TAGE SIX _^THE NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 3. 1949 GIRLS 4-H G R O UP FORMED A T SUNSET at a birthday party honoring K en- netn Ohard. Cards were played, ind a late supper was served. Clarence Reed has purchased an international C tractor for this /ear's work. Mrs. Hillmer Hlntz. form erly Miss Katheryn Mattson was honor guest at a bridal shower Wedne»- ia y afternoon at the home of Mrs. Robert Ditty, Mrg. Clarence Dodson was co-hostess to the 30 guests. T h e afternoon was spent in playing guessing games and In loenin,; of the gifts. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. W illiam Mattson, mother o f the bride; Mrs. Lee Smith, Mrs. Ebrie Bowers, Mrs. Leonard Smith, Mrs. H. F. Shields and children, ail of Payette, and Mrs. Frank Benintendi and Mrs. (Continued from Page 3 ning. Pinocihle was played. Leslie Ditty, both of Ontario. Re- Mrs. Paul Bergam, Mr. and Mrs. irashments were served. Mrs. Hintz Albert N o’.hels and Mrs. Herbert is now living at Riverside, Oregon, Bergam were dinner guests F ri where her husband is working. day evening at the S. E. Flanagan Paul Cleaver o f St. Louis ar home. Mr. M iller gave a dinner- rived Tuesday at the home o f his ware demonstration. sister. Mrs. Magnus Ekanger. Cleav Mr. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen and famllv. Mr. and Mrs. Ewen Ohard, er has bought a farm near Adrian. and Mr. and Mrs. Doyne Price of Miss Donna Garner was chosen Ontario were guests of Mrs. K en as princess of the Rosette ball neth Chard last Saturday evening representing the Owyhee L. D. S. ward at the Vale L. D. S. chapel Saturday evening. Miss Garner’s escort to the ball was Vern M e “W e Can Not Sell All The Furnaces ehans. The ball for the Junior girls and senior scouts Included a dance, But W e Try To Sell Only The Best” 'loor show and refreshments. Mrs. Clarence Aston and Eva Marie and Freddie As(j>n return ed to her home in Rupert, Idaho Friday morning. Mrs Aston visit ed Tuesday at the Devon Larson home. Wednesday at Mrs W illiam Orr's, and Thursday at Mrs. Lila M itchell’s home. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Patterson Contact One Of Our Satisfied Customers and Mr. and Mrs. Devon Larson made a business trip to Baker ESTIMATES CH EERFULLY GIVEN Friday. ■ Mr. and Mrs. James Langley and familv were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Robb Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Brewer and ; Telephone 134-1.2 Parma, Idaho t-i daughters were guests at the Rex Be»be home in Ridgeview Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Marcum mmmmemmmmmm MEULLER FURNACES LINK BELT STOKERS WILLIAMSON FURNACES GEORGE J. KINZER I % of Nyssa were Saturday evening evening. H O FFM AN LEVELING visitors at the Robert Ditty home. The Sunset extension unit m eet B U E N A V IST A LAN D Mr. and Mrs Wilbur Chapin, ing for March 9 has been cancel t ------------ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen led. The meeting was to -have been BUENA V IS T A , March 3—Mr. and and Herman Lorensen were Sunday- a demonstration of meat cookery. Mrs. Chet Jamison of Nampa spent guests at the John Zillig home in However, the recipes that were to Sunday at the W illis Bertram home. Homedale. have been used will be available > Mrs. S. B. H offm an and Mrs. Jim Fern Sharpe and Mrs. Jack R e f at the April meeting. i Ritchie were at Vale Wednesday. lect, both of Ontario, were Tuesday Robert D itty has purchased a new Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell at visitors at the John R eifett home. Mr. and Mrs. George Gregg and John Deere A tractor, disc and tended a co-op meeting at Vale laughters were supper guests at ditcher. Wednesday. he Jesse Oregi; home Tuesday eve- Jack Field began working on the Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver, M r ling. Both families attended a reclamation ditches this week with and Mrs. Howard Day. M r. and Mrs, basketball game at Adrian. O. P. Counsll. Supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W illiam G regg re Lester Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Neil Dimmick Tuesday evening turned home this Saturday from a Cleaver and Mr. and Mrs. Jim were Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Pomeroy. 10-day trip to the west coast. Ritchie attended a party a t the Mrs. Harold Fyllingness and Mr. Making business trips to Vale and Mrs. Nell Dimmick spent W ed this week were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jim Savage home Saturday even ing. nesday in Boise on business. D itty and O la l Fyllingness. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell spent Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hite and Monday visitors at the Thomas family of Haines have been vis Nishitanl home were Mr. and Mrs Tuesday at Mrs. Jennie Goodell’s home at Caldwell. iting the toast week at the John Leonard Newten o f Nyssa. Mrs. Myrtle Bartholoma spent R effett home. Mrs. R effett and Mrs. Delbert G am er accompanied Mrs. Hite shopped In Ontario Fri- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stoker on a trip 3unday at the S. B. H offm an home. Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver and lay. Other Ontario shoppers dur- to Utah, leaving last Saturday. Mrs. ng the week were Mr. and Mrs. Garner visited at the home of her Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell attended O 'af Fvllingness, Harry and Mrs. parents, James Etherington in a Pamona Grange meeting at Ore Mrs. Garner and Keith gon Slope Saturday. M. A. Rataezyk, the Homer Brew Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver were er family, Jim Chadd fam ily and Stoker arrived home by train Fri- in Boise Friday. dav.» Mr. and Mrs. Turner. Glen H offm an is leveling land Mr. and Mrs. Oce Sch-weizer were Work on Gabriel Astoreca's new house is progressing nicely with overnight guests at the Charles with heavy equipment for George ' both Ed Mortensen and Jim Ritchie Share home Tuesday evening and Cleaver. Edward T o p liff and Mr. and Mrs. working. Astoreca’s made a trip at the Fred Morton home Wednes Alva Goodell attended the farm in to Boise Saturday, returning with day. Mr. and Mrs. Lew M cCoy and stitute at Ontario Friday. the glass for the windows. Mrs. Alva Goodell entertained Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nishltanl j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Share were and son were supper guests at the j dinner guests at the Lyman Pome the O ut-O ur-W ay club at her home Friday afternoon. Ten -mem Lyman Pomeroy home Thursday roy home Manday evening. bers answered roll call with their favorite book. Games were play ed. Mrs. Jim Ritchie, Mrs. Leslie Topliff, Mrs. Glen H offm an and Mrs. Edward T o p liff won prizes. Refresljments of chicken salad, nut bread and coffee were served. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. La Vern Cleaver’s home March 10. lowing the lunaheon, Mrs. Ella Smith reviewed the book "S o Dear to My Heart” by Sterling North. Mrs. Merle Judd and Mrs. Frank Miller were guests -for the a fte r noon. NEWS OF RECORD MARRIAGES LICENSES Richard B. Vance o f Wetser and Evelyn Icelene Crum o f Durkee. Karl David Krause o f Stanfield. Oregon and Ada Carol Corliss of Pendleton. Harold Elliot Gochnour and H ild reth Frances Gellein, both of Weiser. B ill Loyd Hendricks o f Ontario and Carmen W ynella Clement of New Plymouth. COMPLAINTS, C IRCUIT COURT R. A. Rorabaugh vs. L. R. Urquhart, et. al. Recovery on con tract, $436.32. John Stringer vs. Union Pacific Railroad company, damages, $1,860. Newton F. Zahller vs. Fred Schneider, foreclosure o f contract, $1.741.05. W. J. Shea, et. ux. vs. Jordan Valley Cattle Company, et. al., to iuiet title. PETITIONS. PROBATE COURT Estate of J. M. Randleman, d e ceased. Estate o f George J. Wegener, de- eased. Estate of F. 6 . Stewart, deceased. Estate o f George Alex Harper, deceased. CLUB HEARS R E V IE W Mrs. Joe Brumbach entertained j the members o f the Kingman K ol- i j ony Book club at a 1:10 buffet i luncheon at her home last Satur- ; \ day. The table was centered with 11 sweetpeas and pink tapers. Fol-1 ! O u r Second Annual Septic Tanks And Cesspools CLEANED Reasonable Rates Phone 261M, Collect Nyssa, Oregon Farm Sale 3»/o miles west of Nyssa on Clark boulevard, 1 mile west on Gem avenue and % mile south on Clark Boulevard* O fcfik Friv Sat., Mon., Cr Tues. March 4 , 5 , 7 , 6 * 8 The Solid Gains W e’ve Shown and Our Rapidly Increasing ilOO Sheets Volume Makes Us Feel That The People of Nyssa Appreciate Our Efforts In Bringing Them A Well Stocked and Up-To-The- FACIAL 19c Minute Drug Store. We Hereby Offer Our Sincere Thanks And Promise To Keep Our Storks Complete And Our Service The Best. Vz Price Woodbury Cold Creams Vz Price Jewelry $7.50 Wrist Watches Plus Tax $4.95 29c Rubber (¡loves 3c 15c Story Books $14.95 $19.50 Pop Up Toasters 9c 49c Air Mail Stationery 0 Half Price (Close Outs) 8 MM EASTM AN COLORED M OVIE FILMS $4.08 50c HARD CAND Y 35c 75c BUBBLE BATH 10c ENVELOPES SHELF PAPER 98c PAPER DOLLS 5c 10c Bobby Pins 69c $1.00 Body Powder r $135 Body Powder Set 89c 25c Shave Cream 2 2 for for 26c 6c 39c After Shave 50c Shampoo 9c BillFold Sale-Prices Slashed Face Powder Sale 49c 5c Sc 49c $1.50 PENFORES 49c B ABY RATTLES 30c BIBS 30c NURSING UNIT VIEW M ASTERS $ 2.00 REELS 49c 25c 19c 15c 3 FOR $1.00 89c SH O W ER CAPS COMBS JACKS MARBLES AND M ANY MORE ITEMS TOO NUM EROUS TO M ENTION OWYHEE DRUG CO. 20 PER CENT T A X ON A L L T A X A B LE MERCHANDISE ID AH O PO W ER BUILD ING G. H. PEIRSOL, O W N E R NYSSA. OREGON PHONE 29W 29c 10c 10c DC THURSDAY, MARCH IO SALE STARTS A T 1:00 P. M. 17— CATTLE— 17 1 Guernsey cow, Minnie, 6 yrs., springer. 1 Guernsey cow, Laura, 6 yrs., milking. 1 Guernsey cow, Carol, 5 yrs., milking. 1 Guernsey cow, Croppie, 4 yrs., milking. 1 Holstein cow, Blackie, 3 yrs., fresh by sale day. 1 Jersey cow, Babe, 3 yrs., milking. 1 Jersey cow, Sally., 3 yrs., springer. 1 Jersey heifer, 2 yrs. milking. 1 Jersey cow, Buttercup, 6 yrs., milking. 1 Jersey heifer, Midget, 2 yrs., milking. 1 Guernsey cow, Spot, 3 yrs., springer. 1 Roan Durham cow, Roany, 4 yrs., springer. 1 Guernsey heifer, yearling. 1 Guernsey heifer, yearling. 1 Jersey heifer, 2 yrs. old, springer. 1 Jersey heifer, yearling. 1 Holstein calf, 4 months old. Production and freshening date will be given sale day. Cows are T. B. and Bang’s tested. Herd test 5.2. Public is invited to see this herd before sale date. FARM M ACH INER Y 1 John Deere B tractor, Farmall type, in first class condition. 1 John Deere hang-on 2-way plow, 16 inch. 1 John Deere hang-on 2-way plow, 16 inch. 1 John Deere hang-on power mower. I John Deere manure loader. 1 John Deere manure spreader. 1 Valley Mound corrugator. 1 hay wagon and rack, steel wheels 1 New John Deere beet and bean cultivator, 4 row. 1 John Deere tandem disc. 1 Cultipacker, 8 ft, and used 1 season. 1 3-section spike-tooth harrow. 1 Hinman milking machine, 2 unit. 1 Stock trailer, 20 inch rubber. 1 Rubber tired milk cart. 1 Shovel plow. 2 Garden cultivators. Several milk cans. Some posts and lumber. Hand tools, etc. Some inch pipe. 1 Moline beet lifter. I Land float. 1 Hay swather. H A Y A N D G R AIN I I o Tons mixed grain. Approximately 10 tons chopped hay. 250 Bales of straw. 25 Laying hens. H O USEH O LD GOODS 1 New floor furnace, never been installed. 1 Philco cabinet radio. 1 Daveno. Some canned fruit. 1 Kitchen cupboard. TERMS— CASH LU N C H SERVED ON THE GROUNDS % WALTER WOOD, Owner Cols. Bert Anderson and Joe Church, Auctioneers. L. H. Fritts, Clerk