Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1949)
TRIBUTE IS PAID " UL'U .U1<fy *lke ant* stay a ® *°ng as camp stew and several of the boys ing the first half, who are not aliens and who are CAMPBELL NAM ED N>ssa piayers were Koyano 6, ™ » *” » LEGAL ADVERTISING residents of the State of Oregon COMMITTEE H EAD year". * I ( Mr. Myers remarked that the Wilder 9, B. Wilson 7. Hunter l, ________ N O TIC E O F fcPBCIAL ELECTION for six mon.hs next preceding said (Continued from Page 1) j ¡Scoutmaster Leo Child expressed silver beaver worn by Leo Child is Lowe 2, W illiams i, Pecka 4. Chad- Reverent Donald Campbell DÍ camp will be held oefore summer he hope that "you will make u the highest award that the Boy N O TIC E IS H EREBY G IV EN ele-tion aad who have resided wick. Hale 3. Holcomb and R. Nyssa has been appointed thair- -amp time. T h e third emphasis that a special election will be held wKhin the corporate limits of the Wilson. j man ^ the „ew ly-fo m ied social will be placed on membership. 1 in the C ity of Nyssa, Malheur City o f Nyssa fo r at least thirty jwant to enlist the support of all of care o f” . Mr, Child urged parents “ You are fortunate”, he said *in The Nyssa frosli-soph team hygiene committee of m e M.U- having such a man at the head of Ccunty, Oregon, on the 21st day of (30) days next preceding said el lou in this crusade. to encourage their boys with their your troop” . ection shall be entitled to vote at cin-ned the S. R. V. iroah- scph j iieur County Tuberculosis March, 1949, at whiuh time there said special election, and not other “The camping season is practic- scout work. He presided at the cup, wnen when tn they won: u , .. Wiiford Bybee closed the meeting caampionshlp cup. appoitii- rheir K .I, . . „ „ i. i , . ____“ Health association. The jlly here. Camp Billy Rice will -upper m eeting. *¡11 toe submitted to the legal vot wise. with a prayer. - ir 15th straight league game oon be open again. In camp the William Beus and Mrs. Ersel Beus from Weiser Tuesday n jjh t 41 to ment was made at an executive ers ui said C ity the question oi Dated at Nyssa, Oregon, this 10th annexing to and including within day of February, 1949. -ys learn two skills. In learning j paid tribute to Leo Child "for the 26. T h e placers were Pounds 7. committee meeting of the associ he boundaries o f tine City of skill of social living, the boys line work he is doing with our ONTARIO TAKES E. K B U R TO N Bowen 6, Holcomb 5, R. Wilson 6, a iu ii luesuay ingot in Ontario. R e . erend Campoel] who recently Ngssa, Oregon, Che following des- -all in line in camp. They learn j boys". Short talks were also made City Recorder S. R. V. PENNANT R eynolds. J . M iu h e tl 1. r.ced real property, to-wit: io live together. T h e other group \ by Ray Lewis, Rosel Hunter and | Andrews, Jensen 1, Duncan 1, F. le.ucnea from a statewide training if skills is manual. Including the I Mrs. Leo Child. Beginning at the Northeast cor | M itchell 2, Santillanes 2, Keveren » j fur social hygiene workeis (Continued from Page 1) ner o l Section Thirty-one ( 3.1), ■kills of self-preservation. They are Charles T aylor and Joseph Blake j P. Wilson, Keck, Knowles and Ray j *Joi hand, will choose the mom E. W . PR U YN team _ Town-th.p Nineteen (19. South, ivided into four main groups, t sang “ Home on the Range", ac- a sharp-shooting Payette Nyssa will play Adrian here Sat- RahU e For.y-stven (47) East. ampcraft, woodcraft, aquatic andj companied on the piano by Mrs. Tuesday evening o f last week to I urday night and Caldwell there meeiing soon to lay plans for the Auto Repairing W.Uamette Meiidian; thence run ability to maintain sound physica. D. O. Bybee. and Weston Olson win 34-31. The Bulldogs played February 22 in the last games of pciug n-giam. good ball, but found the long-range tdre season, “Prolca'uly our first action will ning West along the North line Structures. A t camp Billy Rice the :> ^ved a piano solo. be to «o id a training course for o l said Section Thirty-one (31 > will be permitted to enter Carl Bair told a story about a shooting of Meecham, Pirate for-r Reboring, Valve Grind- ward, troublesome throughout the social hygiene workers here,” said Nine Hundred Ninety (990) feet; contest. Crosby, Pirate center, did REMAINING MONEY Rev. Complied. "Several honie- thence running South Six Hund very effective work for the Pirates FOR SEALS ASKED courses are now being red Sixty (6S0i feet; thence run :ng, Lathe work. Parts on the backboard. Koyano, Bull ning East Nine Hundred Ninety ‘ held throughout the county and dog guard, hit 6 out o f 11 shots (990 fe et to Ulie East line of the A final plea fo r local residents uae leaders of these courses as and accessories from the field and led all scorers to pay for their Christmas seals we.l as others interested, will at before mentioned Section Thirty- All Makes and Models with 16 points. Meeohan collected was issued today toy (Mrs. E. K. tend." one (21); thence North Six 12 for high honors fo r Payette. Hundred Sixty (tx>0 ) feet to the Phone 56-W Burton, Nyssa seal sale chairman. point or place of beginning; | Quick, Efficient Go T o Boise— As a anti-climax to the league “ We are still short of last year's Check Your Hazards all of which adjoins the said City, Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Coleman race, the Weiser Wolverines de total and if we are To expand our Service of Nyssa. were Boise shoppers Saturday. feated the Nyssa Bulldogs Tues program as we would like to do, LOCATED AT Said election shall be held in I day night of this week on the we will need to raise even more I Nyssa Fire Protection h e Council Ohamoers at the City , Nyssa floor by a count o f 47 to 35. Too Late To Classify ATTENTION Western Store money this year than we did last,"j SALES AN D SERVICE Hall of the City of Nyssa, Oregon, R iiin g on the shooting beam 471 Main— Nyssa Mrs. Burton said. "Two-thirds of We Are Now In Position To Do 650 No. 4th St. Box 184 lid the polls will be open for the | throughout the contest, the W ol the persons to whom seals were 1O S T —Man's billfold at the Owy- verines spurted ahead every time sent have teen heard from, tout it hee junction, February 15 with val- reception of ballots at the hour HERBERT E. COX, Claude Willson, Mgr. All Types Of Cabinet Work Am hat the Bulldogs pulled within is still not too late for the oth er, uatole papers in it, reward. Harold of eight o ’clock A. iM. on Che said Phone 128-J Technician 21st day o f March, 1949, and will range with accurate shooting, that Contract Building. K. Snyder, Owyhee junction. 17flxp third to send in their money” . .(m ain open for the reception of a’most equalled .500 per cent dur- At Tin executive committee meet M ISCELLANEO US—<M a b l e come -a lio s until the hour of seven o'- ing of the health association Tues home. All is forgiven. H arry.l7flxc L x k P. M. o f said day, when the Johnson Cabinet Shop day night, purchase of a motion .jails shall be closed and the ballots picture projector to be used in PHONE 023J1 F C R SALE —One 75 bushel Oliver .hereafter counted. showing health films was discussed, COME O U T A N D BOOST Y O U R HOME TEAM 1 Mile North Of Nyssa- T h at the following persons have Superior tractor - drawn manure but no action was taken. The spreader with commercial fertilizer been appointed to conduct said Parma Junction On Highway 95 committee decided to wait and attachments. Used one season. •lection as judges and clerks of see how much more money cam« election: Henry Hartley, phone 04-J2 or in this month before deciding if Judges: Katharine Smith 30ft. 17f3xp such an expenditure could wisely be Alma Cochrane made. T h e health program of the W A N TE D —T o do bookeeping. See Leva Findllng association would 'be greatly bene Mel Beck, O rigg Brothers and Clerks: Elaine Llenkaemper IDAHO-OREGON SEMI-PRO BASK ETBALL LEAGUE fited by owning a projector, as Butler. 17f2xc Bernice Fialier many fine film s are available for A t said election all persons over school and club use, but cannot FOR SALE—Registered Guernsey the age o f twenty-one (21) years be used because -of the difficulty cows, heifers and young bulls. 17f3xp in borrowing a projector, the com Henry H. Hartley. mittee reported. FOR R E N T —Unfurnished apart ment. Heat and water furnished. SEVEN T O W N TEAMS TO PARTICIPATE Return From Trip— 537 50, call 112. 17flxc Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Allen return ed Tuesday from a visit In Ho- FO R S A L E —One used M aytag quiam, Washington and Newport, wa.her. Hollingsworth, Inc. 17ftfc Oregon. T hey visited their daugh ter-in-law, Mrs. I. B. Allen, Jr., FO R SA LE —-1942 M odel-A John and her two sons, who left W ed Deere tractor, good condition, reas Vern G am er, fou r and nesday for Houston, Texas, where enable. they will embark by boat for Ven three-quarter miles northwest of 17flxp ezuela to Join Mr. Allen, who is Owyhee corner. employed by the Oilwells company, Tournament: $2.40 including tax which is controlled by Herbert Hoover, Jr. A D U LT S $1.20 including tax to lo cal iS i-E scouts ^ « * *»»• as s s i sss Û Radio Repair FIRES FIRES FIRES DOUBLE ELIMINATION TOURNAMENT PAYETTE HIGH SCHOOL GYM. FEBRUARY 23. 24. 25 & ADMISSION CHILDREN 60c including tax Tickets on sale at Miner’s Barber Shop; Wilson Bros. Dept. Store; Nyssa Pharmacy, and Bracken’s } 5 r 1 e 3 Í Attend Boise Community Concert— Mrs. Bernard Eastman and Mrs. Glea Billings attended th e . Boise W A N TE D —Aluminum or ualvanlz- Community concert last Tuesday I ed boat, 12 to 14 feet long. See evening 'to hear Carol Glenn, vio- Mel Beck, G rigg Brothers and linist. I Butler. 17fxc S g n e f- i«* Is r, *r it rn 1- î- /e fi at .St - rf pe 111 ed Ve all Tifi iry to er, ro- *a- on, ra- ex- at- a if on, tar, or ne- ep- ous ton. by ‘‘A- igh- rl I ikee Ye: , they’re bred for high production. They com e from parent flocks with outstanding enp- red records and h eavy production. You can be •ure that w e have been extra careful to bring you chicks that are bred to live and lay. BUY (Give your children the best— let them leern music GOOD n the finest, the Acrosonic. CHICKS H Ö H T G iv s your chicks this wonderful now Purina Chick Startsna. Better 5 ways . . . Chicks grow faster Chicks like ’em better New, cracked grain site less feed waste Easy to pour us show you the veiy con venient ternis that can be had * g * ° ' YOU« odels ranging from $698.00. Grigg Bros, and Butler Bybee Building 'IM CHECKER-ETTS full rich tone makes practicing a pleasure, he Acrosonic built by Baldwin is a revelation to o hear— to play. Com e in and see it today. We have START Wonderworking oil baae paint— covers any sur face — uniform rich sheen coat i n g — can be washed repeat edly The Floor Paint that withstands heavy foot traf f i c - u s e It on floors and steps of wood, cement, metal or worn linoleum. N E W . . . PURINA STARTENA his wonderful little piano has a responsive touch tiich makes it easy for small fingers to play, and n these pianos. AND Superior exterior Paint — contains ‘vitolized oils’’— P r i m er se a l s thoroughly- Fin ishing cost stays live, tough and elastic. Phone 179J STÖRE WITH THE v W K iked ala- by nder *tef- jyed. NOW TWO LOCATIONS Ostrom Brothers 50 No. 1st St. CHECKERtOARD lie«, roup here All the New 1949 Colors 3olfie iome n. APPLIANCE COMPANY Tobler’s Feed & Fuel K « Oulck-drying En amel—gives woodwork and furniture new beauty and add ed life — resists marring — cleans easily. Phone 269J «rider Sat- A. C. ically SIGN N Y S S A LU M B ER C O . 699 Good Ave. jÊttÊËÊm m Phone 118W m h H b ì Apple Wed- ration l On-