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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1949)
Horse Show Is Set For Valley (act, all the livestock was white 8 p. m „ evening service. Study meeting, desiring a date for their Mr. and Mrs. 9toddard have mov of Prayer: Penitence and Con horse show that would not conflict ed to Melba. Idaho and have moved fession. with scheduled shows at the riding all their stock and trainers to CATHOLIC CHCRC1I SUNSET VALLEY Park Avenue and Third Street Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Snodgrass ^ !y Ma.y ^’as. , the tiheir new ranch. ... „ . . " * 1 t-me decided on for the Stoddard _. . . . ASSEMBLY OF OOU Rev. P. J. Calre, Pastor who attended the Wednesday meet- show. The Stoddards, who are making Rev. Joe t. Uodson, Pastor Mass every Sunday at 9:30 a. m. ing of the Western Riding associ-! The White Horse ranch in Nebra- j P1*1“ to present a horse show this Sunday school, 10 a. m. Catechism classes for grade ation in Meridian, reported that ska was weil_lcnown for its pure! spring, want riding clubs to par- Worship services, 11 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Stoddard owners of p^ k' sltin"ed albino horses, ticipate in tne May affair. Includ- school children every Saturday at j Young People, 7 p. m. the famous White Hor-1 v, i ALso on *** ■ranch were snow-white ed on tj,e Stoddard show will be 10 a. m. Rev. Virgil Krause, leader. ramous white Horae ranch in geese, colts, cats and chickens, in ( Raman riding, jumping, hurdling, Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. m. ! and the noted five horse jump. Sunset Valley Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. Snodgrass reports that since Community Hall We welcome and urge you to at there are now 24 riding clubs in A. R. Herring. Pastor tend these services. the association, the association de Sunday school. 10 a. m. cided that two riding clubs will act Morning worship, 11 a. m. FAITH ' I ’THERAN CHURCH as hosts at the monthly meetings, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Crane will be Vice Pastor, Rev Elmore Carlson. instead of the one club as prev with us for both the Sunday Sunday school, 2 p. m. iously. The two Nampa cluhs w ill,___ W ....... ............ 0 Divine worship, 3 p. in. school and morning worship. be hosts for the meeting to be Special guitar music. Special held the last Tuesday in April, singing. Brother Crane will bring Many Farmers Are Asking Our Opinion As To while Nyssa and New Plymouth the message. Subject, "The Prod Too Late To Classify What Is Best Cash Crop To Grow This Year. clubs will serve together as hosts igal's Return". A hearty welcome FOR SALE—Used washing machin in May. is extended to you to attend all es, all kinds of makes. Machines Pians are progressing for the these services. Having Been In The Seed Business In Idaho ire guaranteed for six months. publication of a magazine with And Oregon For Over 20 Years Growing And Prices from $25 to $40. 482 No. items and articles of interest to CHURCH OF CHRIST Sixth street, phone 162-R. 24m4xc horsemen. Elwood Bingham, Ed Shipping Seeds We Recommend Planting Red Don R. Maxfield, Pastor Bowman, and Lynn Snodgrass 10, church school. Clover Freely. went to Boise Sunday to confer 11, morning worship and com F O R R E N T — One unfurnished three-room apartment in Bybee a- with A1 Moncarr, editor of the munion service. We Have Been Through Several Price Cycles p 4 tments. 24mlxc "Idaho Sportsman'. The group is 6:30, Senior Endeavor. working on the details of combin Pertaining To Farm Prices. The Price For Red 7, Junior Endeavor. FOR SALE—Small modern home, ing with the “ Idaho Sportsman". 8, evening worship. nice lawn, shade trees and picket Clover Seed Maturally Points Downward From Morning services are held in tin fence. Second street east of under- Recent High Prices. But Even so, The Net gymnasium. _ , . pass, first house north on east Evening seivices are held in the side of street. Priced with terms, Returns For Red Clover Seed During The Next homes. Phone 154-W for place of o . L. Fields, owner. 24m3xp Two Crop Years Will Very Likely Prove To Be evening services. _________________________________ _ _ _ ------------------ ¡ F O R S A L E — Masterbuilt house Very Satisfactory In Comparison. Sew For Hospital— B a p t i s t CHURL II | trailer, can be seen at the Signal Members of the Royal Neighbors MISSIONARY Elder II. F. Gage service station. Bill Lemon, West- are asked to meet Tuesday even- Missionary Pastor era Stores. 24m tfc in in the high school building for Sunday school. 10 a. m. the purpose of sewing layettes for Morning service, 11 a. m. FOR SALE—House with two bed the hospital auxiliary. Young people's service, 7 p. m rooms and utility porch. Complet Preaching service, 8 p. m. ely redecorated, $1900 down; bal Child Improves— Wednesday prayer service, 8 p. in. ance $3110.25 at $34 a month, in Bonnie Steiner, two-year old cluding interest. 671 Park avenue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wally ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL ClIl'RCII or inquire at Miner’s Barber shop. Steiner of Adrian, te improving Rev. U. L. Callahan, H .H'tor 24nUfc, from severe bums, and will soon Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. be able to be brought home from FOR RENT—Light housekeeping Morning prayer at 9 a. m. the Caldwell Memorial hospital. Holy communion on first Sunday room with bath and laundry fac ilities. Phone 178W. 24m2xc of the month. Students Visit— To contact minister call 409-J FOR SA LE—Good team and har Joyce Stoker, Mary Lou Schenk. Ontario for appointment. ness, 4'.- miles west of Adrian on Marjory Bishop. Ferrel Peterson Meudiola road. F. P. Dennis.24m2xp and Jerry Williams returned last TIIE CHURCH OF THE Friday from Brigham Younig uni NAZARENE Pocket for stampi WANTED—Farm implement mech Roomy bill pocket versity to visit with their families Rev. E. J. Wilson. Pastor anic. B. and M. equipment com Transparent credential in this community. Miss Stoker pocket m ud* 10 a. m., Sunday school. pany. 24m tfc and Miss Schenk returned to Provo 11 a. m „ communion service. Monday to register for the spring 7:15, N. Y. P., teenage and junior WANTED—Experienced farm hand, term. married, wants steady work with services. farmer who has a three or four 8 p. m „ evangelistic service. Attend Church Conference— Good congragational and special room house. Write George Weil, Mr. and Mr. J. C. Smith at tinging in every service. general delivery, Nyssa, Oregon or tended the conference of the Services every Wednesday night see at small white house at Garri Christian churches for southwest at 8 o'clock. son corner. 24mlxp ern Idaho at Twin Falls last W ed Prayer and fasting service at M A S N A F A S f C LO SU RE nesday and Thursday. While in noon Friday. FOR SALE—Daveno and swing I Twin Falls they were guests at rocker: blonde dinette set, G. E. „ «mpU. P'«1'“ 1 You are welcome, come. _ . aiC It insures the home of Mr. and Mrs. U. N. Terry. | THE METHODIST COMMUNITY Church Notes Plant Red Clover Seed Local News Alva Watts Watts Seed Comp ay ^ i W ^ M A G N A F A S T WALLET for Ladies I |NTh. Shopping List, M em os — Robinson Reminder,-.' the memory •ystem thet never forget«. Robinette holds just everything. Smart colorful leathers. The Magnafast Feature (Pat. App. For) Is an intriguing, automatic closure. N o snaps, no catches . . . nothing to wear. An entirely new idea in personal leather goods. Faiinson makers of R O B IN S O N R E M IN D E R S SOLD BY Nyssa Gate City Journal! PRINTERS AND STATIONERS j CHURCH Returns From „. , „ Salt T _ Lake _ 11 a. m „ morning worship. Ser- Mr. and Mrs_ L. C. Ballyentjne inon. . Aposties of the Kingdom." returned last Thursday frtwn S a lt, Anthem . . ^ t0 Dark oethsemane" Lake City where they attended the by Noblp There b m funeral services for a nephew, vided for smaU cllildren during William Jr. Rosen. The 14-year- the (.hurch hour old boy was killed by a hit-and- , Youth Fellowship, run driver in Salt Lake City. Stock Club Meets— The 4-H Stock club held Its regular meeting March 11 at Bill Sparks’ home. Each member gave a report on his or her project. The date of the meetings for the coming year was decided on. Re freshments of jello, punch and cookies were served by Mrs. Sparks. The next meeting will be held at the home of Carl Kesler April 1. Bernard Eastm an Insurance [if. Real Estate Phone 64 Nyssa. Oregon I electric range and speed Queen I WANTED—‘Man about 60 wants j washing machine. Items almost light light work, part or full timv. new. Floyd Campbell, 5 miles very dependable. Box 474, Nyssa southwest of Nyssa. 24m2xp 24ml x( FOR SALE—1 rooms of furniture, chickens, 1937 Packard sedan. Ed- | ward White, 400 block on north 2nd street. 24mlxp : FOR 60J RENT -Small house, phone 24m lxp ' " i f SA! k '.y;,- chevy. fair con dition, $100, can see car at corner of First and Ehrgood or in back of Mrs. Frank Edwards. 24m2xp FOR SALE—40 acres, under the Black canyon and close to Nyssa. Cash $3000 or the appraised value if less. Mrs. Ethel Crawford, phone 277W. 24m2xc FOR SALE White Rose Seed Potatoes Grown From Blue Tag Seed Jake Fischer Phone 05R1 fbrouy/t your Iron my H/Sf/ta M tu jta q 'ro tter Ironing is no longer a tiresome chore. You can sit down und iron your whole week’s wash in no time at all. $199.95 in lo w m o n th ly p a y m e n ts Come in today /or a complete demon stration. NYSSA FURNITURE CO. 1 Block West of R. R. Depot Wall Paper 5c A Single Roll In order to completely clear our stock room for this year’s supply of wallpaper we are sell ing all our remaining Imperial wallpaper, re gardless of original price, at the price listed above. Some of this paper sold at 90c a single roll. COME IN AND GET YOUR SUPPLY OF PAPER NOW STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY “ Your General Paint Store” jCT- V A IU M S a *4iYD<ktT j Pay A sYou Ride ¡r<*i Í /I SEE US ABOUT OUR B U D G ET PLAN OR NEW OR REBUILT MOTORS, MOTOR OVERHAUL, BRAKE OVERHAUL, NEW TIRES AND BATTERIES 2 Po unds £ RISCO Velveeta Cheese 9c QQp (JÜU 3 1b. Can Payette Valley We Are Still Selling Good Used Cars This week we have a dandy 1946 Dodge Pickup— motor just overhauled and ready to give somebody thousands of miles of dependable service Herriman Motor Company YOUR TRANSPORTATION MERCHANT n 35 1 li CORN D A r r i Kl DALU m JELLO Pound 39C H A M S Pici nie S ty le Pound 19c Stewing Beef Pound Besl G ra d e jjc Cigarettes * ^ ANY BRAND 1.39 CARTON WILLIAMS FOOD MARKET Phone284 W ► Prices G o o d T hrou gh Su n d ay ^ Free D elivery