Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1949)
THE NVSSA GATEJTTY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1949 PAGE EIGHT contained the names of sung* Lewis and Mrs. Robert Wilson, a Owyhee L. D. S. ward, the Owyhee the standing committees will be night, March 22. The Episcopal Makes Checks Good— which were to be matched by i leading by Mrs. Elwood Hinders; Sunday school, the Oregon Trail j announced at a later date. I guild and the hospital auxiliary Dorothy Berg her of Malheur _____ n lines oi songs given each guest a. H»W Sunday school, the L. D. S. 1st and , ----- — --------------- aill serve the dinner. R. G. Whit- county, charged with writing ASSOCIATEU CLUBS MEET ¡¡j^ ent,ered. Later in the program I and an Irish numoer sung by Mrs. 2nd wards, the Assembly of God, Here From Idaho— alter will be the toastmaster. A checks without sufficient funds in a ; i^ n p u M by and the Methodist, Episcopal and i anc* ®^rs- Claude Rooks loo 1 ■ program of musical numbers and the bank, was released from cust- Tlie associated clubs of Mai- ''Ui .sa.i, the Mrs John Sthenk following me utinstian churches. A committee cnuuren oi Jerome, laano wiu lu ^ , n glven All Lions .. ldaho 8tuntB r „ , n ,.. tt .te . ah t I heur county met hist f«tu rd a y in the wishing wells. Daffodil and pnjgram ... .Aa, presented dm - was appointed, with representatives spent the week-end with Mr. Rook- an7 theta lT d J are im lted to ° * last week by Judge Arn“ ld Little upon the recommendation of me Nyssa high school building pussywillow arrangement* centered the dinner hour, the election rom each group to make plans for sool's parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. attend with 116 women in attendance the luncheon taibles. if officers was held. Mrs. John | the 1950 World Day of Prayer Rookstool of Nyssa. __________________ District Attorney Phil Evans after The hostess club for the day was The program opened with a Schenk was elected president for services, To Attend Tournament— she is alleged to have paid the the Arcadia Sunshine club. piano pre.ude by Mis. Kinsey Kev- iie coming year; Mrs. Don Moss —S— To Bogus Basin— The senior members of the Nyssa j checks and court costs. Robert The St. Patrick’s theme was car eren; followed by the welcome, bv ind Mrs. Carl Burningiiam, vice CLUB BUYS BONDS Miss Dorothy Edhoton and Miss basketball team left Wednesday Haines of J rrdan Valley, who spent ried out In the table decorations Mrs Martha Coleman, president oi presidents, Mrs. Taft Pett, secre The Oreg n Trail Grange Home i Viola Dunkley spent the week-end morning for Eugene to attend the 18 days in the Owyhee county Jail for the covered dish luncheon at the club. Mre. Fred Olmstead of tary and Mrs. Robert Wilson, re Economics club reported at a meet- at Bogus basin, where they en- state basketball tournament to be at Murphy on a forgery charge, noon. Wishing wells containing Ontario gave the response. A med- porter. Mrs. Tom Moore and Mrs ng he'd Thursday afternoon, Joyed skiing. held this week-end. The boys, ac was released after he agreed to the fortunes at the guests adorned ing on the accordion, and a read - Calvin Wilson are new members March 3 with purchase of three companied by Coach Howard Love- make good all checks he had writ the tables. The wishing welb also ey was played by Shirley Schill- of tlie club. (6 bind^. Tlie club met with the Undergoes Operation— joy, Dale Garrison and Jim Savage, ten and pay court costs. ,ng was given by Lillian Snader htirmnn. Mi's. Loyd Adams, with Mrs. R. S. Cooper has received will return home Sunday. EASTERN STAR INITIATES Mrs. Thomas Nishitant, accom 18 members and one guest, Mrs. word that her husband, Cpl. Coop Initiation ceremonies were held Wrightmier of Kansas, preesent. er, underwent an appendix oper panied by Mrs Carlos Buchner, the regular •iefre-hments in the St. Patrick's ation in the naval hospital at ang, "My Lmdy Lou" and “Be- Monday evening Symptoms of Distress Arising from cause". Laura Schenk played meeting of ihe Eastern Star chap motif were served by Mrs. Wilson Portsmouth, Virginia, March 8. ter for Edward Boydeil and Dr. Winters, assisted by the hostess. "Souvenir" as a violin solo. Guest speaker for the day was i,. A. Mauidmg. L.ans were dis The April meeting will be held Here From Baker— due t o cussed for the Eastern Star and with Mrs. Glenn Hoffman April 7. Mrs. Threlma Elliott of Adrian, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling May and \ Free BookTells of HomeTraatnwnt that) who told of her trip to Chicago, Masonic pot-luck dinner to be held Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roth of j - 8 - Mast Help or it Will Cost You Nothing CLUB MEETS awarded her as outstanding 4-H April 1. Baker were visitors over the week- I O v e r two m illio n bottle« of the WILLAR d I A ils in* W.liiam Schireman on The 4-H Stitching club met at end at the Lloyd Lewis home. club leader in Oregon. TH E ATM E N T ha ve been sold for relief o f i By Lew llrrritnan During the business meet ¡rut. the refreshment committee w.-re Ihe home of Mrs. Ron Whitaker s y m p t o m s o f d istress a r is in g frum-Stomade People who go around saying, Mrs. Fred Olmstead was elected a s 1 Luray Trabert and Roy Holmes. ¡Monday night. and Duodenal Ulcers due to C icnt Add— The girls sang Control Meeting Set— Reasonable Rates Poor Digestion* Sour or Upset Stomach». “ It's a small world." got a great secretary for the coming year. The —j ¡''Oregon, My Oregon" and gave A gopher control meeting will be ! G assiness, Heartburn, Slssp* Phone 261M, Collect opportunity when Lucky Lady II, meeting of the associated clubs SCOUT BIRTHDAY OBSERVED yells, led by Darlene Anderson. held at the Vest farm M onday,! d u e t o Excess Acid. Sold on 15 d a y s’ trial I A sk f o r “ W illard's M essage" whiefc f u l l / a U-50 medium bomber, whizzed next year will be held at Adrian, The 37t!i biithday anniversary Each girl answered roll call with March 21 at 8:30 p. m., at which expLúuu* tina u catmuiik Nyssa, Oregon around the earth in 94 hours for with the O. K K. club as h o s t e s s o f Girl S o u tu i; was observed by her favorite color. Carolyn Vaujhn time the agreement for control the first non-stop globe-girdling Mrs. L. J. Kenny was the winner of the Girl Scouts a. Adrian Satur- was elected yell leader in place of work will be signed. THE NYSSA PHARMACY flight in history. Jules Verne once a pair of pillow coses given as the day evening, when lae scout troops Bonnie Mullins. The girls voted wrote li fantastic story about a door prize. entertained at a silver tea. A to change their meting day from Visiting Here— man who went around the world program >t f ilk i and dan as, Friday to Monday. Mrs. Whitaker Cpl. and Mrs. R. A. Scott and in 80 days. Then In 1899 Nelly c l u b ho l d s ba n q u e t m i a Mother O >. gave lessons ..a personal deaninsss family arrived here Wednesday Blv, a New York newspaper wo The annual banquet of the Jun- rented by tire Brownie Scout* and manners, night from Port Townsend. W ash man. circled the bl? apple In 72 for Women's Amity club was held under the dire c n of Mrs. Oerrli ! —§ — ington to spend 10 days with his days and u few hours. Since that Monday evening, March 14 in the Timmerman. A humorous shop i CLUB SERVES DINNER mother, Mrs. Cecil Scott o f Apple time a lot of people, Including Moore hotel banquet .... .. The play was ............ .. by the tarter- 1 The third-year cooking ctarns of valley, and her parents, Mr. and Wiley Post and Howard Hughs, St. Patricks' m otif was carried mediate smuts Short talks on | Adrian under tire leadership of Mrs. B. F. Calvert o f Nyssa, Cpl have made the merry-go-round out In the table decorations, place-i scouting were even by Douna|Mis. Threlma Elliott prepared and Scott is on furlough from the tour.. but the Lucky la d y II was cards and favors. Tlie tables were Peterson and Jennifer Jones. Fol erved a dinner at the high school army. first to do it non-stop. Sure is a centered with wishing well* and lowing the program, the birth aist Wednesday evening. Shirley small world . . . isn't it? bouquets of daffodils. Mi's. Schenk day candles were lighted by Mrs. Sparks and Myrna Lane were re- Ladies Night Planned— There's a rumor that Los Angeles and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis made ar Marin e Judd, and the birthday ponsible for the table setting and The Nyssa Lions club will hold school teachers muy have to punch rangements for the dinner. Mrs. cake wax cut by Mrs. Carl Hill. preparing the salad. The main its annual ladies night program DECIDUOUS SHRUBS— a lime clock Wouldn’t It be better | Henry Zobell had charge of the Arrangements for the tea were casserole dish was prepared by dn the home economics room oi EVERGREENS— Arlene Piercy and Jennifer Thomp the high school building Tuesday for them If they Just rapped tt with program, which consisted of two made by Mrs. Liu Pratt. son, and the muffins by Donna a ruler? | Speaking of rulers re Irish songs sung by Mrs. Lloyd ROSES__ —8 - minds us you get a good measure WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Peterson. Patricia Eachus and Ro- FRUIT AND SHADE TREES— OBSERVED went Williamson made the dessert. for your money when you have <-»r BERRIES AND SMALL FRUITS— "The Lord Is Thy Keeirer" was The next meeting there will be a repairs and service done at HEH- RIMAN MOTOR CO. Are your the theme of the World Day of demonstration on broiling. Prayer service held at the Meth brakes "squealing" on you? That Insurance Real Estât* —8 - odist church Friday afternoon. The means rivets or oilier metal parLs CEREMONY PERFORMED We Are Now In Position To l»o worship service was prepared by are cutting your brake drums. A- At an 8 o'clock ceremony per Nursery stock, with many varieties, has just All Types Of Cabinet Work And a committee from the national formed at the home of Mr. and void extra expense and possible Contract Building. United Council of Church Women Mrs. Oliver Patch in Payette Fri accidents. Drive your car In now arrived from Portland Wholesale Nurseries. assisted by women from cniua. day evening, Helen Tunning be for a real brake check-up. Phone Streakers at tlie service were Mrs. came the bride of Harvy Springer 77. for more selection. We will Johnson Cabinet Shop Bernard Eastman, who told of the or Nyssa. The double ring cere origin of tlie World Day o f Prayer, mony was performed by the Rev. 1 Mile North O f Nyssa- be glad to estimate landscaping— no job too and Mrs. William Schireman who Paul Felihouse of the Baptist Parma Junction On Highway 95 told of those groups that were church. The bride wore a blue big or too small. aided by World Day of Prayer o l- afternoon dress and carried a jferings. Leaders in the worship budquet of roses and carnations. our prices are reason 3 i.'crvice were Mrs. Taft Pett. Mrs. Mrs. Oliver Patch, who was the P Sterl Spiesz, Mr*. M L. Kurtz, Mrs. altendent for her sister, wore a able, not to be undersold knowingly. j'1 Dennis Patch. Mis. Harold Robbins, avender afternoon dress. The I Mrs. Grant Rinehart and Mrs. groom was atended by Louis Law- 1 ¡John Schenk. lor of Boise. During the program the following The bride is the daughter of Mrs. PHONE musical numbers were presented; Henry Borgman, and tlie groom is "O Mighty Land" and 'T h e Lord's he son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Prayer" by Ihe L. D. S. seond waid Springer o f Parma. Mr. Springer chorus under the direction of Mrs. is employed at the Nyssa sugar BROWNIE’S CAFE Arvel Child, accompanied by Mrs. factory. O ut-of-town guests included Mr. Ray Weather-spoon; "My Prayer" stun by Mrs. Chet Mosier and Mrs. and Mrs. Marvin Zink and Mr. I John Stafford, accompanied by and Mrs. Louis Lawlor all of Mrs. K. E. Keveren and "Lord I Boise. Wahl to Be a Christian" sung by - 8 - " NYSSA GYMNASIUM Mrs. Donald Campbell, accompan CIVIC CLUB ELECTS ied by Mrs. Carlos Buchner. Mrs. The Nyssa Civic club will be SEMI— FORMAL Buchner furnished the prelude headed for the coming year by ie and offratory. Mrs. John Kopp, according to the a - -, ! » Preceding the worship service, a i report of the nominating c o m FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY, MARCH 18, 19 AND 21 luncheon was served to approxi- | mlttee at the regular meeting of Is mutely 75 women. Mrs. Henry the Civic club Wednesday. Other § PLASTIC Hartley was In charge of the I officers include Mrs. Dennis Patch,' || luncheon. The following groups ! vice president; Mrs. Ted Morgan. §[ WHS w e r e represented at tlie meeting: secretary, and Mrs. Bert Lienk-|' 2 For I OO the Adrian community church, the aemper, treasurer. Chairmen of : Social News QUICK RELIEF FROM NEWS VIEWS Septic Tanks And Cesspools CLEANED STOMACH ULCERSj EXC ESS ACIDi irs High Time To Plant Bernard Eastm an ATTENTION A Large Shipm ent of No- 1 (2'3 yr ^ Phone 64 Nvssa. Oregon m Herrim an M o to r Com pany » C om e Early W e G uaran tee DANCE Lew is N ursery 1 mile north of “Y” Saturday, March 26 ROSE FROM DOLLAR SAVERS Sponsored by NYSSA SECOND WARD M. I. A. M e n ’s So x NYSSA pr ° gram Telephone IO Ô THEATRE 5 Pr 1 .0 0 Rockford Type brown and blue work sox THE WESTS MOST EXCITING ADVENTURE! Edgar Kennedy “ VARIETY TIME” Lynn Roberts “ MADONNA OF THE DESERT” (Full of old time Adm. Vaudeville) Mat.. Sat., 2:30; 30c-9c knc. Tax SUNDAY AND MONDAY. MARCH 20-21 Here’s a triple stacker Technicolor Musical that’s packed with entertainment. “ LUXURY LINER” George Brent—Jane Powell Lauritz Melchior—Frances Gifford Xavier Cugat and his Orchestra COLOR CARTOON SPORTS M at, Sun.. * : » , Adm. SOf-Sf, Inc. T u . TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY. MARCH 22-23 Adm. Kvcningn 44c-0c Inc. Tax ________ THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, MARCH 24-25 You’ll roar when you see the side-splitting, rib tickling hilarious thrills of "FEUDIN’ FUSSIN’ AND A FIGHT1N’ ” Starring Donald O’Connor—Marjorie Main Percy Kilbride—Penny Edwards CARTOON ‘ SPORTS Admission Evening* 44c-ik*. Inc. Tax Dresses WOMEN’S O ve ra lls 1.99 Dem in Slacks 2 .4 9 Sew this wool jersey yourself in a fewr minutes. Sizes up to 40. Appropriate for dresses and skirts. Many colors available 3 for $5.00 2.29 Large size, bright color heavy weight bath towels Womens sizes 10 to 42 Childs sizes $1.98 NON-RUN N y lo n s MEN’S ___ As big and spectacular as the vastness of the mighty west! Zane Greys “ RED CANYON” FILMED IN TECHNICOLOR Howard Duff—Ann Blyth George Brent Jane Harwell Matinee Wednesday 2:.10, Admission 30c-9c. Table C lo th s SEW-E-Z Popular brand 8 oz. sanforized overalls. Plain blue or stripe Adm. Evening» 44c-9e Inc. Tax Bath Tow els 1 .0 0 Size 54x54. Patterns center with plain color Border MEN’S SATURDAY, MARCH 19 Adm. Evenings 44c-9c Inc. Tax Phone 011R2 ANN BLYTH • HOWARD DUFF GEORGE BRENT • ■ EDGAR BUCHANAN • A rrow Shirts 2:00 3 .6 5 O ’clock A special shipment of $3.65 and $4.50 colored Arrow shills sizes 14 to 17 Special Saturday 1 .0 0 Regular $1.19 Non-run Nylon hose. Colors available. Sizes 8 to 11. Slight irregulars BOYS’ A n k le ts San dals and jane darwell S rw rlfl s MAUffCE GEMGWY • Raw* .r ** V s* INdfct' by ZMf GUP The \ v « a theatre is proud to have boon selected as ono of tho j Ihoalros in tho intorniountain region to participate in tho premior showing of this great outdoor picture. Vat. Wednesday 2:30: Adm. 30c-9c, Inc. Tax NYSSA THEATRE EVERY DAY C asuals Ckn-ni s> Gti'R GE SHERMAN • P x O h m LEOttWD ÛÛCDSTEN • « H ia tu s* A lU M TU M i JX Tutt March 22 and 23 SPECIALS 3 .9 5 to 4 .9 5 Regular Price Straps and slipons. Colors black, brown, red, white and gold Sizes 4 to 9 IV B S R S G E 8 P r. 1 .0 0 Regular 29c Boys heavy weight stripe anklets G olden R u le NYSSA ORE.