Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1949)
PAGE SIX OWYHEE TO VOTE j and Mrs. Magnus Ekanger ON SCHOOL PLANS tral diys> leavln8 Fnday (or sev- CATTLEMEN TURN I * Warshaw and Orchard Avenue CATTLE ON RANGE at New plymouth Tuesday night. land. pleted the following projects: eight mong eight Oregon Holstein breed- Mrs. M. C. Seuell and Mrs. Merle suits, seven coats and seven dresses, ers recently admitted to member- Mr. and Mrs. Connie Klsner o( j _______ i They presented the first and sec- Thomson attended a Circle Four some of them children's garments. shJ in ^ Holstein-Fnesian as- (Continued From Page 3) Nampa visited Sunday aiternoon at NU-ACRES.Mar. 17—In celebration ond degree. Emma Orcutt and meeting near Fruitland Wednesday The class has met on Monday, sociation of America by unanimous well, Miss Aramaki of Bellevue, ¡.he Olai Fyllingness home. I ,i Mrs. Martin Hansen's birthday, Ethel Durrington were appointed night. Wednesday and Saturday afternoon vole of ^ of directors, Washington, and Stephen Hirai o( Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hite of Mit- .vjr. and Mrs. Miiton Connelly and on the home economics committee for the past five weeks. An up- Clothing Classes End— Homedale visited one day last week chell, Oregon were over-night; Ruthie were dinner guests Friday | of the Nu-Acres Grange. , The adult clothing classes that ! holstery class will be conducted by parents Of Girl— at the Thomas Nishitani home. guests at the home of Hite's sis at the Hansen home. Calling in Curtis Fry received word from have been conducted by Mrs. Mrs. Steffens, following the close Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pike are Mias Aramaki has been visiting in ter, Mrs. Harley Wilson Saturday -’he aiternoon were Mrs. Emma | his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. j Charles Steffens, high school home | af school. parents of a girl born February 28 Boise, and came here to attend evening. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Olson Fry stating that they have just ] economics instructor, were c o n c l u d - ------------------ _ . the wedding of Miss Oyama and ; returned from a trip to Cuba, ed Wednesday evenin’. The class \ Stockmen Enter Association— I in Che Holy Rosary hospital. The Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Sharp were aou Kennetn Johnson. Hirai which was held Satur Vest brothers of Nyssa are a- baby weighed 6 pounds, 7 ounces. -ur. and Mrs. M artin H ansen and They flew from mainland to main- i with 19 members enrolled, com- over-night guests of Mr. and Mrs. day evening at the Women's club Mr. and Mrs. F ra n k Oison made __ building in Ontario. Mrs. Thomas James Robb Saturday night. Sun a ousmess and pleasure trip to Nishitani was soloist at the wed day the Robbs visited in Caldwell. -loUe Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Saito and ding. Over 300 guests were invited. Tne farmerettes Ladies club daughter, Carrie Lynn of Ontario Dinner was served following the iponsored a dinner at the Nu- were dinner quests at the Thomas rites. Acres community hall Saturday Nishitani home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Wilson vis The Pleasant Hour club m e t! nignt. The cluo cleared $65 on ited at the C. L. Wilson home in Thursday afternoon at the home event. The tables were decor- Roswell Friday evening. C. L. Wil of Mrs. Glenn Strickland. Mrs. dled wd*> Dutch windmills ana son has been ill with stomach Gene Stephan was .honored with a Jther Liutoh scenery, with a beauti- ulcers. pink and ¡blue shower. | -Ul potted flowering plant as cent- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parks of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pettygrovc «piece of each of the three tables, Albany, Oregon and Mr. and ¡Mrs. of Hansen, Idaho were dinner N- Rodinger of the Tackett Frank Rataezyk visited Sunday at guests at the home of Mr. and Furniture store at New Plymouth the Albert Notheis home. The Mrs. Lyman Pomeroy Tuesday. furnished an electric stove to be Parks family left Wednesday for Many families drove to Adrian used for this event. The Farm- their home on the coast. Thursday evening to attend the crates expressed their appreci- Cash Turner plans on farming basketiball play-offs. ation to Mr. Rodinger for tills his own farm this year. He pur Mrs. Veva Castle, who has spent kindness, chased a used John Deere B tract several months visiting at the home Mr. and Mrs. George Smit, Sr. or and plow this week. Ed Steiner, of her daughter. Mrs. Clifford attended a pinochle party Tliurs- who rented the Turner place last Wolfe, left Sunday with Mr. and day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. year, will farm Gabriel Astoreca’s Mrs. Harold Ackerman to visit in Jake Groot of Arcadia. farm this year. Ed Steiner bought Payette and New Plymouth. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grasmick a new G. M. C. truck this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dibble and took Mrs. Rudolph home Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perko of family of Apple Valley and Taylor Mrs. Rudolph has been visiting Richland community were dinner Sandy of Nyssa were Sunday af- at the Grasmick home for some guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude ternoon visitors at the W i l l i a m j time. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gras- Wilson Sunday. Gregg home. * , mlck fere Sunday dinner guests of The Dewey Qarner and Vem Expert Chevrolet Repair Work; Also Wisconsin Motors Those attending the all-day Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lewi* of Nampa Garner families enjoyed a get-to FACTORY TRAINED REPAIRMAN day School union conference ln | Cevil Evans attended a Pomona gether at the Delbert Garner home Caldwell Tuesday were Mr. and Grange meeting Thursday night at Sunday. Mrs. William Gregg, Mrs. Andrew New Plymouth. Donna Oarner, who placed twice SEE US THE NEXT TIME YOUR EQUIPMENT NEEDS REPAIRING in the southeastern Oregon high Titland and Janet, Mr. and M rs.: Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Ross and Jesse Gregg, and Mrs. Grover family and Anita Blomquist of school speech contest, was elected | Nampa were Sunday dinner guests to represent the Owyhee L. D. S. Cooper. Marian and Jo Ann Price have J of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Evans, Sr. ward at the annual Weiser stake speech and drama festival Saturday Joined the Adrian Presbyterian [ Mr. and Mrs. Keck of Ny.ssa night. Miss Oarner gave humorous choir in practicing soups for ] were Wednesday dinner guests of ! Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Keck. reading. Her parents, Mr. and special Easter services. Minneapolis Moline Dealer Those making business trips to Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Fry attend- Mrs. Vern Oarner also attended Boise during the week were Mr. ed Hie subordinate Grange meeting the festival. Mrs. Mrs. Lottie Thornton and Marie and Mrs. Kenneth . Lorensen, „ and Mona Thornton of Caldwell1™ 111?"1 c 'r* ^ and Mrs' Jiunes were Sunday guests at the Wilbur Langley. Members of tile Busy Bakers 4-H Chapin home, visiting Jim Wol club met Saturday afternoon at cott, Mrs. Thornton’s nephew. There has been much sickness the home of their leader, Mrs. > the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson, with Mrs. Lewis I\ A I f « • 11 xi I I 'U 'L 'I c*it o l i i lu n /in i' i te n .' o n t Land, Mrs. Leota Ditty and Rev Mitchell, assistant leader, present The first year cooking class pre lerend and Mrs. Virgil Krouse have pared cereals. The second year | all been ill. Dining in Ontario and attend cooking class baked brownies. Next ing the theater Sunday were Mr. Saturday’s meeting will be held at | | and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver, Mr. and the home of Mrs. Lewis Mitchell. Mrs. George Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Assignments for the coming week George Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd are milk dishes and the prepar Cleaver, and Mr. and Mrs. Magnus ation of cocoa for the first group. The second year's assignment is the I “ and Mrs. Roy Bowers of Mrs. Elizabeth Satterly, who has Kingman Kolony were Sunday vis been vLsiting at the home of her itors at the Robert Ditty home. MLss Trudy Quinn of St. Louis, daughter, Mrs. Walter Hillis, the Missouri was a house guest of Mr. past six months, left Tuesday by bus for her home In Burley, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hillis contin- | ued on to Payette lor the day. Mrs. Walter Hillis was honor | E. W. PRUYN guest Sunday at a birthday party for her at the home of her daugh- j Auto Repairing ter. Miv, Lewis MU hell ( Vue were Mr. and Mrs Melvin Feudal1-11 Reboring, Valve Grind vis and daughter, Daina, and Wal ter Hillis. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Schweizer) ing, Lathe work. Parts were hosts at a special Sunday din ner in their home. Guests were and accessories Mr. and Mrs. Glenn and family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Briggs. The occasion marked the birthdays of Phone 56-W Mrs. Charlie Schweizer and Charlie and Guy Glenn. j Attention Field and Shop Service Now Available FULL STOCK OF GENUINE PAR TS FOR ALL EQUIPENT WE SELL B. & M. EOUIPMENT CO. The SOI L B U I L D E R S Price List March 5, 1949 Prices subject stocks unsold and market changes You can use some of these for tin n ing under for soil builders, others you can plant in odd pieces of ground that have not produced anything formerly. THEY ARE PRICED CHEAP TOO. No further discounts on these lots. TRANSPORTATION PREPAID UP TO 150 miles. Packed 15 lb, 30 lb and 70 lb bags for convenience in handling. FREE FROM BAD WEEDS. WRITE FOR SAMPLES IF YOU WISH ORDER BV LOT NUMBER LOT 911 Hubam Sweet Clover ol J Yellow Blossom Sweet Price per 16 .................... 31c ............. 28c ........ « ...... 31c . 31c 914 Alslke Clover 13c 015 Canadian Peas F. O. B. Parma lit 01« Austrian Peas F. O. B. Parma tKV 017 Spring Rye F. O. B. Parma lie 018 Sudan Grass F. O. B. Parma 019 Sweet Sudan F. O. B. Parma 16c 16c 020 Hybrid Field Corn tae 021 Open Pollinated Field Corn (Includes Minn. No. 13, Yellow Dent and Ensilage varieties» 022 Vetch Conunon ................... 17c 023 Vetch Hairy . _. . 30c ........... 25c 0*24 Dwarf«* 45c 085 Sunflower Seed 75c . 46c 007 Argentine Alfalfa Seed 21c 028 Common Rye Orass 29c 029 Perennial Rye Orass 28c 030 Bulbous Blue Grass .................46c 031 White Dutch Clover Watts Seed Company PHONE PARALA 74 NYSSA. OREGON 144J New 1949 Display In Our Showroom March 18 & 19 Friday and Saturday OPEN TILL 9 P. M. We Will Also Have On Display The New 1949 Silver Anniversary Chrysler Which Arrived Too Late For Last Friday’s Showing WAGGONER MOTOR COMPANY