Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1949)
THE NYSSA r,ATB CITY .TOURNAT, NYSSA. OREOO> FACE FOUR the Owyhee will celebrate its an niversary Thursday evening at the Legion hall in Adrian. A program COW H O LLO W , Mar. 17— Mrs. and lunch will be arranged. Clarence Herrud o f Caldwell vis ited last week with her mother, WAGGONER SHOWS NEW ’49 PLYMOUTH Mrs. Joe Callahan o f this district. Charlie Durfee, Mr. and Mrs. One of the new 19.9 Plymouth Versal Sessions were in Weiser last Sunday. automobiles has arrived in Nyssa Mr. and Mrs. Irv in Durfee at and will be shown for the first tended the funeral o f Virginia time Friday, M arch i 8 in the Jensen, who was killed in a car howroorn o f the Waggoner M >toi wreck at Preston, Idaho last week. company on Oood avenue. Ray Callahan is spending his The Plymouth wul be shown two weeks vacation from his work March 18 and 19 umng with the in Price. Utah with relatives and ,iew Chrysler, which Lined to a r friends at Nyssa. rive in time for the showing sched T h e Owhee L. D. S. ward was uled for last Friday. T h e showroom visited by two stake high coun will be open until 9 o'clock both sellors, Mr. Burgess and Mr. nights. Phillips, last Sunday evening at The dealers said brilliant new the Oregon T ra il styling is combined with outstand Several of the cattlemen this ing riding comfort, increased room vicinity are putting their cattle on iness and sweeping mechanical the range this week and most improvements in the new line oi farmers are planting their crops. Plymouth automobiles. The new The L. D. S. stake conference Plymouth line includes nine dis will be held in Weiser Sunday, tinct automobiles. T h e 97-horse- March 20 with sessions at 10 a power engine has improved per m. and 2 p. m. Representatives formance and efficiency with a new from Salt Lake City will be in at design cylinder head, which in tendance. creases compression ratio to 7 to 1. T h e members o f the Chalk Butte Body stying. which produces great Orange, sponsored a dance last er passenger room without exce.-v.ive Saturday evening, at the Commun bulk also increases visibility. ity hall for the purpose o f beauti V-type windshields have 37 per fying the premises and finishing cent more area and provide excel the construction that was started lent vLsion without distortion. a year ago. Lunch was served by Windshield wipers clear 61.5 per the ladles, and the proceeds were cent (greater area and the rear given to the Orange. window is 354 per cent larger. The L D. 8 . R elief society of A new chrome plated compres- CATTLEMEN PLACE STOCK ON RANGE THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1949 New P lym ou th on D isp la y a patient in the hospital there. C. M. Tensen was a business vis itor in Vale last week. Mrs. I. B. Allen, Mrs. G errit Stam and Mrs. Dick Groot attended the meeting and potluck dinner of the associated women's clubs at the Nyssa high school Saturday. The pinochle club met at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot of Arcadia Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Davidson held high score, Geor • Smit, second and Mr. Dav idson low. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Van Oord en tertained at Sunday dinner for Mrs. Dick Stam of Oregon T ra il and Mr. and Mrs. Z. Davidson of Parma in observance of Mr. Van Oord's birthday anniversary. Sev eral other relatives called during the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen. and Mr. and Mrs. George Smit o f Nu- Acres were entertained at a whist party Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot o f Arcadia. ^ Plymouth's new special deluxe four-door sedan (above). Throughout the new Plymouth line beautifully itreamlined bodies are lower and narrower, seats are wider and headroom greater. A t the same time overall exterior dimensions are reduced, but wheelbase has been lengthened to 118 inches and glass area is increased. Horsepower is raised to 97. Although fenders flow gra cefu lly into the body they are detachable (or ease in repair. « 69 *» and in . ides greater prole tion during ihe break-in period. g ir l s c o u t s g ive ADRIAN PROGRAM ________ Francis D efier assisting. A motion picture on G irl Scout camping followed with a short comedy shown by Boo Kurtz on his movie projector. Mrs. Judd, the first G irl Scout leader of Adrian lighted the candles at either end of the beauti ful eake, decorated with yellow roses and the number 37 in green. Tw enty three dollars and eighty five cents was received from the silver tea and the sale of cookies and cards. T h e proceeds are ex pected to be used for camping this summer. Cub Scouts o f den number two met at the Stanley Goulet home, with their assistant aen mother, Mrs. Goulet and their aen mother, Mrs. Jake Borge, Monday after school. They went lor a hike, then enjoyed refreshments or pie and ice cream. G a rd e» seecs were' taken to be sold by the cubs. Mrs. Payne and Mrs. Pauline K in,' of Ontario attended the G irl Scout program Saturday evening with Mrs. Kenneth Vanderpool and Mrs. Vern Butler. Mrs. Payne is the mother of the three women. Mrs. Nellie Newbill has gone to M aryville, Oregon <o be with her niece, Mrs. Stewart Guthrie. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrison of Nyssa were dinner guests Sun day in the Charles Newbill home. ‘ | NEW E LL H E IG H TS, Mar. 17—Mrs. M | Mrs. Louis Pratt attended an Eastern Star meeting in Nyssa M Monday evening. Mrs. Carl Hill and Mrs. Maurice Judd attended the Women's associ- || ated clubs meeting in Nyssa Satur- day. I Francine Peterson, Raymond j Thompson and Linda Blanch at- : ■ tended a meeting o f the 4-H cook FOR ANY ROOM. ANY SIZE OR SHAPE, 22 BEAUTIFUL mg club, division II, at the home of their leader, Avadna Petersun, in NEW PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM. LET US MEASURE Ridge View, Friday afternoon. A- vadna demonstrated making an YOUR ROOM. anglefood cake. Mr. and Mrs. W iley Calister left Friday to spend the week-end at Clifton, Idaho. T lie 4-H Rabbit club met at the home o f leader, Mrs. Leo Thomp OVER 1000 YARDS, NEWEST PATTERNS, 6, 9, 12 FOOT son Wednesday afternoon. All members were present. WIDTHS. RUGS FROM 6 X 9 TO 12 X 15. Mrs. Jake Borge and Mrs. Charles Harris received word this week that Mrs. G. H. Ball, their mother, is recovering quite satis fa ctory from a major operation. I She is now at Phoenix, Arizona, TO FIT ANY DAVENPORT, DAVENO OR CHAIR but expects to make a trip by plane o Denver, where she w ill join her husband. Quite a large number attended' COLUMBIA AVENUE he G irl Scout program Saturday evening at Adrian. T h e committee Callers at the Pete Tensen home inemocrs from Newell Heights in- eluded Mrs. Louis Pratt, committee were Mr. and Mrs. Grover Vest of chairman who had charge of the Riverview. silver tea with Mrs. Kenneth Van- Mrs. Charlie Marshall and Mrs. derpool and Mrs. Dorothy Slippy Dick Groot called on Mrs. John assisting. | Day o f Nyssa Wednesday after- Mrs. Charles Harris. Girl Scout noon. Mrs. Norman Jamison and leader, had charge o f the pro-1 Mrs. Jake Groot were in Boise and U. S. 20 No. of Y, Nyssa i I gram, with Miss W eir assisting. Nampa Wednesday. W hile In Mrs. Virginia Limberman had Nampa they visited Mrs. Lee Dav- 44 . * w. •••”;.&*:.■ ; charge of the Brownies with Mrs. enport, a former neighbor who is !. l f ■" FLOOR COVERINGS I S Broadloom Carpets Armstrong Linoleum Davenport SlipjCovers Prices Always Below The Market GENERAL ELECTRIC WASHER — 8-lb. capacity • Activator0 washing action • Automatic timer • Adjustable wringer • Permadrive mechanism • Removable balloon rolls • Self-tilting dramboard • Full-length skirt • Quick-emptying pump • One-year written warranty. G-E PORTABLE ROTARY IRONER — I 10 square inches of ironing-shoe surface • 22-inch roll • Open end for easy ironing • Left- or right-hand control • Thermostat to control temperatures • Per manently lubricated mechanism • Only pounds • One year written warranty. • Trade-mark R « 9 U.S. Pat Off. SEE THIS MONEY SAVING C O M B IN A T IO N AT Henneman Hardware Co. ED C A S E ’S Furniture Bargain Center Ford wins U n io n Pacific invites y o u to e n joy m a x i m u m com fort o n a n y of its m a n y trains, w h e re y o u h a v e . . . fine • R e clin in g coach se ats or ro o m y P u llm a n a c c o m m o d a tio n s > • Sp a ce in w h ic h to ro a m 1949 • W id e choice of e xp ertly p re p a re d fo o d s W h a t Sterling I* to silver. New York'» Fashion Academy is to the world of style! This year, this distinguished authority awarded its coveted gold medal to the 1949 Ford as "Am erica’s Fashion C ar of the Year!" But five minute* behind the wheel will tell you that the ’49 Ford’s beauty Is only half the story! W hen you drive a Ford you feel the difference— you feel the greater comfort, the "finger tip’’ ease of handling, the responsive power of the engine. You get a true road-hugging feel of the highest priced cars. Ask your Ford Dealer today for a ride in this genuinely post war cor. . . . a n d y o u arrive at y o u r^ d e stin a tio n com pletely refreshed. G o By T rain a n d RENT A NEW CAR O n A rriv a l For details, see y o u r ne are st U n io n Pacific HERRIMAN MOTOR COMPANY ticket agent. U n io n Pacific R a ilr o a d \