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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1949)
. • • I I t 77 )<?NYSSA JOURNAL ■ M THE NT SEA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1949 BIG BEND HOUSE ABOUT COMPLETED and gave booster shots for diph I Willie", by Betty Jones, Billy Fer- theria, to a large number of puoils | guson, Joe Witty, Orval Stutliert of Big Bend and Wade Friday and Donald Jones. Other Big BIG BEND. Mar. 17—Mr. and Mrs. morning. The Big Bend school board held Bend Grange members attending L. S. Houtman oi Vale have nearly a business meeting at the school the meeting were William Teter, master; Mr. and Mrs. William completed a pumice block house.! house Friday evening. jus. east cl Augustus Sillonisl Ardts Swan and Karen and Ferguson. Mrs. Stuthert, Mr. and farm. The (building is 26 by 30 feet Sharon Roberts earned certificates Mrs. Dale Teter, Mrs. Bert ana inside measure, and in addition I for high grades in the second Frankie Page. there is a 10 by 10 utility room.! county spelling test. The Cooking club met at Mrs. The Jolly Cooks met at the Big I The Big Berffl Grange took the Clarence Hutchison's home Mon Bend sehoolhouse last Wednesday. Malheur Pomona traveling Bible to day afternoon. A demonstration They cleaned the kitchen, and pre the Kingman Kolony Grange Mon on how to make cocoa was held. pared it for future activities. day evening. Bert Boch acted as The girls then gave a skit on how The Chaney children are con Chaplin in presenting the Bible. to ask for a date, doing it the fined to their home with measles. He was attended by the court of wrong way and the right way. Richard Ocamioa, who has been Graces, Bernice Fenn and Dar They then played games. seriously ill, is improving. lene Smith in white formats and (Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bell and fam A representative of The World Betty Jones in a pale blue formal. ily have moved to the Jack Moore wide Evangelization crusade, and The presentation was made dur farm. Mr. and Mrs. Bell had sup a missionary from Liberia gave a ing a candlelight ceremony. Fol per with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur message on missionary work and lowing the Grange meeting, Mrs. Hatch and family Sunday even showed slides of the people with Jack Jones lecturer of, Big Bend ing. whom they work, at the Big Bend Grange, presented a program con sehoolhouse Friday evening. sisting of songs by Mrs. Boyoe Van To Boise— Mrs. Edna Farris, county health De Water. Bert Boch, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Fleshman nurse and the county health of Mr.sCharles Witty and Joe W^ty spent two days last week In Boise ficer Dr. F. O. Graber vaccinated and a skit, "Putting the Shoes on on business. "IT HAPPENS EVERY DAY Olí PloTiMSK'/ VJA5 A iTiCKLlP'm Pífíftenon \M£AI if CAtAítoTÓNíí By PLOTNER II ß U fM A N - Q fi M A N -VIO M í M A \lí A QfAf r.ATJ To Tilg foHt O f MU CAP'S M o ï o î i / oui? BAPS UíAfl M O TO RS L IK E PACMMANINOff MBAPS AVIANO... BUT fit DÍPÍMP fACroM fVAlNÍV MECHANICS fA C fo n y P A U K ^ ú tU T & rn a im t Q M P M ÍH r To KNOVJ VJMAT S, UJtfOAJG. VRlVi IN <fi H MOTOR i e m CO. w b ox 137 To The People of Nyssa VERY SOON WE SHALL ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF THE NEW SEARS AT 524 CLEVELAND AVENUE IN CALDWELL. YOU HAVE WATCHED THE STORE’S GROWTH, FROM THE TIME THE GROUND WAS BROKEN TO IT’S PRESENT NEAR-COMPLETION; YOU HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO ITS CONSTRUCTION WITH BOTH YOUR LABOR AND RE SOURCES. WE BELIEVE THAT WHEN ITS DOORS ARE OPENED YOU WILL FIND YOUR EXPECTATIONS MORE THAN GRATIFIED. SECOND SECTION total of $2150, which is too much. To California— Lawyer Joins Firm— Health Officer This last raid they fined the girls H. E. Collins, accompanied by Carl Coad. former Nyssa at and of course we can't expect son, Ralph Cdllins of Boise, torney, who has been operating a the girls to pay this. I had to his Views Situation $250 made a business trip last week to past three years, is now associated pay it. They were also talking of California. They visited at the farm at Culver, Oregon foe the abatement proceedings here in On Marvin Collins In Malheur Co. tario home at El Cer-, with the Cunning and Brewster law and I own this building and rito, California. • firm in Redmond. Oregon. I am furnishing heat to the ad By Dr. F. O. Graeber joining stores and couldn’t afford County Health Officer it abated. When I assumed my duties in to A have n o t h e r argument frequently Malheur county 'I was somewhat brought forward is that prostitut astounded to find that there were ion soaks up a certain amount of open, tolerated houses of prosti sexual energy in the male popul tution. My experiences in the ation and that without this com navy as a venereal disease control mercial release, communities would officer taught me that venereal suffer frpm an increase in rape disease and houses of prostitution and other sexual acts. Studies on went hand in hand and that ven this subject show, on the contrary, ereal disease could not be control that the number of sex pervert in led as long as houses of prostitu dividuals in a community rises with an increase in prostitution. tion were in operation. In analysing the figures for Mal In one Idaho town where theie heur county, I found from our rec were three houses of prostitution (Continued on Page 2) ords that the Multnomah hotel' in Ontario had (been named as a source of infection 13 times m 1917 and 194S (by men on whom the diagnosis of early infections of syphilis had been made. The | Farley hotel had been named 10 Optometrist times in that same period. In the army and navy it was found that Eyes Examined there were about six cases of gon- orrehea to every case of syphilis Phone 720 so that these houses must have been responsible for many cases of 718 Arthur St. gonorrhea. In the neighboring state of Idaho, in a study of 17 prostitutes, Caldwell, Idaho who were picked up by police of ficials, it was found that seven of the 17 had either syphilis or gon orrhea at the time of their ex amination and were in need of treatment. Four other girls gave histories of previous venereal di sease infection and treatment and thus, of the girls, only six so far had not had venereal disease. It is estimated that at least 25% of new cases of venereal disease have houses of prostitution as their GAS direct source and that by acting as a focus of infection they are responsible for many more cases indirectly. In order to become better ac quainted with the situation in Mal heur county, I asked a represent ative of the health department to investigate these houses. At the time of he investigation, incidental ly, he was trying to find a girl who had been named as a source of venereal disease infection. Furth er more, this investigation was made only four days before the raid by Sheriff Elfering. At that time, these houses were not in op eration. This illustrates how quick ly-these houses can go under cover, only to begin operation immedi ately when they think the coast is clear. James L. Houser, of the Idaho state department of health, who has had much experience in Idaho with houses of prostitution said, “In our experiences, abatement proceedings against houses of pros titution are the only effective means of permanently closing those houses.” Unfortunately, there are alto gether too many intelligent people who feel that prostitution is a nec essary evil. At the time of our investigation one of the proprietors in Ontario told our investigator, “I have asked many of the local business men on Main street and they have informed me that they were in favor of these houses.” She further stated, “I don't mind contributini? to the city fund. That is to be expected. But the last two months thev have fined us a DR. G.W . GRAVES KAISER-FRAZER Sales C r Service If you are driving a Kaiser or Frazer car we are equipped with the latest testing equipment and factory trained mechan ics to put your car in the best of condition. BRING YOUR TROUBLES TO US Free Pick-Up And Delivery From Nyssa MUTCH OIL CO. Highway JO—Fast of Town Ontario, Oregon Phone 287 How m any GALLONS. h a ve yo u saved? • Suppose you saw in person everyone you talked with on the telephone. How far would you have driven or walked? How much time would it have taken? We’re serving twice as many telephones now as we were four years ago. That means more jobs your tele phone can do for you — more people you can reach. Malheur Home Tele. Co. SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO., IN CALDWELL PROMISES TO BE ONE OF THE OUT STANDING STORES IN THE COUNTRY. IT IS A STRUC TURE OF WHICH THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY CAN WELL BE PROUD, A MANIFESTATION OF PROGRESSIVE RE TAIL THINKING AND VISION, EMPLOYING THE MOST MODERN AND CONVENIENT SHOPPING METHODS A- VAILABLE. NOT JUST ANOTHER DEPARTMENT STORE, BUT VIRTUALLY A COMPLETE COMMUNITY OF STORES TO FULFILL PRACTICALLY EVERY SHOPPING NEED FOR YOURSELF, YOUR FAMILY, YOUR HOME, YOUR AUTOMOBILE. AND THE STORE IS YOURS. ITS OPENING IS A DEC LARATION OF THE CONFIDENCE SEARS FEELS IN THE CONTINUED GROWTH AND PROSPERITY OF THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY. IT BELONGS TO THE PEOPLE OF CALD WELL AND THE PEOPLE WHO COME FROM EVERY PART OF THE COUNTRY . . . THE PEOPLE WHO SHOP AT SEARS AND SAVE! fo n d o s Brand-new engine — no wailing — low cost — gives you “new car to drive” in 48 hours! IN CALDWELL a Í :< <& more than a major overhaul — a few dollars a month with line payments. WATCH YOUR PAPER FOR OPENING DATE SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO., è Coif» no <'<• .< <-? GET IT IN 2 PA YS Roberts Nyssa, Inc. 2nd St. and Good Ave. Nyssa, Oregon TAKE 11 MONTHS TO PM V