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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1010 ■vGE TWO c The G a te t l --------------- p KLASS V POWELL . . . r __________ F SUBSCRIPTION KATES titv . One Year ................. ..... *2.00 Six Months .................... *125 Single Copies .05 (Strictly in Advance) . . progress and development o f the county. The editor said “ In Nyssa there are ap parently at least 34 citizens who want to ra'.se tneir children in a community which lacks an.\ flagrant example o f Vice. They would prefer that their young people glow to maturity with out learning to think of sexual love as a bus iness commodity in which a lively market flour ishes on main street. Maybe their point of view is too idealistic, but we don’t think so.” The members of Nyssa’s city council are honest, hard-working, law-abiding conscientous citizens who are striving as hard as anyone else to maintain this city as a decent place »in which to live. The residents of this community have worked long and diligently to develop the town and rural areas and they do not want interfer ence from the outside that will divide them into factions. If the editor is speaking for the people of Ontario, we would be happy to let Ontario settle her own affairs and insist that we be permitted to handle ours. If illegal activities become more prevalent in Nyssa than in Ontario, we hope that several ministers will arise to the occasion to crush the ugly demon growing out of the three well known vices, prostitution, gambling and drink ing, which, according to reports o f doctors and officers, can be found in the county’s largest city. J o u rn a l . Editor and Publisher ADVERTISING KATES Open rate, per inch National, per inch Classifieds, per word Minimum 90c 40c 40c 2c Published every Thursday at Ny.ssa, Malheur County, Oregon. Enteied at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Mails, as second class matter, under the act of March 3, 1879 A Minute For Safety Is Better Than a Month For Repairs. NYSSA IS ATTACKED BY EDITOR An untimely and ill-considered editorial attacking the city officials o f Nyssa has aroused the righteous indignation o f local residents who have had the opportunity o f reading the scath ing denunciation o f the city o f Nyssa by the editorial writer o f the Ontario Argus-Observer. The editorial, apparently based on sensat ional Information obtained through a super ficial examination of the facts, paid tribute to Rev. Donald Campbell o f Nyssa for having “ nerve enough to lead a public demonstration against vice, a rare sight indeed around here” , meaning the man with the nerve. The tribute paid by the editorial to the moral courage of the minister was perhaps laudable, but the nasty implications and insinuations directed at the members o f the city council were complete ly out o f harmony with what should be expect ed of a neighboring editor, whose interests as well as ours are bound up in the co-operative 71 mg® O • ••you’re invited! Your Farmhand Dealer presents Tlie Storj of Windy Hill SEE IT! The picture of farm life and work the way you hope it can be for YOUR family. SPECIAL ATTRACTION! A famous FARMHAND “ 90” Wagon will be given away each month to a member of the audiences! A $69 VACUUM CLEANER WILL| BE GIVEN AS A DOOR PRIZE We will also show in color film, pict ures o f local beet harvesting last fal on the L. I). S. church farm at Nyssa. Come and see some o f your friends ir these pictures. NYSSA THEATRE February 24, 1:20 P.M. B & 1VI Equipment Co. Church Notes SALE yy^dnesday, F«b. 2 3 13 CARRIER SERVICE FOR MAIL URGED METHODIST COMMUNITY,1 (Continued from Page 1) CHURCH ' Judge Graham condemned Rev. 9:45 a. m., church school Classes! Dona'd Campbell, who was praised for all ages. I in the newspaper article for his 11 a. m., morning worship. "The! courageous demand that the city Message of the Rebel Prophet", i councii take some action In regard to prostitution and gambling. AnHhcm: "Praise to the Lord.” A Fred Bracken, a member of the nursery is provided for younger city council, said the original children during the church hour meetinii "was in good spirit. The so that parents of young ohildrei distortion of fact has come large- ly from Ihe news items and editor- may attend church. I he 7 pan.. Youth Fellowship. 8 p. m., evening service. "Beyond Our Own” an outstanding religious film produced by the Protestant Film association will be shown. The public Is invited to attend. Young er children ;hould be accompanied by Uieir parents. junior tap troop in Victorian cos ial appearing in the Argus-Oo- Troop Performs At Weiser— Mis. The junior tap team under the tumes of pink and blue. server. For my part, 1 felt the meeting was good, but the pub direction of Mrs. Lloyd Wilson en Robert Wilson was accompanist licity has been bad. The people tertained at the Sweetheart ban ior the tap troop. who called on the council did not of the Upsilon chapter of Beta Convalescing at Nursing Home— I lealize the effect their action Sigma Phi of Weiser. The affair C. M. Beaumont o f Kingman was held at the Hotel Washington would nave in tne way of pub- | Saturday evening. Mrs. Wilson K jlony is convalescing at the Nyssa I dcKy”. Judge Graham paid tribute to i presented a floor show, which con-' Nursinj Home following an oper Ny&sa's policeman, who were sub sisted of a ballet number by the' ation performed at the Holy Ros jected to some criticism by the troop: a ballet solo by Carolyn 1 ary hospital last week. ihurch group, and added that Vaughn, and tap number by the there has teen no prostitutes m he Rainbow hotel for the last hree months". Rev. Campbell said he did not care to defend himself against the personal charges leveled at him by Judge Graham, but he stated Chat the headlines in the Ontario aper about ihe council meeting .vere sensational and that the edit- >ria! was of the same type. He Having sold my farm and leaving the state, I will sell the following added that nothing of a caustic described property at public auction on the farm, located 2 miles south nature occurred at the council of Roswell, then 1 1 mile west on oil road, or 4 miles west meeting. of Wilder on oil road, 2 miles north and 1 mile east on oil, o n . . . J. L. Herriman said he was not in favor of any discussions that vould have a tendency to split Nyssa into factions. Because the usual time of tne uncheon had run over more than half an hour, action on Judge Ladies Will Serve l unch—Free Coffee sale Starts At 1:00 O’clock Graham’s motion was postponed until next week. Robert Talbot announced that the American Legion and auxil iary will sponsor a white elephant 1—Guernsey cow, 3 years old, milking; 1—Guernsey cow, 3 years old, sale next month and asked mer milking; 1—Guernsey cow, 4 years old, milking; 1—Jersey cow, 7 years chants to be prepared to make old, milking: 1—Jersey cow, 6 years old, milking; 1—Jersey cow, 6 years donations of usable, but unwanted old, milking; 1—Guernsey cow, 3 years old, heavy springer; 1—Roan articles. The tentative date has cow, 6 years old, heavy springer; 1— Red cow, 6 years old, heavy been set for March 7. The pro springer; 1—Heifer calf, I months old, Jersey; 1—Heifer calf, 3 months ceeds will be used to further the old, Guernsey; 1—Jersey bull calf, 3 months old; 1—Registered Guern construction of the new veterans sey bull, name Dillie Valor, from Thousand Springs herd of Hager- hall. man, 18 months old, dam gave 450 lbs. butterfat first milking; Herd Henry Hartley discussed house test, 4.9. All fat and sound. 1—2 single unit magnetic milker, De- bill 193. known as the basic school Laval; 6— 10-gallon milk cans; 1—Milk cart and 7-ft. tank. fund measure, now before the state legislature. The members passed a motion to notify Senator Elmo Smith and Representative Verne Wilson of the chamber's endorse ment of the measure. Go To See Deer— Mr. and Mrs. William Bolitho and daughters went to Boise Sat- urday to see the deer that have been driven from the mountain.' oy bad weather. SMART HOME MAKERS SELECT fa 13 HEAD O F CATTLE MACHINERY 1914 Ford tractor, new motor; Ford plows; tractor mower; beet culti vator; corn and spud cultivator; new offset disc, 4H ft., with Ford attachment; new 2 section harrow; John Deere beet planter; Oliver 9 ft. dump rake; new tractor David Bradley spreader; fresno; pressure pump; 1934 Ford truck, new tires and beet box; 2 Oil brooders and chirk equipment; miscellaneous Hems. FURNITURE Deluxe 8 ft. M. W. electric refrigerator; deluxe M. YV. electric range; M. W. electric washing machine; Ellington piano and bench; White sewing machine: 2 inner spring mattresses; M. W. console radio; Enamel stove; New M. W. tank vacuum sweeper; Blue flowered 9x12 wool rug and pad; 2-9x12 wool rugs; Blue platform rocker; 3 large chests of drawers: Sofa: 2 junior sire beds: 2 end tables; Walnut bedroom suite and 1 hrd and chest set; Small dinette and 4 chairs; Kitchen table set; Magazine rack; 4-room coal circulator; Set of heavy a'uminum cooking pans; New lawn mower; Fruit jars; Child ren’s table, chairs, sled, buggy and doll house, etc. TERMS—C \SH NO PROPERTY TO RE REMOVED UNTIL SETTLED FOR SUNSET VALLEY ASSEMBLY OF GOD Krv. Joe E. Dodson. Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Worship services, 11 a. m. Young People, 7 p. m. Rev. Virtîll Krause, leader. Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. rn. Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. We welcome and urge you to at tend services. Wayne E. Dcason, Owner OUR Sunset Valley Community Hall A. R. Herring, Pastor Sunday school. 10 a. m. orning worship, 11 a. m. Subject, "The King’s Highway." You are welcome to attend all these services. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Sterl 1». Splesz, fastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Worship service, 11 a. m. Inspirational song service and Evangelistic service, 7:30. Revival meetings continuing through February 13. Don't fall to hear "A1 Gruibb” converted drug addict. TIIE UMliKCM OF THE NA/.AKENE Rev. E. J. Wilson, Pastor 10 a. m., Sunday school, Russell I Smith suiierintendent. 11 a. m.. good song service and special singing, Gerald Barker in chant« of music. We are in a re vival with tile young people in charge, with Rev. C. B. Grassie of Windsor. Ontario, Canada preach ing 7:15 p. m„ young people, teen age and junior services. 8 p m„ every nigiht on through the week at 8 p. m. You are invited. IO Pounds SLAB SUGAR 89c BACON . . _____ ________________________________________ _______________ # _________________________ — . — POUND I Pound Coffee 5 2c CHURCH OF CHRIST Don R. Maxfleld, Pastor ■ 10, church school. 11, morning worship and com munion service. 8 30, Senior Endeavor. 7, Junior Endeavor. 8, evening worship. Morning services are held in thf , gymnasium. Evening services are held in the homes. Phone 154-W for place of evening services. 8. Wednesday. "Fellowship of the Concerned", our prayer study and meeting at the parsonage. Cigarettes Pork A ny Brand Per C arton Sausag CATHOLIC I HURCH Park Avenue and Third Street Rev. P. J. Galre, Pastor Mass every Sunday at 9:30 a. m. Catechism classes for grade school children every Saturday at 10 a. m. TISSU E LARD Per ROLL A POUNDS MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday school. 10 a. m. Morning service, 11 a. m. Young People. B. Y P. U., 7 p. m Evening service. 8 p. m. Wednesday prayer service. 8 p. m l Vlsistlng pastors supply, 1 Here From Payette— Mr and Mrs Jack Moore and ' children a t Payette were Sunday visitors at the William Coleman home William Coleman and eons. ' Albert and Billy, were business I visitors In Baker Monday 49c POUND POUNDS oo 55c WILLIAMS FOOD MARKET Phone 2 8 4 W ► Prices Good Through Sunday ^ Free Delivery