Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1949 Classified Advertising FOR SAIiE— Basement house on N. 3rd street, 4 rooms and bath, write Mrs. Frank Olson, route 2, Parma. 24ftfc charge for this service or estimates. Obtainable in one week. Assorted colors in steel or aluminum slats. Nyssa Furniture company, pnone 149-W. 20Mtfc. hood, write Avon Box 1325, Boise. Products, Inc. the Council Chambers at the City 10m2xp| Hall o f the City of Nyssa, Oregon, PAGE THREE OII1I T F I M I S H F H • 'i m a n L U AT BUENA VISTA M ISCELLAN EO US—For plumbing.1 and 1116 polls wil! 1)6 “ I*31 ior the call J. C. smith, 286J. Service calls reception of ballots at the hour BUENA V ISTA, M ir. 17—Mrs. Les made promptly. 3m4xp of eight o'clock A. M. on the said lie Topliff, Mrs. James Stephen, Jr„ FOR S A LE — 1948 Silverlm er T ra il 21st day o f March, 1949, and will er house. Would take house fur FO R S A LE — Tile wall coverings, Alva remain open for the reception of Mrs. Fred Stephen, Mrs. niture in trade or part payment, chrome table and sink edgings, MI s c E L L AN BOUS— A card addres ballots until the hour of seven o' and Mrs. Goodell, Mrs. Howard terms on rest, R ay Bohler, 900 waterproof cement, etc. Nyssa Fur sed to Box 2898 in Boise will save SMtfc. you $200 on a practically new Spinet clock P. M. of said day, when the Day, Mrs. Jim Ritchie and Mrs. block on north 1st St. 24I4xp niture C o. pnone 149-W. RATES. Two cents per word for each issue. A fte r one month one piano, which Is to be repossessed polls shall be closed and the ballots Janies Stephen. Sr., and Mrs. S. ,B. FOR S A IE Busini V. building. cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c FO R SALE — Baby chicks. Now is Main street location, lot size 25x116. This piano is located in the Nyssa thereafter counted. That the following persons have Hoffm an attended the Associated the time to order Thompson's Ralph O. Lawrence Insurance area. You assume the balance of been appointed to conduct said club meeting at Nyssa Saturday. Ohek-R-Chix for delivery every agency, Nyssa, phone 53. 22Jtfc. the contract. A group o f ladles m et at the election as judges and clerks of Wednesday and Saturday. For M ISCELLANEO US — W ill sell or election: John Strickland home to finish a Reece. 10m2xp.' breeds and prices write. Thornp- For Rent trade for 1940 model or later car, Fcr Sate quilt that the Pleasant Hour club Judges: Katharine Smith „ — r — ;------ .— I son's Ontario hatchery, box 578, was making. The ladles were Mrs. FO R SALE Registered Guernsey Ontario, Oregon 17ftfc. PO R R E N T —80 acres row crop and one 17 foot inboard boat with Alma Cochrane trailer and equipment. Leo. Fife, F O R SALE— 120-acre Wallowa v a l- ; cows, heifers and young bulls. Hen Fred Stephen, Mrs. James Stephen, Leva Findling grade A dairy farm; 7 milk cows, 6 phone 01— I. 3mtfc. Jr., Mrs. Glen Strickland, Mrs. ley farm, irrigated, with m odern, O' H Hartley. 10m2xc*POR SA LE —Or rent, trailer house Clerks: Elaine Lienkaemper springer heifers. Four-room house, H. E. Collins, box 500, Nyssa, tele- James Stephen, Jr., Mrs. House and Bernice Fisher barn and dairy equipment. Dean Improvements, will sell or trade for j PO R S A L E -C o -o p tractor, »1500.1 ¿ o n e 1T7-J M ISCELLANEO US — F i r e exting - 17mtfc. At said election all persons over Mrs. Standerfer. Fife. 1 mile north on 3rd street. lashers, automatic bombs protect farm or business in or near On- see Margaret Terra at Sunset val- the age of twenty-one i21) years Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver, Mr. ITm lxc your home, your business, trucks who are not aliens and who are and Mrs. Howard Day, Mr. and tario or Nyssa; will trade with or! ley farm - ■ 10m2xp FOR S A LE —Seed potatoes, Bliss! or new car and may ¡be a life's sav Triumph and White Rose, phone | residents of tine State of Oregon Mrs. Loyd Cleaver and Delbert PO R R E N T —Sleeping room Phone ings. without stock and equipment. W rite ! f o r S A LE —Seed barley. Jake J. Nyssa Fire Protection, G40 04-R1. H. K. Hashitani. 17m4xp 87-J. 17mlxp North 4th street, Claud Willson, for six months next preceding said Cleaver s|>ent Friday evening a, C. A. M iller, Enterprise, Oregon. jGroot, Alberta avenue, phone election and who have resided the Jim Savage home in Nyssa. 17m3xp |013J2. 10m2xp POR SALE— Philco Table Model, 3mtfc FO R R E N T —Room, first floor, own manager, phone 128J. within the corporate limits of the Glen H offnu n is leveling land for battery radio, See Bob Thompson. lavatory, nicely furnished. Phone M ISCELLANEO US—Y o u r sewing City o f Nyssa for at least thirty Delbert Cleaver. FO R SA LE — Piano, all new keys, F O R SA LE —B y owner, six-room 27jtfc 00184. 17mlxc machine converted to modern elec • 30) days next preceding said el price $95, phone 03R11. Calvin Ver- ¡house in Parma, modem except Mr. and Mrs. Alva Ooodell and tree, R 1. 17mlxp heat, oil heater and G. E. water FOR SALE— Unpalnted cabinets tric, use your stand, $26.50. New ection shall be entitled to vote at Alva, Jr., and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver FO R R E N T —Small room in a ■------------ —--------------------------------- heater Included, almost new gar- and chests o f drawers. Cabinets portable cabnet. $38.50. N ew table said special election, and not other spent Sunday at the Henry Estrick F O R SALE— Living room suite,'age, lawt> and shrubs. For in- are in section and can be bought private home. Phone 265R. lOmtfc model $76.50, all complete with sew wise. home near Meridian. P O R R E N T — Four room apart two piece, bedroom suite; also ma- formation write 1705 Dearborn St. complete or in sections. Dated at Nyssa, Oregon, this 10th Willis Bertram and E. L. Jamison Nyssa light. Genuine Wiss pinking ment, phone 123-J. Mrs. C. H. hogany drum table, six-way floor ¡Caldwell, Idaho or phone 154M Lumber company, pnone 118-W are branding, dehorning and vac shears. •'Famous" buttonhole at day of February, 1949. Bennett. 10m tfc lamp, C. and E. confectionery, Caldwell. 10m3xc E. K. BURTO N illating the cattle they purchased lSDtfc tachment. Supplies for all ma Adrian, Oregon, phone 09R3.I last week before taking them onto City Recorder chines, and of course— Repairing 17mlxc ' FO R SALE — W hite rose seed po- POR SATE — 1946 Hudson, good FO R R E N T —Furnished two room the range. that will tickle you— “ I dood it” . ----------------------------------- —---------- jtatoes, from M cK ay blue tag seed. paint, good condition, like new. cabin, oil heat. Phone 122-J. 24ftfc N O TIC E OF M E ETIN G Mrs. Leslie T op liff, Mrs. Edward J. "L e te ” Sackett, Ontario, Oregon. F O R SALE—Chec motorcycle, 1948 Jake J. Groot, Alberta avenue, Can be seen at the Farmers Co-op, Owyhee Irrigation District T o p liff and Mrs. Willis Bertram a t FO R R E N T —Good 80-acre row crop 17ftfc model, in perfect condition, $250.'phone 013J2. 10m2xp H. O. Hopkins, phone 31-M. 30Dtfc land, 5 4 miles southwest of Nyssa, Notice is hereby given, that the tended a Chatter Box club meeting Glenn I. Short, mile north and 1M> 17tic I N S U R A N C E — Insure with E. Board o f Directors of the Owyhee at the Allen Jones home Friday miles west of Adrian on C. B. H ill \ FOR SALE—20-acre farm, small FOR SALE—Russet eating pota cash rent. C. H. Bennett. Jamison. 100% service. 13Jtfc Irrigation District, sitting as a afternoon. 17m2xp I four-room house, 13 acres seeded toes, bring your own sack. L. J. place. FO R R E N T —Eleotric hand sanding M ISCELLANEO US—General truck board o f equalization, will meet on Newell Cleaver, small son o f Mr. to red clover, 6 miles north of Josephson and son, Payette, Idaho, machine, excellent for light sanding ing. John Barnett and Kenneth the 5th day of April, 1949, at 8:00 and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver, has been F O R SA LE —Sorrel riding horse, Caldwell on highway 30. across phone 392-J. 17mtfc woik. Ostrom Bros. Appliance, 50 Reece, phone 123-R. U tfc o’clock p. m. o f said day at its office 111 four years old, well broke, gentle, from the Purple Sage, $6000. Alva In Nyssa, Oregon, for the purpose Delbert Cleaver finished install light mang and tail. Newton Haney, ¡box 433, Caldwell, Idaho. FOR SA LE —2 bedroom house, new, North First street, phone 269J. 3ftfc M ISCELLAN EO U S—W e buy, sell or of reviewing and correcting Its as ing water pipes in his house the All F O R Forgy, New Plymouth, phone 2095. 10m3xp very modern with furnace. R E N T —2-room cabin at trade pianos. Baldwin pianos. sessment roll and apportionment of past week. large rooms. 5th St., just north Chadwick’s camp. 17m2xp 23Dtfc Gsigg Bros and Butler, Bybee charges for operation and main Mrs. La V ein Cleaver was hostess FO R S A LE — 1 Wedgewood gas of Park Ave. $8000. F. H. A. fina- building. 27jtfc tenance for the 1949 season, and to the Out-Our-W ay club at her FO R SA LE —One dozen pullets, range with Flamo tank and reg anced. Shown by appointment F O R R E N T — New three-room one year old, thoroughbred, G. W. ulator; 1 Montgomery Ward water only. house. Mrs. Maude Williams, 611 M ISCELLANEO US— Prompt and assessment o f $3.95 per acre for home Thursday afternoon. Eleven Pennie, Columbia avenue, $2 each heater, peanut type with range POR SALE— An excellent selection Grove street, Parma, Idaho, phone free pick-up or your dead, crippled operation and maintenance, delin members answered roll call with 17mlxp boiler, reasonable prices. Phone of farms o f all sizes including 145L. 10 f tfc or sick livestock. Calls received be quencles in collections, reserve, and something about St. Patrick's day. _’86-J, J. C. Smith. 3m4xp some unimproved, also small acre fore 9 o'clock are picked up by adminltratlon expenses, estimated Mrs. John Bowers was guest for FO R SA LE — 15 tons of hay. Sam ages. Homes of all kinds, several F O R RE34T— Polish your own noon. E fficient drivers. Call col for the season of 194!). and $1.00 per the afternoon. Refreshment o f sal Hartley, 7 ‘ a miles southwest of F O R S A LE —A new model A and a new yith F H A terms. floors. Rent our high-speed pol acre construction charge during the ad, pickles, wafers and coffee were Nyssa. 17m2xp new model B John Deere tractor, FOR SA LE —New home, 2 bed ishing equlpmenv. Easily handled lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys year 1949 by virtue of Bureau of served. The next meeting w ill be sa 102-W. iaano Animal Products phone 013J3. 3m3xp rooms, fully modern, in good lo- by women. Nyssa Lumber company. held at the Lester Cleaver home, Company. SJtfc. Reclamation order. FO R S A LE — Now available, Fox SAtfc. The assessment roll and records March 24. F O O R R S « A A L LE E— Federation seed wheat 1 down catlon' balance FH A approved' $2'750 pickup cutters for hay and forage. F —Federation seed wheat, easy payments. I N S U R A N C E — For your in may be Inspected at the office o f See them now. H. J. H. Co., your Elmer OLson, two miles west of Ralph G. Lawrence, Nyssa Insiu- surance needs—E. L. Jamison. 100 the District by any interested per OWYHEE TO VOTE Oliver dealer, Weiser, Idaho.l7m:ixc Oregon T ra il school house on Ivan ance agenev. FO R R E N T % service. 13Jife son during office hours of each bus hoe avenue. 3M4xp ON SCHOOL iness day. FO R SALE —Spotted boar, $35, 16 FOR SA LE —Singer power, com Floor M I S C E L L A N E O U S —We Have By order of the Board o f Direct miles southwest of Nyssa, north of FO R SA LE —Tw o-row McCormick- pound feed, goose neck light, new farmers wanting to cash rent good ors. SU NSET V A LLE Y , Mar 17—R egis Sander Mitchell butte. Cash Turner, route Deering potato planter, $100. Elmer transmission, 'A. H. P. motor, full row crop land. G rigg Brothers and By Harold Henigson, Secretary, tered voters having resided in 2, Nyssa, Oregon. 17mlxc Olson, 7 miles southwest Nyssa, complacements, for upholstering, Butler, Bybee building. 27jtfc Reasonable school district No. 18 the past six Owyhee Irrigation District. route 2. 3m4xp sacks, light leather, auto, tents months will vote on the question FO R SA LE —Bliss Triumph and First Publication Mar. 3, 1949. M ISCELLAN EO U S— Need money? etc. Ready to plug in and start of consolidation of school districts Gem seed potatoes from last year F O R S A LE —Hay, four tons at bal Last Publication Mar. 31, 1949. Loans on farms ror refinancing, production. F. ‘Lete" Sackett, On 18 and 61 Friday, March 18 be blue tag seed, also eating potatoes, ed, fi/e tons o f chopped; $25 a building, improvements, b u y i n g . tario, Ore. 16Dtfc T . H. Brewer, phone 014J2, two ton for baled, $30 a ton for chop A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S N O TIC E T O tween tlie hours o f 2 and 7 a t the Long term, low Interest, see Ber Owyhee schoolhouse. Less than a miles west of Owyhee junction and ped. Eugene Pratt, Adrian. 2M3xp FO R S A IE — Have farms and homes C RE D ITO RS nard Eastman, phone 04. Nyssa. for sale. Need more, list with Ken one-half mile south. 17mlxp IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T OF year ago the district voted "N o ” on 3Atfc. Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29Jtfc. FO R SA LE —One 560-gallon gas- the question of district 18 consoli T H E S T A T E O F OREGON PO R F O R SALE—W hite rose, and Bliss olin ejor fuel tank, one heavy duty dating with four other districts. T H E C O U N T Y O F M ALH E U R M ISCELLANEO US — Duplicate car FOR SALE triumph seed potatoes, grown from horse and cattle trailer. Leo Fife, In the M atter o f the Estate of Later, the community voted $51,000 and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- New two-bedroom home, utility 3mtfc blue tag seed. Magnus Ekanger, Rt. phone 016J1. in bonds for a new school building neman's. 250tfc E. C. MOORE’., deceased. room, hardwood floors, gas furnace 2, Nyssa, Sunset Valley. 10m4xp N O TIC E IS H EREBY G IV E N to replace the present Owyhee dis FOR SA LE —Seed spuds, Bliss and hot water tank, garage. Cor I N S U R A N C E — For 100 % ser that the undersigned, W alter E. trict 18 building. F O R S A I E —5-room house, to be Triumph, W hite Rose from found ner lot, close to school, priced for STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY A petition has been signed for vice on insurance. E. L. Jami Bishop, has been appointed admin moved from premises. Phone 01-J4. ation seed, $2.50 a hundred, A. P. quick sale $7396.51. F. H. A. terms. son. 13Jtfc istrator o f the estate o f E. C. another election, this one proposing Three-bedroom basement house Goodell, Enterprise avenue. 10m2xp 10m2xc WANTED Moore, deceased, by the County consolidation with Kingman K ol- with bath, 1 acre ground, 225 foot Court o f Malheur County, Oregon, ony district. For TRADE FO R SA LE — 1941 Chevrolet master FO R S A LE —Boar, registered Pol- frontage on Nyssa-Adrlan highway I f the people vote fo r this con and has qualified. deluxe sedan. V. W. Duus, factory I and China. Klaas Hart, one half at Owyhee junction, $3,000, immedi • W A N TE D — Dependable man or wo man as local representative on per T O TRADE:—'Modern two-bedroom NOW . TH EREFO RE, all persons solidation Friday, then the former court, phone 104-M. 10m2xp mile southeast of Oregon T rail ate possession. manent basis to write new, stream concrete block home, completely bond Lssue will be voided. District - - school. 10m2xp Very good two-room house with lined hospitalization and health in furnished, new furniture, two large having claims against the estate F O R SA LE — Gem seed potatoes, o r ______________________________________ of E. C. Moore, deceased, are here 18 will be consolidated with school bath, close to factory, 50 x 60 lot, surance, disability benefits, etc. corner lots In Glendale, Arizona, district 61 to build and pay for will put out one for two. One year j FO R SA LE —Piano, large up-right, priced for quick sale at$2600. Some High first commissions and liberal shade trees, air conditioned, pav by notified nnd required U> present from blue tag. W. D. Rinehart, i phone 143J. lOmtfc tile same w ith proper vouchers, the new school building at Adrian. terms if needed. renewals. Experience preferable but ing paid, value $8250, want close In I f the people of the district again four miles southwest on E n le r u r is e :-------------------- ;------ — ------:------- j Two-bedroom home, utility room, not required as we w ill assist you. small improved acreage near Nyssa. duly verified, within six months avenue uvm^Yn ! .POR SA 1 L 1 E—Bliss Trium ph and refuse to consolidate, then former from date o f thLs Notice, to the P White rose seed from blue tag or fireplace, paved street, good loca W rite; Intermediate Division, Con W ill give or take difference. L. J. undersigned, Walter E. Bishop, at plans will be retained and the F O R SALE:— Electric brooder, 500 will trade for similar netted gem tion, close to schools, priced right. tinental Casualty company, 329 S. Mott, 302 C west Avenue, Glendale, the law office o f Lytle and Ktl building of the new Owyhee dis chick capacity, $15, good as new. seed from certified stock. Phone Priced $10,500.00. Part down, bal W. Oak street, Portland 4, Oregon. Arizona. 17m2xp Patrick, Vale, Oregon, which place trict 18 school house will proceed as O. O. Anderson, Seventh and i Ontario 897-J. lOmtfc ance $50 per month, four per cent 10m2xc the undersigned selects as his place previously planned. Interest. Friday visitors calling on Mrs. of business In matters connected Good buy in unfinished house, W A N TE D —To buy improved 20 Hiroto Okano were Mrs. H am M at- full basement, deep well, 1 acre of or 40 acre ranch with good water IN TH E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F with said estate. Dated and first published Febru sumura of Wapato, Washington, ground on main highway, close in, right in Oregon or Idaho. Must TH E S T A T E O F OREG O N P O R Mrs. Joe Inaba o f Nyssa, Mrs. ary 24th, 1949. Priced $5300. be good soil, no alkali, priced reas THE C O U NTY O F M ALHEUR Date o f last publication March Harry Masuto o f Ontario and her Acreage with large, new modern onably, give full description and In the M atter o f the Estate of house guest, Miss Tsugiye Matsuto 24th, 1949. home, double garage, full basement, details first letter. P refer ranch William L. Fretwell, Deceased of Chicago. I t had been six years W A L T E R E. BISH O P close in, some terms, Immediate stocked and equipped. W. C. Beal, Notice to Creditors Administrator o f the Estate o f E. sinoe the ladleS had been together. possession. •_ P. O. box 3, Bend Oregon. 10m2xp NO TICE IS H EREBY G IV E N Formerly they were neighbors at C. Moore, deceased. Several good dwelling lots, wel that the undersigned, Boyce Van Wapato, Washington. located, 77 x 116 business lot on W A N TE D —Work on farm or in de Water, has been appointed Ad Mr. and Mrs. Madison Urwln city, man and two boys. Phillip ministrator with the W ill annexed IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T OF M ain street. and fam ily o f Nampa were dinner T H E S T A T E O F O tB Q O N P O R Reel, general delivery, Nyssa. at i lie estate o f William L. FYet- B ERN ARD EASTM AN guests o f Mr. and Mrs. James T H E C O U N T Y O F M ALHEUR 17mlxp well, deceased, by the County Court Insurance Real Estate In the M atter o f the Estate of Langley Sunday. Phone 64 W. T. Cannon and son, Robert, W A N TE D — Ironing to do in my at Malheur County, Oregon and A R T H U R M. SM IT H , also known has qualified as such. made trips to Boise Wednesday and as A. M. Smnl i dM M M d FOR SALE—One large size oil own home at 902 IN. Second St. NOW, TH EREFO RE, all persons N O T IC E O F F IN A L ACCO UNT Thursday. They purchased a 22- 17mlxp burning heating stove; one heavy Nyssa Post No. 79 having claims against the estate N O T IC E IS H EREBY G IV E N foot trailer house. A fter Cannon's duty horse and cattle trailer; one W A N T E D —Some one to plow, seed o f W illiam (L. Fretwell, deceased, Oregon, which place the under- farm sale this Monday, he will American Legion lightweight utility trailer; ene and corrugate about two acres. M. are hereby notified and required that the undersigned, EYona Smith, complete arrangements to rent his 550-gallon gasoline or fuel tank. to present the same, with proper executrix o f the estate of Arthur farm. Then he and his son will Leo Fife, welding and repairing, W. Myers, Golden Rule store. 3mtfc vouchers, duly verified, within six M. Smith, deceased, has filed her take the trailer and leave for the — phone 016J1. 13Jtfc HELP W A N TE D —Are you raising (6) months from the date o f this Final Account as said executrix In west coast. P O R SALE —80 acres $16,000. Terms your sights above ordinary wages? Notice, to the undersigned, Boyce the County Court o f T h e Sunset extension unit will Malheur very good land. Basement house. The best one-man business in M al Van de Water, at the law office of County, Oregon, and that said meet the afternoon o f Wednesday, 4 mile N. W. heur county now available. Car Harold Henigson at Nyssa, Oregon, L. A. Maulding, M. D. Gate City Lodge Court has appointed Tuesday, the March 23 at the home of Mrs. Jesse FO R SALE— One bedroom modem required. Write J. R. Watkins Co., Physician and Burgeon which place the undersigned selects 22nd day o f March, 1949, at 10:00 Gregg. The demonstration leaders. house, garage, chicken house, small 137 Dexter avenue, Seattle, Wash No. 214 as his place of business In- all Phone 37 Mrs. Grover Cooper and Mrs. Paul bam, lot 150 x 150. $5250, $1700 ington. lOftix matters connected with said estate, o’clock In the forenoon o f said day, Bergam will present the lesson Hours: 10 to 1” and 2 to 5 for the hearing o f objections to loan. Ralph G. Laurence, Nyssa Dated and first published March said F'inal Account and the settle and demonstration on meat cook Daily except Saturday and Insurance Agency. 24ftfc W A N T E D — To buy anything In 17, 1949. Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 ery, which gives aid in the select ment thereof. beef or veal. ALso custom killed Last Publication April 14, 1949. F O R SALE-- Let us measure your and delivered to Polar Cold Stor- NOW, TH EREFO RE, all persons ion of different cuts and types of BOYCE VAN DE W A T E R wlndows for Venetian Dlinds. N o age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. interested in the estate o f Arthur meat, their proper cooking, frozen C. J. Kopp, M. D. Administrator o f the Estate of M. Smith, deceased, are hereby meals, and recipes and samples. CUSTOM S LA U G H TE R IN G William L. Fretwell, Deceased, with notified and required to appear at All ladles who are interested are MISCELLANEOUS Stock received Monday, Tuesday, the Will Annexed. the County Court Room In the invited to attend. Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m. M. A. Rataezyk injured his left Court House at Vale, Malheur M ISCELLANEO US— Not until you O ffice hours to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 promise to buy me what you were N O TICE O F S P E C IA L E LE X TIO N County, Oregon, at said time, to shoulder Wednesday when a horse N o stock received on Sunday. N O TIC E IS H E R EB Y G IV EN then and there show cause. If any crushed him against a pole in the D aily except Saturday and Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery so stubborn about. Mable. 17mlxc that a .special election will be held Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 there be, why said Account should barn. Rataezyk entered the Holy to Polar locker plant. Phone 165-J, Nyssa M I S C E L L A NEOUS—T h e Nyssa In the C ity of Nyssa, Malheur not be settled, allowed and approv Rosary hospital Monday night and One mile west cn Alberta avenue O ffice hours from 9 to 5 except Flour Mill Is open for grain treat County, Oregon, on the 21st day of ed and said estate distributed and Tuesday the doctor operated, in Phone 05R1 Saturdays, 9 to 12. ing, cleaning, rolling grain and sele March, 1949, at whidh time there said executrix discharged. serting pegs to connect the JA K E F IS C H E R of Pillsbury feed. Phone 163J will be submitted to the legal vot Dated and first published Feb shoulder bones. PAULUS lom tfc ers of said C ity the question of ruary 17, 1949, Date of last pub A group of young people staged annexing to and Including within lication, March 17, 1949. a charivari for the newlyweds, Mr. JEWELRY «TORE MISCEDLANEXJUS—Available now the boundaries at the C ity of and Mrs. Wayne Garner, Wednes F R O N A S M IT H Union Pacific T im e Inspector Electrolux cleaners and a ir puri Nyssa, Oregon, the following des Phone 56-J day evening. Mr. and Mrs. O ar- Executrix o f the State o f Arthur JE W E L R Y — D IAM O N D S fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. cribed real property, to-wit: Sarazm Clinic ners were not home, but the O f Your M, Smith, Decea. c l W A TC H E S Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho, Beginning at the Northeast cor charlveriers arranged the newly NYSSA ORBOON H A R O L D H E N IO SO N phone 067-J4. 17mtfc. Main Street a . Second ner o f Section Thirty-one (31), weds' belongings to their fancy, and Attorney for EScecutrix Township Nineteen 419) South, foraged for food. MISCEDLANEOUS—Custom plow Opens Repair Shop— Range E'orty-seven (47) East, Both Marlene and Roger Bergam WYCKOFF ing and grain drilling. Contact Willamette Meridian; thence run Wayne Haroldsen has erected a were ill the past few days. Charles Durfee, near Chalk butte. JEWELRY STORE ning West along the North line small building at Sixth street and Mrs. Margaret Terra has rented Call Collect 10m2xp O fficial Tim e Inspector lor o f said Section Thirty-one (31) Good avenue for a radio and ap her farm to Irvin Wolfe. W o lf’s Union Pacific The frame brother-in-law, Nine Hundred Ninety (990) feet; pliance repair shop. Leslie Hamilton, There Is a Phone Near You M I S C E L L A N F »U B — Now is the O N T A R IO OREGON thence running South Six Hund structure is 12 by 20 feet. Harold will farm It. time to have your saws sharpened Nyssa 100 Parma 28 red Sixty • 660 1 feet; thence run sen has been working In Caldwell Allen Titland, aged 6, and his sis for the spring building. I am also ning EXst Nine Hundred Ninety for the last year . , He formerly ter, Jane, age 4. celebrated their VETERINARIANS installing a Foley lawn mower Ontario 53 • 990 feet to the East line o f the lived In Nyssa. birthdays Sunday afternoon at a sharpener, which sharpens by the before mentioned Section Th irty- party at the home o f their parents. “ W e Haul the Day You Call“ same method as used by the mow one (31); thence North Six SALE CALENDAR Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Titland. er manufacturers. Patterson Saw Hundred Sixty '660' feet to the P U B LIC M A C H IN E R Y SA LE —St Oames were played, and all the Ida-Ore Rendering Co. shop, No. First street. 10mtfc point or place of beginning; the Schaffer M otor Company gar young guests and their parents en M ISCELLANEO US— Add to fam ily all of Which adjoins the said City age, two blocks east o f the under joyed refreshments. Income in spare time, work lnde- o f Nyssa. pass In Ontario, Saturday, Mar. 19. Miss Katherine Oyama o f Cald- pendently in your own neighbor- Said election Shall be held ln|sa!e starts at 11 a. m. (Continued on Page 4) . PLANS LEGAL ADVERTISING Professional and Business Directory PHYSICIANS LODGES SARAZIN CLINIC Dr. J. J. Sarazln Dr. K E. Kerby Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. Dr. L. W. Scott Veteran’s Hall 8 P. M. Physician and Surgeons All Veterans Welcome I.O.O.F. Meets every Monday night, 8:30. South First Street Physician and Surgeon Fry Building DENTISTS DR. C. M. TYLER Wilson Building JEWELRY STORES J. R. CUNDALL Dentist OPTOMETRISTS DR. J. A MCFALL DR. JOHN EASLY DR. HAL D. WHITE Veterinarian Phone Nyssa 275-W Phone 21, Ontario, Ore Free Pick Up Dead and Worthless Animals Nyssa, Oregon