Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1949)
THE N Y S S A GATE C IT Y JO U R N A L, NYSSA, OREGON, TH U R SD A Y, M AR CH 3, 1949 PAG E FO U R FEDERATED CLUBS IO MEET IN NYSSA ald and children went to Home - ! Adrian Monday evening. dale Sunday, where Mrs. McDon The Owyhee P. T. A. w ill meet ald he.ped entertain on the o c - 1 Friday, March 11 instead of Thurs cas.on of the 83rd birthday of her j day, March 10. Tne meeting will gi and.nother, Mrs. Mary Fletcher. be held at the school house at 8 p. m. A ''white elephant" sale During the afternoon Mrs. Martha will be held. The program will be KLngbeck, Mr. and Mrs. George given by members o f the Adrian Gregg and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. high school. E a.h lady is request Gregg and children called ( ed to furnish a pie to be served for refreshments. in the Fletcher horn and took sev-| Mrs. Werner Peutz and Wanda. eral pictures of Mrs. Fletcher with | M.s. W illiam Peutz, and Mrs. Lynn . w j de orated birtnday cakes. S e v - 1 Kygar visited in the Vandewall eral other persons were present] heme in Nyssa Monday afternoon and were served cake, ice cream while the men attended the Dale jarrison sale. ind coffee. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pitkin of Mrs. Martha Klinijback was a dinner guest in the S. D. Bigelow Burns were over-night guests In h e Clyde Hoke home Wednesday. home Friday. Mrs. Houston Dunaway and chil Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hite are moving this week from the M ild dren spent Friday niglht in Boise red Hite place, where they have with Mrs. Jim Murphy and family. Tne Sunset valley extension unit lived for several years, to the H ar old Fiveeoat farm at M itchell butte. meeting, which was to have been Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slippy and held Wednesday, March 9, has been sons were visitors at the Ray postponed until Wednesday, March Franklin home in Parma Sunday. 23. This meeting will feature a dem Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald called in the Tony Ciafalo home In onstration on meat cookery, w h ich will be presented by Mrs. Maude Cooper and Mrs. Emily Bergam. Mr. and Mrs. Randail Stathopolis and son have moved from the living RADIO A N D A PPLIAN C E quarters in tiie rear o f the Owyhee grocery to Nyssa, where Mr. Stath opolis will be employed. Mr. Stathopolis has worked at the Owyhee store for the past y e a r ® Mr. and Mrs. Lee Householder were dinner guests in the Vic M ar .ihall home Monday. The dinner was given in honor o f Mr. and Mrs. Cnuck Share, who are leaving this week for Fort Ord, California to visit their son, Don. Other One Block South of Doll House guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Strickland. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dodson and Sharon, and Mrs. Leota D itty were dinner guests in the T . H. Brewer home Friday evening. T h e G regg brothers, Wallace, Bill, Herschal, George and Jess, and Don Grant are plowing and planting Rev. K rin er’s crops for him this week. Th e K riner son has been sick so much it takes both Mr. and Mrs. Kriner to care for him. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Householder drove to Emmett Sunday and visit ed in the Charley Cooper home. En route home Mr. and Mrs. House holder stopped in New Plymouth to call on Mr. and Mrs. Martin Platz. Fred Klingback and Dale P atter son were among those attending the basketball tournament in North Powder last week. T. H. Brewer purchased a new tractor last week. According to Manager Kenneth ■ -A ^ j ' McDonald, the Adrian Merchants finished their basketball season Monday, February 21 with a record BOtH « * ' * * of 9 wins and 6 losses in league play. They finished in third tyace in the Nyssa City league, and came out runners-up in tha league tourn ament held in Nyssa. Don Brewer with 139 points to his credit was high point man for the season Keith Tallm an had 100 points lor the season. Rev. Robert Kriner held services ■ solitlated '-t*“ -* to be held in ’ he at the Owyhee Sunday school Feb U Ny«ssa high school building March ruary 27. In the afternoon Rev. I- _ . 1 2 . Ea.1i lady is to provWe a cov- and Mrs. K rin er and Park, Sandra OW YHEE. Mar. 3—«Members ol erej jis n for luiuneon. Coffee « id Phillip were dinner guests of the Owyhee Community cluo have and hot rolls wiil be provided by Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gregg. been invited by the Arcadia Sun- the Sunshine club. Prayer meeting will be held Wed-1 lesday evening, March 9 in the Ed. Corfie’d home, with Rev. Kriner as leader. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald were dinner guests in the Gerald Jeoord home in Payette Saturday evening. After dinner the group «ten d ed the championship basket- oall game of the semi-pro tourna- CUSTOM BUILT CABINETS nen: held last week in Payette. Mildred Hite of La Grande spent W IN D O W A N D DOOR FRAMES he week-end here visiting friends! ind relatives. SCREEN DOORS Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dimmick were Sunday evening supper guests in Phone 118J Free Estimates the Russell Patton, ,Sr. home. The foursome played bridge and later attended a show in Adrian. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kygar and daughters of Vale called in the Lynn Kygar home. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mr-Don- I fjirne cluo to the meeting of eon- Qstrom (Jabinet JJtap 12% FASTER GROWTH ON NEW PURINA STARTENA CHlCK[R-inS REPAIRING IIAROLDSEN’S Purina Research has done it again! Yes. Purina Research tests show thal NEW Purina Slarlena Checker- Ells beat the BEST Slarlena ever made by !2%l And you know that Slarlena has ALW AYS been lops tor lile and growth. The new Checker Elt form makes a lot ol the difference — Checker Elis are liny particles varying from mash to bile size in iusi Ihe balance that chicks like. They eat more — they grow fasterl And there's a new stepped up growth formula, loo. Pul new form and new formula together and you have New Slarlena Checker Elts — the chick starter for YOUR CHICKS. See us today for Slarlena Checker Ells and all your chick raising needs. YOUR 'S T O R I 'WITH THI C H iC K IIIO A R D SION Tobler’s Feed & Fuel T J ]C :; RELIEF FROM sym p to m * of D istress A rising from STOMACH U LCER S d u e t o E X C E S S ACID TAXI F t — Book Tells of Home Treatment that Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing O v e r tw o m illio n b o ttle s o f th e W I L L A R D i T H E A T M E N T h a v e been sold fo r r e lie f o f sy m p to m s o f distress a risin g from S to m a ch A nd D u od enal Ulcers d u e to Excess A c id — p » a r O ig n t lM i. Sour o r U p u l S tom ach , C m l i M u , H eartbu rn , S lu p lN N M U . a te., d u e t<> E i c t i i A cid. Sold on 15 d a y « ' t r t a ll A ak fo r “ W illa r d 's M u m p " w hich fu ll/ explain* this treatment— Ira»—at B R O W N IE ’S CAFE TH E NYSSA PH A R M A C Y KAISER-FRAZER Sales 6* Service If you are driving a Kaiser or Frazer car we are equipped with the latest testing equipment and factory trained mechan ics to put your car in the best of condition. BRING Y O U R TROUBLES TO US Free Pick-Up And Delivery From Nyssa MUTCH OIL CO. Highway 30— East of Town Ontario, Oregon Phone 28 < Farm Sale As I am leaving the state I will hold a sale V-* mBe east of Big Bend park, 7 miles from W ilder on Adrian highway on state line or 3 miles west and 2 south o f Roswell on state line. M ON DAY, M ARCH 7 SALE STARTS A T 1:00 P. M. 25— CATTLE— 25 « * po",M n69so j a w » 0 1 Jersey roan cow, 5 yrs., fresh Jan. 30, 50 lbs. I Jersey, Corney, 5 yrs., fresh April 27, 45 lbs. 1 Jersey, Julie, 5 yrs., fresh Mar. 3, 45 lbs. 1 Jersey, June, 3 yrs., fresh March 5, 34 lbs. 1 Guernsey, Peggy, 7 yrs., fresh Mar. 4, 40 lbs. 1 Jersey, Pet, 3 yrs., fresh Mar. 4, 35 lbs. 1 Guernsey, Mable, 2 yrs., fresh by sale date. 1 Jersey, Lady, 2 yrs., fresh July 15. 1 Jersey, Goldie, 2 yrs., fresh April 15. JOLLY COOKS CLUB 1 Jersey, Bessie, 2 yrs., fresh July 8. HOLDS G ATH ER ING 1 Jersey, 18 months heifer, bred. GEN ERAL ELECTRIC W ASHER — 8-lb. capacity • Activator0 washing action • Automatic timer • Adjustable wringer • Fermadrive B IG BEND, Mar. 3— T h e Big Bend 1 Jersey, 18 months heifer, bred. mechanism • Removable balloon rolls • Self-tilting drainboard "Jolly Cooks" club met at the 1 Jersey, 18 months heifer, bred. • Full-length skirt • Quick-emptying pump • One-year written sohoolhouse W e d n e s day. They warranty. played games. Dorothy Ferguson 1 Spotted yearling heifer. G-E PORTABLE ROTARY IRONER — I 10 sq u a re in ch e s o f ironing-shoe and Shirley Chaney sang a song, 1 Brockelface, yearling heifer. surface • 22-inch roll • Open end for easy ironing • Left- or Roberta Reno and Gladys M oll gave right-hand control • Thermostat to control temperatures • Per 1 Guernsey, yearling heifer. reading and iMary Ann Stradley manently lubricated mechanism • Only ^5 pounds • One-year 1 Holstein, yearling heifer. played “ T p e Starlight W altz.” Van- written warranty. •Trad*-m«rk IU9 U.S. Pat Of». are Stoker served popcorn balls. 1 Jersey, yearling heifer. •Horace Chaney made a business SEE THIS M O N EY SAVIN G CO M BIN ATIO N AT trip to Portland Tuesday, returning 1 Jersey, yearling heifer. Friday. 1 Jersey, heifer, 6 months. Mrs. Horace Chaney entertained 1 Jersey, heifer, 6 months. the Jolly Janes club Wednesday. W illiam Teter and Charles W itty 1 Jersey, heifer, 6 months. attended the Pomona Grange meet 1 Jersey, heifer, 6 months. . , . si, . jsmmmmimmmm ing at Sunny Slope Saturday. The Big Bend P. T . A. held a 1 Jersey bull, eligible to register. pie supper and white elephant sale 1 Jersey, Dorothy, 4 yrs, milking now, fresh May 14, last Thursday. A program o f music and songs was given. 40 lbs. The Big Bend Grange practiced HOGS Monday in preparation for receiv 1 White sow to farrow March 1. ing the traveling Bible from Ore gon T rail Grange Wednesday eve 1 White sow, bred January 3. ning. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Teter went to 1 White sow, bred February 18. Portland after their daughter, M a r 1 White sow. ilyn, who was under treatment at 1 White boar. the Shriner's hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Patterson of 10 Weaner pigs. Boise visited Mr. and Mrs. John HORSES Packwood Sunday. Miss Darlene Sm ith of Owyhee 1 Black gelding, 0 years. has been visiting Miss Betty Jones 1 Black mare, 7 years. this week. 1 Black gelding, coming smooth mouth. Riding Club Meets— 2 Sets of harness and collars. Twenty nine members of the FARM M ACH INER Y Owyhee Riding club met Friday flux e evening at the home o f Mr. and 1 Surge milker, 2 buckets, new. Mrs. Kurt Ingle o f Ontario, with Milk cans. Mrs. Roy Holmes and Mrs. Charles Culbertson as co-hostesses. Discus 1 8-ft. John Deere horse drawn disc. sions Included the coming rodeo, 2 16-inch John Deere 2-way plow’s. and consideration of plans for the 1 all-purpose 2-section harrow. building o f a club house. 1 Iron wheel w’agon. 1 John Deere mowrer. 1 Slip scraper. 1 Float. 1 Child’s saddle. 1 John Deere hay rake. Small tools and Miscellaneous items. . . . y o u ’ ll H A Y A N D G R AIN fin d out 600 Bushels o f Barley and Wheat w h y » o 20 Tons o f Hay many o f vour neighbors are TERM S CASH getting paid more than \ou LU N C H W IL L BE SERVED are for the time and eftort Henneman Hardware Co i i n i R i i i R i n .M B B B I ■ I ■ I B ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ N N i l t f H TIRE SALE 2 NEW TREADS O FOR TH F PRICE OF « FACTORY METHOD Al C H I i 1 IlL flf 600-16 TWO FOR $17.10 650-16 TWO FOR $20.90 650-15 TWO FOR $20.49 STUDDED GROUND (iR Il* «00-16 TWO FOR $10.10 650-16 TWO FOR $22.90 . DON B. MOSS T in r 1 IK E i) 4 PLY thev spend milking cowsl SU RG E milking is Money- Making Milkina! FIRESTONE DEALER STORE Davenport & Jacobs Payette, Idaho YOUR SURGE SERVICE DEALER M Y R T LE S C H A F E R , O w ner Cols. Bert Anderson and Joe Church, Auctioneers. L. H. Fritts, Clerk 50 acre ranch for rent, cash.. Call 159M, Caldw’ell.