Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1949)
THE NYSSA C ATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1949 N E W INSURANCE IS SOLD TO VETERANS The new policies are toeing s u e d this Rehabilitation o f Amputees Aided by l A . on C . I. insurance, which has been week Mrs. Bessie DuPre o f Los Angeles arrived last week to visit fo r two In in M a ria n Grace to T w in Fans to Mrs visit at Lewis home. LE G A L AD VER TISING P h ilippin e am putees learn to use their n ew artificial lim b by w o rk ing in the gard en of their hospital. This occupational therapy program w a s designed w ith the help of a U nited Nations consultant, w ho served In the Philippin es under the United N atio n s international soc'al service program , w hich is b e in f exp an d ed du rin g 1949. Come in and see our new ready-to- method for settlement. ation our store. ments is contained in the m veteran’s insurance files kept by the VA. Just arrived, many new dresses, blouses and sweaters. Many well-known brand lines will be feat ured in our new shop: Munsingwear slips and panties, Gossard Foundation Garments, Claire Tiffany dresses, Irma Hill dresses, Eth Lynn coats, Luvlee Lady gowns, and Mojud slips. WILSON BROS. DEPT. STORE Nyssa, Oregon ilS’515’Sl?ÆiatS’iô'Sl51515,t)'515Uô' of beneficiaries and Designs Hog Brooder— Lester Parker of Pruitland, Design wear shop located in the balcony of settle \ A Ì 9 tion, recently designed and built an electric brooder in his F. F. A. class for his registered Duroc firm either of these at any time, Jersey sow in anticipation of her simply toy submitting the proper "blessed event”. Parker is a son form or a letter with full details. of Mr. and Mrs. Bari Parker. He He does not have to send in his was a member of the Kingman Kolony 4-H club for six years, a policy. Veterans who are not sure their member of the D o-M ore 4-H club records are up-to-date should check of Nu-Acres fo r one year and a through the nearest V A Office 01 member o f the Fruit land F. F. A. write directly to the V A insurance for two years. He is president of the Fruitland F. F. A. chapter renter In Seattle. his year. The insured m ay change or con VETERANS TO GET H EALTH SERVICES M alheur county public health facilities will toe used more fully in the future to furnish home aid for disabled veterans who are under out-patient medical care of the veterans administration. This plan was described today by the V A Representative of O n tario, who said that two- long-ex perienced public health nurses have been added to the medical staff I at the Oregon regional center to put it into effect. Th e county public health nurse will be advised about ill or con valescing veterans in this area. Th e nurse will then offer help in interpreting the doctors’ recom mendations on measures to take at home. This referral plan will be used to aid veterans being treated either at V A clinics or by their private doctors under the agency’s “home town’’ program. The nearly 1000 Oregon veterans who since the last war have been or are being treated for tubercul osis are expected to benefit especi ally. New Stamp To Be Issued— The post office department will Issue a three cent stamp through he Lexington, Virginia post of fice April 12 to commemorate the tooth anniversary of the founding if W ashington and Lee university Stamp collectors desiring first day jancenations o f the stamp may send a limited number of addressed envelopes, not in excess of 10. to the postmaster at Lexington with postal note or money order re mittance to cover the cost of stamps to be affixed. A n outside °nvelope must not be sent for re turn of first day covers. The en velope addressed to the postmaster at Lexington should be endorsed "First D ay Covers". Former Resident Here— Mrs. Gertrude Atkeson is visiting in Nyssa at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jake Groot and with friends in this community Mrs. Atkeson is en route to her home in Glendale, C alifornia a f ter visiting in Nebraska. Visits In Nyssa— Mrs. Lillian Newby o f Homedale, former Nyssa resident, is visiting * ___ I Measures water to the you do “ * • of the load. All U set » dial. I .*y.Uw.. L A U N D R O M A T Is a T ra d e -M a rk . Reg. U . S. Pat. Off. Look at these Features I Only Laundromat has them I SLANTI NG FRONT— N o aw kw ard bending or stooping when loading or unloading washer . . . the loading shelf is a time and work saver. SI NOLI DIAL CONTROL— All opera tion s perform ed a u t o ma t i c a l l y : Starting, stopping, filling, water tem peratu re, w ashing, rinsing damp-drying. I NCLI NI D BA SKI T— An improve ment over all known washing meth ods. Inclined Basket gives a wash ing action that is amazingly efficient. S t l F - C l t A N l N O — The Laundromat has no lint trap. Wash and rinse waters keep interior sparkling dean. INSTALLS A N Y W H E k il No b o ilin g to F l o o r . . . No V ib ta lio n l OSTROM BROS. APPLIANCE CO. Phone 269J fa r m e r s COME ONE! COME A L L ! M a rc h 2 5 ------- » P’ M’ FERG U SO N O PE N HOUSE FREE || movies previews refreshments F.C,“ personnel in attendance to help answer questions w estern . CORRUGATO" < ” ■ ^ * Vi ni Dessert • i 20 Highway ¿ u> north oi Seed Co. piani WE HAVE REMODELED our plant so as to completely separate the mechanical shop from the front office and stationery department, providing customers with more agreeable and efficient service. PRINTING The Farmall System o f Farming is an American institution. Its roots are in the s o il. . . on your farm, on the farms o f your neighbors. To increase productivity and speed up field work, look to the Farinall System for the answer. A Farmall Tractor and matched machines can mean greater operating economy and efficiency on the family farm —and that brings better living! Five basic models make up the Farmall lineup. There’s a size for every farm, an endless selection o f Farmall equipment to work in every crop and soil condition. The answer to the power prob lem on your farm can be found in the Farmall System . . . and we have full details on the model that fits your farm. 4 i L e ft: F a rm a ll S u p e r-A o ffe rs /iy. d r a u lic F a rm a ll T O U C H C O N T R O L a n d n ew "co m b u stio n c o n tro l." ^ Remember, only International Harvester builds Farmall Tractors. O W Y H E E TRUCK A N D IMPLEMENT CO. * Westinghouse attention ONE-STOP SERVICE ON that saves ep to 10 gallons of water per load Cpunty o i M alheur ) ss. School District No. 26C ) Notice is hereby given that, at the school district ibond election hereby called, to be held at the Grade School in the City o f Nyssa, in and for School District No. 26C of M alheur County, Oregon, on the 2nd day of April, A. D „ 1949, between the hours of 2:00 o’clock P. M. and 7:00 o'clock P . M. there will be submitted to the legal voters thereof the question of con tracting an additional bonded in debtedness in the sum of $108,000 for the purpose of providing ad ditional funds needed for con structing a Junior High Schoo. and additions to the present High School and of equipping and fu rn ishing said Junior High Schoo and additions to the present High School in an d fo r said District. Tiie vote to be by 'ballot upon which shall be the words "Bonds Yes" and ''Bonds N o ”, and the voter shall place a cross (x ) be tween the word "B o n ds" and the ward "Y es", or between the word Bonds" an d the word "N o ", 'Which ever indicates his choice. The polls for the reception of the ballots as for or against the contraction o f said indebtedness will, on said day and date and at the place aforesaid, be opened al the hour of 2:00 o ’clock P. M. and remain open until the hour ot 7:00 o'clock P. M. of the same day. at which hour the same shall be closed. By order o f the District School Board of School District No. 26C of Malheur County, Oregon, made this 11th day o f M arch, A. D., 1949. Attest: H E N R Y H. H A R T L E Y District Clerk E M IL A. S T U N Z Chairman, District School Board W e Invite You to View O U R N E W ESTABLISHMENT water S aver *299?M a former resident of the Nyssa sec automatic washu with thi ■ n i ) ,, sawn, ) j Phone 91-R Frost E L B P T IO N N O T IC E STATE O F O R E G O N ) NOW OPEN T U N ! IN H O M A LO N E . B ernard S C H O O L D IS T R IC T B O N D V I A W -4241_____________________ Mrs. Falls. ihe Solon L A D IE S SH O P 50 North 1st St. T w in Frost Phone 271W Phone us and make ar rangements to see the Laundromat wash a load of your clothes. I T ’S F R E E . and MRS. G O LD A HANSEN Falls— Brown accompanied Mr. an d PICK UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE WW M » y , c o n v in t i n e w o y t T w in end at the J. W . M cDowell home REPAIRING « A M o u $ W ^ s t ilîi^ lO U S C For Appointment Call Your Local Agent and family visited over the week RADIO A N D A PPLIA N C E in coats, Foundation Garments weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Dale Garrison and family. HAROLDSEN’S R Phone 32 CHARIS Visits Daughter— Mr. I Mrs. home. Visit fashions friends. Newby is staying at the Roy Barnes renewed for a second term or has been converted to a permanent E x -G Is of M alheur county have plan. U n til a veteran renews or started receiving national service converts, the certificate that was life insurance policies in the mail issued on his original term insur from the veteran administration’s ance will remain in effect. district office in Seattle, V A Rep M any veterans are asking why resentative Bill Black at Ontario the new G. I. policies do not show announced today. the names of beneficiaries or i spring with PAGE THREE P le n t y o f P o w e r f o r H o . v y - O . t y F o r m J o b « IN TERN A TIO N A L CRAW LER TR A CTO R * h are e rery pouml o f weight placed fo r maximum traction. 'That's more pow er at the drawbar! Six m odel*— four are Diesels. M r C O R M IC K - O tIR IN O W - I I R I H tT A N D A R D TR A CTO R * iuM cao t be beat for iheir ain a u o « economy and real operating efficiency. F ire model., tw o with Diesel engines. STATIONERY * OFFICE SUPPLIES STATIO NERY AND OTHER ITEMS G O LD OR SILVER LETTERED AS GIFTS OR FOR Y O U R O W N USE \ Papers and Cardboards of many kinds and colors. Typing Paper in boxes and packages. Typewriter and Adding M a chine Rolls and Ribbons. Mimeograph Supplies. All kinds of Desk Supplies for the office. W iz registers and checks. Envelopes of all sizes. Blank Books of almost every description. Greeting Cards. Fountain Pens and Pencils. Zipper Notebooks. Ladies’ and Men’s Billfolds. Filing Cabinets of all kinds, in cluding metal letter files. Filing Cards and Indexes. Pencil Sharpeners for the offic« and home. NYSSA GATE CITYiJOURNAL PRINTERS A N D STATIONERS