Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1949)
. . : > ^ v % VK 7-fte NYSSA VOLUME XXXXIV NO. 10 ^ "Ä * * “ i I I I « , - i ^ L i . , ,*^-1 » V ' - / - ^ f - p P i (i» r\-_ * ' , *" ~~^ . v • • J& k THE NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1949 TOLL SERVICE ON COLLECTING OF DOG LICENSES IN NYSSA HAS COMPLICATIONS School Patrons 1 TELEPHONES WILL HERE Will Be Asked | ! BE BETTERED ____ [’o \ ________ 0te Bonds heur The Home Nyssa ex chan«e <>* m » i - Telephone company $108,000 Is Needed For Building; Situation Explained An election on the proposed is- suance of $108,000 in bonds to raise additional money for con- JOURNAL Although dog license collectors have been very successful so far during the current licensing drive, the work does have its com pli cations. will be placed on a full-fledged "toll center" basis within the next few days, according to information received by the Nyssa chamber of commerce from H P. Stommel, general manager o f the concern, I "T h is means that all long dis- | tance calls originating in tnis ex change (for any point in the United States will be handled by the Nyssa operator", Mr. Stommel said. “This procedure naturally follows when an office reaches a certain volume of offered toll bus iness. "In order to equip this office with additional circuits to handle tills business, a few days ago, we provided them with a direct Nyssa- Boise and an additional Nyssa- Ontario toll ireuit. "X 'believe this change will m ater ially expedite the handling of long distance calls o f our good patrons in your area, and at the same time, will relieve Ontario o f this traffic load whiah will improve the overall service in this office” . On one occasion, the collectors called at a house to inquire about dogs and were Informed by the woman o f the house that she own ed no dog. About that time the olficeis heard a " w o o f and asked "how about that?” The woman admitted she owned two dogs. At another place, the officers were told tlie owners had no dogs and started to return to then truck. A little boy appeared and pitfully asked "A re you going to take my dog?” "W here is your dog?” the officers ask. "In the house", the boy replied; whereupon tlie officers collected a license fee. More than 100 doq; licenses had been sold by the city up to Tues day evening. License tags may be secured from Ralph Lowe or O f ficer Don Buell or at the city hall. Only seven stray dogs have been picker! up, as compared to a total of 60 in 1948, when the first gen eral drive was conducted in several years. T h e city sold 300 licenses last year and probably will sell that many this year. Good Display Of Hobbies and Old Articles Shown Large C r o w d Attends Snow Sponsored By Civic Club An Interesting display o f old and unusual articles was viewed by a large crowd during a hobby show struction o f a school building in sponsored oy the Nyssa C ivic cluo Nyssa will 'be held Saturday, April at its reguiar meeting Wednesday afternoon in tlie parish hall. 2 in he elementary building. The display was arranged by T h e school board decided last Mrs. J. L. Herriman, assisted by Friday to recommend the bond Mrs. Glea Billings, Mi-s. Clyue issue after it had opened bids on .Snider and Mrs. G errit Stain. Mrs. D. O. Bybee spoke briefly the proposed structure. The vot on the plate collection that she ers of the district authorized the nad on display. A collection o f In issuance of $350,000 in bonds last terest was that o f English china year and the school board saved and miniature pitchers that Mrs. J. L. Church owns. Mrs. Chuicn $50,000 from budgets, malting a stated tliat the collection Was total o f $100,000 available for the sturted by. her grandmother and new building. A total of $522,000 mother. T lie pieces o f china bore will be needed for construction of English coat of arms, or scenes several class rooms, including a from the town or country from which they came. Mrs. Church library and large science room, and Bishop Dean F ife is shown above crowning Queen i n th picture (left to right) are Colleen Archibald. also had framed some o f her col physical education facilities. The Adrienne Peterson during ceremonies held at Val Dee Child, Marian Brown, Ray Bybee, Mis lections that she has acquired in .he annual Gold and Green ball of the Nyssa first i Peterson, Bishop Fife, Bo.vd Blair, Reed Campbell, difference between the $522,000 and her 20 years as a stamp collector. vard, L. D. S„ in the gymnasium last week. Those | Bette 1 ‘ett and Irene Brower. (Evans photo) the $503,000 will be raised from Among these were the coronation collection, a Vatican collection, budget sources. and a number at war issue stamps. The situation was extensively i 704 CHILDREN OF CITY WILL VOTE Mrs. Eddie Powell showed a knife discussed by the school board and NYSSA IMMUNIZED ON ANNEXATION of civil war duys with th e inotto building committee members at a Funeral services fo r Mrs. Def- “The union shall be preserved' meeting of the Nyssa Parent- fenbaugh o f Nyssa. who was fatally written on it. Mrs. Pow ell also A total of 704 children received An election on the question of Teachers association in the high injured in an automobile accident had a collection o f tin-type p ic school building last Thursday near Marsing, in Owyhee county immunizations against diphtheria Miss Adrienne Peterson, daughter annexing property owned by the tures, and an ineresting plate dis night. Speakers at the meeting last Friday, were held in the Nyssa at clinics held in the Nyssa school o f Mr. and Mrs. W ilford O. Peter L. D. S. church and the Malheur play. were Emil Stunz, board chairman; Baptist church with Elder H. F. system by the county health de son, was crowned queen of the (Memorial hospital association on Mrs. G errit Stam told o f her Graham B. Smith o f Eugene, Gage officiating Wednesday a fter Nyssa first ward Gold and Green Alberta avenue to the city will be numerous Dutch articles, "some architect; R. G. Whitaker, (Mrs. W. noon at 2 o ’clock. 'Interment was partment March 3 and 4. new, and some old" she explained. O f tile 704 children, 210 received ball during a colorful ceremony held in the city hall March 21. W. Foster, Bishop Arvel Child, and in the Owyhee cemetery, with the The Nyssa chamber o f commerce The polls will 'be open from 8 (Mrs. H. R. Sherwood showed a Superintendent Henry Hartley. their first innoculations and 450 j held in the gymnasium Friday eve Nyssa Funeral home in charge. voted at its Wednesday luncheon hand woven quilt, the wool of a. m. until 7 p. m. Mr. Hartley talked to the Lions ning. Mrs. Deffenbaugh, her husband received ‘"booster” shots. to contribute $100 to the 'Nyssa which had been hand carded. It All citizens over the age o f 21 at their weekly luncheon Monday and her daughter, Mrs. M arvin E l A t the sound of the trumpets One hundred and fifty -s ix o f the Another old (years who have been residents of Baseball club, which will be entered was 90 years old. and to members of the Masonic more o f Nyssa, were injured when played by Lyle Cottle and Gerry in the Idaho-Oregon league again article was the powder horn, and lodge Monday night. The sup an automobile driven by Mrs. El youngsters were pre-school child (Beus, tile audience of 500 dancers '„he state o f Oregon lo r six months this year. fish line made of horse hair, that erintendent and Mr. Stunz spoke at more failed to negotiate a curve in ren, 86 of whom received their first took their places on the reviewing preceding the election and who Emil Stunz o f the Nyssa Lighting Mrs. Ray Wilson of Parma brought have resided within the corporate a meeting of the Nyssa Civic club the highway. Mr. Deffenbaugh and innoculations. O f the 548 grade stands to witness the royal pro association said "W e have made for display. Diane Maulding had limits o f the city o f Nyssa for at Wednesday noon and to the Eagles Mrs. Elmore were also taken to school children involved, 152 took cession. 'least 30 days prior to the election plans to have a (better baseball >n display a doll that was 60 years Wednesday night. Speakers will 'the M ercy hospital in Nampa, Queen Adrienne, gowned in sheer team, but we need some financial old. Mrs. Maurice Judd display appear at a meeting o f the Am where Mrs. Deffenbaugh died S at their first innoculations and 396 orchid ninone with mmature pep- are entitled to vote. ed two old shawls, and h silver Election officials will 'be K a th help.” erican Legion tonight and nt meet urday. M r Limore and year-old “ booster" innoculations. plons surrounding the lower part S. P. Bybee, who attended a base arine Smith, Alma Cochrane, Leva cup that had 'been awarded as a ings o f o.'jer organization! before son escaped wijnout injury. T h e clinics were held In the o f the bodice, wore a blue sapphire Findling, Elaine Lienkaemper and ball m « ting in Wilder with AI pr'ae ii -a county fa ir in Kentucky the election. Mr. Stunz, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore had driven Nyssa elementary school and A r neckpiece and corsage. She led the Chadwick of Nyssa, said all of over VXS years ..¿o ; « i. Carl Hill Bernice Fisher. H artley and J. L. Herriman spoke to California fo r Mr. and Mrs, cadia and Oregon T ra il schools. march in company with her escort, the towns to be represented In showed a quilt thnt was also ovei ■to the chamber o f commerce at Deffenbaugh, who had spent two R ay Bybee, son o f Mr. and Mrs. the league expect to have winning 100 years old. its weekly luncheon Wednesday months there. Sherman P- Bybee. Following were teams this year, so that competit One of tlie oldest articles on noon. the court, Marian Grace Brown, Mrs. Deffenbaugh was born June ion will be keen. display was the newspaper shown Val Dee Child, Betty Pett and Reed A resume o f the talks revealed 1, 1883 in Bates county, Missouri Each club will play two games uy Mrs. B.’d. Blast and owned by Campbell. Little Floyd Blair car that due to a change In the law, and came to Nyssa in 1946 from a week, one at home and one Mrs. Ca.stlebery that contained the ried the "gold” jewell-studded anyone can vote who resides in Adrian after her husband retired away from home. Whether the obituary of George Washington. crown, on a pillow o f pink and (the district and is registered to from farming. 'Mrs. Tom Nishitani contributed The Nyssa safety council decided league will contain six or eight Flower girls were vote at a general election. Prop Survivors are Mr. Deffenbaugh; Funeral services will be held green ruffles. teams has not (been decided. It some Japanese vases of artistic erty ownership is no longer a three daughters, Mrs. Ida M ae Sunday and Monday for three the Misses Colleen Archibald and at a meeting held last Friday will cost each team $70 to enter and historical value, a Japanese night to assist in reducing fire lim iting factor. T o p liff and Mrs. Elmore o f Nyssa Nyssa ex-servicemen whose bodies Irene Brower, who were clad in sword and some Japanese wall hazards In the city by means of the league. The 'board members said that and Mrs. Lucille Gossard o f R ic h have arrived in the United States ruffled pink and green crepe paper T h e Nyssa club lias signed a hangings. an organized and coordinated dresses, with little picture lvats “ We were disappointed at the re mond, California; four sons, G il from foreign lands. clean-up campaign Involving both good pitcher, providing a nucleus Among some o f the Interesting sults of the bid opening, although bert of Nyssa, Maurice and Ray Services for Jack Coen, also making a frame fo r their lovely (business houses and private homes. for a good team. Del Dotto, collections were a pitcher collect- they were not altogether unexpect o f San Francisco and R oy o f R aw known as Jack Breazeale, will be curls. The council plans to gain the formerly o f Nampa, has contract bin by Mrs. Glenn Suitor, another After Bishop Dean Fife crowned ed as we were pretty sure that Uns, Wyoming; a sister and five held Sunday at 2 p. m. in the picture collection by Mrs. Charles active support of civic and social ed to pitch fo r Nyssa. chosen on merits, our desires exceeded our purse. grandchildren. Nazarene church, with Rev. E. J. the queen, Steffens, a shaving mug collection organizations in carrying out the (By cutting o ff six rooms, 'the music Wilson officiating. Services for church attendance and participat campaign. by Mrs. Glea Billings, who also had Upon the approval of SAFETY ESSAY IS room, the cafeteria and the shop, BASEBALL, TRACK Marion Woodrow Swarm w ill be ion, the entire court remained on these interesting antique pitchers organizations, the group READ AT MEETING lame we can have the remainder of the held Sunday at 4 p. m. In the tlie stage while a floor show was plans to submit the proposal to the and milk glass, a cup and saucer SCHEDULES SHOWN Nyssa Funeral home chapel. EldeT presented. Miss Pauline Reynolds city council fo r its approval. The building fo r $522,003. This amounts display by Mrs. R. V. Wilson, and ¡to $7.30 per square foot on an Miss Doris Rigney, a pupil in .alt and pepper collections by Mrs. J. H. Benedict o f the Missionary presented acrobatic dances, _ to , the safety council hopes to have the T h e Nyssa Bulldogs w ill play Baptist church will officiate. M il piano accompaniment of , Carlene over-all basis. As the low bidder, ncll set ZkXe a special the eighth grade o f the Nyssa L. A. Maulding and Colleen Bybet'. Also participating In t h e jcJey n, up ^ someUme d^ rjng schools, appeared at the Nyssa J. H. Wise and Son of Boise, was their first league baseball game of itary services will be held for both Jones Mrs. Poison explained about a $50,000 below the next low bidder, the 1949 season April 12, when they youths by the Nyssa veterans as floor show was a tap troupe ap April. chamber o f commerce luncheon beautiful quilt that she had made, ipearing under the direction at Luther F ife of Nyssa, we feel that will meet the Panthers on the sociation in the Nyssa cemetery. Wednesday noon to read her win Finley Khuster has offered the commemorating the Morman cen Parma field, following two practice this was a very satisfactory bid. Funeral services for Robert Wes Mrs. Lloyd Wilson. T h e members us»“ of trucks for one day fo r col ning essay on safety. tennial. and showed two unusual "Lest you feel that there may games with Adrian. ley Browne will be held in the of tlie troupe wore black and lection o f refuse. T h e essay was written for a Arrangements Finnish woodcarvings. The remainder o f the schedule Nyssa Funeral home chapel at 2 pink Victorian costumes. Mrs have been made for adequate labor safety essay contest sponsored in not be very much building left A number of children's hobby after the alternate; were removed, for the Oregon division at the p. m. Monday, with Rev. C. L. Robert Wilson was piano accomp fo r loading the trucks. the Nyssa high school and grade collection were shown. Colleen By may we say that the academic Snake River Valley league w ill be Callahan o f the Espiscopal church anist. Five couples from the first school by the Nyssa public safety A committee consisting o f Ham bee had a collection o f 50 dolls on the ilton Ohadderdon, Finley Shuster, council. MLss Rigney won the con wing o f the building will stretch played as follows: April 12, On- officiating. No m ilitary service will ward M. I. A. presented display; Gary Bybee had a large “ Americana” dance. They were Charles Landreth and E. (L. Jam i test in the elementary school and along the Adrian highway fo r 505 *ar‘° at Vale; April 15, Nyssa at be beld. collection of match folders. Diane Robert Browne was born April Fredrie Fife and K ent Bunn, dir son was appointed to formulate judges said her essay was out- feet. That Is a little farther than Ontario and Parma at Vale; April Maulding showed her collection of 19, Vale at Nyssa and Ontario at ectors; the Misses Betty Pett, stading among both the grade story book dolls. A collection of from Sarazin's clinic to the post 20, 1925 in Detroit, Michigan and plans for the campaign. Parma; April 22, Vale a t Ontario Phyllis Hadley, M erle Burningham office. T h e physical education moved to Parma in 1930 and to A vote o f thanks was given school and high school essays. pencils owned by Dee Shuster and building will be comparable in size, and Parma at Nyssa; April 26, Nyssa in 1931. He attended Nyssa and Janice Campbell and Reed Olean Wells fo r the showing of Miss Riitney took listeners on an a large coin collection belonging although more compact in shape, j Ontario at Nyssa and Vale at grade school and graduated from Campbell, Bill Chard, David Tuck safety slogans a t the Nyssa theater. Imaginary walk to "S afety Tow n’, to Ned Snider were on display. “The physical education building ¡Parma; and April 29, Nyssa the at Nyssa hit>h school in 1943. er and Dick Campbell. The group voted to change the where provisions were made for Ole Dyrland had part of his large is large because it will have to j Vale and Parma at Ontario, Officers of the Mutuals were re meeting date to the second M on safety, and then to Nyssa. He was inducted into the army in She and Interesting stamp collection on serve both the junior high school I Parma is listed in the Oregon July, 1943 and was placed in the sponsible for the decorations, which day of each month. listed Nyssa needs as follows: display. Mr. Dyrland’s collection and the senior high school. We ¡division to make an even number army specialized training corps. were of the Easter motif. Rabbits Nyssa needs better traffic regul is valued at $15,000. With discontinuation o f this train and colored eggs were placed a- are effecting some saving thereby ¡ ° f teams. ations, putting traffic lights on Many other individual articles as most school districts have a ! A play-off between the Oregon ing, he was transferred to the 69th bout the walLs, with a large white P. T. A. WILL NAME main intersections and putting were exhibited. Preceding the col physical education plant for each |:,nd Idaho division winners will division, in which he participated Easter basket making the throne OFFICER NOMINEES traffic light control on school lection display, a program was pre A false ceiling of unit as well as for each ele- be held to determine the champion- in the Leyte and Okinawa cam on the stage. crosswalks; Nyssa needs to make sented as follows: Browne was killed May pink, green and yellow, crepe paper mentary school This portion of ship o f the league. Th e title will paigns. A committee was appointed at a her children safer by providing "When Irish Eyes are Sm iling" the building will, within a very be awarded to the team winning 10, 1945. He is survived by his gave the hall an Blaster atmosphere. meeting o f the Nyssa Parent- entertainment to keep them o ff and "M y Wild Irish Rose," sung two out of three games in the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Mrs. Eldred Brower and Don Moss Teacher association In the high the streets. Adults of the city can I py Hugh Tobler, accompanied by (Continued on Page 7) championship series. T h e first Browne of Nyssa; two sisters. Miss are repective M. I. A. presidents school building last Thursday night help heln by ,hv organizing safety clubs Mrs. Carlos Buchner; McNamara's game will be played M ay 3, the Barbara Biowne of Portland and fo r the first ward. M any Parma, to select nominees fo r next year’s teaching safety rules to little child band, a song and dnee number by GRANGE TALKS ON ___ ______ ____ _ _ second M ay 4 and the third if Mrs. H. Scott Coulter of La Owyhee and Ontario residents at- officers. The committee consists ren and learning safety rules them Phyllis Galloway, Marlene M'iss, SEVERAL PROBLEMS necessary Friday, May 6. Grande, and a brother, J e rry 1 tended. Mrs. Charles Taylor and o f D. W. Patch, J. L. Herriman selves. Ruth Russell and Donna Traibert, ---------- | Teams In the Idaho division are Browne of Nyssa. Mrs. D. O. Bybee were among the and Mrs. Carlos Buchner. accompanied by Angela Peterson Several discussions o f Interest to Fruitland, Payette, Emmett, Wels- Pic. Marion Swarm was born Weiser stake board members pres The meeting was opened with Establish Ladies S h o p - and two violin numbers "Rom ance" farmers were held at the regular er and Fruitland. near Calhan, Colorado June 9, 1919 ent. prayer led by Rev Sterl Splesz. Operators o f Wilson Bros, de and "Am ong the Canebrakes" by meeting of the Oregon T ra il! The practice games with Adrian and was killed in Italy May 19, The attendence contest was won partment store have remodeled the Lynn Lawrence, accompanied by Orange last week. | will be played March 29 here and 1944 while serving with the Am eri Visit In Hansen— by Mrs. Castro’s room for the balcony in the store to provide Mrs. Buckner.,« With Master Frank Sherwood April 1 there, can army. He attended Nyssa Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Sarazin vis first grade, Mrs. T aylor’s room for ¡pace fo r a new ladies shop. A presiding. Loyd Adams discussed i Dates for track events have also high school for two years. Swarm ited over the week-end at the the second grade, Miss Crandall’s spacious stairway leads to the potato diseases and their treat- been announced. The Snake river is survived by his mother, Mrs. home of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. L a r room for the 3rd and 4th, Mrs. ladles shop on the baclony at the DR. KERBY TO TAKE ment. A discussion was also held valley relay meet will be held at Annette Swarm of Nyssa; a son, sen and fam ily at Hansen, Idaho. Nolan's room for the 5th and rear of the store. A considerable COURSE IN SURGERY on parity prices. Frank Parr, leg- Ontario April 13, the Malheur Marion o f Tacoma; two sisters, 3th, Mrs. Renstrom's room for the quantity o f glass brick has been Islative chairman, spoke on the county track meet April 20 and Mrs. Helen Zucco and Mrs. Alta To Portland— Junior high and the seniors of installed In the rear wall to pro Dr K. E. Kerby, Nyssa phsician, proposed C. V. A. and asked each the Snake river valley conference Williams of Colorado Springs, and Loyd Lewis .le ft Sunday for .he high school. vide light and beauty. will leave Sunday for Chicago to three brothers, Venue o f Fountain, Portland on a buying trip for the member to study it. A discuss- track meet April 30. Opening the program, Mrs. Chet attend the graduate school o f the Colorado and A lvin and Eugene Lewis nursery, Mosier and Mrs. John Stafford Leave For Utah— Jon was held. j ------------------------ Cook County hospital tor two o f Nyssa. The members voted against1 Pack Meeting P lan n ed - sang, "A n Irish Lullaby" and "G a l Mrs. Campbell Bear and Mrs months. While there he w ill take Jack Coen was the son of Mrs. Returns from Logan— changing the present method o f } At a meeting o f the ctlb corn- way Bay”, accompanied by Mrs. Burnall Brown left this week for a post graduate course In surgery. electing state Orange officers. T h e y : mitteemen, the den fathers and Ann Breozeale of Portland, fo r Mrs. LaMont F ife returned K. E. Keveren. Ogden to be with their mother Following completion of the also talked about the rural tele-| mothers, a picnic was planned for mer Nyssa resident, who is ex Sunday from Logan, Utah, where Refreshments were served by a on her birthday anniversary. course, Dr Kerby will go to Kansas phone situation, principally the the March pack meeting to be held pected to arrive here Saturday for she had been called because of committee headed by Mrs. Durlin City, Missouri for special work in Born in Nebraska. the death of her father, L. Austin Hammond. lack erf telephones I at the city park a t 1 p. m. Sunday. the funeral. Help Put In Crops— In Larry B^igle for Refreshments were furnished by March 27. The picnic, for all Coen was 17 years old when he j p^nd Mrs. F ife was gone two A group o f neighbors helped two months. M r and Mrs. George Cleaver. M r.1 members o f the family, will be fol- was killed shortly after the end of weeks. leaves For San Franriseo— Olenn Brown o f Nyssa plant his j Mrs. Kerby and son will spend the war. He went overseas near ----- — and Mrs Alva Ooodell and Alva lower by a kite tournament. Mrs Frank Morgan, and Mr. and crops recently because of his mis- j t he four months time in Chicago the end of the conflict and last Benefit Party For Hospital— Mrs. Blaine Ballah and Arthur fortune In losing part of one leg. and Springfield, Missouri. Goodell, Jr. his life when he was swept over- j T h e Retoakah lodge will hold a left Saturday for San Francisco, W ith 15 tractors In operation, th e , On M arch 2 the Oregon Trail Here From Twin Falls— ----------- , . Mr. and Mrs. Ben Call and son, board from a ship. His brother, benefitt pinochle party Saturday where they will visit Mrs. M organ’s 80-acre farm was planted in two Here From Bancroft— Grange took the traveling Bible to Mr days. the Big Bend Orange. Mrs Run Larry, o f Tw in Falls, visited last Harold, was killed in action w h ile1 evening at 8 o’clock In the I. O. O. sister, Mins Jeanette Calkins One of Brown's legs w a s : Mrs. Darrel M cLain o f Bancroft, corn. lecturer, presented a pro- week with the V em and nale| serving in the army, but his body F. hall. The proceeds from the Ballah arrived last week from removed above the knee after it I Idaho Is visiting at the home of Moncur families. has never been located. I party will go for the honpitaL Colorado. gram. had been crushed t iy a hay lift. I Mrs. Delmo Smith. Nyssa Woman Is Killed In Crash Miss Peterson Reigns At Ball Chamber Helps Baseball Club Rites Planned For Servicemen Clean-up Drive In City Planned