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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1949 Classified Advertising PAGE THREE 04-R1. H. K. Hashitani. 17m4xp FOR SALE— Tile wall coverings, MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? son during office hours of each bus- 25 members attending. Mr. ana chrome table and sink edgings. Loan, on . ror n t ln»DcUui Mrs. Shet Sage and Bob Holme- FOR SALE—Valley Mound cor- waterproof cement, etc. Nyssa Fur- 1 r rennancing, iness day. lugator and horse-drawn McCor- niture Co., phone 149-W. By order of the Board of Direct- »ere co-hosts. 6Mtfc bulldln». improvements, b u y i n g . mick-Deering mower. 1*4 miles ____ _____ _____ Sammy Cleaver small son of Mi i ___ Long term, low ________ Interest, see ___ Ber- ars west and 1■« miles north of O w y -! FOR SALE— Business building.! nariT Nvssa „ __ , . „ and Mrs. Lester Cleaver, has bee.. By Harold Hemgson, Secretary. lu hee junction. N. E. Hatt. 31m2xp, Main street location, lot size 25x116 l . p one 04. Owyhee Irrigation District. Ralph G. Lawrence Insurance Willis Bertram is building a FOR SALE—Philco Table Model, First Publication Mar. 3, 1949. dairy bam. agency, Nyssa. phone 53. 22Jtfc. LEGAL ADVERTISING battery radio, See Bob Thompson. Last Publication Mar. 31, 1949. 27jtfc RATES. Two cents per word for each issue. After one month one SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND WANTED TENSEN TAKING ELECTION NOTICE cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c GRANGE PRESENTS FOR SALE—Unpointed cabinets ___ SHEEP TO RANGE STATE OF OREGON ) and chests of drawers. Cabinets; WANTED—Farm implement mech TRAVELING BIBLE ) ss. are in section and can be bought! anic. B. and M. equipment corn- County of Malheur COLUMBIA AVE. Mar 31—C. M. ) complete or In sections. Nyssa i [)any ,. . School District No. 26C Notice Is hereby given that, at KINGMAN KOLONY, Mar. 31— Tensen took his sheep to the hills ________________________" FOR SALE—Three-bedroom base Lumber company, phone 118-W. I rhe Krea,?er family accompanied last week. Fcr Saie 16D1ÍC WANTED—Some one to plow, seed the school district bond election he Owyhee Saddle club on a ride ment house, electric water system, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oroot a t hereby called, to be held at the iround Mitchell butte March 20. and corrugate about two acres. M. tended the card party at the Cath FOR SALE—One Big L Case tra c t-1 new electric water heater, bath FOR SALE—Russet eating pota Grade School in the City of Nyssa, fh “ group met at the Guy Glen W. Myers, Golden Rule store. 3mtfc olic church Friday night. or, good rubber, A -l shape; one and built-ins. One acre on high- toes, bring your own sack. L. J. in and for School District No. 26C anch. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot ana new John Deere two-way bottom way at good intersection. Mail Josephson and son, Payette, Idaho, WANTED— To buy anything in of Malheur County, Oregon, oji On the evening of March 24 the Mrs. Kris Van Self visited relatives 17mtfc oeef or veal. Also custom killed the 2nd day of April, A. D., 1949, S S L nJ2 ! l W " ,“ " 2 j ? * ' and 'N yssa school bus at door, phone 392-J. Kingman Kolony Grange presented of this community Wedneesday a f between the hours of 2:00 o ’clock T r e J L / x a i, ^ “ de $1500 down and « 0 a month on he Orgon Slope Orange with the ternoon. FOR SAI.E and delivered to Polar Cold Stor- P. M. and 7:00 o ’clock P. M of track«. Fred Young. 31m2kp balance, price only $3000, phone Dave Hawkins visited relatives Your opportunity to trade your age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. .here will be submitted to the le*jal raveling Bible. Those attending rotn the Kolony were Mr. and in Ontario recently. FOR SALE—Used washing machln- 1 31m4xp 40 or 80 acres in vicinity of Nyssa voters thereof the question of con Mrs. Wesley Pierey, Mr., and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Z Davidson enter es^ ail kmcL of makes. Machines ; GUERNSEY BULL S A L E —First for 20 or 40 acres in Ogden, Utah tracting an additional bonded in For Kent Gale Ashcraft. Mr. and Mrs. Art tained at tea and cards at their debtedness in the sum of $108.000 r e ,° T I Annual Registered Guernsey Bull vicinity. Prices from $25 to $40. 482 No.| Sale, Fair Grounds, New Plymouth. 160 acres, lays excellent, good FOR RENT — One unfurnished ior the purpose of providing ad sparks, Mr. and Mrs. William home in Parma Tuesday of last Poombs and Mrs. Lynn Hurst week. Two tables of whist were at Sixth street, phone 162-R. 24m4xc ___________________ 1 p. m., Saturday, April 9. All Bulls fertile soil. 7-room new modern three room apartment in Bybee ditional funds needed for con Vrlene Pierey, Joyce Kurtz and play. Oueats were Mr. and Mrs. home, 5-room modern tenant home.] apartments. Slmlxc structing a Junior High Schoo. vlyrna Lane sang two numbers and Pete Tensen. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit FOR SALE—Small modern home, irom dams 400 “ “ or more fat- and additions to the present High nice lawn, shade trees and picket ^Jr further information and pedi- Small labor house. correils and FOR RENT—Four room modern S.hool and of equipping and furn- ■lrs. William Toombs sang a solo. Groot of Apple Valley, Mrs. Dick fence. Second street east of under- i ®rees write Payette Valley Sentinel, barns. $37,500.— H down. Leo Thompson has been working Stam of Oregon Trail, Mr. and Mrs. 5 acres good soil, lays well with basement house, $45 month, write shing said Junior High Schoo pass, first house north on east! New Plymouth. Sponsored by Pay- n Nampa the last two weeks. Dick Groot and Mr. and Mrs. John side of street. Priced with terms.! ette County Guernsey Breeders' new two bedroom modern home. Mrs. Frank Olson, route 2. Parma. ind additions to the present Higl Mrs. Ruth Sneed of Letha, Idaho Timmerman of Newell Heights. School in and for said District. G. L. Fields, owner. 24m3xp j Club. 31m2xp Just completed. Hardwood floors, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Gertrude Atkenson and 24mtfc full basement, lots of storage and The vote to be by ballot “ upon F O R S A L E — Masterbuilt house ! FOR SALE—1937 Chevy, fair con- built-ins. Well Insulated and the FOR RENT—Small room in a which shall be the words "Bonds Guy Moore, during the past week. daughter, Elizabeth have returned Shirley Sparks suffered from a to their home in Glendale, Cali- trailer. can be seen at the Signal dition, can see car at corner best of construction. Joins Nyssa Yes” and ’’B on di No”, and the severe cold over the week-end. private home. Phone 265R. lOmtfc I fornia. voter shall place a cross (x) be service station. Bill Lemon, West' of First and Ehrgood or in back City limits. Jennifer Thompson was ill Sat Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam en- 24m2xp 40 acres, 31 irrigated, lays ex em Stores. 24mtfc of Mrs. Frank Edwards. tween the word "Bonds” and the ceptionally well, 3 room home, 7 FOR RENT—Electric nand sanding word "Yes", or between the word urday and Sunday of this week. ! tertained at tea and lunch Sun- The young people of the Adrian day for Mrs. Dick Stam of Oregon FOR SALE]—House with two bed FOR SALE—40 acres, under the cow bam and on milk and mail machine, excellent for light sanding "Bonds" and the word "No", -which Community church held a ska tin,? Trail, Mr. and Mis. Gerrit Oroot rooms and utility porch. Complet Black canyon and close to Nyssa. route. Close to Nyssa. $7500.00— work. Ostrom Bros. Appliance, 50 ever indicates his choice. party at Caldwell March 24. A- of Apple Valley and Mr. and Mrs. ely redecorated, $1900 down; bal Cash $3000 or the appraised value $5000.00 down, terms. North First street, phone 269J. 3ftfc The polls for the reception of mong those attending were Shirley. John Timmerman ance $3110.25 at $34 a month, in- tf less- Mrs. Ethel Crawford, phone of N e w e l l 410 acres, lays perfect, 180 acres the ballots as for or against the eluding interest. 671 Park avenue, j 217W. 24m2xc in alfalfa, 6 robm modern home, F O R R E N T — New three-room contraction of said indebtedness Dick, and Guy Sparks, Mary Arm Heights or inquire at Miner's Barber shop. V4 down. house. Mrs. Maude Williams, 611 will, on said day and date and at Thiel, Arlene Pierey, and Myrna FOR SALE—Daveno and swing two tenant houses. Lane of Kingman Kolony. Visits Parents— $3000.00 per year thereafter. 24m tic. Grove street, Parma, Idaho, phone the place aforesaid, be opened- at _______________________________ _ I rocker: blonde dinette set. G. E. Tlie Kingman Kolony P. T. A. James Smiley visited his parents. 80 acres good farming land, 60 the hour of 2:00 o'clock P. M. and FOR SALE—Good team and h a r -! electric range and speed Queen acres lays good. Two homes on 145L. lOftfc held a business meeting at the Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smiley In Nyssa remain open until the hour of ness, 4 ¥j miles west of Adrian o n 1 washing machine. Items almost property, Kingman K.> t o n y schoolhouse from 'March 18 until March 27. He telephone, electricity, Mendiola road. F. P. Dennis.24m2xp new Floyd Campbell, 5 miles electric hot water heater. $16,800. FOR RENT— Polish your own 7:00 o ’clock P. M. of the same day, Thursday evening. is attending Oregon State college at which hour the same shall be floors. Rent our high-speed pol ¡southwest of Nyssa. 24an2xp Mr and Mi's. James Phifer have at Corvallis. $5,800 down. Easy terms. A very ishing equlpmenv. Easily handled closed. FOR SALE—Gem seed potatoes recently moved to the Beaumont by women. Nyssa Lumber company. from blue tag seed. Phone 108J2. i POR SALE;— 120-acre Wallowa val- good buy. By order o f the District School farm across from the Kingman Two-bedroom modern home with 2tm3xp | ley farm, irrigated, with modern 3Atfc. Board of School District No. 26C Kolony schoolhouse. correll and stable for cow. $7,000.00' ___________________________________ | improvements, will sell or trade for of Malheur County, Oregon, made Jewell Wilson of Caldwell spent | FOR SALE—Child's pony, four i farm or business In or near On- $4500.00 down. this llbh day o f March, A. D., 1949. the week-end with Ronald Lane. The best business proposition in yetirs old, gentle. Phone 108J2. tario or Nyssa; will trade with or Attest: FOR RENT Ardyee Hurst, student at Nampa 24im3xp without stock and equipment. Write Nyssa for sale. It Is a money HENRY H. HARTLEY Business college, spent the week Floor C. A. Miller, Enterprise, Oregon. maker. For particulars see Mel District Clerk end at home. FOR SALE—Bliss Triumph seed 17m3xp Beck EMIL A. STUNZ Kenneth Green of Yakima was potatoes from blue tag; also will We are in a (position to take Chairman. District School Board a Wednesday evening guest at the trade for similar netted gem seed FOR SALE;—Now available, Fox of your insurance needs. » Reasonable L. L. Kreager home. from certified stock or will put out pickup cutters for hay and forage. GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER IN THE COUNTY COURT OF Mr. Stam, Mr. Peterson and Mr. one for two. Phone Ontario 897J See them now. H. J. H. Co., your Bybee Building Phone 179-J THE STATE OF OREGON FOR Kreager, members of the King- or contact L. J. Josephson and Oliver dealer, Weiser, Idaho.l7m3xc Mel Beck. Office Manager THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR man Kolony school board, went son, Payette, Idaho. 24mtfc In the Matter o f the Estate of to Fruitland, Ontario, and Pay FOR SALE—White rose, and B l i s s FOR ____ ________ _____ ______ Twin SALE—1941 Indian William L. Fretwell, Deceased FOR SALE—Weii established talk triumph seed potatoes, grown from j motorcycle, inquire at Ole’s cor- ette on a business trip March 26. Notice to Creditors ing picture show circuit, good year- blue tag seed. Magnus Ekanger, Rt. j ner 24m2xp Cliff Beaumont, Cliff Wright, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Lynn Hurst, and Ronald Lane at around paying business, full price 2, Nyssa, Sunset Valley. 10m4xp that the undersigned, Boyce Van tended a Jersey club meeting Fri FOR SALE—2 bedroom house, new, $3500 cash. Phone 06J5, Mel de Water, lias been appointed Ad day night in Nyssa. All Brown, route 2, Boise, Idaho. FOR SALE—One 560-gallon gas very modern with furnace. ministrator with the Will annexed 24m2xp oline or fuel tank, one heavy duty large rooms. 5th St., just north of the estate of William L. Fret- horse and cattle trailer. Leo Fife, of Park Ave. $8000. F. H. A. fina- FOR SALE—Five-passenger 1948 phone 016J1. well. deceased, by the County Court BIRTHDAYS OF fW O 3m tic anced. Shown by appointment STUNZ LlAtBER c o m p a n y Mercury coupe, low mileage. Phone of Malheur County, Oregon and only. ARE CELEBRATED 244W or 262J. 24m2xp FOR SALE—Bliss Triumph and FOR SALE—An excellent selection has qualified as such. Optometrist White rose seed from blue tag or of farms of all sizes including MISCELLANEOUS NOW, THEREFORE, all persons BEUNA VISTA, Mar. 31—Mr. and FOR SALE—4-room house, two will trade for similar netted gem some unimproved, also small acre having claims against the estate Mrs. John Bower spent Thursday Eyes Examined bedrooms, good location, priced seed from certified stock. Phone ages. Homes of all kinds, several MISCELLANEOUS — W e s e l l o r of William L. Fretwell, deceased, evening at the George Cleaver trade pianos. We sell Baldwin reasonable, corner Sixth and Lo Ontario 897-J. ldmtli new yith ETIA terms. are hereby notified and required home. Griggs Bros Phone 720 cust. C. J. Benoit. 17m3xp TOR SALE—New home, 2 bed pianos exclusively. Mrs. Howard Day's and Jim -------------------------------------------------------FOR SALE—Baby chicks. Now is rooms, fully modern, in good lo and Butler, Bybee building 27Jtfc to present tihe same, with proper vouchers, duly verified, within six Ritchie’s birthday were celebrated FOR SALE—Singer sewing m a -; the time to order Thompson’s cation. 718 Arthur St. FHA approved, $2,750 MISCELLANEOUS — Personalized (6) months from the date of this at the Lester Cleaver home S a t chines, cabinets and portables, all chek-R-O hix for delivery every down, balance easy payments. stationery. Name stamped in gold Notice, to the undersigned, Boyce urday evening. A buffett dinner machines fully guaranteed. Phone / Wednesday and Saturday. For Ralph G. Lawrence, Nyssa Insur or silver. Nyssa Gate City Journal, Van de Water, at the law office of was served to the following: Mr. Caldwell, Idaho 01R2, Ontario, or second house west breeds and prices write. Thomp ance agenev. printers and stationers. 24mtfc Harold Henigson at Nyssa, Oregon, and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver, Mr. and o f radio station. George Stone.(son's Ontario hatchery, box 578, which place the undersigned selects Mrs. Douglass Bateman, Mr. and 17m4xp. ( Ontario, Oregon. 17ftfc. FOR SALE—Singer power, com pound feed, goose neck light, new MISCELLANEOUS—Available now, as his place of business in all Mrs. Jim Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. FOR SALE—New type John Deere f o r SALE—O r ie n t , trailer house. transmission, ■/* H. P. motor, full Electrolux cleaners and air puri matters connected with said estate. Delbert Oleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dated and first published March Savage, Mr and Mrs. Howard Day, 6-row beet drill on rubber. New h . E. Oollins, box 500, Nyssa. tele complacements, for upholstering, fiers. Sales and service. EM A. last year, drilled 45 acres of beets. | phone 177-J. 17mtfc. sacks, light leather, auto, tents Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho, 17, 1949. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Griffltls, Mr. Guaranteed 17mtfc. Last Publication April 14, 1949. Automatic lift, 3 sets of plates,' and Mrs. La Vern Oleaver, Mr. I etc. Ready to plug in and start phone 087-J4. $500, Clayton Patton, 3 miles west i FOR SALE—Seed potatoes, Bliss production. F. ’Lete” Sackett, On BOYCE VAN DE WATER and Mrs. EJugcne Cleaver and Paul Dead animal- picked up free. of Owyhee corner. 17m3xp 1 Triumph and White Rose, phone tario, Ore. Administrator of the Estate of Cleaver, The honor guests received j Radio Repair 16Dtfc For prompt service call collect. William L. Fretwell, Deceased, with gifts. FOR SALE—Have tarms and homes Ontario—Ontario Grain Co. 53 the Will Annexed. Mrs. Lester Cleaver was hostess; for sale. Need more, list with Ken Parma—Parma Seed Co. 25 PETERSON to tlie Out Our Way club at her Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29Jtfc. Nyssa—Main plant 100 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF home Thursday afternoon. Nine Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. THE STATE OF OREGON FOR members answered roll call by tell FOR SALE FURNITURE CO. THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR ing of a dream. Games were play New two-bedroom nome, utility MISCELLANEOUS—Oregon Journ Mrs. Jim Ritchie won first room, hardwood floors, gas furnace al subscriptions, either mail or In the matter o f the Elstate of ed. and hot water tank, garage. Cor home deliveries. Write P. H. Stoop, DAYTON HIRAM CURRAN, De prize. Refreshments of ice cream Nyssa, Oregon cake and coffee were served. Tlie ner lot, close to school, priced for box 304, Ontario, Oregon. 24m2xp ceased NOTICE O F FINAL ACCOUNT next meeting will be held at the quick sale $7350 00. F. H. A. terms NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Olen Hoffman home April 14. Very good two-room house with MISCELLANEOUS—We have mod Mrs. Erl ward Topliff spent Thurs bath, close to factory, 50 x 60 lot, ern Foley machines for filing saws that the undersigned, Leah S. priced for quick sale at$2600. Some and sharpening lawn mowers. Also Curran, administratrix of the estate day in Nampa visiting her father, E. W. PRUYN scissor grinding. Patterson saw of Dayton Hiram Curran, deceased, who Is In the hospital. terms tf needed. Howard Day and Eugene Cleaver Acreage with large, new modern shop, 300 block No. 1st street. has filed her Final Account as PHYSICIANS LODGES 24m tfc said administratrix in the County spent several days in Washington Auto Repairing home, double garage, full basement, Court of Malheur County, Oregon, the past week. close in, some terms, immediate MISCELLANEOUS — Will sell oi and that said Court has api>ointed Nyssa Post No. 79 SARAZIN CLINIC Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram at possession. Reboring, Valve Gland Several good dwelling lots, well trade for 1940 model or later car, Tuesday, the 26th day o f April, tended a sale at New Plymouth, Dr. J. J. Sarazin American Legion one 17 foot inboard boat with 1949, at 10:00 o ’clock in the fore where they purchased some dairy located. trailer and equipment. Leo. Fife, noon of said day, for the hearing cows. Dr. K E. Kerby Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. 1 3/4 acres with modern two- ing, Lathe work. Parts 3mtfc. of abjections to said Final Account H. L. Day of Adrian, former bedroom house, chicken house for phone 01—1. Dr. L. W. Scott Veteran’s Hall— 8 P. M. and the settlement thereof. resident of this district received 500 chickens, on paved highway, MISCELLANEOUS — F i r e exting and accessories Physician and Surgeons All Veterans Welcome NOW, THEREFORE, all persons word of the serious illness of ills short distance to school, one mile uishers, automatic bombs protect interested In the estate of Dayton mother in New Mexico. from store, $7000. your home, your business, trucks Gate City Lodge Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram en L. A. Maulding, M. D. 200 x 150 lot on Ontario high or new car and may be a life’s sav Hiram Curran, deceased, are noti Phone 56-W fied and required to appear at tertained the Owyhee Riding club Physician and Surgeon way, next to Polar Cold storage. No. 214 ings. Nyssa Fire Protection, 640 the County Court Room in the at their home Friday evening with About 3 acres, unimproved, edge North 4th street, Claud Willson, Pnone 37 Court House at Vale, Malheur I.O.O.F. of town on Adrian highway, good manager, phone 128J. Hours: 10 to T. and 2 to 5 3mtfc County, Oregon, at said time, to soil. All or any part. Daily except Saturday and Meets every Monday Main street MISCELLANEOUS—Y o u r sewing then and there show cause, if any Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 there be, why said Acoount should night, 8:30. BERNARD EASTMAN machine converted to modem elec not be settled, allowed and ap South First Street Insurance Real Estate trie, use your stand, $26.50. New C. J. Kopp, M. D. proved and said estate distributed portabl« cabnet, $38.50. New table Phone 64 and said administratrix discharged. Physician and Surgeon model $76.50, all complete with sew DENTISTS Dated and first published March FOR SALE—One large size oil light. Genuine Wiss pinking Fry Building burning heating stove; one heavy shears. "Famous" buttonhole at 24, 1949. Date of last publication, Office hours April 21, 1949. Juty horse and cattle trailer; one tachment. Supplies for all ma DR. C. M. TYLER 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 LEAH S. CURRAN lightweight utility trailer; ene chines, and of course—Repairing Many Farmers Are Asking Our Opinion As To Daily except Salurday and Wilson Building 550-gallon gasoline or fuel tank. that will tickle you—“I dood it”. Administratrix of the Elstate of Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 What Is Best Cash Crop To Grow This Year. Phone 165-J, Nyssa Leo Fife, welding and repairing, J. “ Lete” Sackett, Ontario, Oregon. Dayton Hiram Curran, Deceased Harold Henigson hours from 9 to 5 except phone 016J1. 13Jtfc 17ftfc JEWELRY STORES Office Saturdays, Attorney for Administratrix 9 to 12. Having Been In The Seed Business In Idaho TOR SALE—80 acres $16,000. Terms very good land. Basement house. I N S U R A N C E — Insure with E. And Oregon For Over 20 Years Growing And NOTICE OF MEJETTINO 4 mile N. W. L. Jamison. 100% service. 13Jtfc PAULUS J. R. CUNDALL Owyhee Irrigation District Shipping Seeds We Recommend Planting Red TOR SALE—One bedroom modem MISCELLANEOUS!—Oeneral 'ruck JEWELRY STORE Notice is hereby given, that the Dentist house, garage, chicken house, small ing. John Barnett and Kenneth Clover Freely. Board of Directors of the Owyhee Union Pacific Time Inspector barn, lot 150 x 150. $5250, $1700 Reece, phone 123-R. Phone 56-J Utfc. Irrigation District, sitting as a JEWELRY — DIAMONDS loan. Ralph G. Laurence, Nyssa Sarazin Clinic We Have Been Through Several Price Cycles WATCHES Insurance Agency. 24ftfc MISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and board of equalization, will meet on NYSSA OREGON the 5th day o f April, 1949, at 8:00 free pick-up or your dead, crippied Pertaining To Farm Prices. The Price For Red Main Street a. Second TOR SALE— Let us measure your or sick livestock. Calls received be o ’c lock p. m. of said day at its office Clover Seed Naturally Points Downward From windows for Venetian Dlinds. No fore 9 o'clock are picked up by in Nyssa, Oregon, for the purpose OPTOMETRISTS WYCKOFF charge for this service or estimates noon. Efficient drivers Call col of reviewing and correcting its as Recent High Prices. But Even so, The Net Obtainable in one wee*. Assortec, lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys sessment roll and apportionment of JEWELRY STORE DR. J. A. MCFALL Returns For Red Clover Seed During The Next colors in steel or aluminum slats. sa 102-W. luano Animal Products charges for operation and main Official Time Inspector lor Nyssa Furniture company, phone Company. Two Crop Years Will Very Likely Prove To Be SJtfc. tenance for the 1949 season, and Unlot» Pacific DR. JOHN EASLY 149-W. 20Mtfc. assessment o f $3.95 per acre for Very Satisfactory In Comparison. ONTARIO OREGON MISCELLANEOUS - Duplicate car operation and maintenance, delin CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- quencies in collections, reserve, and Stock received Monday, Tuesday, neman’s. 250tfc adminltration expenses, estimated VETERINARIANS Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12 I N S U R A N C E — For 100 % ser for the season of 1940. and $1 00 per DR. HAL D. WHITE No stock received on Sunday. vice on insurance. E. L. Jatni acre construction charge during the Beef, sheep and pork. Free deliver? son. 13Jtfc year 194« by virtue of Bureau of Veterinarian Reclamation order. to Polar locker plant. The auiesament roll and records Phone Ontario, your in One mile west on Alberta avenue I N S U R A N C E - r o r Phone Nyssa 275-W surance needs—E L. Jamison. 100 may be inspected at the office of Phone 05R1 % service. UJtfc the District by any Interested per- JAKE FISCHER DR. G. W. GRAVES Professional and Business Directory Plant Red Clover Seed 21, Ore Alva Watts Watts Seed Compay