THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1949 PAGE THREE Classified heard and considered by the C i t y l p l D i c a lj f p r j l IP transmission, *4 H. P. motor, full LEGAL ADVERTISING Council of die City of Nyssa, complacements, for upholstering, FORMED AT SUNSET Ma.heur County, Oregon. sacks, light leather, auto, tents NOTICE OF SPECIAL EDUCTION ea uns loth day of January, etc. Ready to plug in and start NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1919. SUNSET VALLEY. M ann 3—1716 production. F. 'Lete” Racket t, On- E. K. BURTON ibat a special election will be held first meeting of the - newly- Recorder, Oty of Nyssa, Mal tario. Ore. lftDcft in the City of Nyssa, Malheur formed 4-H ^roup met Saturday a f heur County, Oregon. FOR SALE Have farms .iii.l b o m County, Oregon, on the 21st day of ternoon at the home of the leader, for sale. Need more, list with Ken March, 1949, at which time there ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE TO Mrs, Robb Thompson, with 10 girls , Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29Jtfc RATES. Two cents per word for each issue. After one month one CREDITORS will be submitted to the legal vot signing the roll. The group chose -------------------------------------- - ----- cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c ers of said City the question of IN THE COUNTY COURT OF the name ’’The B B club, mean ESOTA 1941 four-door se THE STATE OF OREGON FOR innexing to and Including within ing Busy Bakers, as It is their dan, equipped with radio, THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR Ejected heater and seat covers, Jie boundaries ol the City of In the Matter of the Estate of first course In cooking officers are as follows: Betty Jean ■lyssa, Oregon. Che following des- E. C. MOORE, deceased. new paint job, 85 per cent FOR SAIE—Basement house on N. r.oed real property, to-wit; rubber, a car to toe proud NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Strickland; vice president, Nancy For Saie 3rd street, 4 rooms and bath, write Beginning at the Northeast cor that the undersigned, Walter E. House: and secretary, Ann House. o f at this price, $995. ner of Section Thirty-one (31), Bishop, has been appointed admin Other members are Lois and Lama FOR SALE—20 tons of baled hay. Mrs. Frank Olson, route 2, Parma. MANSER Inc. Township Nineteen (19) South, istrator of the estate of E. C. Oarner, Marlene and Darvis Ber- 24ftfc STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY two purebred Duroc-Jersey boars, 7 Payette Phone 49 Range Fbrty-seven (47) East, Moore, deceased, by the County gam, Gladys Stevens. Mary Jean miles southwest of Nyssa, Mark FOR SALE—One used Maytag Willamette Meridian; thence run Court of Malheur County, Oregon,“ House and Helen Julum. Mrs. WANTED ROR SALE 3mlxp i washer. Hollingsworth, Inc. 17ftfc Hartley. ning West along the North line and has qualified. Lewis Mitchell has consented to New two-bedroom home, utility of said Section Thirty-one (31 > NOW, THEREFORE, all persons as-sl-st Mrs- Thompson with the FOR SALE—18 acres, 13 good farm j FOR SALE— 1948 Silverliner Trail room, hardwood floors, gas furnace J WANTED—-Partner for grain and Nine Hundred Ninety (990) feet; having claims against the estate 8roup- land, paid-up water right, good er house. Would take house fur and hot water tank, garage. Cor ;eed business, with bookkeeping Lienee running South Six Hund of E. C. Moore, deceased, are here Mrs. EM Oorfield suffered a heart red Sixty (660) feet; thence run by notified and required to present attack this week. house, soft water, chicken house, | niture in trade or part payment, ner lot, close to school, priced for knowledge. Rodger Anderson, phone ning East Nine Hundred Ninety uhe same with proper vouchers, A special party honoring four on granary, cow ibarn. $4,300, $1500' terms on rest, Ray Bohler, 900 quick sale $7396.31. F. H. A. terms. 163J. 24f2xc (990 feet to the Ehst line of the duly verified, within six months their birthday was given at the O. 24f4xp down and $60 per month, will dis block on north 1st St. New stone house, two bedrooms, W A N T E D — Bulldozer work and before mentioned Section Thirty- trom date of this Notice, to the P. Council home Sunday. Ross Os- count for cash. S. W. Allen, one- I full basement, two baths, fireplace, one (31); thence North Six undersigned, Walter E. Bishop, at burn of Ontario, Mrs. E. L. Watson half mile west of Nyssa-Adrian | FOR SALE—Baby chicks. Now is automatic oil furnace, paved street, plowing, $7.50 hour for bulldozer the time to order Thompson’s Hundred Sixty (660) feet to the the law office of Lytle and Kil of Nyssa, and Mr. and Mrs. O. P. river. 10f4xp Ohek-R-Ohix for delivery every good location, large corner lot. F. work and $5 and $6 an acre for point or place of 'beginning; Patrick, Vale, Oregon, which place Counsil were the honored ones. plowing. Write box 186, Weiser, For H. A. terms. FOR SALE—Two-row McCormick- Wednesday and Saturday. ill of which adjoins the said City he undersigned selects as his place The 30 guests attending also In Three-bedroom basement house Don Denney. 24f2xp •f Nyssa. Deering potato planter, $100. Elmer breeds and prices write. Thomp >f business In matters connected cluded Mr. and Mrs. Wayne H. Olson, 7 miles southwest Nyssa, son’s Ontario hatchery, box 578, with bath, 1 acre ground, 225 foot Said election shall be held in ^ th said estate. Qsbum, D am a and ISrtc Osburn 17ftfc. frontage on Nyssa-Adrian highway WANTED—To rent a house, three he Council Chambers at the City route 2. 3m4xp Ontario, Oregon. Dated and first published Febru of Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. at Owyhee junction, $3,000, immedi - rooms or more. Call Charles Long Hall o f the City of Nyssa, Oregon, ary 24th, 1949. Keller, Clarence and June Keller ate possession. FOR SALE—’Hay, four tons of bal Eder’s grocery or phone 58. 24ftfc. md the polls will be open for the ORD 1944 1 1/2 ton truck, 85 Date of last publication March of Payette, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Very good two-room house with ed, five tons o f chopped; $25 a reception of ballots at the hour 24th, 1949. Counsil of New Plymouth, Mr. and bath, close to factory, 50 x 60 lot, ton for baled, $30 a ton for chop per cent rubber, heater, a priced for quick sale at$2000. Some HELP WANTED— Are you >f eight o ’clock A. M. on the said Mrs. Eaton C. Counsil and family WALTER E. BISHOP ped. Eugene Pratt, Adrian. 2M3xpl your sights above ordinary wages? list day o f March, 1949, and will Administrator of the Elstate of E. of Klamath Falls, Mr. and Mrs. terms if needed. remain open for the reception of steal for $1095. E L. Watson and Mr. and Mrs. C. Moore, deceased. FOR SALE!—One 550-gallon gas Two-bedroom home, utility room, The best one-man business in Mal jallots until the hour of seven o' Albert Watson and family of Nyssa, oline or fuel tank, one heavy duty fireplace, paved street, good loca heur county now availaDle. Car clock P. M. of said day, when the TN THE COUNTY COURT OF Harry E. Counsil o f La Grande, horse and cattle trailer. Leo Fife, tion, close to schools, priced right. required. Write J. R. Watkins Co., MANSER Inc. polls shall be closed and the 'ballots Glenn Knottlngham at Boise and THE STATE OE’ OREGON FOR phone 016J1. 3mtic Payette Phone 49 Ehiced $10,500.00. Part down, bal 137 Dexter avenue, Seattle, Wash thereafter counted. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Osburn and THE COUNTY OF MALHEDR ance $50 per month, four per cent ington. iof6xc FOR SALE—Chester White pigs, That the following persons have In the Matter of the Estate of family of Ontario. gilts, three miles northwest of EOR SALE—Chevrolet, four-door, interest. A birthday dinner honoring; Le WANTED— To buy anything ID oeen appointed to conduct suid ARTHUR M. SMITH, also known Good buy in unfinished house, 1918 sedan, phone 246J or 0HR4. Adrian on Overstreet avenue. Roy election as judges and clerks of as A. M. Smith, deceased ona Garner was given Wednesday 27 j tic full basement, deep well, 1 acre of beef or veai. Also custom killed election: Hirai. 24f'2xp NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT evening at the Delbert Garner ground on main highway, close in, and delivered to Polar Cold Stor Judges: Katharine Smith age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. NOTICE rs HEREBY GIVEN home. Guests were Clyde Stanley, NTEJRNATIONAL 1947 3 4 ton FOR SALE:—Philco Table Model, Priced $5300. Alma Cochrane Oregon, which place the under- and Karen Bybee, and Brent Folk- battery radio, See Bob Thompson. Acreage with large, new modern pick-up, three-speed trans Leva Findllng that the undersigned, FYona Smith man. (Leona is five years old. 27jtfc home, double garage, full basement, iv iia t t L L A N E O U S Clerks: Elaine Lienkaemper mission, 6:50 x 16-6 ply tires, executrix of the estate of Arthur Mr. and Mrs. Eaton Council and close in, some terms, immediate Bernice Fisher FOR SALE:—Unpainted cabinets MISCELLANEOUS—Please c o m e M Smith, deceased, has filed her family of Klanvath Falls were heater, this will do the job possession. At said election all persons over and chests of drawers. Cabinets Anything your heart de Final Account as said executrix In over-night guests at the home of until a new one comes along, Several good dwelling lots, well home. are in section and can be bought sires Is yours for the asking. the age of twenty-one (21) years the County Court of Malheur Mr. nd Mrs. Robert Smith, Jr. $1550. complete or in sections. Nyssa located, 77 x 116 business lot on Harry who are not aliens and who are 3mlxc County, Oregon, and that said Friday evening. Harry Counsil, Lumber company, phone 118-W. Main street. residents of tine State of Oregon Court has appointed Tuesday, the who is attending college at La MANSER Inc. BERNARD EASTMAN 16Dtfc MISCELLANEOUS — Will sell or for six months next preceding said Payette Phone 49 Insurance Real Estate trade for 1940 model or later car, election and who liave resided 22nd day of March, 194», at 10:00 Grande, was also a house-guest at o’clock in the forenoon or said day, the home o f his sister, Mrs. Smith. Phone 64 F O R S A L E — F airban ks-M orse FOR SALE—-1946 Hudson, good one 17 foot Inboard boat with within the corporate limits of the for the hearing of objections to Attending the annual Basque trailer and equipment. Leo. Fife, City of Nyssa for at least thirty said E’inal Account and the settle dance at Ontario Saturday night single phase, 3 H. P. motor, good paint, good condition, like new. FOR SALE—2 bedroom house, new. phone 01—1. 3mtfc. (30) days next preceding said el ment thereof. condition. Olson land leveler. In Can be seen at the E'armere Co-op, were Gabriel and Louie Astoreca. very modern with furnace. All quire Ernest Stephenson, four miles H. O. Hopkins, phone 31-M. 30iDtfc ection shall be entitled to vote at NOW, THEREFORE, all persons Mr. and Mrs. E)wen Chard were west on Alberta avenue, and % FOR RENT—Good 80-acre row crop large rooms. 5th St., just north MISCELLANEOUS — F 1 r e exting said special election, and not other interested in the estate of Arthur honored by a surprise party at their mile south on Idaho avenue. 3Mlxp land, 5(4 miles southwest of Nyssa, of Park Ave. $8000. F. H. A. fina- uishers, automatic bombs protect wise. M. Smith, deceased, are hereby home Friday evening. The occas- — anced. Shown by appointment your home, your business, trucks Dated at Nyssa, Oregon, this 10th notified and required to appear at sion was their 28th wedding anni 17tfc. only. or new car and may be a life’s sav day of February, 1949. FOR SALE—3 Vi acres with five- cash rent. C. H. Bennett. the Comity Court Room in the versary. Guests providing gifts and room house, sheds, pressure system, FOR SALE—Russet eating potatoes, FOR SALE—80 acres $16,000. Terms ings. Nyssa Fire Protection, 640 E. K. BURTON Court House at Vale, Malheur food for a late supper were Mr. and on highway two miles out, $3500 $1 per sack, bring your own sack. very »good land. Basement house. North 4th street, Claud Willson, City Recorder County, Oregon, at said time, to Mrs. Elver Nielsen, Mr. and Mrs. manager, iphone 128J. 3mtfc cash. Rodger Anderson, phone L. J. Josephson and son, Payette, 4 mile N. W. then and there show cause, if any Doyne Price of Ontario, and Mr. 103J. 24f2vc FOR SALE—One bedroom modem NOTICE TO CREDITORS Idaho, phone 392-J. 27jtfc. there toe, why said 'Account should and Mrs. Kenneth Ohard of Nyssa. house, garage, chicken house, small MISCELLANEOUS—Sp e c 1 a 1, one In the Matter o f the Estate of not be settled, allowed and approv Charlie Chritton is in the Holy FOR SALE:—Blue tag Orestan al month course for children who will FOR SALE:—One large size oil bam, lot 150 x 150. $5250, $1700 falfa seed, six miles north of Nyssa burning heating stove; one heavy loan. Ralph G. Laurence, Nyssa attend school next year, 11 a. m. to BERKLEY B. BAKER, Deceased. ed and said estate distributed and Rosary hospital for extmination NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN said executrix discharged. and treatment of stomach trouble. noon. One opening in regular clas on highway 20, east on Morgan duty horse and cattle trailer; one Insurance Agency. 24ftfc Dated and first published Feb W. T. Cannon, who is home a- ses for four and five year olds. That the undersigned has been duly avenue. Hans Oft, phone Ontario lightweight utility trailer; one and regularly appointed the Ad ruary 17, 1949, Date of last pub gain, still finds it necessary to 029R2. 24f3xp 550-gallon gasoline or fuel tank. FOR SALE!— Let us measure your Mrs. Leslie, phone 243W. 3mlxc ministrator of the above entitled lication, March 17, 1949. spend most of his time o ff his windows for Venetian Dlinds. No O RD 1946 3/4 to n pick-up, Leo Fife, welding and repairing,, charge for this service or estimates. MISCELLANEOUS -Bliss triumph estate; all persons having claims FRONA SMITH feet. phone 016J1. lSJtfcj against said estate are hereby noti seed from blue tag stock, for sale or Executrix of the State of Arthur Albert Notheis is building a t.'w Obtainable In one week. Assorted f o u r - s p e,ed transmission fied to present the same, verified trade for similar white rose and M. Smith, Deceased parage. Fred Mitchell is assist 7:20 x 8 ply tires, heater, FOR SALE!—An excellent selection colors in steel or aluminum slats. netted gem seed. Phone Ontario as by law required, to the under HAROLD HENIGSON ing. of farms of all sizes including Nyssa Furniture company, pnone slick as a button, runs like signed at Nyssa, Oregon, at the 897-J 24ftfc Attorney for Executrix 20Mtfc. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Loren- some unimproved, also small acre 149-W. office of Clyde H. Snider, this at new, $1495. sen and Mr. and Mrs. Grover Coop ages. Homes of all kinds, several FOR SALE— Tile wall coverings, MISCELLANEOUS—Y o u r sewing torney, in the Heldt building, with er drove to Boise and to Idaho new yith FHA terms. J. CALLAHAN HURT chrome table and sink edgings, machine converted to modern elec MANSER Inc. City Wednesday. They saw the FOR SALE!—New home, 2 bed waterproof cement, etc. Nyssa Fur tric, use your stand, $26.50. New in six months o f the date o f the first publication, hereof. Payette Phone 49 rooms, fully modern, in good lo BY ELECTRICITY deer belly-deep in snow being fed. niture Co., phone 149-W. 6Mtfc. portable catonet, $38.50. New table Roe Fenton Duncan, cation. FHA approved, $2,760 On their return, Mrs. Ada Snyder, model $76.50, all complete with sew FOR SALE—New type John Deere down, Administrator of the Estate of balance easy payments. FOR SALE— Business building, accompanied them. Mrs. Snyder Genuine Wiss pinking Berkley B. Baker, Deceased. 6-row beet drill on rubber. New Ralph G. Lawrence, Nyssa Insur Main street location, lot size 25x116. light. will visit at the home o f her Ralph G. Lawrence Insurance shears. “Famous" buttonhole at Date of First publication, Feb COW HOLLOW, Mar. 3-Joseph I. daughter, Mrs. Cooper. last year, drilled 45 acres of beets, ance agenev. agency, Nyssa, phone 53. 22Jtfc. tachment. Supplies for all ma 10 , 1949 . automatic lift, three sets of plates, Callahan was badly hurt last week Dewayne, Kathaleen and Otto chines, and of course—Repairing Date of last publication, March 3, when he came in contact with Wolf of Nampa were at the Irvin three miles west of Owyhee cor FOR SALE:—Singer power, com that will tickle you—“I dood it”. 1949. ner. Clayton Patton. 24f3xp pound feed, goose neck light, new For Rent electric wires while he was repair Wolfe home Saturday helping with J. “ Lete” Sackett, Ontario, Oregon. 17Itfc NOTICE OF PLAT VACATION ing a fence. His fingers were the chopping of 'Irvin's and Otto’s FOR RENT—Furnished two room hay. cabin, oil heat. Phone 122-J. 24ftfc NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN frozen to the wires and he could Mr. and Mrs. M. Yamamoto and MISCELLANEOUS—I wish to an that H. G. Johnson and Ida John FOR REINT—80 acres, house, cash nounce that I am the new agent son, husband and wife, as petition not turn loose until he tore the son, who are moving to Moses rent, Morgan Avenue and Lincoln for Rawleigh products in Nyssa. era, did duly file with the under flesh from the fingers. He was Lake, were Sunday dinner guests drive, or 1(4 miles south Lincoln W. G. Fleming, general delivery, signed, on the 11th day of January, taken home, where he suffered at the C. T. Okano home. Mr. and Mrs. Hlroto Okano were also 10f4xp school. Owner Kielhorn, 3145 N. Nyssa. 1949, a petition for the vacation from severe -shock for several hours. dinner guests. E. 13th Ave,. Portland,a 24f2xp I N S U R A N C E — Insure with E. of the following described plat of The Stake IL. D. S. leadership Mr. and Mrs. Ira Price received the City o f Nyssa, Malheur County, L. Jamison. 100% service. 13Jtfc FOR RENT—60 acre Black canyon meeting was held in Weiser last word that thetr daughter, Mrs. State of Oregon, to-wit: farm for cash rent, new house, six MISCELLANEOUS—General truck Albritton, was stricken That certain plat known as Sunday with several attending from Robert miles north Caldwell on highway ing. John Barnett and Kenneth with severe pains in the head and the Owyhee ward. “Glasgow Tracts”, the original 30, (across from Purple Sage cafe). Reece, phone 123-R. Utfc. was taken by ambulance to a hos plat and dedication of which Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Durfee spent pital at Bend. See Harry E. Sohroeder, owner. Mrs. Albritton, was filed for record in the office MISCELLANEOUS—We buy, sell or the week-end at New Plymouth 24f2xp Who was recently wed, has been PHYSICIANS LODGES of the County Clerk and Record with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Porter. trade pianos. Baldwin pianos. teaching in the Madras school. Mr. er of Malheur County, Oregon, on FOR RENT—Electric hand sanding Grigg Bros and Butler, Bybee Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Herrud Nyssa Post No. 79 SAR AZ1N CLINIC July 7th, 1938, of record in the and Irvin Callahan and family vis and Mrs. Price left immediately 27jtfc machine, excellent for light sanding building. Book of Plats o f Town and Ad ited at the home o f their ptrenls, for Bend. work. Ostrom Bros. Appliance, 50 Dr. J. J. Sarazln American Legion Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Pllne and ditions of Malheur County, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Callahan last North First street, phone 269J. 3ftfc MISCELLANEOUS— Available now daughter of Boise visited all day Electrolux cleaners and air puri Dr. K E. Kerby Oregon; the said plat consisting Sunday evening. Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grov FOR RENT—2-room cabin at fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. An of Tracts No's. 1 to 42, inclusive, Dr. L. W . Scott Harold Callahan has rented the Veteran’s Hall— 8 P. M. 23Dtfc derson. route 3, Weiser, Idaho. Chadwick's camp. with 5.6 acres of land in the George Abbott farm in the King- er Cooper. The two women are Phone 087-J4. 20Jtfc. Physician and Surgeons All Veterans Welcome center of, and surrounded by man Kolony district and will move sisters. F O R R E N T — New three-room Mrs. Annie Oregg and Herschel said Tracts No's. 1 to 4B, in to the place this week with his house. Mrs. Maude Williams, 611 MISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and Gregg and family were dinner clusive, a more further descrip family. L. A. Mauiding, M. D. Gate City Lodge Grove street, Parma, Idaho, phone free pick-up or your dead, crlppied guests at the Jesse Gregg home tion of said plat by notes and Physician and Surgeon A pink and blue shower will be 145L. lOftfc or sick livestock. Calls received be No. 214 bounds being as follows: Com given for Mrs. Clarence Herrud Sunday. fore 9 o'clock are picked up by Pnone 37 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell mencing at a brass disc set In Saturday, March 5 at Caldwell at I.O.O.F. FOR REINT-- Polish your own noon. Efficient drivers. Call col Hours: 10 to V. and 2 to 5 a concrete monument establish 2 p. m. Those from this district were supper guests of Mr. and floors. Rent our high-speed pol lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys Daily except Saturday and Meets every Monday ed by the Orogpn State Highway who will attend are Mrs. Joe Calla Mrs. Bud Charland Tuesday eve- ishing equipment. EMslly handled sa 102-W. ruano Animal Products Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 (Uontinued on Page 6) night, 8:30. Commission as the Southeast han, Mrs. Hulda and Mrs. Fay D. SJtfc by women. Nyssa Lumber company. Company. comer of said commission's Callahan, Mrs. Charles Durfee and 3Atfc. South First Street C. J. Kopp, M. D. I N S U R A N C E — For your in stockpile site, said point being the Delone Smith. surance needs—E. L. Jamison. 100 CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING initial point of this description Physician and Surgeon Noy Howard has sold his ranch DENTISTS Stock received Monday, Tuesday, % service. 13Jtfc and further rescribed as being at the Oow 'Hollow syphon to Fred Fry Building Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m 38 feet North and 4272.5 feet Martin. Office hours to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. M I S C E L L A N E O U S —We Have West of the Section com er com DR. C. M. TYLER Optometrist Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ray Howard 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 farmers wanting to cash rent good No stock received on Sunday. mon to Sections 28, 29, 32 and and daughter, Shirley, visited for Daily except Saturday and Wilson Building Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery row crop land. Grigg Brothers and 33, Township 19 South, Range Eyes Examined Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 mer neighbors and friends in Cow Butler, Bybee building. 27jtfc to Polar locker plant. Phone 165-J, Nyssa 47 E. W. M.; running thence Hollow last Monday. One mile west --a Alberta avenue Office hours from 9 to 5 except North a distance of 1279 feet, MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? Noy Howard and son, Max. of JE W E LR Y STORES Phone 05R1 Phone 720 Saturdays, 9 to 12. thence OO deg. West 914.8 feet; Loans on farms ror refinancing, Twin Falls visited friends in Cow JAKE FISCHER thence South 35 feet; thence building, improvements, b u y i n g . Hollow last week. 718 Arthur St. South 23 deg. 51 min. East 78.2 PAULUS Long term, low interest, see Ber J. R. CU N D ALL feet; thence South 26 deg. 45 nard Eastman, phone 04. Nyssa. BUILDING PERMITS JEWELRY STORE Dentist min. East 75.1 feet; thence South Caldwell, Idaho 3Atfc. W. O. Newell, construction, Sec Free Pick Up Union Pacific Time Inspector 29 deg. 18 min. East 1267.3 feet ond street, lot 7, block 72, Orecn's Phone 56-J JEWELRY — DIAMONDS along the easterly boundry of addition, $2000, 28 x 28, frame. MISCELLANEOUS — Duplicate car Of Your Sarazln Clinic WATCHES the right of way of the State and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- NYSSA OREGON Highway, known as the Oregon neman’s. 250tfc Main Street a . Second Dead and Worthless Trail, or U. 6. 30 South; thence I N S U R A N C E — For 100 % ser OPTOMETRISTS 90 deg. Eiast 229.6 feet to the I WYCKOFF Animals Do You Need Assistance With Your vice on insurance. E. L. Jami point of beginning, all of which | son. 13Jtfc JEWELRY STORE is in the Southwest quarter of j DR. J. A. M CFALL Call Collect Official Time Inspector lor the Southwest Quarter of Section SALE CALENDAR 29, Township 19 South, Range Union Pacific DR. JOHN EA SLY There Is a Phone Near You 47 E. W. M. ONTARIO OREGON Nyssa 100 Parma 28 PUBLIC FARM SALE—Located 3/4 Objections and remonstrances to mile south of Beach grocery on air the vacation of said plat may be VETERINARIANS Ontario 53 port road in Vale on Arch Russell made in writing and filed with the place. Sale starts at 1 p. m. Sat undersigned on or before the 8tn “We Haul the Day You Call’ E. D. “ MIKE” MICHAELSON DR. H A L D. W H IT E urday, March 5. Farm Machinery, day of March, 1949, at the hour Ida-Ore Rendering Co. Livestock, saddle horse. Terms of 8:00 o'clock P. M thereof, at Veterinarian P. O. Box 490 Phone 28R and 134 cash. Arch Rusaell, Gordon Fulle- which said date and time a for- Phone 21, Ontario, Ore Phone Nyssa 275-W ton, George Russell, owners. Bert mal hearing upon said petition will Office L. A II. Produce Warehouse Nyssa, Oregon Anderson At Joe Church, auctione- be had and any such objection* era; L. H. Fritts, clerk. and remonstances so filed will be Advertising D F F may Professional and Business Directory DR. G.W. GRAVES A c c o u n tin g Incom e Tax B o o k -k e e p in g?