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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1949)
PAGE TW O THE NVSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1949 The G ate City Journal KI.ASS V. P O W E LL S U B S C R IP T IO N - - - KATES - - - - Editor und Publisher A D V E R T IS IN G KATES One Year ..... $2.00 Open rate, per Inch............ 40c Six Month*..............................$1.25 National, per inch 49c Single Copies ........................... 05 Classifieds, per word ...... 2c (Strictly in Advance; Minimum 30c Published every Thursday Entered at the postoffice through the United States the act at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission Malls, as second class matter, under of March 3, 1879 SOLVING JUVENILE DELINQUENCY What representative students of Nyssa high school think about juvenile delinquency was interestingly revealed in a panel discussion held by the students at the weekly luncheon of the Nyssa Lions club early this month. Generally the group members were fair in their consideration of the problem, and con tended that youths should assume their respon sibility for any deviation from the path of right living. Two or three indicated they believed the parents should shoulder the blame. How ever, the final concensus was that the problem of solving juvenile delinquency should be at tacked in a co-operative spirit by both the parents, children and community. As in so many other problems, education seems to be the best method of solution. Child ren of today, largely through the carelessness and disinterest of their parents, have lost the faculty of entertaining tsemselves. Failing in this trait, they are forced to-seek entertainment yway from home, where they can sometimes easily slip into delinquency. Children continually ask to be entertained, without giving any thought to possibility of de veloping hobbies or other interesting means of gaining enjoyment through their own activities. Education of children to entertain themselves and education o f parents to co-operate with their children in finding self-made wholesome entertainment would be a great development in the juvenile delinquency problem. MIRA FLAKE WINS ORATORY CONTEST Mira Flake, Nyssa high school sophomore, won first prize ill the essay contest recently s|xm»ored by the N.vssa safety council, writing on the topic, “ How I Can Make My Home a Safer Place". Miss Flake was awarded a prize o f $5 by the council und additional $5 by Mrs. Harriet Brumbach of the faculty. Sat Koyano, senior, won second prize o f $3 and Ned Campbell, junior third prize of $2 The winner read her essay at a chamber of commerce luncheon Wednesday as follows: W riting on the topic, “ How I Can Make My Home a Safer Place," M ira Flake, a sophomore at Nyssa high school, won first prize of five dollars and an addition of five dollurs from iMrs. Brum bach in a recent essay contest sponsored by the Nyssa safety council. Sat Koyano, senior, took sec ond prize of three dollars und Ned Campbell, Junior, won the third prize o f two dollars. Below is tile winning essny: "H ow I Can Make My Home a Safer Place.” The home Is a good place to begin a safety program. I f one learns and abides by safety rules ut home tie will surely be more thoughtful o f safety In public. A great hazard at any time is fire. Among the many warnings against possible fires in the home ure those mentioning matches. Matches are for the purpose of startmg a fire easily and should be taken care o f us such. Stoves should be given thought ful and oaroful treatment. Loose fuel for stoves provides easy prey for a possible stray flume to sturt a runaway fire. Any possibility of an explosion with an oil stove should be checked. Although this may not cause a 1 fire readily, It's certainly not a pleasant happening and may cause injury to some person. While talking about stoves It may be mentioned that if sm a ll! children are to be anywhere near | a stove they should be taught their danger before, not after, an accident occurs. Electricity brings a safety prob - 1 lem to the home. Faulty wiring needs to be corrected and all wires well insulated. Any electric! fences near u home where there are children should be far enough away so that children can 1* in structed where to play, without being crowded. Electrical appli ances should be placed away from positions where water can be touched while a hand is on an appliance. Certainly no person that has any thought of safety with elec tricity will ever put a coin in a fuse box. Where there are narrow halls and stairways, great caution should j be taken in keeping them clear, especially when lighting is not good. Children's toys are hazards l SENSATIONAL! KWIKLIP CUT ★ TH IN ★ O R TRIM YO U R O W N H A IR pitch forks Leaves For Portland— Carlos Buchner left Tuesday Undergoes Operation— Henry Fields oi Nyssa underwent evening on a buying and business a m ajor operation in the Holy trip to Portland. Rosary hospital in Ontario last Father Dies— Saturday. (Mrs. C. H. Bennett received | word Saturday of the death o f her T o Enter College— Neva Malloy, a senior in the Nyssa father. Ed. Roberts of D elheart,' high school, plans to attend Nampa Texas. Business college. She registered at | the college this week. Miss M al Society Sells Lunches— and loy is a daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. The 2nd ward Relief society un- IT ’ S HERE N O W . . .T H E NEW HOTPOINT CLOTHES WASHER ELECTRIC e Nyssa Flour Mill GRAIN CLEANING AND TREATING ALFALFA AND PASTURE SEED PREPARED FEEDS fiodger Anderson— Owner Phone 163J «f c g f t ^ Deep-Heet” Cooker is DIFFERENT because it has 4. Man m e ta trim m m tacke and eyebrew i. I. la d la c m e ta remeve a ic a tc kalr tram lag> and arm*. 4. Trim ming aadt at kalr before g iv in g kamo permanent. Think of It — Only 49c S iimplo m o l. n, * « r L,M MFC. |HCMW * S A L IS W . M l k u. oí ABC i , , D£KEN » k< ,4Ji OWYHEE DRUG COMPANY Phon 255-W Peterson H a s LEO N A R D They’re New! See demonstration * '•£ . , % - - * ■ ■ They’re Exciting! today of famous T L a i / ra Hotpoiiit ELECTRIC n a m a m J m L I# W A SH ER that saves TBS time, work and clothing •m % mm a \ V' * f p ^ g jlg r Makes Washing Easier... 'W Does Work in Half the Time! • T h riftivator sends clothes, even daintiest garm ents, through triple action washing. • “ Cushioned P o w e r ” m otor never needs oiling. • L ovell Pressure Cleanser W r in g e r; “ feather touch” safety release. $ 2 7 .0 0 ... ! I p / I JL s# j f ^V lA G IN E yourself sitting INSIDE a circle of hot radiators! You’d soon feel pretty well “cooked.” But if you sat DOWN on a radiator, the application of heat would be decidedly con centrated. The same principle applies to Mon arch’s exclusive side heat cooker. Monarch s side heat actually “wraps” the heat around the food — speeds cooking — tenderizes more thoroughly — and bakes rather than stews. No need to stir — foods do not stick to bottom! ë $139.95 ftoLjaoin|- D E P E N D A B IL IT Y A S S U R E D J Model LC-48 Super Deluxe $299. 95 i «4 And They’re Easy To Ownl BY 4 0 Y E A R S E X P E R IE N C E ! d o w n - $ 6 . 2 0 per m o n th CRAMMED WITH GREAT LEONARD FEATURES ALL RANGES A modern miracle! From lop-to-hasa the new Leonard is completely re frigerated — every useful in ch ! Packed with far-sighted improve* ments to save you time and effort. Depend oil Leonard, the choice of four generations. It’s the best buy today! AND APPLIANCES •P ries thown it fo r drlitrrv in vour kiUhen iriih i'rnr Pratrction Plan, ¿¡lute and local taxes extra. 15 per cent down -21 m onths HERE ore Hire« dishei yog tag prepare better and More economically with “Side-Heel/' on MONARCH'S Electric Range Model DAP. to pay A s little as $ 1 2 *3 0 per month Delivers This Range O f A HAIRCUT A S K T O U R D IA L ! R O R W R IT I TO G. H. Peirsol as Returns From Trip— Charles Chritkm has returned from a week's visit at Spokane. He visited his daughter, Charlene. ...... ANYONE CAN USE KWIKLIP FOR O tools James H M alloy of route 2, Nyssa. dertook as a project the selling council of the Oregon State « i g h of lunches at the Weiser stake con School Principals association in Attend Meeting— ference last Sunday. Prom this Eugene Saturday. He also attend Boo Dewey, Monty Fraser, Don sale, the relief society made *297. ed tlie finals of the state basket ball tournament, which Roosevelt Maxfield, Webb Pennie, John Quig - ---------------------- high school o i Porland won. ley and J. C. Smith attended a t Riding Club T o Meet— banquet and quarterly meeting of T h e Owyhee Riding club will i the Laymen's league o f the Christ meet Friday evening. March 25 at Attend Ontario Lions Banquet— ian church in Star Monday. Mr and Mrs. Tom Seppich, Mr. 8 o’clock at the home of Mr. and and Mrs. Olea Billings, Mr. and Mrs. W illis Bertram. Mrs. Max Jones and Everett Heldt Former Minister Here— attended the Lion's club ladies' Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Gernhardt Attends Conference— j f La Grande left Tuesday for Dennis W. Patch, Nyssa high night banquet in Ontario Saturday • heir home after visiting for two school principal, attended a com evening. Dane in.' was enjoyed fol days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. mittee meeting of the executive lowing the dinner. C liff Main. Rev. Gernhardt was appointed to the first Methodist church at L a Grande last June. selection You can a / w o y i look noat w ith thl t m oney-saving, • o s y to uto KWIKLIP homo haireuttor, by using It In y o u r rotor. P its doublo-odqod ra zo rs and cann ot cut or s c ra tc h tho skin. 1. C u ttin g year a w * kalr. 2. Trim m ing or tklaa lag tka kalr. I. M a tk a r ar fa tk a r caa cat tka cklld raa'c kalr. Sacar SI ad# Such rakes -are dangerous when not properly stored. The bam can oe equipped with special racks for dangerous objects such as these. A ll in all, I think we can im prove in many ways, the safety j f our homes. Home safety is the responsibility of every person in the family. I f carelessness and ignorance can he eliminated and caution and com mon sense put in their places, the lumber of accidents in the home can be substantially reduced. compiele To Keep You Looking Smart ★ on the floors or stairs and should oe kept in appointed places. The medicine cabinet is a handy article if it is kept neat. It should be so placed that it is well out o f the reach of all small mldren. Dangerous practice of many .e.imtresses in the home is to .eave pins in curtains or even in rversttiffed furniture. This pract- ce is peril ju s to any child that .nay come in contact with these .harp objects. The garage and tool closet should be given special attenion. The jarage should be open when a ar is started and the motor is to un any length of time in order o prevent dangerous accumulator! jf carbon monixide fumes. It is .rnportant that tools be kept in place to prevent the danger of falls. Bits of wire about the yard and tool shed of the farm should be carelully picked up and put in a ^afe place. Boards with nails in them need to be put away with the nails either bent over or taken out. Furniture and Appliances Peterson Furniture Co. 3 8 years dependable service Ny*»a - Ontario - Vale - Payette $ 1 6 .5 0 d o w n fi $ 4 .9 2 per month|