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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1949)
I THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGOh THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1949 PAGE THREI OWYHEE & ADRIAN I « » m b e r l^ n WILL CONSOLIDATE . On Friday as co-hostess. | Costa Mesa California are spending Wyatt and Mrs. Ouy Olenn were THE COUNTY OF M j U,HEUR Tuesday, the 26th day of April, there be, why said Account should morning, Health Nurse | w^ k looking tor a place to | shoppers in Caldwell Monday and In the matter of the Estate of 1919, at 10:00 o'clock in the fore not be settled, allowed and a. Edna Farris, and Dr. L. A. Mauld- ! buy' They are «uests ot Mr- and called in the Geoff Williams home DAYTON HIRAM CURRAN, De noon of said day, for the hearing ceased in Adrian on their way home. of objections to said Final Account proved and said estaite distribute : OWYHEE, Mar. 24—Residents of ing innoculated the grade school I Mrs; Bdl Cook Vivian Hoke and Darlene Smith, an i said administratrix dischargtd. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Patterson and NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT and the settlement thereof. Owyhee voted to consolidate with children at Owyhee and a number 4-H club girls, received checks for of pre-school children for diph NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN family of Wilder were Sunday Dated and' first published Mar. i. Adrian Friday by a vote of 79 to theria. $9.50 each from the Oregon Bee guests in the Clayton Patton ! that the undersigned, Leah S . 1 NOW, THEREFORE, all persons interested in the estate of Dayton 24, 1949. Date of last publication, 33. This was the second time con tteepers association last week for Tile annual athletic banquet was home. Mrs. Patton and Mrs. Pat Curran, administratrix of the estate Hiram Curran, deceased, are noti April at, 1949. solidation had been considered, be given in the Adrian high school demonstration given last year by terson are sisters. of Dayton Hiram Curran, deceased, j fied and required to appear at LEAH S. CURRAN ing voted down by lour votes the building Friday evening. Dinner the girls on making cakes using Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Rightmeier has filed her Final Account as the County Court Room ill the Administratrix of the Estate of first time. Adrian also voted in was served to 160 persons. Bill honey as the sweeting. left for their home in Montrose, said administratrix in the County; Court House at Vale, Malheur Dayton Hiram Curran, Deceased favor of the consolidation. Mrs. Martha Klingoack and Fred Kansas after visiting here with I Court of Malheur County, Oregon, | Ray »'as named as the most val County, Oregon, at said time, to Harold Henlgson The O. K. K. club met Thursday uable football player and was a- were Sunday dinner guests in the their daughter and family, Mr. and ! and that said Court has appointed i then and there show cause, if any Attorney for Administratrix Jesse Gregg home in Sunset Valley at ... the home of Mrs. George Gregg - warded the trophy given by Eder Mrs. Wilson Winter for the past Mr. and Mrs. Werner Peutz held three weeks. »110 Mrs. Jesse Gragg assisting, ; Hardware company and presented Nineteen members and one guest, by Vernon Parker. Ted HoUy was high score at a pinochle party Mrs. Bertha Culbertson were pres- named as the most outstanding glven by Mr' and Mrs- Glenn Mc" BEND STOCK ent. Prize winners in the three1 plaver in basketball and was a- ° lnms in Saturday night, BIG games played were Mrs. Raleigh1 warded the Hatch trophy by H ow - 1 Low was won by Mrs' Byrd Walt' CLUB RE-ORGANIZED Chamberlain, Mrs. Byrd Walters ard Hatch. ers and Jesse Ditty. Mr. Walters and Mrs. Wilson Winter. R etrrsh-; Rev Rooert Kriner will hold ser- I aad Mrs- Uuty wt>n traveling prize BI<? BEND. Mar. 24—The Big Bend ments of toasted sandwiches, po-' vices at Owyhee Sunday school! Dther guests from here were Mr. Stock club was reorganized Friday tato salad, coffee and cocoa were* both morning and evening S u n -iand ®*rs' Deraid Slippy, after school with 18 members pres served. The next meeting will be| day March 27 ™r- and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald ent. Officers were elected as fol held with Mrs. Winter with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnes of aild ohUdren were Sunday diuner lows: President, Johnny Witty; guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Flet vice president, Wayne Roberts; cher in Homedale. secretary, Alberto Sillonis; activity Mrs. Mildred Hite of La Grande chairman, Jimmy Stoker. The var spent tile week-ent here visiting ious projects include beef, dairy, friends and relatives. Mrs. Hite hogs, sheep, rabbits and poultry. brought Jimmy Abbott from Haines The Big Bend Grange met Wed for a stay with his grandfather, nesday, March 16. William Fergu O. R. Hite. son gave a report on livestock ■ Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Walters were prices. Joe King gave a legislative hosts at dinner Monday evening report. The group voted to spon for their son. Jack, on his birth sor a membership campaign. Dale day. Guests were Miss Betty Till Teter and Mrs. Irene Hatch are man, Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walters the leaders in the contest. and the guest of honor. The Jolly Janes met Wednes Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Skinner were day with Mrs. Henry Renter of dinner guests Sunday in the Neal Kingman Kolony. Nicholson home. Mrs. Hart of Baker visited over COME ONE! COME ALL! Mrs. George Schweizer, Mrs, Vic the week-end with her daughter, Marshall, and 'Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mrs. Leroy Bennett and family. Marshall shopped in Boise Wednes Henry Hatch came to the Bend day. Friday from Joseph, Oregon to Fred Klingback, Joe Witty, and visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Elfers attended the box Harvey and sons, Merle and Philip. ing matches in Ontario Thursday Tlie A and B| club met Wednes evening. Hoke was the only Adrian day at the home of Mrs. Henry fighter to win his bout. Day in Adrian. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Walters were Billy Hamilton, who is taking a PHONE 120 Sunday guests in the William Me- course in telegraphy at Spokane, Phone Evenings 190W Ewen home in Ontario. writes his parents that he is- en Mrs. Lee Householder and Mrs. joying the course and has already Vic Marshall shopped In Caldwell made two advancements. Friday. The Wade 4-H Cooking chib met M O V1E r e f r e s h m e n t ! V IE W Miss Barbara Schweizer of On Monday afternoon with their lead tario spent the »’eek-end with her er, Mrs. Zoa Hutcheson, Eva F a c to ry -tra in e d personnel in grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mecham and Donna Ricks dem- a tte n d a n c e to help answer dchweizer. onstrated how to fix rice. The William Peutz home was the s q u e stio n s Mr. and Mrs. John Nemes and scene’ of a birthday dinner Sat family, who recently moved from urday. It marked the first birth Twin Falls to the Fretwell farm, day of Wanda Peutz, but several have decided to move again to a other members of the family are farm near Notus. celebrating tills month. Ouests be sides Wanda, her parents, Mr. and Visits Daughter— Mrs. Werner Peutz and her grand Mrs. Alda Pixton of Salt Lake parents, Mr. and Mrs. William City arrived in Nyssa for a two- Highway 20, north of Desseit Peutz, were Mr. and Mrs. Jesse weeks visit at the home of her Seed Co. plant Ditty, Mrs. Archie Moses, Lawer- daughter, Mrs. Warren Farmer, ence Peutz, and William Peutz, Jr. and family. Cattle from the Kygar, Peutz and Culbertson herds were driven CARD OF THANKS Sunday to the hills, where they I wish to express by sincere will graze all summer. The men appreciation to all my friends and took the cattle about half way neighbors who were so gracious Sunday and returned to their to help me put in my crop after homes for the night going back my recent accident. to take the cattle the rest of the Glenn Brown. way Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton, Jr. CARD OF THANKS and children were Sunday dinner I wish to thank all my friends guests ofiMr. and Mrs. Russell Pat who came to visit me and re ton, Sr. In the afternoon the membered me with cards and gifts group drove to Weiser for baby during my stay in the hospital. chicks. Glenn Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Patton entertained at dinner Monday LEGAL ADVERTISING evening for Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot of Nyssa. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF Mrs. Lee Householder, Mrs. Dick THE STATE OF OREGON FOR ONION SEED FOR SALE ATTENTION Utah Certified Yellow and White Spanish FARMERS EASTERN OREGON PRODUCE CO. M a rc h 25 ---- 8 P. M. FERGUSON OPEN HOUSE FREE WESTER A corrugatorco . /?A \esti ntfliouse Far ms Com«* FirstT’ mode possible by NEW , EXCIUSIVE, AUTOMATIC (XK2XLEKS2XL© SQCOTiUiSXL For its entire 33 years, the Idaho Power Company has fol lowed the policy that irrigation is more important than elec tric power. Only after irrigation needs have been met is water used to make electric power. Gives you COLDER COLD to freeze foods faster and keep frozen foods safer—assures steady, safe cold for normal food keeping. You get HOLD-COLD CONTROL, plus new large Super Freezer, big Meat Keeper, two Giant Humidrawers and other great features in the new De Luxe 9. You can k S U R E . That policy— irrigation first, power second— is an impor tant part of our $50,000,000 program of building new plants and other facilities within the next five years. This huge con struction program— which is in addition to the $28,000,000 already spent since the war— is to serve the fast-growing needs of this territory. It carries out cur o! edge of always having power ready and waiting when needed. m W cstl nghouse |„ the Ia si Electric power development and agriculture go hand-in-hand in this area— 98% of the farm, in Idaho Power territory are electrified, a national record. 1‘ a n of th. m aterials « « « " * ' £ v;de telephone s e r a t e ha scarce . M any still a r e . . . I D A H O V POWER A C IT IZ E N W H E R E V E R IT S E R V E S Question: WHO OWNS IDAHO POWER COMPANY? ACT NOW! See these GREAT, NEW WESTINGHOUSE REFRIG ERATO RS-at selves — on *he SP0” OSTROM BROS. APPLIANCE CO. 50 North 1st St. TUNE IN TED MAIONE . . . •DR-4115 Phone 269J «vary mamlnfl, Mandey thraveh Erldey . . . ABC Natwarlr ______________ Malheur Home Telephone Co. A N SW ER : About 9,500 stockholders residing in every state of the union. Ninety-four pier cent are individuals like yourself — 6 per cent are institu tional owners such as colleges, churches, trust funds and estates. More half live in western United States. They are thrifty people, the kind whose savings make possible most American^business and industry. Idaho Power is independent of any holding company— thousands of its stockholders are also its customers.