Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1949)
THE NYSSA CATE CITY .JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1919 PAGE FOUR Mrs. Maude Cooper, and Mrs. with her mother, wlio is not well. I enjoyed both evenings. hosts at dinner Sunday for the fol- ed to sponsor a scholarship for a Hodges home. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Pete Vander Oord She made the trip by plane. Mrs. Mai-ha Klingoack and Fred i_.inly Bergam. lt>w,ng gue. .s: Mr. and Mrs. Henry 4-H Club member. Each person called on Mr. and Mrs. Jake Relk Mrs. Pete Vander Oord and fam Mrs. Mildred Hite of La Grande and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gregg and is asked to bring some article to 1 1-. py. Mr. and Mrs. Don Linvllie and family of Nampa recently. spent the week-end here visiting ily were Sunday dinner guests of children were Sunday dinner guests OWYHEE, Feb. 17- Mr. and Mrs > and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bob be 3 old. Women attending please relatives and saw her little grand Mrs. Dick Stam of Oregon Trail. in the George Gregg home. bring a pie to be served foi re To Boise— Bussell Patton, Sr., were dinner Alee and family. daughter, Donna Lorraine Hite for Communion service was held in Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot of Ar C. C. Cotton spent Saturday at guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glenn I Tae pup. s of Owyhee enjoyed a freshments. A paper on several conjunction with the regular pray the first time. talentine party given Monday af measures of Oregon legislation was cadia called on relatives of this Boise, where he visited his brother Wednesday night. er meeting held Wednesday even- ternoon oy the room mothers. Mrs. read by Wilbur Chapin. COLUMEIA AVENUE community Tuesday afternoon. and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Brewer were Claude Skinner, Mrs. Lynn Kygar Mrs. Harold Fivecoat, local 4-H ng. February 9 at the S. D Bige-1 Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jamison Cotton, who are in the hospital ow home. Rev. Robert Kriner; dinner guests of Mrs. Leola Ditty and Mrs. Darrell Williams served cooking club leader, told of a- Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Groot o f . called on friends in Arcadia Fri there. vas the leader. in Sunset valley Thursday even the pupils of the upper room with warus and prizes won by members The Sunset valley extension unit Apple valley entertained at tea j day afternoon. cake and popjom balls. Mrs. c f her club. Members of a sewing ing. CARD OF THANKS Elvar Neilson, Mrs. Fred Babcock, clu i led by Mrs. Fred Babcock met Wednesday, February 9 at and a buffet luncheon Thursday j Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam en Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton, Sr., Mrs. Charlie Culbertson, and M... gave the 4-H pledge and sang their Sun et valley hall, with 11 mem- ( afternoon in observance of th e ' tertained Tuesday evening for Mr. I wih to thank the Ny&sa fire birthday anniversary of Mr. Groot I ers present. The women learned] attended a card party Inursday Kenneth McDonald served the dub song, which they composed and Mrs. D. O. Bybee and family men. neighbors and all others who at -lie Neil D-imniclc home. pupils of both tiie other rooms | E. M. Hauser of Cntar.o showed some useful short-cuts in the j for 23 relatives and friends. Guests 1 and on Wednesday evening for Mr. assisted in fighting the fire at my invited from this community were making of a blouse. At the bus- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slippy and with 'cookies and tooeoa. Games! i lides and talked on the different and Mrs. Pete Tensen, Mr. and place and saving muah of my sons are spending a few days this were played and va,en tines were 4-H club projects. Molly Coii- ness meeting Mrs. Martha Kling- Mr. and Mrs. Jake J. Groot, Mr. Mrs. Dick Groot and Mr. and Mrs. property. and Mrs. Dick Groot and Mr. ahd week with Mr. and Mrs. Dale exchanged. Roy Hashitani nauihy, last year’s winner of the jack was nominated as mother of | John Broad. Motion pictures were he year and her name will be Mrs. Gerrit Stam. Ciarey in Parma, where Mr. Slippy The Cwybee grade school bask-! -ho.arship given by Owhee P. T Pete Tensen and John Broad is doing some painting. etball team defeated Ridgeviewl A., thanked the group and gave a ubmitted to the county committee Mr. and Mrs. George Schweizer Thursd iv in a close game In the i few of the high-lights of her trip in March, to compete with other were in Ontario Tuesday afternoon. andidates of this county. A pot- Mr. Tensen attended the Owyhee entertained with a dinner on Mon Adrian gym 16 to 15. Ray was to Corvallis. « day evening for Mr. and Mrs. Lee high wi’ h 7 for Owyhee and Schenk j Tae middle room pupils won the uck luncheon was served at noon. ditch meeting. Dick Groot was a business visitor Strickland and Mrs. Gertrude Jack- was high for Ridgeview with 9. attendance contest. Plans were T'h" next meeting will be held son. The Owyhee P. T. A. met Friday made by the room mothers for a March 9 at the hall from 10:30 to in Ontario Tuesday afternoon. Miss Elizabeth Atkinson left last Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Williams evening at the, with valentine party to be given Mon 1 , and meat cookery will be dem made a trip to Boise Tuesday. a lar, e crowd attending. During day afternoon for all three rooms. onstrated toy the project leader, week for Glendale, California to be They took Homer Brewer back to the business meeting the members Bernadine Price and Doris Cook a doctor to have the cast removed decided to hold a “ white Elephant” gave a dialouge. Maxine Kygai from his arm. sale at the next meeting, Thurs- | gave a recitation. The Black Hawk Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slippy were day, March 10, as money is need- | waltz was played on the piano by MASONIC AND EASTERN STAR Mary Ellen Williams. Jeanne Cro.ker, Doris Cook and Joannt Crocker sang “ Sunset Trail.” ac companied by Mrs. Bill Cook. As an encore the girls sang “ A Bi; Bouquet oi Roses”. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Jim Langley and Mrs. Raleigh Chamberlain. Rev. R. R. Chandler of Caldwell will visit Owyhee Sunday school Sunday, February 20 and speak to the congregation. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22 Prayer meeting will be held at the George Gregg home Wednes day evening, February 23. Wallace 7 P. M.— High School Building Gregg will be leader. Just Arrived Mr and Mrs. Jesse Ditty were Tickets available from Ken Renstrom and hosts at a pinochle party Satur 20 Year Guarantee day evening at their home, with Mrs. W. E. Schireman 1350 Stitches per minute fix tables in play. Prizes werei won by Mrs. Werner Peutz and Floating Pressure Foot Kenneth McDonald high, Mrs. B ob1 Drop Feed For Darning Ri'-e and Wilson Winter, low, and 1 Mrs. Byrd Walters, and Clayton Self Releasing Bobbin Winder Patton, traveling. Refreshments of Floating Gib Hook, Never Locks or Jams sandwiches, potato chips, apple pie, cheese and coffee were seved. Shoppers in Ontario last week in cluded Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Crocker. Mrs. A. D. Moses, Mrs. Jesse Ditty, Your tractor and farm machines—you want them fixed Mrs. Werner Peutz, and Mr. and Mrs. Orville McEwen. in the shop o f course, instead o f in the field, where Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brewer and SEW GEMS AVAILABLE breakdowns and delays are expensive. Our shop serv sons, and Mrs. Mildred Hite were ice will put your farm equipment in tip-top running dinner gucsLs Saturday in the Don Free Demonstration ald Hite home. order, ahead o f season. Pre-season servicing is the Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald stitch in time that prevents costly field breakdowns and And and children visited in Homedale delays. Saves money, too. Sunday in the Ray Fletcher home. Prompt Delivery Lloyd Landreth of Madras vis Help us to help you! Call us now, or drop in and ited last week with Bill Peutz, Jr., arrange a date for us to give your machines our top- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton, Jr. For safer, better driving, let entertained Friday night with a quality shop treatment. pinochle party. Gerald Slippy and one of our experts recondition You’ll get an economical job, and an expert jo b —a Mrs. Rodger Orris held high score and Mrs. Norman Douglas and Jim job done by trained servicemen using the latest equip your car. Work done quickly Reed won the traveling prize. Re ment and factory-approved methods. freshments were served to 20 at reasonable prices. ('all us or see us at once for a date to put your guests. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Strickland were Equipment in shape ahead o f season. hosts at a family dinner Sunday at their home with the following 1 block west of R. R. Depot Phone 149W guests present: Mr. and Mrs. George Schweizer, Mr. and Mrs. mu Lee Householder. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Schweizer, Mr. and Mrs. Phone 245 Vic Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Oce Schweizer and Mrs. Gertrude Jack- son. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Patton and children were Sunday evening din IN TERN ATIO N AL HARVESTER SERVICE ner ,;uests in Caldwell at the Doyle VALENTINE PARTY GIVEN FOR PUPILS Washington Day BANQ UET New Home Sewing Machines we Are Ariisis W h e n It C o m e s Portable Model 137.50 Cabinet Model 184.50 T o M a k in g Auto Repairs - Nyssa Furniture - Company T ow nes G arage OWYHEE TRUCK & IMPLEMENT FA SH TON A C A D E M Y O F N E W Y O R E SELECTS AS THE /( fa Z /a t t ' "T h e 1949 Ford embodies all the essential qualifies of good taste, modern design and subtle harmony in line and color. It is indeed Regular $159.50 Four-Piece Mahogany Bedroom Suite FO R O N L Y $109-50 Beautiful Colonial Set Full Size Bed Large Spacious Chest Vanity With Plate Glass Mirror Vanity Bench O t h e r Only $21.90 Down $7.75 Monthly Payment B edroom V alues Five-Piece Walnut Suite Five-Piece Walnut Suite PETERSO N Nyssa $ 124.50 CS-EAL a compliment to the style-conscious woman who will recognize anil appreciate the flattering hack- ground it provides for her best dressed appearance.” President, The Fashion Academy of New York ate The Fashion Academy of New York has been noted for the past 20 years for its annual selection of “America's best dressed women.'' The '49 Ford was chosen to receive the Fashion Academy Gold M e d al after 1949 automobile models of all makes and in all price classes had been carefully studied from the standpoint of excel lence in design, simplicity and femi nine style appeal. This recognition of Ford leadership in the modern trend of automobile design stands as a unique tribute to the work of Ford's Styling Department and of Design Consultant George W alker of Detroit. $ 128.25 FU R N IT U R E Ontario FA SH IO N CAR O F T H E Y E A R ” Vale COMPANY Payette HERRIMAN MOTOR CO.