THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1949 PAGE TWO bers were present. Mrs. Deward Benedict entertain­ ed nine little girls February 19 at a birthday party in honor of her daughter, Norma Jean on her 9th KLASS V. POWELL - - - - - - - Editor and Publisher o,r..iaay. Games were piayed and .cfieshm ents were served by Mrs. Benedict. ‘ Norma was the re- SUBSCRIPTION BA TES A D V ERTISIN G RA TES •pient of many gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard and »2.U0 Open rate, per“ lnch 40c Mrs. Anna Dail were business vis­ »1.25 National, per inch............... 40. itors in Boise one day last week. .05 Classifieds, per wurd 2c s.ii^ir Copio* .......... Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stradley Minimum 30c (Strictly in Advance) iiiu carony .-pent Sunday with Uieir laughter, Mrs. Martin Farm er and family near New Plymouth. Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. Linda Hipp spent the week-end Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission .n Nyssa with her aunt, Mrs. Rob- th rou gh the United States Mails, as second class m atter, under ;rt Fields. the act of M arch 3, 1879 Betty Oarren of Salem visited friends here last week. Shirley Thomas of Nyssa was vurneu last wees from Hermiston an overnight guest of Loretta e v a n g e l is m g r o u p a.iere they spent uie week-end. Thursday night. GUESTS AT SCHOOL The Arcadia Sunshine club met Moeller O in Lay has purchased a new February 25 with Mrs. George Cole­ Ford tractor. ARCADIA, M arch 3-^Miss Bernice man, with 12 members present. Reed of Boise, child evangelism dir­ Betty Oarren, a gue.->t, drew the COLUMBIA AVENUE ector for Idaho, Muss Myrtle B ard ­ door prize. en of Spokane and Miss Prances B ill Norris visited his sister, Mrs. Pete Tensen made a business trip Foster of Nyssa were guests at Ar­ Clyde Bowers over the week end. cadia Sunday school Sunday and Mrs. Dale Lakey of Boise spent to Vale Friday morning. Mrs. Grover Vest of Riverview were dinner guests in the home the week-end here with her mother, i f Mr. and Mrs. Geonje Moeller. Mrs? Anna Dail, and attended the called on friends of this com­ Miss Foster and Miss Barden are funeral of her niece Marsena Dail. munity Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. G errit Oroot of under appointment as missionaries Nell Bowers met February 20 to India. with her 4-H club at the home Apple valley and Mr. Z. Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard re- of Shlrlev Schilling. Eleven mem­ of Parma called at the Pete Tensen home Friday afternoon. Dave Hawkins visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cook of Ontario recently. Pete Tensen has purchased a new Mercury. One Year Six Muntili | C.Hirch of Today”. 8, Tuesday, B-ule study and pray­ er. You are welcome and urged to I attend these services. Phone 193J for prayer, spiritual help and ad-1 vice. Sterl D Spiesz, Pastor. EA1TH • I THEBAN CHURCH Sunday school at 2 p. m. Worship Service at 3 p. m. Rev. Elmore Carlson, vice pastor. All are welcome. Social Notes Sunset Valley Community Hall A. R. Herring, Pastor —5— 4-H CLUB M EETS Sunday school, 10 a. m. The Thimble Bells 4-H club met Morning worship, 11 a. m. Subject T h e Day Of Decision." at the home of Mrs. B ill Ceci. We extend a special Invitation The members answered roil call to you to attend all these services. by stating how much they had ac­ complished on their 4-H project. After the meeting, Mrs. Ceci gave f HE CHI KCil OF THE i demonstration of acrobatics. R e ­ NAZARENE freshments were served. The next Rev. E. J. W.lson, Pastor meeting will be held at the home 10 a. m., Sunday school. 11 a. m„ song service, special of Mrs. C. M. Pounds March 11. -t- singing and music, sermon by Rev. DVLPHTANS D ISC U SS TO PIC Grassie, our evangelist. The members of the Delphian 7:15 p. m., young people, teenage and Junior services. 8 p. m., evangelistic service, ser­ mon by the evangelist and every night at 8 p. m. through the 6th. You are invited to any or all of our services. ONION SEED HU! SALE CHURCH OF CH RIST Djm R. Maxfield, Pastor 10, church school. 11, morning worship and com­ munion service. 6:30, Senior Endeavor. 7, Junior Endeavor. 8, evening worship. Morning services are held in thf gymnasium. Evening services are held in the homes. Phone 154-W for place of evening services. Utah Certified CATHOLIC CHURCH Park Avenue and Third Street Rev. P. J . Galre, Pastor Mass every Sunday at 9:30 a. rr.. IIIE M ETHODIST COMMUNITY Catechism classes for grade CHURCH school children every Saturday a: 9:45 a. m„ church school. 10 a. m. 11 a. m„ morning worship. Sub­ ject: "Life's Supreme Adventure”. MISSIONARY BA PTIST CHURCH 7 p.. m„ Youth Fellowship. Sunday school. 10 a. m. 8 p. ni„ evening service. "Prayer” Morning service, 11 a. m. will be the subject for discussion Young People. B. Y. P. U.. 7 p. m Evening service, 8 p. m. Sunday evenings until Easter. Wednesday prayer service, 8 p. m. Theme for this week: "W hat Is Vexisting pastors supply, Prayer?” The official board will meet at die parsonage at 8 p. m. on Mon- ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. C. L. Callahan, Ractor lay. Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. Morning prayer at 9 a. m. SI NSKT VALLEY Holy communion on first Sunday ASSEM BLY OF GOD of tlie month. Rev. Joe E. Dodson. I’astor To contact minister call 409-J Sunday school, 10 a. m. Ontario for appointment. Worship services, 11 a. m. Young People, 7 p. m. Rev. VingH Krause, leader. Evangelistic meeting. 8 p. m. Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. We welcome and urge you to a t­ tend these services. Church Notes w ith D REXEL FIXTU RES by CRAN E Thinking about the bathroom for your new or remodeled home? Then it will pay you to focus your attention on this beautiful Crane Drexel Group. it You’ll like the harmonizing panel design—the gleam­ ing white, easy-to-clean surfaces—the styling that spells bathroom comfort, convenience—the T em p le faucets of sparkling chromium with D ial-ese finger tip controls. Ask us about this beautiful bathroom group today. Interstate Plumbing Co. PARMA, IDAHO ^ ASSEMBLY O F GOD Sterl D. Sptesz, (Pastor 10 a. m., Sunday school and Bib'.e study, classes for all ages. 11 a. m., worship and sermon topic, "O lfts of Tlie Spirit”. 8. evangelistic service. Inspir­ ational longing sewnon b j the Pastor. "The Supernatural in the t * Yellow and White Spanish EASTERN OREGON PRODUCE CO. Phone Evening» 190W PHONE 120 KSRV THANKS YOU” 90,000 TIMES * o n STUDY or iiSTMinG m inus OMTAÄI0. OHEÔ01 - OigTHiCT P • 18 Hours Daily of Entertainment, Music, News, Spcrts, Farm Features and Special Events! That’s K SRV ! Dedicated to Serving Every Resident of the Lower Snake River Valley. n 23 \ j 4 Conlon Proved 66.5 Per Cent of Valley Listeners P R EFER KSRV s ífT tm f» , (•*« o M « Eastern Oregon Listeners Who Make KSRV ......... The Area’s Most Outstanding Radio Station! L s g We Say Thanks to 90,000 Southwest Idaho and c ' iao ® o«» *"c Sw CHURCH DINNER HELD society met last week at the home The members of the S t. Paul’s of Mrs. Bud Wilson. Mrs. Frank Morgan, Mrs. Glea Billings, Mrs. Episcopal church held their Epiph­ Harry Miner, Mrs. Clyde Snider any diner at the parish hall Tues­ The covered dish and Mrs. J . J . Sarazin discussed day evening. -he topic, "Religion in American dinner was for members and their Civilization". Mrs. Bud Wilson was families. Games were enjoyed fol­ leader for Che meeting. The next | lowing the dinner. Rev. and Mrs. meeting will be held M arch 11, a tj C. L. Callahan of Ontario were the home of Mrs. Glea Billings. out-of-town guests. - 5 - _____ -5 - BIRTH D A Y CLUB M EETS HOOP TEAM HONORED The members of the birthday The members of the Wilson Brothers basketball team were hon­ club held a social a t the home of or guests at a dinner party given Mrs. Emma Hendricks last Friday. Monday evening at the home of Bingo was the diversion of the a f­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson. S ix ­ ternoon. First prize went to Mrs. teen guests were present to enjoy Gladys Feik and low to Mrs. Levi, the dinner, followed by bridge and a guest of the club. Refreshments pinochle for the women, and ping were served by Mrs. Hendricks, as­ The pong for the men. The d in n er: sisted by Arvilla Swenson. was prepared by Mrs. Robert W il- 1 next meeting of the club will be son, Mrs. Cal Wilson and Mrs. I held at the home of Ruth Ander­ son March 18. Lloyd Wilson. NOW 66.5 PERCENT SAY “KSRV SERV ES US BE ST ”. H i m i canon sao assoyions 'V . MILLION! THANKS A HOW CAN W E SERVE f H illP . -• :■ *Conlan for many years recognized for ac­ curate, impartial studies of radio listening habits, YOU EVEN BETTER ? G 6 .5 r r Mr. A D V ER TISER No matter what product, no matter what service . . .if you desire to tell people about it KSRV will do it better. Robert E. Conlan and Associ­ ates GUARANTEE THAT YOU W ILL REACH 66.5 PER CENT OF LISTENERS IN THE VALLEY! G ive your children the be»t— lot them learn muiio on the finest, the Acrosonic. This wonderful tittle piano has a responsive touch which makes it easy for small fingers to play, and its full rich tone makes practicing a pleasure. The Acrosonic built by Baldwin is a revelation to sea— to hear— to play. Com e in and see it today. Convenient term*. ^ o ^ c