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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1949)
PAGE FIVE THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1949 M ÊtÊÊm ÊÊÊÊËÊm m ÊÊÊÊim m R. JENSEN W INS O R ATO R Y CONTEST Attend Boise Conference— | at its regular meeting thereof, to District". IS ALSO HEREBY Mrs. Gordon Judd. Mrs. Joe be held at the Council Chamber, i N O TIC E Srumbach, Mrs. Charles Schweiaer City Hail, Nyssa, Oregon, will meet | G IV EN Chat at a special meeting and hold a public hearing to hear duly convened on the 30th day ot and Mrs. Kathryn Claypool of Vale and consider objections and p ro -' March, 1919. the C ity Council, on were among those from this coun tests, if any, to the proposed action its own motion, resolved to a- of the City Council to amend Sec ty attending the northwest confer mend Section 7 of Ordinance No. ence of classroom teachers in Boise tion 7 o f Odrinance No. 299, as ‘299, as amended so as to eliminate amended so as t o ' eliminate the from said Section 7 that part of Saturday. prohibition against certain bus the second paragraph thereof, inesses in certain portions of Zone » ’hlch reads as follows: CARD OF TH ANKS We wish to express our appreci 3. which relates to the “ Business "T h e construction, erection op- ation for the kindness extended during our recent bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Gorrell. Mrs. Katherine Dickson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jim G riffin. (Continued from Page 1) American citizen to uphold this foundation and keep it from crumbling." Jensen recited the preamble to the constitution and then said "Our forefathers, »h e n they drew up the constitution did a good jo o in forming a more perfect union. They gave the United States the b a n n in g and the gen erations since have made it strong. United and mighty. “There are only a few countries in the world that have justice as B U IL D IN G PERMITS fair and as square as we do. We Damon Savage, construction are very fortunate that we have trial by a jury that is not pre Ennis avenue, lot 3, block 9, judiced. I think our forefathers Teutsch’s addition, $10,000, 38 x did a pretty good job in insuring 34, brick veneer. our domestic tranquality. The question of providing for the com Too Late To Classify mon defense has been debated quite heavily lately. Many people W ANTE D —Large gem potatoes. F. were against the compulsory m ili R. Smith Co., Weiser, Idaho, phone 31mlxp tary training bill when it was be 216. fore congress, but look at the FOR SALE—One acre with five- lives it will save if there is an room brick house and outbuildings, other war. not modern, 3V4 miles south west, " I also Hunk our forefathers did $2,500. a good job on the subject of pro Three bedroom home on Park moting the general welfare. Most avenue, modern except heat, half of us live happily and contentedly basement, good construction, at and have all sorts of modern con- tractive, $5,500. vemenies, but no modern mech Apartment house with two large anical convenience is as great as apartments on ground floor, extra our freedom and liberty. The last large room upstairs, three-room clause of the preamble says ‘and apartment in basement, $6,800. to secure the blessings o f liberty N YSSA INSU R ANC E AGENCY to ourselves and ‘ our posterity'. Ralph G. Lawrence, Agent There is no country in the world Nyssa, Oregon in which the people have as much liberty and freedom as we, the FOR SALE —Modern, good looking people, do here in the United' L. H. electric range. Burners and States." top in excellent condition, price Jensen then briefly discussed the $115. Mrs. Russell Patton, Sr., 2 first 10 articles of the constitution,: miles west of Owyhee junction. commonly known as the "’bill of 31mlxc rights". FOR SALE— 4 rooms o f furniture, “ In conclusion, X would like to say that our constitution is ouri chickens, 1937 Packard sedan. Ed life insurance— insurance for a way ward White, 800 block on north 31mlxp of living we wouldn’t swap for 2nd street. anything in the world", Jensen FO R R E N T —Apartment at Ben stated. “ It is our guarantee of our nett apartments. Phone 123-J. way of life—a life of liberty and 31mlx the pursuit of happiness.” FOR SALE —Strawberries, rasber- ries, grapes, fruit and shade trees,! N EW PLYM O U TH TO dwarf pear and apple trees, also HOLD B U LL SALE Stark Bros, representative. Lewis Nursery. 31mffc N E W P L Y M O U T H , Mar. 31, .Spec i a l ) — Something new and different F O R R E N T -r- Three-room house, i In livestock auction sales for the garage, electric hotwater heater. area will be held at New Plymouth and range on Locust avenue. L. P. Saturday, April 9, »h e n 12 head Thomas or Eastman Realty. 31mtfc of purebred Guernsey bulls will go on the block for prospective buyers S T R A Y E D —From Lamont Fife's, expected to be here from all parts two-month old red boar pig, re of the Lower Snake River valley. reward. Enterprise avenue. 31mlxp The sale is sponsored by the Pay- atte County Guernsey Cattle club, with Joe Church as auctioneer. The sale will ibe held at the P a y ette county fair grounds in New Plymouth. Sales manager for the event will be Elmer Huff, Payette county dairyman and former tester for the Dairy Herd Improvement associ ation. He will be assisted by Lance Jensen, Roy Boggs and C. J. Pritzl, all prominent Payette county Guer nsey breeders. T h e Payette County Guernsey Cattle club expects to make the bull sale an annual event. ¿/tyotoiotcmq Our Appointment as DEALERS for W A D E *1R A l IINf \£y 2 tinkLet IR Rl GAI 1 C IN in this Area PORTABLE SAVES H ALF THE A lu m it I u m P 'ipe *■ DITCH OR RILL IRRIGATED FARMS v MADE OF A L L CAST A L U M IN U M SEE THE N E W 1949 IM P R O V E M E N T S Coupler is separate unit from the pipe. Guard Apron guides pipe in. helps keep grass and dirt out. We are now prepared to equip your farm or orchard with famous WADE’RAIN Portable Sprinkler Irrigation Systems em bodying outstanding new features which insure highly efficient water distribution to grow and mature ALL crops. New WADE’ RAIN improvements insure Faster, Easier moving of the sprink ler lines.. .reduce walking and lifting to a minimum. T I» PI LE G A L ADVERTISING i I LEGAL N O TIC E OF P U B LIC H E AR IN G TO H E AR PRO TESTS AND OBJECTIONS R E L A T IV E T H E AM E ND M E N T O F Z O N IN G O R D IN AN C E NO. 299. , ,9 N O TIC E IS HEREBY G IV E N that on the 12th day o f April, 1949 at the hour of 8:00 o ’clock p. m., the C ity Council of the City of Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon, - Hydral Seal Gasket No tools required to insert “L O K S -IN ” Gasket. | Construction insures against Gasket blow-out, J or gasket being forced out by insertion of pipe, j .The pipe enters coupler freely without forcing. 1 Gasket relaxes when pressure drops below 5 lbs., permitting lateral pipes to drain themselves... Plan Now No Lifting Pipes Full Of Water B.F. G o o d ric h Now is a good time for you to begin planning the W AD E'R A IN system you will want to have Installed FIRST IN R U B B E R on your farm or dairy in time to insure greater ¡M * L yields of all crops Ibis season and the seasons to follow. Coupler Latch Permits moving TW O 20 ft. pieces of Lateral Pipe in 40 ft. lengths to new location. This latch snaps on and off in an instant and makes the new W ADE’RAIN C oupler either semi permanent or quickly detachable. The above photograph shows how simple and easy it is to LOCK this Coupler Latch, when desired. You Are Invited .. . VISIT THE FARM of JOE P A Y A N T , Parma, Idaho ...S e e a Model W A D E ’RAIN Installation! Will Help You! you expert information and helpful assistance in planning the right layout and drsign of a W ADE' RAIN installation to mert thr requirements of your rrop production, soil conditions, and land contour. All of the advantages of W AD E’RA IN .. .the l-eader, will be carefully explained to you. Ideal for Irrigating Sugar Beets, Onions, Cannery Crops, Dairy Land & Diversified Farms! ON A L L Tires and Tubes O u r Irrigation Technician He will answer your irrigation questions and give Mr. Joe Payant is one of the pioneer W AD E ’RAIN users in this area. On his rich diversified farm, you will be able to see how WADE'RAIN insures maximum productivity even during long dry summers. You will see how W ADE'KAIN eliminates all cross ditching and REQUIRES NO G RO UND LEVELING! And •you will see how FLEXIBLE the system precious water is saved.. .how water is applied O N LY where it is needed! Tractor, Truck and Passenger Car Coupler Locks From Carrying Position ( • .iHt y- Now it will be easy for you to have all the advantages of W A D E ’- RA1N. . .the Leader.. .backed by 12 years of Sprinkler Irrigation development and over 80 years of farm equipment experience. W A T E R ON MOST M ISCELLAN EO US— Lady will take care of children during the day. Phone 020J-U. 31M2xc Tire Sale appear in person and be heard at said meeting of Che C ity Council on the 12th day of April, 1949 a;, the hour of 8:00 o ’clock p. m. This notice Is given pursuant to the provisions of ordinance No. 299 governing the procedure to be fo l lowed in amending said Ordinance and said Notice has been posted as by law required. E. K. B U R TO N City Recorder o f Nyssa, Oregon eration and maintenance of any ; ter line of the State Highways additional garages and or filling ) leading toward Adrian and On tario, Oregon, respectively." stations where gasoline, distillate A ll person.-) and owners of prop and oils are kept and stored for] sale at retail will be prohibited erties affecied by or interested in In that portion o f Zone 3, Bus tile said proposed amendment of iness District, within the follow- j said Section 7 of Ordinance No. ing boundaries, to-w it: Between 299, as amended, who have object the center bile o f Good Avenue ions to the same shall preesent and the center line of Power ‘ their ^written objections and pro Avnue and between the center tests to the City Recorder of the line of First Street and the cen- City o f Nyssa, Oregon or shall W AD E'RAIN advantages have been proved in the sugar beet fields of Montana and 8. W. Washington for years. Elimination of ditches and rills make It easy to use farm machinery in thr fields. Controlled application saves HALF the water on most farms. Equipped with either low angle sprinklers or high risers, W AD E'RAIN is equally suited for controlled irrigation of onion or rannrry crops, dairy lands, diversified farms, or orchards. 750 x 10, 6 ply, Multi-Ring Tractor, Reg. Price $34.20 Sale Price $25.65 plus tax 900 X 10, 8 Ply Multi-Ring Tractor, Reg. Price $49.15 Sale Price $36.86 plus tax 400 X 15, 4 Ply, Regular Price ..................... $11.45 Sale Price $8.59 plus tax Buy Your Tires and Tubes Now and Save 25 per cent. Waggoner Motor Co. HOLLINGSWORTHS’, i n c ^ T H R E E C E N T R A L L O C A T IO N S T O S E R V E Y O U O N T A R IO • N Y S SA • VA LE 4