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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1949)
\ PAGE TW O THE N YSSA GATE CITY .JOURNAL, N YSSA, OREGON, T H U R SD A Y . FE B R U A R Y 24, 1949 MRS. ROOKSTOOL IS HURT IN ACCIDENT COW HOLLOW. Fib. 24—Mrs. Roy Rookstool was injured last Satur day evening when the oar she was driving backed into a deep ditch and overturned. The accident oc curred when the motor stalled. Mrs. Rookstool suffered a few bad bruises, but was not seriously injured. She is now recovering from the mishap. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver at tended a birthday party given in honor of Mrs. LaVern Cleaver and Mrs. James Savage in Nyssa last Saturday evening. Clarence Herrud and Irvin J. Callahan of Caldwell called at the Joseph Callahan home Saturday of last week. T oe L. D. S. ladies of the Owyhee ward met at Mrs. Arthur Hawkins home last Tuesday. Mrs. Everett Callahan visited her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. flvin Despain last Tuesday In On tario. Mrs. Martha Durfee and son, Irvin, were among the teachers of the Oregon Trail Sunday school to attend the conference tn Boise Sunset Valley .ast Sunday lor the L D. S. church, ■ I I I l Community Hall Wayne Barrett is helping Charles i ^ n i i r C r l I ‘4 O r P S A. K. Herring, Pastor Duiuec naui gravel to build his Sunday school, 10 a. m. -any barn. The flood water has done some FALLS K P I s t o i AL ( lit KCU Morning worship, 11 a. m. damage in tills district, washing j «trv. V. L. ( allalian. Rector Subject "The People Jesus Called Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. out bridges and roads. Several Blessed.” M ruing prayer at 9 a. m. You are always welcome at these families cannot get out o1 their Holy communion on first Sunday! sel" ”es" places with cars and have to walk of the month. _______ '■v .o the highway. To contact minister call 400-J ASSEMBLl OF GOD Mrs. Jessie Callahan went to ster( „ gpttea, .» „to r New Plymouth last Sunday to be Ontario for appointment. with her daughter, Mrs. Herrued ----------------------------------- I Sunday school at 10 a. m., an whose baby is very sick. 1 HE METHODIST COMMUNITY inspirational study of God's word Betty Matheny of Nyssa spent CHURCH : and spiritual help, with classes ilte week-end with Fay and Loia 9:45 a. m„ church school. . for all ages. Cal'ahan. 11 a. m., morning worship. Guest Preaching and worship at 11 a. LP'le Billy Porter and Bever speaker: Orval Etter of Berkeley, m. ly Ann Herrud o l New Plymouth, California. Anthem: "Seek Ye the Junior service at 7:15. 5 and 4 years old started out on Lord” by Roberts. | Evangelistic service at 7:45. the highway last Thursday to 7 p. m.. Youth Fellowship. I Tuesday 7:45, prayer and Bible hitch-hike to Nyssa to see their 8 p. m.. evening service. The study. 'randruf'hers. T.iey thumbed a evening will be spent in singing Fnday, 7:45, young people. ride and were asked who they Hymns, old and new. We pray for the sick, give spir itual help and advice, let us help were. The driver parted taking them home and met their parents you with your problem. Phone 193J. SUNSET VALLEY who were searching for them. ASSEMBLY OF GOD THE CHI KLU OF TH l When asked where they were go Rev. Joe E. Dodson. Pastor NAZARENE ing, they said "To get a car to ride Sunday school, 10 a. m. Rev. E. J. Wilson, Pastor over to Nyssa to see grandmothers Worship services, 11 a. m. 10 a. m„ Sunday school. Callahan and Durfee. Young People, 7 p. m. 11 a. m., good song service and Rev. Vingil Krause, leader. sermon by the evangelist, Rev. C. To llomedale— Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Marshall visited Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. B. Grassie of Windsor, Ontario, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl We welcome and urge you to at Canada. 7:15 p. m., Young people, teen Larsop of Homedale Sunday. tend these services. age and junior services. 8 p. m., evangelistic service, con gregational and special singing and' sermon by the evangelist. It is quite possible that the re sched ule ot h o m e ? vival will go on another week. Moore, a program was presented as follows: Two numbers, "The Bridge Builder” and "Beside Still Waters” by the L. D. S. ladies chorus: cornet and saxaphone duets, "Whispering Hope" and T h e Star Spangled Banner”, Delroy Ashley and Eugene Moss, accomp anied by Ruth Sessions; talk on character building and spiritual education in the heme, school and church by Mrs. James Peterson. Refreshments and a social h our' two daughters of Baker, were Sun day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Bybee. Mr. Go To Portland— Mr. and Mrs. Roland Maw, left Roth has been feeding and shipping Tuesday morning for Portland on^ tattle from the Nyssa area. a business trip. While there Mis. Maw, dance instructor for the La- Frawn School of Dancing, will vis-! Here From Baker— Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Burton mot it several dancing schools both in ored to Baker Sunday. Returning ballet and tap. with them were Mr. and Mrs. John Burton and family, who will Cnlertain Baker Folks— Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roth and K t here for a few days. were enjoyed after adjournment. - 5 ---- IT HAPPENS EVERY DAY 'M URQV. PA. \ WE P R O M ISED ' AUMT $UE WE'P e£ over roDAyy By PLO TNER $0M£0W£ SMoù J.D IT 5 A r m ' v a 'Mis v m - DATÉ J U D V - BiifA W ould be A O.K \'LL 6oL \)£o 8 E 0 V S R . S i COUV'CAH P a . V Ö Ü S A I D I COULD ¿ JS f m e ah mis, / pa y j u i ß i n i A F T E R AJOON . LATE AiOW EoR MV SOROClTV f f lÉ K Î Ÿ iP lM A à£C WiT/4 M Vfff PA'S TALOPy I W ANNA * 60 TA DA A A O O V IÉ S r îv T T r ^ ^ ' f o n r M f T v A M ity è i l i C f i O M Of DBPiHVAVLi //£f?RIMAA motor Co. b o x 137 HEAVY DUTY Let y o u r f r e e z e r d o th e w o r k ! need . u r INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER HEAVY DUTY f r e e z e CATHOLIC CHURCH Park Avenue and Third Street Rev. P. J. Gaire, Pastor Mass every Sunday at 9:30 a. nr.. Catechism classes for grade school children every Saturday a: 10 a. m. ••p ack ll with 553 pounds of froten food • (lock it with a variety of road y-m ado m eals • keep leftovers, lunches a n d out-of-season fo od s MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURL II Sunday school. 10 a. m. Morning service. ¡1 a. m. Young People, B. Y. P. U., 7 p. m. Evening service, 8 p. m. Wednesday prayer service. 8 p. m. Visisting pastors supply, • b uy fo od b a rg a in s In b ig q u an tities at real sa v in g s • save time for other activi ties— fun a n d relaxation GLENN BROWN HURT IN FARM ACCIDENT 15 8 -C u b ic -ro o t M o d e l 15 FC Freezer The most practical freezer you can get! It freezes Exclusive "FREEZ-AREA* food in quantity, stores frozen food in quantity —a plu s 15 o th e r fe a tu re s real necessity for b ig fam ilies! Outstanding I I I Moro than 4 square feet pro vides oversize fast-freezing capacity. An IH exclusive I ^ features include automatic temperature guard and interior light. For big savings on your foo’d bills, your time and energy, get this big I I I freezer! 10OX roi THE HALLMARK OP HARVISTIR QUALITY Owyhee Truck & Imp. Co. - WAif# tide, wall fir#i ovor/ob/# at 9 m tra corf. Drive a 49 FORD and feel the Difference! You'd expect to p ay hundreds more for Ford's new "fe el''— the w ay if sfeers, the w ay it rides, the way it pets aw ayl But that’s whal you get from Ford’s Fingertip Steering, from Ford's new springing ("Hydra-Coil" in front, "Para-Flex" in rear) and Ford’s new ^ __^ "Equa-Poise" Engines. Yes, drive a _ • p '49 Ford and FEEL the difference! There'S Z f / t T r c t in yOUf future V ow Font P o o l« Im itos ro» to lisim to tko frtd Allen Show Sunday tvanm gs NBC Network ItttM to tho lord IhMtei Indi y fvemngv CBS fiat wot k. S m y oui n#w*p#p#i I m tim« «ntl »Udo«. CHURCH OF CHRIST Don K. Maxfield, Pastor 10, church school. 11, morning worship and com munion service. 6:30, Senior Endeavor. 7, Junior Endeavor. 8, evening worship. Morning services are held in thf gymnasium. Evening services are held in the homes. Phone 154-W for place of evening services. Take the wheel... try the new Ford FEEL today H e r r i m a n M o t o r Co. ! OREGQN TRAIL, Feb. 24—Glen j Brown was critically injured last ' week when a derick timber fell on him. breaking his leg in several places. He Ls in the Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario. Mrs. F. G. Holmes and Robert made a . business trip to Caldwell Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Byers and Betty Alice and Stanley were din ner duests of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes last Sunday. The Merry Matrons club met with Bernice Sewell as hostess Feb ruary 16th. Eleven members ans wered roll call with a valentine verse. Valentines were also ex changed. The afternoon was spent visiting and doing fancy work. In a guessing contest Iva Adams and Gladys Byers received prizes. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Lavinnie Smith. The next meeting will be held March 2, with Dona Mitchell as hostess. Roll call will be answered by Pollyanna suggestions. The Merry Matrons club met at the home of Lavinnie Smith Wed nesday afteroon February 2. Nine members were present. The after noon was spent visiting and em- broadering for the hostess. In a ouizz garni Iva Adams and Gladys Byers received prizes. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Virginia Rookstool. 'I t and Mrs. Alfred Adams were hosts at dinner Sunday to Mr and Mrs. Harold Fivecoat and family. The oeoassion celebrated the birth days of Larry and Valerie Fivecoat and Wayne and Marlene Adams. John Gowen left Sunday evening for Salem. Oregon to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law. Mr and Mrs. F. G. Holmes and >f Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Byers and Robert were Sunday dinner guests family. Junior Holmes went to Boise Sunday to visit Wayne Kressley who is in the hospital recovering from a farm acciden which occur- ed last Friday. KINGMAN P. T. A. MEETS The Kingman Kolony P. T. A meeting February 15. recommended that the Bible be read in the local grade school daily and that the P T. A. sponsor a Go-to-Sabbath School month, beginning March 20 and ending Easter Sunday. In honor of Founders day, four former local P T. A. presidents. Mrs, Charles Newbill. Mrs Elmer Sharks. Mrs M L Kurts and Mrs. Stanley Hill, lighted four candles, re p re se n tin g the four objects of the P T A. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stoker read a question and answer paper on the historical background of the local unit, which was organized 21 years ago. Mrs. Louis Pratt spoke briefly on social hygiene. During the business meeting. Mrs Jake Borge reported the library heir»; used extensively and the books are to be changed soon. The group voted *10 to the athletic ban quet to be held in the near future for the benefit o f the athletic equipment fund. The sixth grade won the parents attendance prize Po«owing prayer by Rev H. E Y o u G e t A l l T h is : u 1. 252 coil innerspring con struction. 2. Latexed curled hair padded upholstery on one side for cool summer sleeping. 3. 1 ine 10 0 ', wool batt uphol stery on the other side for er.tra warmth in winter. 'L i, re-built borders heavily padded. 5. Miracle Mesh insulation. 6. Extra fine quality covers, some used formerly on high er priced mattresses. 7. Eench filled, using fine quality cotton felt. 8. * i ail dies for easy turning. 9. Eight large ventilators. 10. special sale price only $39.95. 11. Box spring in matching cov er at the same extraordinary low price of $39.95. S P E C IA L L Y PRICED F O R S E A L Y ’ S 68th A N N IV E R S A R Y Whal a buy! To celebrate its 68th anniversary. Scaly is c h in « you tremendous value. During this event you can buy a fine Sealy Anniversary mattress for only 839.93 _ far under what you'd normally pay for such a top quality innerspring mattress. Just right for winter and summer sleeping! One side is upholstered with hair for cool summer sleeping. Turn it over and the other side is upholstered in wool for cozy winter sleep. ‘ See the Anniversary innerspring now! Don't miss this chance to give yourself the deep-down soothing sleeping comfort you've uanted, at the roek- hottom price o f only 839.95. Your choice o f special tickings and stvles to suit v o u r taste. Come in today.' Motthing Box Spring $39.95 * 399.5 PETERSON FURNITURE COMPANY Ny»»* Ontario Vale Payette