeting, social entertainment was enjoyed under the direction of Mrs Don Moss and Mrs. Robert Wilson. The next meeting will be held at the home o f Mrs. Frell Blair. Limited Quantity of Advertised Items— O ffer ed At Above Price While They Last | BRACKENS Mat., Mat., 2:30; Adra. 30c-f»c Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings 44c He Inc Tax SUNDAY AND MONDAY, APRIL 3-4 • Greer Garson— Walter Pidgeon Peter Lawford— Elizabeth Taylor In MGM’s Racy, Romantic Comedy “ JULIA MISBEHAVES” Greer and Walter cut loose with a load of laughs in this refreshing comedy. You’ll like Greer in this new type of role for her. COLOR CARTOON Mat., Sun., 2:3V. Adm. SOc-9c, Inc. T u . Adm. liven tugs 44c-9c Inc. Tax TUESDAY, APRIL 5 BARGAIN NIGHT Edward G. Robinson— Gail Russell In “ NIGHT HAS A THOUSAND EYES” CARTO O N SPORTS Admission Mf-Sc, Inc. Tax. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. APRIL 6-7 Bud Abbott Lou Costello •ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN” Bud and Lou Meet a monster.. .And then the fun begins.. .They’re o ff on their maddest, merriest, most terrifying escapade of them a ll.. C ARTO O N SPORTS NEWS Mallncc Wednesday 2:30, Admission SO, Sc. Admission Evenings 44. 9c. Inc. Tax Gordan To Have Benefit— TI>.* Rebekah lodge will sponsor a second benefit party for the hospital at the I. O. O. F. hall Saturday evening at 8 o’clock. Nyssa Man III— Eddie Powell Is recovering from a recent illness that has confined him to his home the past week. Visit In Boise— Mr. and Mrs. Bum all Brown and A committee for selection of Here From Pendleton— Mr. and Mrs. R on Wehletz of Marion Grace visited Sunday at nominees for officers of the K ing- man Kolony P T . A. was named Pendleton were guests over the the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Boyd at a meeting of the organization week-end at the home of Mr. and Brown and fam ily in Boise. March 23. Officers will be elect Mrs. Ward Wieneke. Mrs. Wehletz Play in College Orchestra— ed at a meeting to be held April -s a sifter o f Mr. Wieneke. Lynn Lawrence and five mem 21 bers of the high school orchestra Those named on the committee Anniversary Observed— The Chatter Box club held its have been invited to play in the are Mrs. George Besendorfer, chair man; Mrs. James Peterson anniversary party at the I. O. O. F. College o f Idaho's spring orchestra Mrs. Charles Newbill and Mis. hail in Nyssa Friday evening, with concert. The group go to C ald Jake Borge. members, former members and well once a week to practice with Mrs. Pauline Mackey, P. T. A. families attending. Following din the college musicians. Those par Angela Peterson. round-up chairman, announced ner served at 7:30 games were ticipating are other entertainment was Donna Lee Wilson, Laura Schenk. that a clinic would be held at the piaed Nani Childs, Amy Lewis and Mr. Adrian high school Monday, M arch held. Lawrence. 28. In conjunction with the "G o T o Medical Student Visits— Jim M cGarvey o f Portland vis Visits In Baker— Sabbath School" campaign, post Mrs. Stella Butter returned last ers were made by the children in ited last week at the home of Dr. after visiting her son, the fifth and sixth grades. The and Mrs. John Kopp. McGarvey, Friday posters were judged by a com- j a brother of Mrs. Kopp, is enrolled Dewey Ray, in Baker. mittee composed of Mrs. J. G.| at the medical school in Portland. Attends Funeral— Lane, Mrs. H. E. Moore and Mrs. j Mrs. J. J. Whalen of Ontario, D. L. Hurst. First place was won ] Visit At McCall— by Leon Besendorfer, second place | Lois Wilson spent the week-end sister of John Lackey, was here by E ffie Rose Smith and honor at the home of M r. and Mrs. W il Sunday to attend funeral services for Clarence Berrett. able mention by Anita Pratt and liam M elton oi McCall. . '■ iiriiTiRi iii'ni-TTTiminniïïiiiiiiiiiriiiiiinr ANNOUNCEMENT 'S* »T4 BRACKEN’S WILSON BROS. GOLDEN RULE v S T U D Y CLUB M EETS T h e St. Thomas study group met last Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Wilton Jackson of Apple valley. Following the study period a social hour was enjoyed. W ILL BE OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M. SATURDAY 5 - NIGHTS STARTING MR. A N D MRS. CLUB MEET Mr. and Mrs. Ron Whitaker en tertained their Sunday evening bridije club last week. High score was held by Harry Miner and second high by George Sallee. l * Saturday, April 2 HOSTESS T O CLUB Mrs. Tom Eldridge was hostess to her Thursday afternoon bridge club last week. High score was held by Mrs. J. L. Herriman and second high by Mrs. Ed Frost. Guests were Mrs. Frost, 'Nfrs. H er riman, Mrs. Frank Cranney, Mrs. X -s - I FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 1-2 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Ted Donaldson- Sharyn Moffett In “ RUSTY LEADS THE W A Y ” Gloria Henry— David Bruce “ RACING LUCK” Mrs. Geneva Conoghay. T h e parents' P. T. A. attendance - 5 - contest was won oy the first and D IN N E R G U ESTS Mr. and Mrs. Henry H artley and sixth grades. fam ily were Sunday dinner guests P. T. A. To Meet— at the W. W. Foster home. T h e P. T. At. meeting date has been changed to April 7 from KINGMAN P. T. A. TO April 14. Ejection of officers will ELECT OFFICERS -c neld. TU E SD A Y CLUB E N TE R TAIN E D Mrs. Bernard Frost entertained the members of her Tuesday after noon bridge club this week. High score was held by Mrs. Clyde Snid er, and second by Mrs. George Mitchell. Mrs. Tom EBdridge and Mrs. A. H. Boydell were guests players. -J G R O U P H AS T H E ATE R P A R T Y The members of the past presi dents club of the American Legion auxiliary enjoyed a theater party in Boise last Wednesday evening. The group enjoyed dinner at the Boise Hotel, after which they a t tended the show, "Joan of Arc.” - and STARS, M ASONS P LA N D IN N E R The members of the Eastern Star and Masonic lodge will hold a ixitluek dinner at the Masonic hall Friday evening at 6:4S. Ice cream will be furnished by the M as ons. Following the dinner, a social evening will be spent. Those arr anging the dinner are Mrs. Jesse Rtgney, Mis. Kenneth Renstrom, Mrs. Earl Alexander, Mrs. Bob Brown and Mrs. Edward Boydell. In charge o f entertainment are Mrs. iL. A. Mauldin?, Mrs. William Schlreman, Mrs. Glenn Brown, Mrs. Ed Frost and Robert Brown. Dry Goods — Shoes — Clothing X-Ray Shoe Fitting NYSSA OREGON NYSSA program Telephone IOÔ THEATRE D W N E R GUESTS E N T E R T A IN E D Mr. and Mrs. Dale Garrison en tertained at dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. d ia rie s Garrison and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newbill o f Newell Heights. - i - HONORED A T SHOW ER Mrs. Howard Lovejoy and Mrs. Richard Wilson entertained last Friday evening at a surprise show er for Mrs. Lynn Lawrence at the Lovejoy home. Following Dessert, pinochle was in play, with prizes for h ijh score going to Mrs. Henry Hartley and Mrs. K. E. Keveren. Score cards were in the fonm of miniature bibs and bootees. Gifts in a ruffled crepe paper bassinet were presented to Mrs. Lawrenc at th close of the evening, with greet ings from each guest written on a large ruffled bib. C. A. Malley, Oxman I NEWS VIEWS By Lew Herriman Plans are now being made to televise Congress. T h at would make checking up on your Con gressman simpler than finding lint on a blue serge suit. Your Wash ington representative would have to tie on deck at all times, be cause he’d never know when the folks back home might be ogling him. I f the television camera showed an empty seat when an important issue was under discus sion, the absent Congressman' would get more mail in 10 minutes than he usually gets in a m onth... and a sour vote would get him telegrams before he sat dowtr. When television comes to Congress, look for job-hungry actors to be running for office. Saturday. April 2 is an important date to remember. Lets all turn out and vote F O R the bond issue to build otu- new school building The kids are ours-we want them to have a good education-lets "learn them " A S<. Dans woman had a i cl with her boy friend and let all the air out of his tires. She certainly left him flat. Incidentally. If you're having car trouble of any sort, bring your problems in for expert advice, repairs or service at H E R R IM A N I M O TO R CO. Don’t be a one- eyed" driver! L ei us cheek your lights and make sure they're work ing right. You're asking for trouble when you drive with dim, broken or poorly adjusted lights. Don’t take chances come in to day. l?hone 77 Herriman Motor Company Nucoa 2 Pounds Kin9 * Red Rose 49c HAMS SU G A R IO pounds Payette Valley Sweet CORN Pound 55G BACON 19c 89C Squares 3 Ca ns 35C Pound Pure Pork 3 Pounds Sausage 8 Ç c Lard u lbs- 5Çc Coffee 2 Pounds 98c WILLIAMS FOOD MARKET Phone284> W ^ Prices Good Through Sunday ^ Free Delivery . /