Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1949)
T.IIE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1949 PAGE SIX DINNER CLUB MEETS and "Let Me Call You Sweetheart the next event, with a bridal pro- Sharp, Jessie Stoker, Audrey Mech- needy family. Plans were made to Mitchell for second high. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boydell en assist the American Leg-ion with a sung by the Job's Daughter’s sex- ‘ cession in full costume. Doris Rig- am, Donna G arner and Vern Mech- —S— tertained the members of their To Hold Food Sale— tetie. Maroh featured St. Patrick's ney, sa.aj "i Love You Truly”. For am, who danced the Americana, Wednesday white elephant sale. The next evening dinner club at -i— The Women's society of the | July, a patriotic scene was shown JOB'S DAUGHTER ENTERTAIN day with a quartet doing an Irish Wi.a sjouts in urniorm sinking "I'm under the direction of M. I. A. i their home last week. Honors went meeting will be held at the home of Methodist church will hold a cook dance Instructors, Mr. and Mrs., to Mr and Mrs. George Mitchell. Mrs. H. O. Hopkins March 3. dance and singing "McNamarra's The members of the Job's Daugh ed food sale at the Nyssa Insurance Band. The April number portrayed J a Yankee Djodle Dandy", and R aland Maw. Guest players were Mrs. Campbell, ters entertained Sunday ^.ftemoon two high school couples and two Kay Hammon djmg a tap dance. Leading the procession was little Baer agency office Saturday, March S, DISCUSS LITERATURE and Clyde Snider. Dinner for their parents and members of junior couples, with umbrellas sing- ! For August a number of summer t heron Sessions, 3 years old, who was enjoyed at the Country club beginning at 9 o'clock. At the meeting of the Delphan ' sports were featured wiih a sex- Ihe Eastern Star and Masonic lodg T m the Fellow with the Umbrel et sinking "Lazy Bones." A special was flower girl. Richard Roland, preceding the evening of bridge. society held at the home of Mrs. Jr., carried the wine-colored satin es. The program featured a calen la". Mother's day was the attraction .eature for this month was the Wesley Browne last Friday, Mrs. der of the months of the year with for May, with the song, “I want a .umbling act done by Pauline Rey- pillow, bearing the jewel-studded MOTHER HONORED AT PARTY Bert Lienkaemper was discussion crown. approximately 60 persons partici Girl, Just Like the Girl that Mrs. Howard Lovejoy entertained leader on the topic "Literature as •lulds. Approximately 400 dancers enjoy last Thursday afternoon for her a Personal Expression". Mrs. Har pating The program opened with Married Dear Old Dad", featuring “In the Little Red 3choolhou.,e” ed dan in? under a canopy of var February, the sweetheart month, Jane Parr. A June wedding was vas the tilieme for the month of mother. Mrs. D. H. Stoddard of old Henigson, Mrs. Bernard East All Makes and Models ious colored ribbons representing .epteu.ber, with this song accom- a sun ,et, from the lightest to the Idaho Falls. Two tables of bridge man. Mrs. Frank Morgan. Mrs. were in play, with prizes going to Gladys Rice and Mrs. Gerrlt Stam >anied with pantomime. The darkest hears. The setting sun, Quick, Efficient riscussed phases of the topic. The October number was built around which was illuminated by a hidden Mrs. George Vaughn and Mrs. next meeting will be held at the Service ,ie Hallowe'en theme, with small light, was the center-piece of the V. Wilson. home of Mrs. Glea Billings Friday, -5 - hildren taking the parts of black stage. Special feature of the en- LOCATED AT February 25. AUXILIARY HEARS TALK ats, witches and ghosts. A special ’ertainment was the Argentine The members of the American Western Store Hoilowe'en dance was done by Lor- Tango, artistically presented by the > HOSTESS TO CLUB Legion auxiliary met last Thurs 471 Main—Nyssa .Ua Russell. dan-e directors, Mr. and Mrs. Ro Mrs. Clyde Snider was hostess to For the month of November a land Maw, in white satin costumes, day evening at the home of Mrs. HERBERT E. COX, her Tuesday afternoon bridge club Uiartet sang “Home Made Love". whi h when under the reflection A. L. Heldt. Mrs. H. O. Hopkins gave a talk on Americanism and at her home this week. Honors The December number portrayed Technician of a scientific "Black lighting Fresh new wallpaper will Donna Cheldelin telling, “The effect", made the lovely colors in flaig ettiquette. The members work went to Mrs. Bumall Brown for be a real tonic to your Night Before Christmas," with Di the otherwise hidden flowers, glow ed on a quilt to be given to a high score and Mrs. George me Maulding as Santa Claus. The brightly. Mrs. Maw's gloves, and S151^ytiaaJ5ia51M 51® öl^5® H'NlSElE15i51S1515,5 1s Slon.^SlE6UälS101Sia01Sl^Ws:lS1516 filSlSM SlSiSls 2 1 -JjjltciS161SlSlSlfil51S15iE!SB house and to you after the program closed with the coming of the flowers in her hair, were also l o n g winter! B r i g h t January, with Betty Ann Boenig as treated with the "luminous' { Father Time and Rodger Maulding paint, which glowed In the dark. designs in all colors and I as the little New Year. The group Mrs. Shoort was piano accompanist qualities make your home 1 joined in singing "Auid Lang Syne". for the floor show. Ligth re Mrs. Jesse Rigney gave the wel freshments were served by the more enjoyable and re come to the guests. The numbers Bee-Hive class instructors. Music laxing. were announced in verse form by for the dance was furnished by Jane Parr and Doris Rigney. Attractive Patterns At fhe Vale orchestra. Admission was —5— free, for those who had budget Reduced Prices PRAYER DAY PLANNED tickets, or who had secured a W »men's organizations of the "guest" ticket from L. D S. friends. churches of Nyssa will join in the Many Weiser stake officers were observance of the World Day of present. The affair was semi-for- Prayer Friday, March 4. The Wo mal. men'^ Society of Christian Service of the Methodist church will be the REBEKAHS HOLD PARTY hostess group for the meeting. The World’s Day of Prayer Is The Rebakah lodge sponsored the observed as a union service by last of a series of pinochle parties church women in many commun at the I. O O. F. hall last S atur ities in this country. Women all day evening. In the drawing for over the world join in making the »ashing machine, Bob Thomp the first Friday of the Lenten son was the winner. The proceeds season a highlight in the year’s from the parties will be used to re the lodge hall. Twenty churoli activities. Last year 72 decorate tables were In play throughout the nations joined in th§ observance evening, with prizes for hiifh score- of this day. going to Mrs. Werner Peutz and The meeting in Nyssa will begin Harry Kingrey, for second high to at 12:45 with a luncheon at the Mrs. Harlan Diven and John Ost- Methodist church. The hostess or rom, and traveling to Mrs. Ralph ganization will furnish salads and Forht and Boyd Wilson of Ontario. a drink and the guests are asked All door prizes and the wash to bring their own sandwiches. ing machine were donated by Following the luncheon, a wor Ostrom brothers. ship service will be held in the Plans are being made for another church auditorium with members series of parties to be held in the MODERN ICE BOXES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND of the various churches particip near future. ating. Among the special musical JEWELRY WILL BE SOLD - 5 - numbers, the members of the L. D. MARRTFD IN WINNEMUCCA THIS SALE IS TO HELP RAISE FUNDS FOR THE NYSSA S. mothers' chorus will sing. The Miss Wilma Pett, daughter of Mr. prntram material Is prepared by and Mrs. Bruce Pett or Nyssa, and VETERANS HALL, WHICH WILL BE USED FOR THE the united council of church wo Wayne G am er, son of Mr. and Mrs. COMMUNITY AS WELL AS VETERANS men. The theme and part of the Delbert G am er were united in mar with material for the 1949 worship ser riage Monday, February 14 by the vice was furnished by women of Bishop of the L. D. S. church in ^nnnsnrprl Rv Auctioneer Bill Lane of ^ China. Winnemucca, Nevada. Mr. and „ “ / A , The Nyssa Union Livestock All women of Nvssa and vicinity Mrs. Garner will make their home 'Nyssa Veterans Ass n. Com Co are invited to attend this service. in Sunset valley where Gam er will -I— farm. T h in k in g abo u t (he b a th ro o m for y our new o r rem odeled CLUB GUESTS AT DINNER hom e? T h e n it will pa'y you to focus yo u r attention oil The members of the Wednesday evening bridge club were guests of this beautiful C ran e D rexel G roup. Mrs. Sid Burbidge at a dinner at the Doll House last Wednesday You'll like the h arm o n izin g panel d e s ig n —the gleam evening. Bridge was in play fol- ( ing white, easy-to-clean surfaces— the styling that spells lowing the dinner, with high score h aih ro o m comfort, convenience—the T em ple faucets of being held by Mrs. Ed Frost, and spa rkling chrom ium with l)iii/-ese finger tip controls. ow scare bv Mrs. Ward Tyler. Mrs. Bert Lienkaem|>er and Mrs. Lyle Ask us abo u t this beautiful b a th ro o m g r o u p today. Fullmer were guests for the even ing. Social Notes —s— Radio Repair KEEP UP YOUR SPIRITS! Don't Miss This! BIG WHITE ELEPHANT SALE Nyssa Furniture Company March 7 N y ssa G y m n a siu m — 8 P. M . D R E X E L FIXTURES by C R A N E Interstate Plumbing Co. PARMA, IDAHO (NYSSA T elephone 10 8 Ì THEATRE PROGRAM FRIDAY & SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25-26 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Henry Morgan—Virginia Grey In “SO THIS IS NEW YORK” Also Charles Starrett -Smiley Burnette “QUICK ON THE TRIGGER” M at.. S a l.. t : 3 0 ; \«lm. m e T ax Ailm V. v eilin g s 44c-9c In c . T a x SUNDAY AND MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27 28 Laraino Day—Kirk Douglas “MY DEAR SECRETARY” From 9 to 5 he is boss, hut after 5 she does the dictating. It’s a hilarious peek into the very private life of a personal secretary. Amusing thoroughly entertaining. Cartoon Spoils Mat., Sun., !:ÜI, Adm. JOr-ür, Ine. T Adm. Evening* 4tr-9r I nr. T at TUESDAY, MARCH 1 DOUBLE FEATURE Chester Morris In “BOSTON BLACKIE’S CHINESE VENTURE" Also William Boyd—Andy Clyde In “SILENT CONFLICT" Admission Jtc-Jr, Inr. Tax. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, MARCH 2-3 Boh Hope—Jane Russell Robert Armstrong .John Litel “THE PALEFACE” In Technicolor Boh at his slap-happy best in a rib wreck ing story of the old west. Here is one picture you should make, or break a date to see. News Screen Song Matinee Wednesday 1:30, Admission :t0e-9r. Adm. Evening* i k Sr Inr. T at HA WHAN SUNSET THEME FOR BALL Hawiian Sunset was the colorful theme used Saturday evening when the Owliee h. D. S. ward Mutuals held their annual gold and green ball, which was under the direction of the Oleanor supervisor, Mrs. Ruth Sessions. Miss Oenevievc Bal- lanWne, daughter of Mr. an d Mrs. Leslie C. Ballantyne. was crown ed queen of the ball by Bishop Richard Maw. Keith Stoker was her escort. Her attendant was Miss Doris Ricks, escorted by Eddy Sharp. A colorful floor show was pre sented bv the following: Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Durfee. Lois Ricks, Eddy NEWS VIEWS Well, the President is bringing Ike" Eisenhower back to Washing- on as ¡head man for the Joint Chiefs of Staff If anybody can make the various "brass" sing in harmony "Ike's" the lad to do it. He's as reliable ns a weuthervane n a breeze, and when he starts laying down military facts nobody's roitig to ask him what book he got them out of. When it comes to experience, he was there. The White House says that "Ike's" recall doesn't mean that conditions In Europe are getting worse. You doi^'t have to wait till you're driv ing off a cliff before you have your brakes Inspected. Anyway, we're ,’lnd he's back. A street »weeper in New Jersey just Inherited almost half a mil- ton dollars. What a cleanup! It -■hows you what can be accomplish ed by hard work and rich relatives. While you're waiting for your for - 1 tune, save your money. Let us tnke care of your car at HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. Give your car the | kind of diet It would like to get j accustomed to Texaco gasoline and Havollne motor oil. An re- [ member, your car lasts longer and I gives better performance If you pro tect It with regular lubrication and oil changes. Phone 77. Herriman Motor Company No. 2 Can 3 For G a rd e n Brand CORN 9 Q Limit Mm 6 cans SQ U ARES No. 2 Can 4 M a id in Idah o Brand PEAS A ll B rand s 6 for MILK pqn UuU 29 c 2 P ou n ds IQ BACON Fwd For Nucoa 55c 89 C JELLO 5c 39 C HAMS WILLIAMS FOOD MARKET Lim it 12 C a n s 3 P ou n d C a n Crisco Picnic S ty le Lim it 6 Boxes Per Box Phone 2QU W Prices Good Through Sunday ► POUND ^ Free Delivery