Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1949 PAGE THREE Classified Advertising toes, bring your own sack. L. J .' loan. Ralph G. Laurence, Nyssa trie, use your stand. *26.50. New sessment roll and apportionment of Counsil, Mr. and Mrs. R ob ei. Josophson and son, Payette, Idaho, Insurance Agency. 24ftfc portable cabnet, *38.50. New table charges for operauJh ana m ain P. Counsil, Mr. and Mrs. Jce tenance lo r the 1949 season, and phbne 392-J. 17mtfc FOR SA LE Let 'us measure'your i m jdel *76-50' aU <**"Plete with sew assessment of $3.95 per acre for Smith, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Cheste Genuine Wiss pinking F O R SALE— 110 sacks o f white rose| windows Tor Venetian minds. N o | ****** operation and maintenance, delin Counsil of New Plymouth, and Mr. seed potatoes, one vear from certi charge for this service or estimates. shears. "Fam ous" buttonhole at quencies in collections, reserve, and and Mrs. Elton Counsil and lam iij fied. Sh eff White, It* miles west Obtainable in one week. Assorted tachment. Supplies for all ma adminitration expenses, estimated Elton is now employed by the Stunz Lumber company. an K in g avenue. 24m lxp chines, and o f course— Repairing for the season of 1949, and *1.00 per colors in steel or aluminum slats. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Counsil v is acre construction charge during the FOR SALE Nyssa Furniture company, phone that will tickle you— “ I dood it”. ited Friday and Saturday in the year 1949 by virtue of Bureau of RATE S. Two cents per word for each issue. A fte r one month one 440 acres, good row crop ranch, 149-W. 2l)Mtfc. J. "L e te ” Sackett, Ontario, Oregon. valley, returning Sunday to Leb- Reclamation order. cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c anan. Counsil is attending college lays perfect, plenty of irrigation 17ftfc The assessment roll and records FO R S A L E — Tile wall coverings, at Corvallis. water, 6-room modern home, two chrome table and sink edgings, may be inspected at the office of I N S U R A N C E — Insure with E. Stockmen are taking cattle and tenant houses, H down, easy terms waterproof cement, etc. Nyssa Fur L. Jamison. 100% service. 13Jtfc the District by any interested per sheep to the hills now that the niture Co., phone 149-W. 6Mtfc. son during office hours of each bus on balance. .pass is green. FO R SA LE — 15 tons of hay. Sam M ISCELLAN EO U S—General trucie- iness day. 160 acres, good fertile, level soil, FO R SA LE — Business building. Branding and de-horning o f Lew ing. John Barnett and Kenneth Hartley, 7 Vi miles southwest of By order of the Board of Direct j new 7-room modern home, 5-room i Main street location, lot size 25x116. McCoy’s and Lyman Pomeroy's cat Nyssa. Reece, phone 123-R. U tfc ors. ___________________| modern tenant home, *37,500, ' Ralph G. Lawrence Insurance F O R SALE —Gem seed potatoes tle was done Sunday. By Harold Henigson, Secretary, agency, Nyssa, phone 53. 22Jtfc. M ISCELLANEO US— Prompt and from blue tag seed. Phone 108J2. 1=1011 SALE — Now available, Fox down. Little Pattie Ann Stanger visited Owyhee Irrigation District. tree pick-up or your dead, crlppied 20 acres, lays good, under old pickup cutters lo r hay and forage last week at the home o f her aunt, First Publication Mar. 3. 1949. irrigation water right, or sick livestock. Calls received be p 1 See them now. H. J. H. Co., your Owyhee Mrs. Wayne Garner. K aren Ann Last Publication Mar. 31, 1949. tore 9 o ’clock are picked up bj FOR SA LE —Child's pony, four Oliver dealer, Weiser, Idaho,17m3xc close to Nyssa, good 3-bedroom Pett was a week-end guest. Karen modern home, soft water, $10,000— W A N T E D —Soane one to plow, seed noon. Eftlclent drivers. Call col is Mrs. G arner’s sister. years old, gentle. Phone 108J2. lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys A D M IN IS T R A T O R ’S N O TIC E T O and corrugate about two acres. M 24m3xD P O R SALE—W hite rose, and Bliss $5,000 down. Attending the third concert of CRE D ITO RS Beautiful new 6-room modern W. Myers, Golden Rule store. 3mtfc sa 102-W. raano Animal Producb- _________________________________ P 1 triumph seed potatoes, grown from the series held in O ntario W ed Cempany. 5Jtfc IN TH E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F F O R S A LE —Bliss Triumph seed * blue tag seed. Magnus Ekanger, Rt. home on five acres, joins Nyssa nesday evening, were Mrs. Charlie TH E S T A T E O F OREG O N T O R potatoes from blue tag; also will | 2. Nyssa, Sunset Valley. 10m4xp city limits, good soil, lays perfect, HELP W A N T E D -Are you raising Schwizer, Miss Clarice Notheis, and M ISCELLAN EO U S — Duplicate cat your sights above ordinary wages? T H E C O U N TY O F M ALH E U R home is w ell constructed, insulated trade for similar netted gem seed : Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nishitani. F O R SA LE —B y owner, six-room and has a fu ll basement, the best The best one-man business in M al and cylinder lock keys made. Hefi- In the Matter of the Eistate of from certified stock or will put out Mr. and Mrs. M ervin Shldler of neman’s. 250tfc heur county now avauaDle. Car 3. C. MOORE, deceased. one for two. Phone Ontario 897J '10uf e 1,n Earma’ modern except buy in a good acreage. Big Pine, Wyoming were over NO TICE IS H EREB Y QIVE1N A re you looking for a good dairy required. W rite J. R. Watkins Co. I N S U R A N C E — For 100 % ser or contact L. J. Josephson and £ea ' °*1 1Jea^ 1 r a" d 9 E - water night guests at the home o f Mrs. 137 Dexter avenue, Seattle, Wash set-up? W e have it. son. Payette, Idaho. 24mtfc heater, lncluded' a‘ mpst vice on insurance. E. L . Jam i that tire undersigned, W alter EL Marie C. Black Wednesday evening. ________ ______________________________| age, lawn and shrubs. For in- I0f6xc Bishop, has been appointed admin One acre Joining city limits, ington. son. 13Jtfc Mr. and Mrs. Shidler, who have F O R SA LE — 1946 Ford V-8 club formation write 1705 Dearborn St. nice lawn and shrubs, 5-room istrator o f the estate of E. C. sold their ranch in Wyoming, left coupe, radio, heater, very clean. Caldwell, Idaho or phone 154M modern home, $4500, $3000 down, W A N T E D — T o buy anything in Moore, deceased, by the County for Wyoming, but are planning on beef or veal. Also custom killed Price *1400. John W. Powell, care Caldwell. 10m3xc $40 per month on balance. Court of Malheur County, Oregon, returning to this area. and delivered to Polar Cold Stor K SR V , Ontario. 24mlxc Do you want to own one o f the age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. T O TRADE!—Modern two-bedroom and has qualified. FOR SALE—20-acre farm, small NOW, THEREFORE, all persons best paying businesses in Nyssa? concrete block home, completely F O R SALE— W ell established talk-1 four-room house, 13 acres seeded I t ’s a money maker and on cash furnished, new furniture, two large having claims against the estate ing picture show circuit, good year- j to red clover, 6 miles north of basis, a good apartment is in corner lots in Glendale, -Arizona, of E. C. Moore, deceased, are here around paying business, full price Caldwell on highway 30, across by notified and required to present cluded. FO R R E N T —-Room, first floor, own shade trees, air conditioned, pav $3500 cash. Phone 06J5, M e l, from the Purple Sage, *6000. Alva I f you want good reliable ser lavatory, nicely furnished. Phone ing paid, value $8250, want close in the same with proper vouchers, BUENA VESTA, Mar. 24—(Mrs. La Idaho. Haney, box 433, Caldwell, Idaho. Brown, route 2, Boise, July verified, within six months Vern Cleaver was operated on for vice when you buy, rent o r sell 011R4. ‘24mlxc small improved acreage near Nyssa. 10m3xp 24m2xp contact your nearest G rigg Bros, W ill give or take difference. L. J. irom date o f this Notice, to the removal o f her appendix at the FO R R E N T —Four room modern Mott, 302 C west Avenue, Glendale, undersigned, W alter 1* Bishop, at Holy Rosary hospital Monday. FOR S A LE —Five-passenger 1948; FO R SALE — 1 Wedgewood gas and Butler agency. In Vale—Nephi Grigg, Golden basement house, $45 month, write Arizona. I7m2xp the law office o f Lytle and K il Mrs. Lucille Gossard o f R ic h Mercury coupe, low mileage. Phone range with Flamo tank and reg- patrick, Vale, Oregon, which place mond, California is visiting at the Mrs. Frank Olson, route 2, Parma. 24m 2xp ulator; 1 Montgomery Ward water G rigg and Ross Butler. 244W or 262J. I N S U R A N C E — For your in he undersigned selects as his place In Nyssa— Mel Beck. 24mtfc home of her sister, Mrs. Edward heater, peanut type with range surance needs—E . L. Jamison. 100 of business in matters connected Tupliff. Mrs. Gossard was here to In Ontario—¡Blaine Halliday and F O R S A L E 4-room house, two boiler, reasonable prices. Pitone % service. 13Jtlc with said estate. Glen Call. FO R R E N T — Small room in a bedrooms, good location, priced 286-J, J. C. Smith. attend the funeral o f her mother, 3m4xp Dated and first published Febru Mrs. Deffenbaugh. T h e little E l W e are able to take care of private home. Phone 265R. lOmtfc reasonable, com er Sixth and Lo M I S C E L L A N E O US—W e Have ary 24th, 1949. cust. C. J. Benoit. 17m3xp 1 FO R SA LE —One 550-gallon gas- your insurance needs. more child Is staying at the Top- FO R R E N T —Good 80-acre row crop farmers wanting to cash rent good Date of Lust publication March liff home while its mother is in the I oline or fuel tank, one heavy duty SALE!—1941 Indian Tw in land, 5 Vi, miles southwest of Nyssa, row crop land. G rigg Brothers and 1949. F O R S A L E -S in g e r sewing ma-| horse and cattle trailer. Leo Fife, FO R hospital at Nampa, where she is 27jtfc 17tic. Butler, Bytoee building. W A L T E R E. B ISH O P chines, cabinets and portables, all j phone 016J1. 3mtfc motorcycle, inquire at Ole’s cor cash rent. C. H. Bennett. recovering from injuries received ill ner. 24m2xp Administrator o f the Estate o f E. machines fully guaranteed. Phone tlie automobile accident in which TO R R E N T — Electric hand sanding M ISC E LLAN E O U S— Need money7 C. Moore, deceased. 01R2, Ontario, or second house west FOR S A IE —Piano, large up-right, Mrs. Deffenbaugh was killed. SA LE — 1937 Oldsmobile 6 machine, excellent for light sanding Loans on farms ror refinancing, lOmtfc FO R o f radio station. George Stone. phone 143J. '■Mr. and ¡Mrs. Willis Bertram sedan, new tires; battery, generator, work. Ostrom Bros. Appliance, 50 building, improvements, b u y i n g . 17m4xp. were in Ontario Tuesday to attend F O R S A LE —Bliss Triumph and see evenings. Price $250.00. Sam North First street, phone 269J. 3ftfc Long term, low Interest, see Ber nard Eastman, phone 04. Nyssa. the sale at which they sold some Oasis Recreation Parlor, FO R SALE Ear corn, 8 tons. Jim White rose seed from blue tag or Clark 3Atfc. cattle. R E N T —2-room cabin at 24mlxp T O R Chadd, one-fourth mile south of will trade for similar netted gem Owyhee junction. SUNSET VALLEY, Mar. 24— Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver and Chadwick’s camp. 23Dtfc Sunset community hall. 17m2xp seed from certified stock. Phone The monthly meeting o f the children, M r. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie. Ontario 897-J. KXmtfe F O R S A LE —1948 Chevy, 7000 miles Worthwhile club was held Thurs three-room heater, radio, seat covers plus other F O R R E N T — New Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver and FO R SALE— New type John Deere day afternoon at the home o f Mrs. house. Mrs. Maude Williams, 611 SCH O O L D IS T R IC T B O ND Gary, and M r. and Mrs. Howard 6-row beet drill on rubber. New F O R SALE — Baby chicks. Now is accessories, $1950, Inquire, L. L. E'red B&bcok, with the co-hostess, E LE CTIO N N O TIC E Grove street, Parma, Idaho, phone Day and daughters were dinner last year, drilled 45 acres of ¡beets. the time to order Thompson's Wright, Union Pacific depot, days. Mrs. Elver Nielsen, assisting. Mrs. ) " lOftfc S T A T E O F O R E G O N 24mlxp 145L. guests at the Lester Cleaver hoaue Automatic lift, 3 sets of plates, Chek-R-Chix for delivery every George Sohweizer gave a report on F O R RE!NT— Polish your own County of Malheur ) ss. For Sunday. $500. Clayton Patton, 3 miles west Wednesday and Saturday. the associated women's club meet ) breeds and prices write. Thomp-1 F ° R S A LE 2 bedroom house, new. floors. R ent our high-speed pol School District No. 26C G ary Cleaver, small son o f Mr. of Owyhee corner. 17m3xp Seventeen were served re All ishing equipment. Easily handled Notice is hereby given that, at ing. son’s Ontario hatchery, box 578, very modern with furnace. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver, has been freshments. Next month’s meeting 5th St., just north by women. Nyssa Lumber company. the school district bond election 17ftfc. large rooms. FO R SALE— 12 to 15 tons of bailed Ontario, Oregon. ill with a severe cold. 3Atfc. hereby called, to be held at the will be held at the home o f Mrs. of Park Ave. $8000. F. H. A. fina- hay, 100 bushels of corn. Locust All farmers are sowing grain and Kenneth Lorensen. Shown by appointment Grade School In the C ity o f Nyssa, fence pests, horse machinery, T O R SALE—Or rent, trailer house. anced. getting seed beds ready. Mrs. Fix'd M itchell is much bet in and for School District No. 26C Lyons electric brooder. See G errit H. E. Collins,, box 500. Nyssa, tele- only. FOR RENT of Malheur County, Oregon, on ter, but must still stay o ff her feet 17m2xp Phone 177-J. 17mtfc. TOR SALE— An excellent selection Stam. of farms of all sizes including the 2nd day o f April, A. D., 1949, most o f the time. Floor Mrs. G rover Cooper attended a F O R SALE — 120-acre Wallowa val- I P ° R SA LE —Seed potatoes. Bliss some unimproved, also small acre between the hours o f 2;00 o’clock ley farm, irrigated, with modern j Triumph and W hite Rose, phone ages. Homes of all kinds, several P. M. and 7:00 o’clock P. M. meeting In Ontario Thursday for Sander extension demonstrators. O RBGON T O A rL i M ar. improvements, will sell or trade f o r i 0*"® !- H - K - Hashitani. 17m4xp new yith F H A terms. there will be submitted to the le»;al rinmty Reasonable Matrons club met at the voters thereof the question of con Wan finishes was the day s lesson farm or business in or near On- j P O R S A L E -P h ilc o Table Mode!, T O R SALE!— New home, 2 bed tano or Nyssa; will trade with o r |ba radlo, See Bob T W p ^ n . rooms, fully modern, in good lo tracting an additional bonded in m w J r “ 16“ 10 thC Unlt ^ m e o f Iva Adams Wednesday af- Rates groups in April. FH A approved, $2,750 without stock and equipment. W rite 27Jtfc cation. debtedness in the sum o f $108,000 ternoon. March 16. R oll call was Harold Petersen of Idaho Falls balance easy payments. C. A. M iller, Enterprise, Oregon. I ______________________________________ down, for the purpose of providing ad answered by 10 members and two cabinets Ralph G. Lawrence, Nyssa Insur ditional funds needed for con arrived Friday, bringing a new guests, ¡Mildred H ill and Dana 17m3xp F O R SALE—Unpainted ance agenev. ___ _____ _____ Cabinets structing a Junior High School truck and tractor to help prepare Solpher. and chests I of drawers. M ary Sm iley read a FO R S A IE - C h e c motorcycle, 1948 ftre ¡n section and can be bought and additions to the present High the ground on his farm in the paper on St. Patrick. Lunch was TO R SALE!—Singer power, com model, in perfect condition, $250. complete or ln sections. Nyssa School and of equipping and fu rn valley. He was an overnight guest served by the hostess. T h e next pound feed, goose neck light, new Glenn I. Short, mile north and 1 % , Lumber company, phone 118-W. transmission, 14 H. P. motor, full ishing said Junior H igh School at the O la f FylBngness home F ri meeting will be held March 30 with miles west of Adrian on C. B. H ill! 16Dtfc and additions to the present High day and Saturday evening. Viola Adams as hostess. R oll call complacements, for upholstering, M i. and Mrs. W illiam Gregg, Mr. place. 17m2xp I ------------------------------------------------- School in ¡and for said District. will be “ Spring Housecleaning sacks, light leather, auto, tents and Mrs. C lifford Main, and Mr. I TO R SALE— 1946 Hudson, good The vote to be by ballot upon hint. T O R SALE!—Sorrel riding horse, | paintf good condition, like new. etc. Ready to plug in and start and Mrs. Jesse O regg attended the which shall ¡be the words “Bonds Mrs. F. G . Holmes, who has STUNZ LUM B ER C O M P A N Y four years old, well broke, gentle, Call ^ seen at the Farmers Co-op, production. F. ‘L ete” Sackett, On Notus revival meeting Friday eve Yes” and ‘'Bonds N o ” , and the been ill the past two weeks, is 16Dtft light mane and tail. Newton |H 0 Hopkins, phone 31-M. 30Dtfc tario, Ore. ning. voter shall place a cross (x ) be reported to be some better. Forgy, New Plymouth, phone 2095. i _ _ - --------------------- ?— FOR SALE— Have farms and homes Miss Clarice Notheis and Mrs. tween the word “ Bonds” and the Mr, and Mrs. F. S. Byers and 17m2xpJ FO R SALE— Russet eating pota- for sale. Need more, list with Ken Charlie Schweizer attended the Renstrom. Phone 2U4-W. 29Jtfc. M ISCELLANEO US - W e s e l l o r word “ Y es” , or between the word Book m eeting Saturday afternoon fam ily were dinner guests at the trade pianos. W e sell Baldwin “ Bonds” and the word "N o", ¡which a t the home Mrs. E. H. Brumback Roy Holmes home Thursday eve FOR SALE ning. T h e St. Patrick's m otif was pianos exclusively. Griggs Bros, ever indicates his choice. in Big Bend. New two-bedroom home, utility The polls for the reception of used in table decorations. and Butler, Bybee building 27jtfc Mr. and Mrs. W illiam G regg and room, hardwood floors, gas furnace the ballots as fo r or against the Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Cleaver Mr. and Mrs. Jesse O regg attended and hot water tank, garage. Cor M ISCELLANEO US — Personalized contraction o f said Indebtedness were Sunday dinner guests at tlie the film "M other and the Home” , nel' lot, close to school, priced for stationery. Name stamped in gold will, on said day and date and at J. E. Bowen home. shown Wednesday evening in O n quick sale $7350.00. F. H. A. 'erms or silver. Nyssa Gate C ity Journal, the place aforesaid, be opened at Mr. and Mrs. Holland Holmes tario at the Women's club house Three-bedroom basement house printers and stationers. 24mtfc the hour of 2:00 o’clock P. M. and under tlie auspices o f tile m in and fam ily were Sunday supper with bath, 1 acre ground, 225 foot remain open until the hour of guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes' invest. 7:00 o’clock P. M. o f the same day, isterial group. frontage on Nyssa-Adrian highway M ISCELLANEO US — W i l l Sunday evening. Bybee has been doing land-lev at Owyhee junction, $3,000, immedi • $1000.00 in good prosposition with at which hour 'th e same shall be eling on the Hudson Robb iarm ate possession, $1500 down, ¡balance job included. W rite box 601, O n closed. the past week. tario, Oregon. 17m2xp By order o f the District School to suit. M r. and Mrs. Harold Snyder Very good two-room house with Board of School District No. 2*2 were hosts at a Wednesday evening M I S C E L L A NEOUS—The Nyssa PHYSICIANS bath, close to factory, 50 x 60 lot, of Malheur County, Oregon, made dinner honoring Mr. and Mrs. Ed Flour Mill is alien for grain treat priced for quick sale at$2600. Some this 11th day o f March, A. D., 1949. Price on their 29th wedding anni ing, cleaning, rolling grain and sale terms if needed. Attest: SARAZIN CLINIC versary. Guests included tlie Ed of Pillsbury feed. Phone 16UJ Two-bedroom home, utility room, H E N R Y H. H A R T L E Y Man to do light work, Price family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert lom tfc Dr. J. J. Sarazln fireplace, paved street, good loca District Clerk Albritton, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Price 45 to 60. tion, close to schools, priced right. M ISCELLANEO US—Available now, E M IL A. S T U N Z Dr. K E. Kerby Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. and fam ily. Priced $10.500.00. Part down, bal Electrolux cleaners and air puri Chairman, District School Board Must be dependable Herbert Bergam was ill for four Dr. L. W. Scott Veteran’s Hall— 8 P. M. ance $50 per month, four per cent fiers. Sales and service. EM A. days this week and unable to work, Pail or fulltime. Physician and Surgeons All Veterans Welcome interest. Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho, IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F but is working again. Acreage with large, now modern phone 067-J4. Work requires no 17mtfc. T H E S T A T E O F O REG O N F O R Dona Garner, Yoko Okano, and TH E C O U NTY O F M ALH EUR home, double garage, full basement, Genevieve Ballantyne were among smokers up free. In the M atter o f the Estate of those attending the M aigaret W eb close In, some terms, immediate Dead animals picked Physician and Surgeon For prompt service call collect. William L. Fretwell, Deceased possession. ster production of Shakeipare’s Pnone 37 53 Notice to Creditors Several good dwelling lots, well Ontario—Ontario G rain Co. I.O.O.F. tragedy, “ McBeth,” in Boise M on Hours: 10 to V. and 2 to 5 Parma—Parma Seed Co. 25 N O TIC E IS H EREB Y G IV E N day. located. Daily except Saturday and Meets every Monday Nyssa - M ain plant 100 that the undersigned, Boyce Van 1 3/4 acres with m odem two- A no host dinner at the Rob Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Phone 144J Jdaho-Oregon Rendering Co. de Water, lias been appointed A d ert Sm ith home in Nyssa Sunday bedroom house, chicken house for night, 8:30. Nyssa, Oregon ministrator with the W ill annexed honored Mrs. Smith on her birth 500 chickens, on paved highway, South First Street C. short distance to school, one mile M ISCELLANEO US—Oregon Journ of the estate at William L. Fret- day. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. O. al subscriptions, either mail or well, deceased, by the County Court from store, $7000. Physician and Surgeon sisiaisiíbTfci&isi^iii'ñiaiiñiioiaicji^ioi ¡j^Pdisi tbitnoîi&udisisisvaiBieiaieieisi&iîjisiaisiBii DENTISTS 200 x 150 lot on Ontario high home deliveries. W rite P. H. Stoop, of Malheur County, Oregon and Fry Building way, next to Polar Cold storage. box 304. Ontario, Oregon. 24m2xp has qualified as such. O ffice hours NOW, TH EREFO RE, all persons About 3 acres, unimproved, edge MISC E li ANBOUS—'Have Just In DR. C. M. TYLER 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 of town on Adrian highway, good stalled the Harvester freezer. Come having claims against the estate D aily except Saturday and Wilson Building soil. A ll or any part. home. Harry. Owyhee Truck and of W illiam L . Fretwell. deceased, Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Main street. Phone 165-J, Nyssa Implement Co. 24mlxc are hereby notified and required B ERN ARD EASTM AN to present the same, with proper Office hours from 9 to 5 except JEWELRY STORES Insurance Real Estate M ISCELLANEO US—W e have mod vouchers, duly verified, within six Saturdays, 9 to 12. e m Foley machines fo r filin g saws (6) months from the date o f this Phone 64 and sharpening lawn mowers. Also Notice, to the undersigned, Boyce J. R. CUNDALL TOR SALE —One large size oil scissor grinding. Patterson saw Van de Water, at the law office of burning heating stove; one heavy shop, 300 block No. 1st street. Harold Henigson at Nyssa, Oregon, Dentist duty horse and cattle trailer; one Union Pacific Tim e Inspector 24m tfc which place the undersigned selects Phone 50-J lightweight utility trailer; ene JE W E LR Y — D IAM O N D S as his place o f business in all Sarazln Clinic 550-gallon gasoline or fuel tank. M ISCELLANEO US—For plumbing, matters connected with said estate. W ATC H E S N YSSA OREGON Leo Fife, welding and repairing, call J. C. Smith, 286J. Service calls Dated and first published M arch Main Street a . Second phone 016J1. 13Jtfc made promptly. 3m4xp 17, 1949. F O R S A LE —80 acres *16,000. Terms Last Publication April 14, 1949. OPTOMETRISTS very good land. Basement house. M ISCELLANEO US — W ill sell or B O YC E V AN DE W A T E R trade for 1940 model or later car, 4 mile N. W. Administrator o f the Estate of DR. J. A. MCFALL one 17 foot inboard boat with TO R SALE!—One bedroom modem W illiam L. Fretwell. Deceased, with O fficial Tim e Inspector lor house, garage, chicken house, small trailer and equipment. Leo. Fife, the W ill Annexed. Union Pacific DR. JOHN EASLY 3mtfc. bam, lot 150 x 150. *5250, *1700 phone 01— I, O N T A R IO OREGON N O TIC E OF M E E T IN G CUSTOM SLA UG H TE R IN G M ISCELLANEO US — F 1 r e extin g Owyhee Irrigation District Stock received Monday. Tuesday, uishers. automatic bombs protect Notice is hereby given, that the Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m your home, your busine», trucks to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a m. to 12. or new car and may be a life's sav Board o f Directors of the Owyhee DR. H AL D. WHITE No stock received on Sunday. ings. Nyssa Fire Protection, 040 Irrigation District, sitting as a Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery North 4th street, Claud Willson, board o f equalization, will meet on Veterinarian the 5th day of April, 1949, at 8:00 to Polar locker plant. manager, phone 128J. Phone 21, Ontario, Ore Phone Nyssa 275-W o'clock p. m. o f said day a t its office One mile west on Alberta avenue M ISCELLANEO US—Y o u r sewing In Nyasa. Oregon, for tile purpose jj Phone 05R1 machine converted to modem elec- of reviewing and correcting its M-1 JAKE FISCHER For Sale WANTED For TRADE WOMAN HERE FOR MOTHER’S FUNERAL For Rent WORTHWHILE CLUB HOLDS GATHERING LEGAL ADVERTISING MERRY MATRONS HOLD GATHERING MISCELLANEOUS Professional and Business Directory ; WANTED; LODGES Nyssa Post No. 79 American Legion L. A. Maulding, M. D. Gate City Lodge No. 214 Watts Seed Co- J. Kopp, M. D. B PAULUS JEWELRY STORE of R oy Are in Nyssa to greet old friends and make new friends. WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE VETERINARIANS erretts Watch for Grand Opening W Hancock Oil Distributors