Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1949)
T.HE NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY. FE BRU ARY 17, 1949 - DINNER PARTIES ' u M rs- Leo"a D iU y H ELD A T SUNSET ior Mr and Mrs and the Robert Ditty family. SUNSET VALLEY. Feb. AT ART A m A A I A K IA D 1A H O LD GATHERINGS Friday evening I had cleared the road during M o n -! f l I J R S T « . Brewer day. «-LUTO Mr. Guests at the home of M r 17—Mr. on Textile painting. enjoyed gifts. T he members the draw ing of Valentine PA G E FIV E Sc Joe Church, auctioneers; L. H. Madison, divorce. Fritts, Clerk. Lula Mae Castleberry vs. W a y n e Refreshment? were served by Cast.eoerry, divorce. P E T IT IO N S . P R O B A T E and Mrs. Newell returned to T a - ! Mrs. Claude Wilson for Sunday A R C A D IA , Peb. 17— Nell Bowers NEW S OF RECORD COURT Elsie Deven. assisted by hostess. coma by train Sunday evening m iner were M r. and Mrs. Lester .ook h er 4 -H sewing club to Frank's ELtate of W illiam L Fretwell, d e , daughter, D o r » , were dinner guests M A R R IA G E LIC E N S E S A birthday dinner party honor Zurihier and family of Roswell. H O STESS T O C L U B [ roller skating rink in Ontario Feb- ceased. Dale Herbert Scott and Arlene at the Lewis Mitchell home S at ing Wallace Rataezyk and Casmier Th e members of the T hu rsday' M any of the men in the valley : uary 5, where they enjoyed a roller Estate of E. J. Patch, deceased. Rauezyk. was given In Mr .,:>u EE icabeth McDole. both of Ontario. .k it m g party. urday. afternoon bridge club were enter- j Guardianship oil M urial Enevold- Robert Alva Goodell and M ary Mrs. M. A. Rataezyk Saturday j were lU wlth m llueaza during the Mrs. B en Houston has been vis W . T. Cannon is still in the Holy evening at their home. ained last week at Che home of j Louise W ijglns, both of Ontario. son. et. a l . minors. Guests] 11351 week- Nelson Field, G abriel n in g in Council. Idaho the past Rosary hospital. Cannon has had Estate of Berkley B. Baker, de Mrs. W ard Wteneke. H igh score C O M P L A IN T S . C IR C U IT C O U R T were Louie Astoreca, Mr. and Mrs. | Astoreca, Ed Steiner, Charlie .wo weeks. to return to the hospital twice Harry Rataezyk and family, Mr. Marjorie Madison vs. Byford ceased. Th e Arcadia Sunshine club mets was held by Mrs. Houston W ils o n . Suhwelzer and Jim Davis were this winter due to dropsy, asthma, and Mrs. Casmier Rataezyk ana February hi at the home of Mrs ind second high by Mrs. Gene still sick. and pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rataezyk. Clyde Bowers. Twelve member, 5tunz. Guest players were Mrs. M r. and Mrs. Chester Newell of Nam pa shoppers during the week were present. A demonstration was Mr. and Mrs. Harry Raezyk at Grant Lewis, Mrs. John K opp and Tacom a have been visiting at the tended a valentine party of the were M r. and Mrs. E. J. Hobson given on braided rags. The club Mrs. Ed Knettle. home o f Mrs. Della Leotta Ditty, Sphinx club in Caldwell Sunday. and Mrs. A. R. Herring. Mrs. mets February l l at the home of Mrs. N ew ell’s mother, the past Mrs. M. A. Rataezyk and her Herring visited her parents also. Mrs. P arley Feik, with 12 members week. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ditty two sons. Wallace and Casmier The Chalk Butte Grange served present. P lans were discussed for I of Ontario were hosts at a dinner Rataezyk left Monday for Albany. lunjh at tiie Charles Share sale the meeting of the associated clubs! for Mr. and Mrs. Newell, with Mrs. Oregon, planning on visiting Mrs. Friday. M A C H IN E R Y A U C T IO N Ì that will be held in Nyssa in March F A R M Leota Ditty. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rataezyk's daughters on the coast. M r. and Mrs. Charles Share, who wish the Arcadia club as hostess. S A L E — Friday. Feb. 25, at 12 noon,' Dodson, and Mr. and Mrs. R ob- Von Stringer's sheep that have have sold their farm and are plan M r. and M rs. M artin Farmer and ♦ t Ditty and family present. Mrs. been feeding at the Bill Gregg farm ning a trip to the west coast, wcie family of New Plymouth were din ie Carpenter Ranch. Machinery Robert Ditty was hostess Saturday for some weeks, were moved to dinner guests Saturday night at ner guests Sunday in the home of tru:ks, tractors, car, horses, 1 co w ,1 to the entire group. A fried chick- the Stringer lambing sheds Tues the U. E. Parker home, dinner Mr. and M rs. Elmer Stradley. miscellaneous articles. Carpenter | en supper was served at the h o m e 1 day morning, after the snow plow guests at Che Guy Glenn home The Arcadia club will meet at Ranch, owner; CoLs. Bert Anderson, Sunday and Sunday supper guests Che home of Mrs. George Coleman at the Lew McCoy home. February 25. Robert Reffett left Sunday eve Mrs. Norm an Hipp and infant ning for Portland Reffett was to g a u n t e r returned home this week report to the veteran's bureau for (rom the Ontario hospital Guaranteed a disability check-up. Otis B ullard shelled corn Satur Sunday dinner guests at the R ob day for Elmer Stradley. Radio Repair ert Reffett home were Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Nelson of Mrs. Jack Sopher and children of Caldwell had charge of service Parma. PETERSON February 6 at Arcadia Sunda; CUSTOM BUILT CABINETS Mr. and Mrs. Helmer Hintz of school and were dinner guests at Riverside, Oregon were over-night the George Moeller home. FUR NITUR E CO. W IN D O W A N D DOOR FRAMES guests at the home of Hintz’s sis Nell Bowers met with her 4-H ter, Mrs. Robert Ditty, Monday club February 12 at the home of SCREEN DOORS night. The Hintz couple visited Joretta and Jean Moeller with 11 Tuesday at the parental home of members present. A lter the bus Phone 118J Free Estimates Henry Hintz and stayed overnight iness meeting colors and patterns before returning to Riverside. Mrs. were studied. Several musical W E BUY SCRAP IRON, BRASS, COPPER, Henry Hintz has been ill most of numbers were given by Shirley the week. Schilling on her accordimi and by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen Violet Drydale, Margaret Bates and Keever Floor Service and Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cooper Loretta M ael'or on the violin. R e BATTERIES, RADIATORS, ETC. made a trip to Boise Tuesday, vis freshments o f cake, ice cream, iting at the E. H. Toiman home. cookies an d cocoa were served by W E W IL L BE Mr. and Mrs. Robert Albritton Maryln Lytle and Jean Moeller. were una/ble to leave until Tues- The next meeting will be held See Mac Or Wayne At The day on a wedding trip to western! February 26 at the home of Shirley Oregon, due to the bad road con-j schilling, dltions. | Bernadine and Fern F*rice and CH ARLIE KEEVER Jackie Smith attended the 4-H roller skating party in Ontario and You With Your Jackie was an overnight guest at the Price home. M r. and M rs. James Robb and Mrs. Hudson Robb made a bus C L U B H O L D S M E E T IN G iness trip to V ale Wednesday. Mrs. Robert Runcorn was hos Come in and we will talk it over tess to the Chatterbox club at her home on Friday afternoon with 19 ladies attending. Roll call was answered with a valentine verse. The members decided to hold a club anniversary party M arch 25. Mrs. George Gregg was a guest for the afternoon. A Valentine gift i’rab was held. Each hostess is to receive a gift not costing more than 25 cents, which is to be taken Reasonable Rates to each meeting. Lunch in keep ing with the Valentine season con Phone 261M, C ollect sisted o f salad, heartshaped cookies Nyssa, Oregon and coffee. The next meeting will be held at the Glenn Suitor home on February 25th. and Mrs. M elvin Pendarvis j and SALt CALENDAR DO VOll HIVE ANY Scrap Iron? WHY NOT TURN IT Qstrom Cabinet SJhop Into Cash? 15IB95I5ISISE93I Nyssa, Oregon Floors laid, sanded and finished. Old floors made like new. No job too big or too small. Glad To Help fu r ia i Notes WEED SPRAYING PROBLEMS YOU Septic Tanks and Cesspools (LEANED The House of Oliver NYSSA IMPLEMENT COMPANY Phone 2569 Homedale, Idaho Nyssa Auto Body Shop Phone 107W - Made a Solemn Agreement With your Merchant, Doctor, Hospital "IT HAPPENS EVERY DAY” wA By PLOTNER c l reflill -V AHV OUZ - O F m W M i S MUa I MUST m il « B D r - E , FU fU U L L ! i o u n d e s t mommi y ou ¿AH MAKZ am y T im e MÜ^m V £ ^P E F UUY OF TAF V f At? IS ro AiAV/E- A THOROUGH AND DEPENDABLE } e ^ I? 6 F U U Y JW F CAREFULLY T V CAREFU LlY CAREFULLY v c a ij e f u l l y tF U L L Y ¿FULLY LLY ^EFU LLY X P Cl ii I vi ¿MBCK-UP oSO /fERRIMAN motor to f/J V : "/ré AiiteQ roo latz - ro MAKB sAfsry 5 OX 137 PM OA/£ 71 ^ tzcsoautions / [ ten d er <SM A A R E C E IV E IN S T R U C T IO N Mrs. Felicia Ehlert, state guardi an lo r Job’s Daughters, met with the members of the local organ ization fo r their sem i-annual school of instruction last Thursday even ing at 4 o'clock. Mrs. Ehlert also spoke to the group about the work of their organization. —8 - C L U E MEHTTS Mrs. G arret Stain was hostess to the Oregon T rail Grange Home Economics club February 4. S ix teen members answered roll call Iva Adams presided. The club reported $13 made at the recent card party. The mem bers wanted to donate money for a bedspread for the hospital. The club will serve lunch at the G a r rison sale, February 21. The M arch meeting will be held March 3 with Mrs. Lloyd Adams. Leona Winters, is program chair man lor the next meeting. Mrs. Timmerman gave a demonstration When You ASKED FOR CREDIT This is the same as asking for a Personal loan You also asked for his Confidence and Trust in You. When you received that courtesy— wasn’t it a • grand and glorious feeling? - NOW - Have you betrayed that confidence, by not either paying or part paying or satisfactorily arranging to take care of that courtesy when it became due? Have you betrayed that confidence and trust you so solemnly asked for? If you have been careless— why not at once answer your PIONEER SERVICE COUNTY CREDIT BOARD Letter that you have received. Go in and Pay, Part Pay or Satisfactorily Arrange to Pay and keep that promise good! Remember the man who Pays is welcome everywhere and holds that confidence he asked for and received— But the man who doesn’t pay soon becomes a social outcast, loses his character rat ing. * NO COMMISSIONS CHARGED ON COLLECTIONS * A L L MONIES PAID DIRECT TO YOUR CREDITOR * NO DOCKET FEES. NO FILING FEES. * NO CONTRACTS TO SIGN AND REGRET * YO U R ACCOUNTS REM AIN IN YO U R HANDS A T A L L TIMES PIONEER SERVICE C O U N TY CREDIT BOARD IN FO R M A TIO N MOST V A L U A B L E ! Kimmell’s Signal Service Ed Case Furniture Co. Superior Service Cate City Journal Wilson Bros. Dept. Store Hollingsworth, Inc. Tobler’s Feed and Fuel Morrison Electric Co. Bryon Vinsonhaler Nyssa Auto Pails Waggoner Motor Co. The Nyssa Elevator Western Cornigater Co. Nyssa Implement Co. A D R IA N — Nyssa Lumber Co. Adrian Seed and Feed Owyhee Truck and Implement Brown’s Mercantile Co. The Largest Business Men’s Organization In The Northwest Pioneer Service C o ., Inc. (Established Since 1926) ID AH O - OREGON - U T A H - N E V A D A DIVISION Division Office, I. O. O. F. Building State Office Box 471, Eugene, Oregon Box 1616, Boise, Idaho The Best And Cheapest Collection Service in America Watch for the Green and Black Handbills with Accounts for Sale