Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1949)
THE N YSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, N YSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1949 PUPILS MOVE TO OWYHEE BASEMENT t * on the question o f consolidation George Schweizer attended a meet home o f Maxine Kygar. The girls with Adrian M arch 18. The polls ing at tbe Garden club Wednesday worked, played games and enjoyed will be open from 2 until 7 p. m. at the home o f Mrs. G errltt Stem refreshments. Bem adine and Fern O W YHEE, Mar. 17—Mrs. Martha T o be able to vote on this issue of Nyssa. stayed for the night with Maxine the person must be a registered Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Vandewall Kygar. Klingback was among those tromj voter. Mrs. R. C. Jones spent the week this area who attended the annual | Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brown and and George Vandewall of Nyssa called in the W illiam Peutz home end here with her son-in-law and workers conierence of Union S u n -1 children of Boise visited the Lynn Wednesday evening. daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Byrd W alt day school in Caldwell. K ygar home. Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Orris of ers. Mrs. S. D. Bigelow entertained! Mr. and Mrs. Lee Householder Nyssa visited in the Clayton Patton M r. and Mrs. Jess Kygar moved Sunday in honor of her husband’s called in the Oce Schwizer home home Sunday afternoon. In the from the other side o f the river birthday, which is the 16th, and at Chalk Butte Sunday. evening they attended a movie in to their place here, where they her brother "D oc" Pullen, whose1 Roy Brewer and son. Jack, of birthday is the 13th. Other guests Ontario spent Saturday at the T. Adrian, accompanied by M r. and will live In their newly completed house built where Merle Kygar had were Mrs. "D oc" Pullen and son, H. Brewer home. Jack spent the Mrs. Russsell Patton, Jr. Mrs. Bertha Culbertson o f C ali his shop. Fred, of Meridian, and Mr. and night, and Mr. and Mrs. Brewer fornia visited with Mrs. E. E. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Patterson Mrs. Frank Zindar of Parma. took him home Sunday afternoon.; Strickland Monday afternoon. visited Sunday afternoon in the Several members of the O. K. K. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ditty were Mrs. Frank Mitchell o f Ogden Lawrence Hislop home in Fruit- club attended the meeting of c o n - j Sunday dinner .quests In the Jake and Mrs. M ax Mitchell o f Nyssa land. solidated clubs held in Nys*a Sat-j Groot home in Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Don Franklin and urday. The O. K. K. club is to b e ' Mr. and Mrs. Tony Cialalo of were callers In the G rant Patter son home Saturday afternoon. sons and Mrs. Lynn Kygar made the hostess club next year. Adrian were Sunday guests in the The Sunset valley extension unit a trip to Boise Tuesday. The pupils of Mrs. Montgomery Kenneth McDonald home. will meet Wednesday, March 23 at Mr. and Mrs. Frank M itchell of have moved to the basement of I Russell Patton, Sr. took same of 2 p. m. fo r a demonstration on | Ogden are m oving to Owyhee the school house. For some time, his cattle to the N eil Dimmick The meeting w ill; where Mr. M itchell will work with the room up stairs has been m u ch. place Sunday for branding and de- meat cookery. be held In the home of Mrs. Jesse his brother, Max. in the Owyhee too crowded but all of the pupils j hornin?. Charley Culbertson also could manage to go inside. How had some of his stock there. Mr. Gregg and the demonstration will garage. The M itchell Bros, have be presented by Maude Cooper and bought a place next to the Owyhee ever when some new pupils enroll -1 and Mrs. Patton stayed in the Emily (Bergam. river from Mr. Davis of Portland ed, It was impossible to get them evening and had supper with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Walters left and will build their residences in the room unless Mrs. M ont-j and Mrs. Dimmick. Thursday fo r Walla Walla, where there. _ gomery moved her desk into the i Mr. and Mrs. Don Franklin and they visited his brother. Charley Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald hall which she offered to do. It I sons o f Nyssa are staying in the Walters, and family. They return and son attended to business in was decided that the basement, parental Lynn Kygar home fo r a ed home Monday evening. Ontario and Fruitland Tuesday a f could be painted and cleaned and time and Mr. Franklin is doing The Needleworker 4-H club met ternoon. the desks of the children moved some work on the house Kygar Monday evening after school with T h e Owyhee P. T. A. met F ri there. I built this winter. their leader, Mrs. Babcock, at the day evening at the schoolhouse Residents of Owyhee will vote Mrs. Emery Hobson and Mrs. PAGE FIVE with a large crowd in attendence. by the Junior and senior F. F. A A program, presented by pupils of boys was won by the seniors. A the Adrian high school consisted white elephant sale was held, which of vocal numbers by Virginia Cook and Georgia Ward, s ilk in g “ Lav-| ender Blue” , a solo by Jess Asum- endi "Buttons and Bows” ; a waltz quadrille, Virginia Cook, Lorraine Hite, 'Darlene Smith, Vivian Hoke, Marion Price, Jo Ann Price, Georgia Ward and M olly Conna- ughy, and a reading. "T h e M onk ey's viewpoint” , Vera Faye Counsil, A parlimentary procedure contest netted the organization $23. T h e group decided to hold a cooked food ale in Nyssa Saturday, M arch 13 Over 5î Million Mayings Soldi Three models, priced forany budget, $134.95 : WANTED: to $189.95. Easy terms Man to do light work, 45 to 60. Must be dependable Pai-t or fulltime. W ork requires no smokers cial advantages o f a Watts Seed Co* Phone 144J Nyssa, Oregon — liberal trade-in. Let us show you the spe quality Maytag. Come in today for a demon stration. Nyssa Furniture Co. 1 Block West of R. R. Depot Special Saddle Horse Sale A t The New Union Livestock Com. Co. Yards Nyssa, Oregon What about YOUR future in Oregon? SUNDAY, March 27 Beginning at 1 o’clock ...... A t our last horse sale we could have sold 25 to 50 good ranch saddle horses, the kind ranch ers can use. That is why we are calling this sale on a Sunday, so that you w ill have time to have your horses here. And it will be good for ranchers and a lot o f other people to be here. All day, saddle horses will be sold under the saddle and outside, weather permitting. W ill also sell all other horses, to work or chicken feeders. Remember the day and date and let us have your saddle horses. Ranchers, we think we will have what you want. : ltTS WHO ORtfOH l «6fWSl1 4» ________ i° c We have everything in Oregon. ..Including the human abilities and the human keep our state forging ahead to e I I » . _ __ ind the human energies.. THE UNION LIVESTOCK COM. CO. greater and greater ■-"♦ion, goals 1 ! institution can do No group, no organization, no business institution can do it Phone 116J or 019R3 alone. We in the First National Group recognize that building a greater Oregon demands building individual' w alone prosperity...for family, every farm, every business. jullding a greater every ». prosperity...for every family, every ■’ R«nk of Portland and all our affiliate The First National Bank of Portland our Oregon affiliated ' - and v ’»1 d all build by ONE STOP STORE banks are embarking on a program to help build Oregon by Showing how constructive banking services can help the Individual toward greater financial success. All of our 60 SUPPLIES banking offices are pledged to this effort. No matter how Make us your headquarters for Purina Chows, Sanitation Products and other chick and poultry supplies...everything you need to grow v ig o ro u s ch icks. large or how small the banking transaction, we are aware of its importance to the customer, and it is our established aim \ to render equally helpful and courteous service to all alike. iff US FOR YOUR BABY CHICKS C h ic k s th a t a r * vigorous and husky — from in sp ected , high-producing flocks . . . that’ s the kind we're selling. P la c e your order now so you can get them when you're ready. Bred Right to Lay Right % m As a start in this program I am asking every member of our staff throughout the state to tell you about our services and show how useful they can be to you. I urge your active interest in this program. Call at our nearest banking office and tell us how we can best serve you and your community. m H 4 L e t's build Oregon together! mm -------- s ------------------------------ — F MAKE THE 'Z& dteT Sa/&l > P. N. B elgran o J r ., President First N a tio n a l Bank of Portland HENS LAZY? Pep up their appetites w ith . »! r PwUta CHEK-R-TON STARTING TODAY every member of the staff of your local banking office in the First National Group m takes on a special job. That job is explaining to you the varied services his or her bank maintains for your use. Chick FOUNTS • m anyaisM • wall built FI RS T NATIO NAL B A N K YOUR STORE WITH THE CHECKERBOARD SIGN Tobler’s Feed & Fuel m m m m m wTm m a w fc -r. N Y S S A BRANCH a loaf long Or MEMtEI v I D ( I A l 7IPOJIT I NSUI ANCI COt POI ATI ON PORTLAND **.