Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1949 SCHOOL PATRONS TO VOTE ON BONDS stretch and it seemed advisable to build one large enough, the first time. We might add also that physical education classes, as out lined above are required by state law and are not the whim o f local | school authorities. "I m addition and the cost of the building, $522,000, the architect's ¡fee and equipment will cost an other $50,000, malting a total of PAGE SEVEN Returns to Utah— building purposes in the 1949-1950 Oarl Huffaker, an expert on mat brother, Tom Burningham ana Henry Burningham returned Sat family. school budget and $20.000 in the ters of this sort conducted a sur 1950-51 budget. The building will vey a short time later. Our build- i urday evening to Bountiful, Utah ils dfllkilia lijlSMSMialiaTii not be ready for use until the fall ling activity since that time and after visiting at the home of his (Continue«] from P are 1) the present project are the result ! WANTED H o f 1960. few years have to handle approxi "Since the current budget also of these surveys, tempered by Che ( § Lady For Sales And mately 800 youngsters every day included an item o f $50,000 for judgment of the board. for physical education classes. Six "We might also mention again, Office Work building purposes, and since we Guaranteed hundred youngsters will be using can’t add more teachers, as all the matter of state standards. This 25 to 40 years. available space is filled, and since past year, your school district re it by the time it is ready for Married ceived $95.000 from tile state school it seems that prices of supplies, use. These buildings are hard to Radio Repair fuel, etc. are leveling off, the tax support fund. Next year the a- I Typing Experience ilSlSlSlälälS’l'ilylSIBiHUHUajflialäMöik’ i'iiiSMiölSltilSlSUdLSlSlälSlSlSlSlSlSlSlSlSlSlSVS for next year with the $50,000 in mount will be larger and it will | Helpful. Apply In Own cluded should be no greater than it increase as the school enrollment PETERSON grows. In order to participate in Handwriting is this year. "You may wonder why the sud this fund we must maintain a ADDRESS I FURNITURE CO. den pressing need. Three years standard school. We are condit POST OFFICE BOX A| ago, we had approximately 800 ionally standard at this time; the youngsters in school. The pres condition being that we remove the Watts Seed Company j;'; Nyssa, Oregon ent elementary school, less four obstacle to full standardization Nyssa, Oregon rooms and the high school hand The obstacle is lock of space. It Bl513H ig®lsisigi!olElsi6il5lgienaysl0t(?H ffllinoi> led the load fairly well although might cost us more money not to most classes were larger than they build than it will to build.” should have been. This year we Too Late To Classify have 1200 youngsters in school. Wo have added four rooms to the grade school and are using four FOR SALE—1942 Chevrolet sedan, E. M. rooms at Arcadia, three rooms at will take some trade. Collins Trailer court. Oregon Trail and have one class Cearley, 17mlxp meeting in the elementary school library. We have, therefore, added MISCELLANEOUS — W a n t SATURDAY, MARCH 19 good 2 teachers. On an over-all basis home for purebred female cocker we are at this time short seven spaniel dog. All Types of Donuts Ed Knettle, phone ■teachers according to state stand 130-J. 17mxp ards. We have lost ground, rather SUGAR ■than gained it during this per FOR SALE—New type John Deere 6-row beet drill on rubber. New iod. GLAZED “ All of you have heard of the last year, drilled 45 acres of beets. increased birth rate. We have Automatic lift, 3 sets of plates, CHOCOLATE talked rather glibly o f war babies $500, Clayton Patton, 3 miles west 17m3xp during the past few years. They of Owyhee corner. I COCOANUT FOR INSTANCE, WE HAVE AN EXCEPTIONALLY NICE are now beginning to enter our schools. We have 148 first graders. FOR SALE—12 to 15 tons of bailed PLAIN 1946 OLDSMOBILE COACH WITH HEATER, RADIO AND ,133 second graders and 104 third hay. 100 bushels of corn. Locust posts, horse machinery, graders. For the next six years, fence at least, classes as large or larger Lyons electric brooder. See Gerrit HYDROMATIC DRIVE, AN EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN CAR 17m2xp ■than this will be entering our Stam. schools whether anyone moves into MISCELLANEOUS — W i l l invest ,the community or not. As they $1000.00 in good prosposition with ■pass through our school system job included. Write box 601, On Have you tried our ALL BUTTER Bread? WE CAN OVERHAUL THE MOTOR ON YOUR CAR OR IN they will demand more space. By tario, Oregon. 17m2xp the time the proposed building is Ask your grocer for it— It costs no more. STALL EITHER A NEW OR REBUILT MOTOR. finished, the present first graders FOD RENT—Two-bedroom house, iwiU be third graders. The prob newly decorated, 601 No. Seventh, lem is upon us right now. phone 268J. 17mlxp It is home baked •■We have a high school large FOR SALE—Two cocker spaniel enough to accommodate 225 stud NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A NEW BATTERY. FOR A LIM ents comfortably. We have 270 pups, one red, one blonde, $10 youngsters in it now. At the pres each. 471 North Sixth, phone 162R. ITED TIME WE WILL ALLOW YOU $7.00 FOR YOUR OLD ent time there are 225 youngsters in the seventh and eighth grades who, incidentally, are crowded into FOR SALE—Ear corn, 8 tons. Jim BATTERY ON THE PURCHASE OF A NEW ONE W e Specialize in Baking Cakes For Any six rooms in the elementary school Chadd, one-fourth mile south of Sunset community hall. 17m2xp building. Fifty-five seniors will Occasion graduate this spring and 122 eighth MISCELLANEOUS—G & H second graders will move over next fall to | hand store now open. One-half replace them. Mr. Patch will have block east of post office. W e also Bake all kinds of Pastries 17mlxp his hands full. Even now the furnace room is used for visual FOR SALE—4-roam house, two education, a geometry class meets bedrooms, good location, prjeed in the home making laboratory reasonable, corner Sixth and Lo and the journalish class meets in cust. C. J. Benoit. 17m3xp the men teachers rest room. "Your school board has acted FOR SALE—Singer sewing ma Y O U R TR A N SPO R TATIO N M ERCHANT ■with as much intelligence in the chines, cabinets and portables, all Distributor of Franz Bread matter as it could. D. A. Emerson machines fully guaranteed. Phone of the state department of edu 01R2, Ontario, or second house west cation made a survey of our prob o f radio station. George Stone. 17m4xp. Dr. 515151S151gl51^^5M51Ç^SM5M51gÆlR‘iiM ^ g i5 M ^ ^ ™ c^gi'1M gig l|^gl51t SlS15Mei5igi0ElEigiSiaMS®®aMS15MElfflSlS13M!Óii: lem about three years ago. •572.000. The district has on hand $50,000 in rash and an authoriz ation to sell $350,000 worth of (bonds, making $400,000 in all and jleaving a deficit of $172,000. I "The board members are asking ¡for authorization to sell $ 108,000 additional bonds, which will bring $t to the limit of its bonding ra pacity. They will ask for auth orization to include $50,000 for SPRING IS CONE We are trading Used Cars Every Day and have a Good Selection to Choose From SPECIAL 34C riSl5l5lSl515I5151 A DOZEN 17mlxp Herriman Motor Co. SU G A R C IT Y B A K ER Y Any Brand MILK 4 Large Cans ARROW ROCK BRAND 4 Cans 2 Pounds Large Size VEL 19 c SQ U ARES IQ Nucoa 55c 3 Pounds PORK BACON 'ou* Sausage 8Çc WILLIAMS FOOD MARKET Phone2 8 4 W ► Prices Good Through Sunday ^ Hidden tank farm to keep 50,000 homes warm « Deep in the firs near Puget Sound one of the largest heating oil tank farms in the West is being-built... and motorists passing by on the highway will never know it exists. A large ring of trees has been left standing around the tanks to preserve the scenic beauty of the area; the farm itself will store 28,896,000 gallons of oil... enough to heat 50,000 homes all winter long. Actually, the six tanks are not needed under normal weather and shipping conditions. They’re being built at a cost of more than } 1,000,000 to make certain there will be enough oil on hand to meet any emergency spell of unusually bad make certain the homes of the people we serve always will be warm. Similar expenditures are being made constantly in the important job of serving the West well. Free Delivrey Standard Oil Company of California