Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1949 NU-ACRES BIR TH D AY PARTY I c f i V L I M afternoon meeting of Uie Malheur Memorial Hospital Ladies auxiliary. uave a birth- Mrs. Frank Prank Olson ^ave day party in honor of Kenneth , „„anson Thursday evening at her home. A large group o f Kenneths classmates attended and games were played. He received many very nice gifts. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hansen attended . a , birthday . . party . Monday . valley. 1 ball tournament. Fruitland won i or year. W e deliver In Nyssa. Beef, C Evans and children attend- lhe b s.porUnanihtp at W ild- ¡>ork precurred, whole, half or * * ‘ J U1 v c n ed the basketball game at Wilder er. Upon tlie completion of the, quarter, cúmplete cutting, wrapping, Saturday n «h t. N U-AC RES, March 3—Mr. and We are always Mrs. Cecil Evans recently had a ‘ast g “ ne a dance was held at the curing service. Mrs. Prank Preston and fam ily heart at.ack and has not as yet ->ld W ilder auditorium, with many open. Fish, oysters, poultry. H art were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. fully recovered. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil persons attending, man's lockers, south Nvssa-Parma ta ilx p Evans consulted their doctor at and Mrs. S. N. T aylor o f Wilder. The Fruitland seniors held their junction. Nampa Friday. The Evans child try-outs fo r their senior play, "Girt Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Seuell and j U R S A LE —Four-roam house with ren stayed at the home o f their Darryl, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Seuell, idewalks, built-in cabinets and at grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira j Shy ”, to Ue presented April 8, Jean Blakesley and Terry were ■ressitre system. Tw o acres land Tish of Oreenleaf. the Fruitland auditorium. Sunday dinner guests at the home vith fruit, pasture and garden Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Evans j R ibert K eller of Nyssa was a of Mr. and Mrs. O. Creswick of evtwln* held in £ ? nor o i, Prank Noble Ditch water. Two 3 ager Olson's birthday. T h e evening was ind Janice, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman j Sunday afternoon guest at the Fry- pace. niies east of New Plymouth on Keek were Saturday guests of M rs.! home. M r and Mrs. Woodrow Seuell pent ^ , a ■iled road. On school bus, mail The Reuben Grasmick of Pocatello and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Mrs- Nora w ?od returned her Rena Kayward of Caldwell. ind milk routes, $4450. Alma Seuell and Darryl o f Nyssa, Mr. i home this week after undergoing men attended to business while I was a Monday dinner guest of Mr. »rover, phone 2238. 3m2xc and Mrs. W. H. Grasmick. Mr and Mrs. K. L. Baker and fam - 3 inaJ°r operation at the Holy thev were there, ily o f Weiser and Mrs O'Neil Rosary hospital in Ontario. The center of attraction of many Grasmick has been visiting hi V A N T E D —Some one to plow, seed Holloway were Saturday dinner i M r s M i l t o n Connelly is seriously j * the people, both young and old mooter, Mrs. H. P. Ostermiller o nd corrugate about two acres. M. guests o f Mr. and Mrs. M. C. | ill a t her home. | for the oast week has been the Fruitland. during his visit. Later V Mvers, Golden Rule store. 3mtfc Seuell. t 1 Mr. a n i Mrs. Geo. Smit, Sr., were Class B Basketball tournament at Monday evening the group went to o r t „. vlus — A new model A and a Mrs. Merle Thomson and Mrs Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Wilder. Fruitland will journey to the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Gras- tew model B John Deere tractor, M. C. Seuell attended the Monday Mrs. Harry Greenway at Apple Kimberly to the state class basket- mi-'k for a visit. 3m3xp Mrs. T . O. Lacev o f Mt. Angel, ■hone 013J3. Oregon stayed with her mother FO R SALE— Federation seed wheat. Mrs. Woll, at the home of Mr. and Elmer Olson, two miles west I of Mrs. L. G. Hawley while Mrs Oregon T ra il school house on Ivan- Hawley was in Boise caring for hoe avenue. 3M4xp her daughter, Mrs. L. D. Climer, and twin daughters. FD R S A L E —O r rent, a 22 foot Delbert National trailer house. V isits Parents— Herring, Hancock service station, I Mrs. Luray Trabert left Friday phone 117. 3mlxp for Wheatland, Wyoming, where W ANTED — Can build one or two she will visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kuehner. Mrs. Trabert plan homes. Carpenter work 2/3 of cost ned the trip so that *she might of material. Alma Grover, phone be with her parents on their gold- | ?233, New Plymouth. 3m2xc en wed din,» anniversary. ---------- ti1— ■ ---------- __________ _________________________ I CARD OF TH AN KS I wish to thank m y friends for FOR R E N T —20 acres hay and grain land, cash rent. Milton Con the flowers, fruit and cards sent nelly, Parma, Idaho, route 2. 3mlxp to me during my stay in the hos pital. F O R S A L E — F-12 International Mrs. Lulu Hoxie tractor, A - l condition, with Allis Chalmers cultivating equipment CARD OF TH ANKS $650. M. A. Rataezyk, Sunset val I wish to take this means of ley. 3m2xc hanking the friends and neighbors for the many cards, gifts and other M I S C E L L ANEOUS—Man wants acts o f kindness follow ing my re work, preferably on farm; has cent accident. I wish especially to tractor and will do custom plow hank K eith Rookstool, who went ing. Call 01R4 or see Tyrus Wash lite r -Roy and Bob and also Mr burn. 3M2xp Alonzo Knowles, who took us to FO R S A LE — 1 Wedgewood gas the nursing home in his car. Those range with Flam o tank and reg tokens of friendship will 'be cher ulator; 1 Montgomery Ward water ished in future years. Mrs. Roy Rookstool heater, peanut type with range boiler, reasonable prices. Phone LE G A L AD VER TISIN G 286 -J, J. c. Sm ith: 3m4xp PAGE SEVEN' operation and maintenance, delin- the Diatrict by any interested per- guencies in collections, reserve, and ;on during office hours o f each bus- admm.tration expenses, estimated iness day. for ,.ie season of 1949, and $1.00 per By order of Che Board of Direct acre construction charge during the ors. year 1949 by virtue of Bureau of By Harold Henigson, Secretary, Reclamation order. Owyhee Irrigation District. The assessment roll and records First Publication Mar. 3, 1949. may be inspected at the office of Last Publication Mar. 31, 1940. K e e v e r Floor Service Floors la\d, sanded and finished. Old floors made like new. No job too big or too small. CHARLIE KEEVER Phone 2569 Homedale, Idaho ATTENTION We Are Now In Position T o Do \U Types O f Cabinet Work Am Contract Building. Johnson Cabinet Shop PHONE 023J1 1 Mile North O f N.vssa- Farma Junction On Highway 95 Don't Miss This! BIG WHITE ELEPHANT SALE March 7 Nyssa Gymnasium—8 P. M. MODERN ICE BOXES, H O USEH O LD GOODS A N D M ISC E LLAN E O U S -F o r plumbing, call J. C. Smith, 286J. Service calls made promptly. 3m4xp JEW ELR Y W IL L BE SOLD THIS SALE IS TO HELP RAISE FUNDS FOR THE NYSSA VETERANS HALL, W H IC H W IL L BE USED FOR THE C O M M U N ITY AS W E L L AS VETERANS Auctioneer Bill Lane of The Nyssa Union Livestock Com. Co. Sponsored By Nyssa Veterans Ass’n ^ Gil iSMCïl Cïl?ïT GïMGjlGîlGr Gfi fñ Gfl 51 iôlSHnMIô' r-T ^515M51ilir5 i 151® G mms LIVING ROOMS,DINING ROOMS, BEDROOMS «2 ’Í S - ™ ' /rá MA&c/e/wr CV£Z *VAUP*P£P, pp/A/r, p iA srea / o p / s s //V OA/c A/Otíñf A/O M (/S S / /VO P V S S f PO 8 0 rH £Pf C H EC K T H ES E Such g lo rio u s c o lo r ! Such magic ease, when you decorate with the MiracleWall Finish! And only $3.79 a gallon! No w on der K e m -T o n e is America’s most popular flat wall paint! modern^ miracle wall f in ^ Mad • with KEM££&0IL 17 9 R E A L O IL F O R T I F IE D W ITH S P EC IA L R E S IN S f a r a i t r a g a l. DOCS AVERAGE DOOM durability, beauty MIRACLES! Applies like magic! [ t f Right over ~ wallpaper! ^ One coat covers! Ones in an hour! [ v f One gallon does a room ! { & { lasting tlOKS-WASMSm. BAKES ENAMEI! ... . .... ........ '•••--------... -- RANCHES AND FARMS 1220-acre stock farm, several fenced-in pastures, 150 acres of tame hay, good 5-room house, 3- room house, barn, chicken house and many other buildings, 98 cows, 3 bulls, 50 calves, all good her- fords, this entire spread for $35,000. 60 acres of the best soil in the area, fa ir house and out-<buildings, $15,000. 20 acres, nice neat home, very fine soft water, lots of fruit, berries, ( shade and lown, $5,000. 110 acres with 3 sets o f good buildings in one o f the finest dis tricts. This is worth looking at if you are iterested in the best, $50,- 000, easy terms. 60 acres good home, sandy soil, lays level, only $12,000. 80 acres real good land, 2 small houses, $16,300. 40 acres, nice modern basement home, this is good row crop land, $ 12 , 000 . 20 acres, good house, excellent land, $9.000. One of the cutest small home.1 in town, with garage, brand new, $1,800. Very nice small home, nice util ity room, very nice bath, on large lot, only $3500. 4-room home, a good one, large grounds, well located, $4,000. Good small home in Adriah, shade, berries, nice lawn, $3675. 1 acre ground with modern bus iness building and home. This is new, $10,000. 1 acre, very nice, near town, with small home, $1,500 down, b a l ance easy. Full price, $4,500. Would you like to build a new home with a small down payment? We can help you if you own a nice j lot. ' E. L. JAM ISON Real Estate and Insurance Nyssa. Oregon N O TIC E O F M E E T IN G Owyhee Irrigation District Notice is hereby given, that the Board o f Directors of the Owyhee Irrigation District, sitting as a board o f equalization, w ill meet on the 5th day o f April, 1949, at 8:00 o'clock p. m. of said day at its office in Nyssa, Oregon, for the purpose of reviewing and correcting its as sessment roll and apportionment of charges fo r operation and m ain tenance fo r the 1949 season, and assessment o f $3.95 per acre for H o k O O B N J M D % For Longer Lasting Flavor Freshness Only Eddy’s gives you Homogenized Ingredienls Bread. Sugar, milk, short pletely blended for longer lasting flavor freshness . . . smoother texture i t , better tasting bread- m look fai Ute I'UtfJti tfintfUom. uPopfioM Herriman Used Cars Th is w e e k ’s special 1942 M ERCURY FORDOR SEDAN, N E W P A IN T JOB, RADIO, HEATER Only $1145 / Herriman Motor Company Y O U R TR AN SPO R TATIO N M ERCHANT MISCELLANEOUS— Zero cold stor age lockers by the month, 6 months M bm J - ■ » t w / A - k v .w i'A v X - X v / ik - v iv X * X X I * t 1 1 A fromthefamouslaboratoriesttiatgaveyouKemTone! IMi.»I'llL’ J s c u f f ít ! so il tri SCRUB tT ! S e n s a tio n a l n e w K e m - G l o ! L o o k s a n d w a s h e s lik e b a k e d e n a m e l! F o r t h e fir s t t i m e , k it c h e n a n d b a t h r o o m w a l ls , w o o d w o r k i n e v e ry r o o m c a n h a v e a fin is h t h a t 's s m o o t h as p la s t ic , c l e a n a b le a s c h ln a w a r e , b e a u t i f u l as p o lis h e d I v o r y ! CQOXA7 THFSF F£47VÑ£Sf EA S Y TO A P R IV I • SCRUBIABLEI O N E C O A T C O VER SI • O N L Y $2.39 A O U A R T I N O PR IM ER ! • W O N T S T A IN I N O U N D ER C O A T ER I . RESISTS G R EA S EI DRIES—3 T 0 4 H 0 U R S I • D IRT W ASHES O FF! W A S H A ILE I • RESISTS I0 IL IN C W A T E R I Henneman Hardware Co. ||^| ening, malt and yeast are more com Attention IE FARM El Field and Shop Service Now Available FULL STOCK OF GENUINE PARTS FOR ALL EQUIPMENT WE SELL FACTO R Y TR AINED REPAIRM AN Expert Chevrolet Repair Work; Also Wisconsin Motors SEE US THE NEXT TIM E YOUR EQUIPMENT NEEDS RE PAIR IN G B. & M. EQUIPMENT CO. Minneapolis Moline Dealer