\ PAGE FOUR THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1949 RODENT DISTRICT OFFICERS ELECTED Friday for Dallas, Oregon, upon plans to plant Monday. receiving word that Mr. Parker's i Mr. and Mrs. James Chadd were Sunday dinner ,>ues;s at the Gene mother’s health is very bad. John Cooper, who worked all | Cleaver home. SUNSET VALLEY, Mar 24— At the Tuesday evening meeting of the last year for Thomas Nishitanl,1 Among those attending the ath Owyhee rodent control district moved his family Saturday. Coop letic banquet Friday evening in were Jesse Assumendi election ol officers was held. Serv er works this year for H. K. Hashi- Adrian M irian. Jo Ann, and Kenneth ing for the new year are Don tanl. Attending the all-talent show in Pri~e and Vera Faye Counsil. Strickland, chairman; T. H. Brew Mr. and Mrs. Ira Chadd were er vice-chairman, and Eugene Nyssa Tuesday evening were Mr. Stephans, as secretary-treasurer. and Mrs. Frank Briggs, Mrs. Her dinner and theater guests of Mr. The men decided that 20 cents an bert Bergam and hosts, Mrs. Del- and Mrs. Harry Gahan Sunday. Charlie Schweizer sold a truck acre was to toe paid to Eugene b: rt • Gam er and Mrs. Charlie load of his cattle Tuesday. Also Stephans, R. 2, Nyssa, by March Schweizer. 22, for the extermination work to I Sunday dinner guests at the attending the sale were Jesse and bei’ in. If enough send their money; home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew | William Gregg. Ontario shoppers Mrs. An - 1 were Mrs. William Gregg, Mrs. or check, the work will be started. I Titland were Mr. and If not, the money will have to be i drew Ekanger and family and Nell D.mmick, Mrs. Harold Fyl- lingness, Mrs. Robb Thompson, returned and the group become j Mr. and Mrs. Olie Ege. Okano’s began beet planting Mrs. Herbert Bergam, Mrs. Ed inactive. Dimmick Price, Mrs. Ira Price, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. U. E. Parker left Friday of this week. GARRISON REPAIR SHOP Robert Albritton. Mr. and 'Mrs. Leslie Ditty and family of Ontario spent Saturday at the Clarence Dodson home. John Reeves at Nyssa was Sunday guest at the Robert Ditty home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Share re turned this week from a trip to California, where their son, Don, has been in training at Port Ord □on will be on a furlough until March 31. Mrs. Veva Castle left Sunday to visit her daughters in Bend and Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton. Mr and Mrs. Roy Holmes, Charles Cul bertson, and Chet Corfield were all day guests at the Neil Dimmick home Sunday. The men, branded, dehorned and vaccinated both Dimmick’s and Patton’s cattle. Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Helmut Julum were Mr. and Mrs Edwin Turner and daughter of Mc Call, Idaho. Mrs. McCall is a niece of Mrs. Julum. Mr. McCall is employed as a sawyer in Idaho ATTENTI ON We Are Now In Position To Do All Types Of Cabinet Work And Contract Building. Re-Opened For Business We do all kinds of plow work and welding, repair all types of farm machinery and build beet beds, trailers, etc. Johnson Cabinet Shop Phone Nyssa 023J1 1 Mile North Of Nyssa- Parma Junction On Highway 95 Guaranteed DALE GARRISON - CECIL GOWEN Radio Repair PHONE 04R2 PETERSON FURNITURE CO. Dale Garrison Farm 3 Miles Southwest of Nyssa Nyssa, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Ray Aston of Port To Install Pastor— Iowa June <1 and plans to toe in land. arrived Sunday to spend sev The local The Faith Lutheran church of Nyssa by the 10th. eral days visiting at the home of Nyssa will install a new pastor group is still holding services Mrs. Aston's parents, Mr. and Mrs. June 19. Rev. Sherwin Schmidt will Sunday afternoon, with Sunday graduate from the Wartburg Theo M. A. Rataezyk. logical seminary, at A m er.an school at 2 o ’clock and worship Monday visitors and dinner Lutheran church, at Dubuque, service at 3 o ’clock. guests at the Clarence Dodson home were Mrs. Leslie Ditty and son, Kenneth of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. James Robb, Muss Elaine Jones and Homer Dider- icksen o f Caldwell were Sunday evening guests at the home of Edwin Sharp. A late supper was served. Clarence Reed is taking occasion al flying tessons at the Ontario airport. , Mrs Nelson Field spent Tuesday and Wednesday under an oxygen tent in the Nyssa Nursing home. She was suffering from a severe' attack of asthma. Mr. and iMrs. Elver Nielsen at tended a pinochle party Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Olson in Nampa. De-hom ing and branding cattle was done at the Pete Wilson home Sunday. Dinner guests and those1 assisting were Melvin and Vers Sessions and Charles and Wilbur Chapin. Mr. and Mrs. Rosel Anderson and son were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Devon Larson. " f Reverend and Mrs. Joe Dodson spent Sunday in Parma as din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vir gil Krouse. Mrs. Addie Azell, who has been at the home of her son, Ed Steiner, left recently for Hayward, Cali fornia. Reva Rookstool Joined the Busy Bakers 4-H club when It met Sat urday afternoon at the home of I Mrs. Lewis Mitchell. The group decided to hold a roller-skating FORD TILLERS ............................... $160 party April 2. Salad, sandwiches i and cocoa were the lessons for the I CORN PLANTERS ......................... $190 dav. The next meeting will be held at the home of Lois and LOADERS, 10 ft.................................. $110 Larna Garner. Demonstrators for OFFSET DISC, 4*/2 ft........................ $225 the next lesson will be Helen Julum and Gladys Stephans for the first TERRACER’S BLADES ............. $140 year class, and Marelene Bergam and Reva Rookstool for the second TW O-W AY PLOW ............................ $240 year class. Mr. and Mrs. Robb Thom pson! left Tuesday for a two-weeks visit with the Frank and Donald Toschl families at Prosser, Washington. j Mr. and Mrs. John Reffett h e lp -' ed move their son and his wife, i Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reffett, to John Nyssa, Oregon Day. where Reffett is emloyed at Your Ferguson Dealer the Plymouth igarage. Robert Albritton left Thursday for Corvallis to get his belongings, moving them to La Grande over the week-end, and returned Sunday. Albritton plans on attending the Eastern Oregon college. Mrs. Al britton is still resting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Price. FORD TRACTOR O W NERS ATTENTION SPECIAL SALE ON Western Corrugator Company lim e for a Farm Sale COLUMBIA AVENUE Any day now comes one o f spring’ s biggest thrills —thut first carefree cruise into the country on the wings o f your Uuick—with the uir warm and full of promise, and you falling in love with your Huick all over again! We want you to get the most out of this affair, because w e’ve been around Uuicks so much we have a deep and loving interest in them, too—so w e’ve got everything all set in our shop to get your car all set for the season. S P R / tfG se w te s SPiC/AL CLBAN spark plugs, distributor, car* buretor, radiator and cooling system, battery terminals. adjust spark plugs, ignition timing, valve-tappet clearance, car buretor, generator-charging rate, fan-belt tension. lUBAJCATB crankcase, transmission, differential, chassis, front- wheel bearings, steering gear. T/GHTBN ('hanging your oil —flushing out your cooling system — these are only starting points for ns! A ny machine us fine as your Ituick deserves u complete cheek-up and tune-up—and we have the men, the tools, the experience, to do it as no one else quite can! Drop in this week and let ns fix a time for bringing your Huick beauty up to its new-ear thrill-level. For that magic Saturday morning, sometime soon, w hen there’s a heady invitation in the air to get under way someplace—Ac ready! Buicksa Roberts Nyssa, Inc. Second St. and Good Ave. Nyssa, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. John Timmerman of Newell Heights entertained at a whist party Sunday afternoon. Their guests were Mrs. Dick Stam of Oregon Trail, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Groot of Apple Valley and Mr. and Mrs. Z. Davidson of Parma. Several farmers attended the ma chinery sale at the Dale Garrison ranch on the Nyssa-Oregon high way Monday. The pinochle club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Smit of Nu-Acres Friday afternoon Mrs. Jake Groot held high score Mr. Groot second high and Mr. Davidson low. Mr. and Mrs. John Lacky and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen attend ed the grave side services for Mr. C. C. Hunt in the Nyssa cemetary Friday afternoon. Having rented my place, I will sell the following de scribed property 1 mile north and Vi mile east of Nyssa on east side of railroad track, one mile east of sale yard Monday, Mar. 28 SALE STARTS AT 1 P. M. „ HORSES 1 Extra good team, 5 and 8 yrs. old, weight 3400 lbs. 1 Grey riding pony, 3 yrs. old. 1 Set of harness and collars. CATTLE 1 Holstein cow, 4 yrs., to freshen by sale date. 1 Holstein cow, 4 yrs., to freshen by sale date. 1 Red cow, 6 yrs., milking now. 1 Jersey cow, 6 yrs., milking now. 1 Jersey cow, 6 yrs., to freshen in April. 1 Jersey heifer, 2 yrs., to freshen in May. 1 Holstein heifer, 2 yrs., springer. CO. 4-H CLUB HAS 1 Whiteface heifer, 2 yrs., milking now. GOOD PROSPECTS 1 Holstein heifer, yearling, from registered Guernsey bull. 1 Jersey heifer, yearling, from registered Guernsey Four H club work has prospects for another banner year, according bull. to E. M. Hauser, county extension 1 Black bull, yearling, from registered Guernsey agent. At present there are 82 bull. clubs organized with members car rying 1,097 projects. And there are 1 Jersey heifer calf, 6 months old. still a number of crops and live Heifers are all calfhood vaccinated. Herd test of stock clubs to be organized during the next few weeks. 4.6 to 5.0. Cows are all bred to good bull. "Last year saw the greatest an- T. B. and bang’s tested. rollment in 4-H club work Mal heur county has ever had," Hauser MACHINERY said. 'There were 990 different 1 John Deere tractor, model H. club members enrolled, and these boys and girls completed 11,074 1 Oliver trail 2-way tractor plow. projects. In addition participation 1 Eversman leveler. 1 2-section steel harrow. in club activities, such as spring 1 2-section wood harrow. 1 Cultipacker. fair, summer school, camps, and county fair, was at an all-time 1 8-foot Tandem d isc. high. 1 Case horse beet and bean cultivator. "Oregon 4-H club work is now 34 years of age, having been est 1 John Deere 4-row beet and bean tractor cultivator. ablished in 1914, Hauser states. In 1 John Deere potato tractor cultivator. that time the program has grown to a state enrollment of 26,000. 1 Martin ditcher. 1 swather. Nationally 1,800.000 youngsters be 1 John Deere 7-foot trail tractor mower. long to 4-H clubs in every county in the United States and in Alaska, 1 Oliver power potato digger. 1 Walking plow. Hawaii and Puerto Rico. I -Shallow well pressure pump. Club members all over the coun try were active in observing Na ! «r°0t*. we** PumP- I Wooden buck scraper. tional 4-H club week Special 1 VYooden float. 1 Dump rake. meetings, extbits, and radio pro 1 New hand cream separator. • grams were used to call attention ! 1 Stock trailer. i to the work club members are do- Hand tools, etc. ing and to interest other boys HOGS land girts in Joining 4-H clubs. 1 Feeder shoat, weight 125 pounds. RuUding Permits Climb— TERMS— CASH Permits for construction of new residences in Nyssa during the last LUNCH SERVED ON THE GROUNDS six weeks amount to $81.000, ac cording to figures released at the ; city hall Wednesday. The $81,000 does not include thé cost of alter- ! atlons or other types of construct- | ton. Mrs. Irving Duffin, Owner Cols. Ben Anderson and Joe Church, Auctioneers L. H. Fritts, Clerk