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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1949)
d PAGE T¥Md THE NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THU RSDAY, MARCH 24, 1949 OVERSTREET ROAD W O RK PROGRESSES N E W E L L H E IG H T S , M a r 2 4 - -Con struction on the is well underway. ened and fills Overstreet road It has been wid put in along the Kennith Sm ith and Charles H arris places. T h e road is to be made into a highway. Louis P ratt attended the Masonic lodge meeting in Nyssa Monday, night. At the G ir l Scout meeting M on day the girls decided to hold a contest 'between the two patrols, “the Eagles" and the "T ulip s" to determine which side could sell the most cards and cookies. T he losing side will have to treat the winning side. Friday afternoon Claude Stoker, age 2 years, was found by Mr. and Mrs. Rube G raham on their place near a drain ditch. The boy had the Blanch home were the Thomas wandered away from home with his and Blanch families from Utah. dog. Wesley Piercy lost one of his Mrs. Wesley Piercy and Mrs jest cows last week. Rube G raham attended a card T no.e attending a 4-H garden party in Kingm an Koiony at the club meeting Tuesday at the home home of Mrs. W illiam Toombs. The last social hyglne meeting of Mrs. George De Haven, then was held at the home of Mrs. Louis .eader, were Carl Lee Hill, Krancene P ratt Wednesday afternoon. Peterson and Eugene Harris. The Am ong those atttending the L. D. , iu j was named the Seven Garden S. quarterly conference Sunday at Gophers. Weiser were the James Peterson. .vn.v Raleigh McKinnley took hei Kenneth Smith, Leslie Stoker, Dale 1-H poultry club on a tour T u es Stoker and Short families. day to Lemon's hatchery in Nyssa Mrs. Charles H arris accompanied A birthday party for Ann Stokei Mrs. V iiginia Tim m erm an to a was enjoyed by many small people G irl Scout leaders training m eet Friday afternoon at the home of ing in Ontario Wednesday after Anne's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie noon. . Stoker. Joyce Stoker, who ts attending I nose attending the Relief S o Brigham Young university at ciety's 106th anniversary meeting at Provo, Utah spent the week-end -ne Oregon 'fra il Thursday were at the home of her parents, Mr. vlr. and Mrs. Leslie Stoker, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stoker. and Mrs. James Peterson, Mr. and Visitors over the week end at Mis. Kenneth Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Short and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stoker. All ladies furnished pie.s. Mrs. Leslie Stoker was in charge. The 4-H cooking club division one, met at the home of Anita Pratt, witli the leader, Shirley Sparks Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kurtz and sons of North Powder spent the week end at the M. L. Kurtz home. Mr. and -Mrs. Tony Ciofolo of Adrian spent Saturday evening in the M. L. Kurtz home. Mr. and Mrs. M. W McLaughlin and Mrs. Ida Collins of Bouse were dinner guests In the M. L. Kurtz home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kreiyh spent Qstrom (Jabinet ^Itop CUSTOM BU ILT CABINETS W IND O W AND DOOR FRAMES Phone 118J , Ä _ SCREEN DOORS Free Estimates KAISER-FRAZER k APPRO VED ^ S er v ic e S a le s DR. C.W. CRAVES Cr Se rvice Optometrist Eyes Examined Phone 720 718 Arthur St. If you are driving a Kaiser or Frazer car we are equipped with the latest testing equipment and factory trained mechan ics to put your car in the best of condition. Caldwell, Idaho Septic Tanks And Cesspools' ( LEANED BRING YOUR TROUBLES TO US Free Pick-Up And Delivery From Nyssa MUTCH OIL CO. Reasonable Kates Highway ¡50— East of Town Ontario, Oregon Phone 2871 Pilone Sfilivi, Collect Nyssa, Oregon - 'W Weiser. Large number of cattle Terms Nesbitt and R. T. Baker, owners. and farm machinery. Lunch serv E. A and C layt Thchugi. Parker home in Adrian. ed. Jack Trail, owner; Cols. Bert ____¡auctioneers. Morgan Beck, clerk. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kurtz and Anderson and Joe Church, auct F A R M M A C H IN E R Y S A L E M o n - j F A R M S A L E — March 25, starting Cherryl of Caldwell and Mr. and ioneers; L. H. Fritts. clerk. day, M arch 28. Sale starts at 1 p. at X P. M. Jack T rail place. 7 Mi Mj;s. Tom Jones of Blouding, Utah m , at the C. S. Nesbitt ranch, 114 miles north of Payette Hdalio were at the M. L. Kurtz home miles west of Weiser on the Jon- side i; 1 mile south Crystal siding Tuesday for dinner. Mrs. Jones a than road. Terms cash. C. S. and mile east. 714 miles south of Saturday evening in the Vernon front shock suspension is out-of-date!” miscellaneous items. Bert Purcell, owner. white There’s an easier way -S Mrs. Kurtz mother. Lee Saxton has rented his place md is selling his equipment ivestock. and He will move to W illam - -tte valley. Th e Crooked Hemmers met at .he home of their leader, Mrs. Charles Harris. es was The work on dres- started. The girls HAROLDSEN’S RADIO AND APPLIAN C E REPAIRING dis- UoseJ types o f dresses and colors. The Bouncing Bunnies Home PICK U P AND DELIVERY SERVICE making club met at the home of Phone 271W he leader, Mrs. Maurice Judd. The members present were Betty Ann O effer, Katherine Hester, Bobby Jo Webster, Edith Mathews, Ruth Howard, G a y Harris, and Sharlene Harris. Katherine Hester and Mrs. Judd demonstrated how to properly set a table. They also discussed table etiquette. DANCE Social Notes Saturday, March 26 S O C IE T Y C E LE B R A T E S Members o f the Owyhee Relief society and partners, and guests were entertained Thursday even ing at the Oregon T rail school- house, when officers of the as sociation gave a party in celebra tion o f it’s 106th anniversary. Those in charge of the program and lunch were the president, Mrs. Leslie Stoker, Mrs. James Peter son and M is. Edna Hartley. T he program included a trumpet solo by A lien Haroldsen, accomp anied b y Ruth Sessions, and a vocal trio, Charles and James Pet erson and C liff Wright, with guitar accompaniment, singing Irish songs. Tw o classes o f the La Fraw n School of Dancing, pre sented two numbers. The first ijroup of 10 girls dressed in red velvet corduroy circular skirts with white blouses and a shamrock on each shoulder danced “W h is pering" and an Irish jig. Little Celia Carol Bybee and Billy Rus sell clad in white and green satin danced a clever tap number. A reading was given by Mondy Stoker. Mrs. Cleon Maw is dir ector and Mrs. D. O. Bybee m an ager and pianist. D uring intermission an Easter parade was held by several "gor geous” men, who were dressed in the latest fashions from barrels lo the sheerest bathing suits. They answered to the names of famous movie stars. Ice cream and pie were served to approximately 100 persons. ROSE PROM ■ Any car without new individual, inner-spring other Cash. G A R D E N C L U B M E E TS Mrs. Gerrit Stam entertained the members of the A. N. K G arden club at her home last week. D u r ing the business meeting. Mrs Maurice Judd read the proposed amendments and by-laws. The guest speaker for the day was Mrs. Bess Wyckoff of W yck off’s Jewelry store at Ontario, who spoke on the history, use and care of stiver. Re- freshmenas were served by the hostess. Guests fo r the afternoon were Mi's R. H. Young and Mrs. Ray Wilson of Parm a, and Mrs. Bud Wilson. to keep engines cool NYSSA GYM NASIUM SEMI— FORM AL Sponsored by NYSSA SECOND W A R D M. I. A. yOURS... the m m n o o y uR sna il, A Product of Standard of California äressetf up with Futter Engines run cooler with Pure Prepared House Paint Sparkling White and Popular Tints cated completely. Com pou n d ed to p re v e n t ring-sticking and corro sion, R P M D E LO Oil $5.98 A Gallon W hen you painf— invest in quality. Saves time and money— protects for years! 1 stays on cylinder walls at all times. . . prevents MORE C010R5-MORE DECORATING HtlP 'Ä N yssa Furniture Co. R P M D E L O D ie s e l Engine Lubricating Oil because they’re lubri ? ' rust . . . cuts repairs as much as 50% t Wm. E. Schireman Phone W' 61 1 Block West of R. R. Depot —s - CLU B CHOOSES NAM E Tlie name of Friendly Birthday club was chosen for the birthday club when it met at the home of Mrs. Ruth Anderson Friday, 18. Upon the vote of the members, the name suggested by Mrs. L il lian Newby, a charter member of the club, was approved. In bingo. Mrs. Arvtlla Swensen won first prize and Mrs. M ary Jensen the consolation prize. Mrs. Fannie Child won the door prize. R e freshments of punch and ice cream wafers were served by Mrs. A n derson and Mrs. Fannie Child. The next meeting will be held April 15 at the home of Mrs. Florence Larson. SALE CALENDAR P U B L IC FARM S A L E — Monday, March 28, I p. m. Tw o miles south east Weiser or one mile east of radio station on C. L . G re gg place. 14 head of Guernsey cattle. This is iiood grade stock with some reg istered and others eligible for reg istration. Household furniture and Engineered for comfort! Drive the roughest roods! le s s bounce o v e r bu m p s — le s s s id e -s w a y on cu rve s! The Kaiser T raveler.. .. RI DE - T A X I 2088 . 48 * KAISER-FRAZER • D< ry w h e re y o u g o THEN DECIDE! Mutch Oil Company *#r» O NTARIO , OREGON tí*«...tarnt stjr‘ont ELECTRIC FENCE CHARGERS, originally $34 BARN PAINT, with thinner, originally $25 The Kaiser De la x e .................... $2509.01 •A tu*w K iiitt'r motlt'l. now in production MMtilahloHoon. W hite »idow sll tiros avail.title at t*xtra cost. P r i c e * include factory iim U h IU m ! ac- o «-.„ries READY TO ORIVI. IVsnsiH.rtation. Alate ami lociil taue* (»f any) extra, l ’rie««* sul* ject to ilutiiKO without nota'«. Most of the stock on display has been marked now $ 9 - 5 0 The Kaiser Special......................$2328.57 proved by 330,000 owners in over three billion miles of postwar driving. M o s t c o p ie d c a rs In A m e r ic a • $ In order to clear our display counters for the new stock that we have ordered we are selling the merchandise that is on display in our win dow at greatly reduced prices. down 5 0 % or more. In a Kaiser you g»»t more for your money! You’ll be surprised to learn how little it cost« you to drive « Kaiser. T o a new distribution o f mass ami load has tieen added a sturdy new frame, an engine so vibra tion fraa you can scarcely hear it, finger tip Steering, new, longer springs. Inside y ou'll find wide, w ide seats, deep and soft . . These are just a f t is o f the 102 new features in the 1919 Kaiser . . . backed by the R U G G KD R E L IA B IL IT Y See The Merchandise In Our Window PNOM BRO W NIES CAFE E. W. PRUYN Auto Repairing Reboring, Valve Grind ing, Lathe work. Parts and accessories Phone 56-W now $ 1 0 . 0 0 SOME OF THE ITEMS TO BE SOLD Battery Fence Charger Tow Cables Flares Vises Lug Wrenches Tools Spot Lights Driving Lights Fog Lights Paint And Many Other Items 1-3 off on a ll Electric M o to rs Owyhee Truck & Imp. Co. Phone 245