Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1949)
Tribute Is Paid To Local Scouts On Anniversary NYSSA FIRST WARD WINS CHAMPIONSHIP IN HOOP TOURNEY School Support Ontario Takes Grangers Give Measure Urged S.R.V Title In Varied Report* Henry Hartley, superintendent of on legislative proposals Basket League and Reports he Nyssa schools, speaking before other matters affecting tne POWER COMPANY TO FIX ADRIAN LINE Carrier Servic For Mail Urg By Nyssa C c Carl Swanson, Idaho Power com The Nyssa first ward basketball pany engineer, is spending several team won the L. D. S. sub-district lays here doing survey work pre champion-ship at Nampa by de a large crowd at a meeting o f tihe farmers were given at the regular paratory to rebuilding and re feating the Nampa fourth ward 52 Nyssa Parent-Teacher association meeting of the Oregon Trail routing the power company feeder to 20 and the Nampa second ward .ast Thursday night explained ohe ne to Adrian. Grange last week. by 51 to 23. Nyssa was also a- oasic school fund measure that is ’In e agi.-cuiture committee chair The construction work, which now before the 'legislature. He man, Cnar.ey Grider, gave a re •nay cost as much as $75,000, will A varied and rather extensive warded the sub-district sportsman uiqed school patrons to write to By Dennis W. Patch The Nyssa chamber o f c o ld port on the pai icy support pro program, including laudatory talks, ship trophy. Senator Elmo Smith and Repre The Ontario Tigers all but wrap gram and said m s committee is to require the time o f a crew during voted at it.-, luncheon W ed I sentative Verne Wilson asking that the Tne division tournament to de- entire summer. Tire survey was presented at a supper given ped up the S. R. V. 1949 basket meet today with the county a,,'em. .hows uueady che need for 460 new noon to conduct an invest! house bill No. 193 be passed. in the home economics room o f the „erroaine the entry from this dis He also reported on Uie dairy During the business meeting a ball championship- last week with poles. In additional to raising cl tile possibility of having co-op meeting, which will be held high school building last Friday crict in the Salt Lake City tourney vote of thanks was given to the victories over the Weiser W olver at the G ay-way Ieoru ary 18. G rid new poles, uhe crew will install earner service in Nyssa. B night for Boy Scouts of troop 56 will be held February 25 and 26, picture committee, Mrs. Bud W il ines Tuesday, 47 to 33, and the a larger wire. Frost was appointed toy Prc er said Roger Morse, extension and their parents in observance of either at Nyssa or Nampa. The son, Miss Eva Boydell and Miss Nyssa Bulldogs, 34 to 26, and con Fred Bracken as chairm an < dairy husbandry specialist of O re entries will ipe the Nyssa first and Marjorie Niihart, fo r their efforts cluded their drive to clinch the National Boy Scout week. committee. Nampa fourth wards, one entry in securing the pictures to be used pennant Tuesday of this week gon State c.tlfege urged farmers to feed more grain and less hay The meal was the type especially tram the Willamette valley and one T ile Liiamber has attempt for the schools in the attendance with a victory over Emmett 42 to as grain is better feed. enjoyed toy boys— hamburger sand from tne Burley area. contest. secure carrier service fo r 33. Robert Holmes discussed a meet before, but the city did not Sheldon Archibald is coach and The program consisted o f two wiches, potato chips, salad, punch In both games the Tigers were ing held toy the M alheur County enough sidewalks to meet and ice cream, which was served supervisor of the Nyssa team violins solos, "Souvenir," by Drdla pressed, but on both occasions Ron Potato and Onion Growers associ office department requirei League Standings: by mothers and sisters of the boys. Players are LeRoy Mecham, Glade and Reverie” composed and played Runyan's team displayed the cali ation and Dale Garrison gave a 11 1 .917 Now that more sidewalks T h e program was opened with Davis, Donald King, Donald Her by Lynn Lawrence, accompanied by bre o f ball playing that goes wilh report on house joint resolutions Nyssa Eagles Ontario Lions 11 1 .917 been laid and many streets ( championships. By virtue o f the group singinij, led toy Mrs. D. O. zen, Duane Holcomb, Earl Weaver Mrs. Carlos Buchner. and Reed Ray. In observance of Founder's day, Tigers’ victory over Nyssa, the On 7 and 8 which will be considered Fayette Merchants 6 5 .555 the service m ay ibe allowed. Byibee. Prayer given by Thurn in the legislature soon. Much An editorial appearing it Mrs. Dennis Patch told o f the wcrk tario team qualified for a play-off Vale Firemen 6 6 .500 Baker was followed toy an address of the founders. Alice Birney and spot in the Oregon district No. 1, discussion was held on the pro Weiser Blue Devils 3 7 .300 Ontario Argus-Observer this of welome, given by Carl Bair, sen posals. Phoebe Hearst, in laying the found comprising Baker and La Grande New Plymouth Pack 3 9 .250 prompted at the chamber m ior patrol leader. Frank Parr also gave a legis ation for the present Parent- in the western division and Vale, Ontario C. C. 0 11 .000 another discussion of the i Mrs. Bair responded with the re lative report. Teacher organization. situation in Nyssa, which war The Nyssa Eagles will go Ontario and Nyssa in the eastern mark that "W e are proud o f our Frank Sherwood, Grange master, Charles Steffans gave an expla division. tario Friday night, February 18 to brought into prominence boys and I know that Scoutmaster reporieJ ills organization gav nation of the film "Human meet the Ontario Lions in a game ¿roup o f church people m T h e Tigers jumped into a first Leo Child is proud o f his boys. I f Frank D. Hall, resident o f Nyssa Growth", which was shown at th e. quarter lead against the W olver- $11.35 to the m arcii o f dimes. that will decide the western divis with the city council several you don't look forward to becom The Oregon T ra il Grange re ing Eagle scouts you won't become for many years, died at the home meeting. The film is sponsored by ines and maintained their lead ceived $2.50 as a prize fo r having ion championship o f the Idalio- ago. The effects of the or one. I f you use your time wisely of his .brother in Medford February the Oregon state department of throughout the game, although the uie most officers at the Grange Oregon Sem i-Pro Basketball league, di. ussion had subsided Whet 13, according to information re education on social hygiene. after both teams finished in a tie editorial appeared. Weiser team was decidedly in tile you will become one." During the refreshment hour, the ball game until the final quarter. conference held in Vale. Justice of the Peace Do with 11 wins and 1 luss during reg Charles Taylor, Jr., entertained ceived here by friends. Announcement was made that Funeral services were held In P. T. A. birthday cake and coffee A fourth quarter scoring splurge ular season's play. Nyssa's loss Graham condemned the edi with two vocal selections. An or- the Grange will vote M arch 8 on by the Tigers widened the m argin «meaner to admit to membership tame at the hands of the Lions in and urged the chamber to K ent Beus, Darrell Williams, Stan- Medford Wednesday at 2 p. m. with were served. me action in regard to it. to a 47-33 final score. Jerry Stone in the organization persons not the early party of January toy the chestra composed of G arry and the Masonic lodge in charge. In and Lowell Kolbaiba hit for 13 and directly connected with agriculture. score of 71 to 49. Nyssa avenged said there is no truth in th ley Byibee, Gerald Flinders and terment was in the M edford ceme OWYHEE BOYS GET tery. this loss two weeks ago by defeating legations issued relative to ] 12 points to lead the Tiger scoring. Ward Olson, played two selections. Mrs. LaVern Cleaver was ins-tail Mr. H all was bom M ay 5, 187» BADGES AT COUNTY the Lions 59 to 56 in a overtime morals in Nyssa and added In the Nyssa game the smooth ed as Ceres. Speaking on the crusade to be "N o man in Nyssa knows cc COURT OF HONOR working Tigers raced to a 19-9 h alf Mrs. Runcorn, lecturer, present game. undertaken during the next two at Rocky Bar, Idaho. He came %Iyssa's first ward basketball ions here as I do. I am proi time lead, aided materially by the ed a program. years by the national scout organ to Nyssa about 1912 and entered team, champions c f subdistrict M. say conditions in Nyssa are Several Boy Scout o f the Nyssa- accurate shooting of Jerry Stone, ization, Scout Executive Leon Myers the employ o f the Bank o f Nyssa Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parr and He was cashier Adrian area received awards at a Tigar forward, and B ill Kertoy, I. A. play, will tangle with the Vale bad and are far 'better than oif Ontario said "W e feel that it soon thereafter. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Alexander ser Firemen in a preliminary to the of other towns o f like size, is time we quit ignoring the threat of the institution for many years. Malheur district court o f honor guard. The Tiger offense checked ved refreshments. Lion-Eagle game. The preliminary proud to have raised m y t: being made toy the subversive A fter the bank was closed, he attended by ¡118 persons in Vale with precision, and the ball hand The Harper Grange will pre in this beautiful little c ity ” . will start at 7:30. ling was sharp and effective. The groups. It is time we start putting devoted his time to a prune or last Thursday night. sent the traveling Bible to the After asking Secretary H Nyssa’s Bob Church won the The awards were presented by final half saw a Nyssa rally cut the Oregon T rail Grange February 22. emphasis on democratic living. So chard at Kingman Kolony, which during the next two years we will he sold a few years ago. He was Leon Myers o f Ontario, scout ex Tigar lead to a 5-point margin in Each member attending is asked Western Division scoring honors by Henigson to read the edit (Continued on Page 2) have three objectives. The first M us^ 2e ° * Veace a t Nyssa for ecutive o f the district; Preston the third quarter, but the Tigers to furnish sandwiches, salad or caging 161 points in 11 games that he played. He also won the high target will be leadership. Geared I a iClon time before moving to Mortimer of Ontario, vice presi rallied to salt the game, and then cake. scoring honors in ."hooting foul EAGLES WILL PLAÏ with that will toe a program o f I Medford about a year ago. Mr. dent o f the council, and Ivan P a t during the final three minutes put shots, totaling 30. Church will be activities. A leadership training I Hall was secretary of the K ing- rick of Ontario, past president of on one of the cleverest ball hand PAYETTE IN FIRS awarded two „trophies for his ( Continued on Page 7) man Kolony irrigation district and he council. Harold Rhodes, dist ling stalls that has been seen in BUSINESS FIRMS achievements the first night of the the Nyssa-Arcadia drainage dis rict commissioner, presided, and E. the league this season. The Tigers TOURNAMENT GA IN NEW LOCATIONS trict fo r many years. v rvN! T i J i n n C T D r r T Payette semi-pro basketball tourna- E. Clark, district chairman acted simply moved the ball too accur WILSON’S LEADING U IN 1 H 1KD D 1 K t L 1 I ment, February 23 when the confer- Mr. Hall, a 32nd degree Mason, as master of ceremonies. Nephi ately-*jn d too fast to allow the The Nyssa Eagles will play I was a past master o f Golden R iie ---------- | ence championship trophy, runner- Payette Merchants the first i| HOOP TOURNAMENT Grigg of Vale gave a juggling en Eulldog deierw* to break ip die ' A. C. and George Sallee have up and third place trophies nre lodge No. 147, A. F. and A. M. of tertainment. play. Jerry Stone, T iger forward, of the Idaho-Oregon sem| moved the Pood M art into tiieir also awarded. Wilson Brothers have taken a Nyssa. basketball double elimination The awards included the follow led all scoring with 11 points. W il new building at Third street and, ------ lead in the city basketball tourna Survivors are the brother and ing: Tenderfoot, troop 38, L. D. S. son, Bulldog center, turned in a nament at Payette Wedne| ment with two wins and no loss. sister living in ¡Medford. Mrs. H all of Owyhee, M arvin Larsen, Harold stellar defensive game for the Bull Good avenue. The new brick build February 23 at 0:15 p. m. In the first game Monday night died in August, 1946. Other games the first night Bumgarner, Harry Bumgarner. dogs and led Nyssa scoring with 6 ing is 49 by 50 feet. The b u ild in g! is so constructed that an addition Stunz Lumber company eliminated feature Ontario C. C. And» Joseph Besendorfer and Lyle Clev points. Bracken’s from the tournament by The Nvssa Bulldogs squeezed past can easily 'be attached. against the Weiser Blue Devi erly; second class, troop 38, Lyle The brothers have installed a the close score o f 38 to 37. Oof- (Continued on Page 7) 6:45 and the New Plymouth F Cleverly, Eugene Maw and M el new produce case and will install fey led the winners with 17 points ers against the Ontario Lion vin Ballantyne, and m erit badge other new equipment as it arrives At a meeting of the safety council 8 o'clock. The Nyssa Eagles and Steinke led the losers with 14 in music. Jack Hemenway o f troop BODIES OF FOUR here. In the city hull Friday evening, meet either the winner or lose Wilson's handed the Aggies their 38. MEN COMING HERE Th e Accounting Service company February 11, Claud Willson told the the Anderson-Weiser game the first defeat o f the series, down has moved its office from the Doll members of some important figures lowing night, depending on wt ing them 56 to 20. M oore was Co-chairman Orin Sumner and TRIBUTE PAID TO The 'bodies o f four ex-servicemen House building on west M ain street on the increasing prevalence of er the Eagles win or lose to high for W ilson’s with 14. Bailey- Ed Knettle have announced the led the Aggies w ith 10. OLD-TIME MASONS who were killed in the Pacific area to the «.pace that had been tern- fires, how they may be prevented Payette Merchants. successful conclusion o f the 1949 during world war I I are reported porarily occupied by the Food M art and the use of fire extinguishers, In the final game o f the even march of dimes campaign, in which Tournament season tickets ] Mr. Willson stated that there are the four nights of play are ing, Adrian won over Stunz 37 to a total cf$787.96 was collected in Tribute was paid to the “ old- to be en route to Nyssa for burial. in the new Heldt building on T h ird ; Relatives and officials o f service street. i today 32 per cent more fires t.lnm on sale in Nyssa at Miner's 33. Tallman, with 10 points, and the Nyssa-Adrian section. timers” of the Nyssa Masonic lodge The Sallee brothers used the there were five years ago. He also ber shop, Wilson Bros, depart! I Weeks with 11 were high point Included in the total was $142.75 and older members o f other lodges organizations have not been not.- players. The loss eliminated Stunz collected at Adrian. In addition to at an oyster stew supper served by fied when the bodies w ill arrive tore apace in the Heldt building I stated that 95 per cent of the fires store, Nyssa Pharmacy and Br| from the tourney. the money taken from canisters lo Golden Rule lodge No. 147, A. F. here. Th e men were Pvt. Edwin tor a few months afte moving from could be extinguished if caught en's store. The tournament will end Monday cated in the business houses, con and A. M. in the Masonic hail L. Kurtz, Pfc. H arry W. Long, the Atkeson building on M ain within five minutes after they start. Robert Browne, Jack Breazeale, street, where they operated the Four rules of fire safety were listed night, February 21 unless two of tributions were made toy the K in g- Monday night. ANTELOPES TO PL/ by Mr. Willson. The first of these the teams finish in a tie. T h e man Kolony P. T . A., the grade A. H. Boydell. the oldest mem ship's fitte r third class; Pfc. Oliver business fo r 10 years. Fyllingness and Pfc. Marion IN DISTRICT ME is never to use inflammable liquids Aggies will play Adrian at 7:30 school, the chamber oif commerce ber o f the Nyssa lodi’e from the New Arrivals At Nursing Home— around the home, or to allow chlld- p. m. for the right to meet W il and the rifle club. standpoint of length o f member Swarm. M ilitary funerals will be held for Born to Mr. and Mrs. G eorge ren to play with matches. Second, The Adrian Antelopes c lin l son’s in the third contest. If The Nyssa grade school account ship, became affiliated with the Whipple of Nyssa February 6, a ! all chimnies, the furnace and elect- a place in the district bail the winner o f the Adrian-Aggies ed fo r the largest single contri organization in 1912. James Spof- part o f the men. girl, weighing 8 pounds. rical connections should be checked ball tournament to be held I game ifhouid defeat W ilson’s, the bution, with $212.92. T h e Nyssa ford who has been a Mason long Born to Mr. and Mrs. Pedro I for possible defects. A fire extin- North Powder toy defeating Jo I tournament would be "tied up” high school donated the receipts er than any one else in attendance Dairymen To Meet— The Malheur County Jersey club Salazar of Nyssa February 7, a gulsher should be located on Valley Tuesday night toy a i| and would have to be continued of one basketball game, which a- at the meeting, became a member mounted to $85.52. *» another night. In 1909. Others classed as "old will meet in the Nyssa city hall boy, weighing 5 pounds, 414 ounces, every floor, and use of it known of 30 to 25. Holly scored 11 pi I Born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard to adults and children of the fam for Adrian and M inor 12 p<| T h e M. I.-A . and Bracken’s will The Nyssa pharmacy collected timers” at the meeting were Arthur tor its regular meeting at 1:30 p. The club lias Card of Parma February 8, a girl, ily. Finally, all members of the for Jordan Valley. play the second game Monday $26.30, which was the largest a- Cook, Sid Burbidge and Don G ra m., February 23. Adrian lost to Notus last F i I fam ily should know Ohe number to night in a non-title contest. mount collected from containers at ham. Mr. Graham was "raised” In started work on the spring Jersey weighing 9 pounds, 6 ounces. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Earnest call to report a fire and where night on the Notus floor b| any one business establishment. Scotland. George Mitchell has been show to be held in Nyssa M ay 14. the nearest fire alarm is located. count o f 48 to 33. Leaves For Netherlands— Running a close econd to the phar a member for 25 years. Several in Harold Ewalt, extension dairyman Smith o f Nyssa February 10, The Adrian Junior varsity Elder K eith Bybee, son o f Mr. macy was T h e Oasis, recreation attendance have been members of Oregon State college, has ac boy, weighin' 7 pounds, 8 ounces. Mr. Willson called attention to the cepted the invitation to judge the Born to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard fact that fire extinguishers should two victories during the past v| and Mrs. D. O. Bybee left last week tavern at Owyhee junction which from 19 to 22 years. for New York. From New York collected $21.81. A business meeting was held fol show, according to Mrs. Hope Smith o f Nyssa February 11, a girl, be checked If they have been on defeating Notus 34 to 30 and weighing 7 pounds, 2 ounces. Orider, secretary o f the club. hand for some time, to assure their dan Valley 36 to 26. he will sail February 19 for the The chairmen thanked the con lowing the supper. Born to Mr. and Mrs. M arion being in good condition. Netherlands on an L. D. S. mis tributors to the march of dimes To Bogus Basin— Frandsen of Parma February 14, a A fire prevention committee was Buys Beverage Firm— sion. He will be in The Nether for their generosity and whole- Vi«i*s In Baker— Mr. Mrs. Ward T yler and gill, weighing 6 pounds, 8'4 ounces. appointed, with Ed Jamison as James G. Wersehkul of B il lands for two and one-half years, j hearted co-operation. Mrs. Barney Wilson left Tuesday Born to Mr. and Mrs. John M iller chairman. Hamilton Chadderdon who has purchased the Baker ll Mr. Bybee was honored with a fare- i to visit fo r a few days with Mr. fam ily and Jack William..on went cf Nyssa February 16, a boy, w eigh and Ed K neltle are the other mem Bottling company from C. R. l| well party and testimonial given at Cubs T o Have Banquet— and Mrs. Dwight W yckoff and fam to Bogus basin Sunday. soil of Baker, was fn Nyssa ing 8 pounds, 5 ounces. bers o f the committee. the L. D. S. church last Wednes Jake Borge, Cub scoutmaster for ily o f Baker. Initiation Held— T h e essay and poster contest Mr. But-son one day this c| day evening by the members of Cub troop No. 36, o f Adrian has At a meeting of the I. O. O. F. Observe World Day of Prayer— fponsored by the safety council o f attending to business. M r.W erl the 2nd L. D. S. ward. T w o solos announced that the annual blue Visits Daughter And Family— The women'« organizations o f the ficially closed Tuesday. The assays kul. who has lived at Baker [ were sung by Mr. Bybee. Music and gold banquet will be held In Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrison members held Monday evening, was also furnished by Mrs. Betty the United Presbyterian church visited Sunday at the home o f Mr. Tom Russ, Ole Drylund and Ike Nyssa churches will Join this year will be Judged February 24, after seven years, said he has set rj were initiated into in observance of the World Day of which the names of the winners regular schedule providing for I Loveland and Miss Donna Gordan basement Tuesday. February 22 at and Mrs. Charles Newtoill of Newell Williamson membership. A number of mem Prayer to be held the first FYlday will be announced. liveries of beverages to Nyaaa e l 7 p. m. The a ffa ir will be pot- Heights. of Nampa. bers from the Parma and Ontario of Lent, March 4. The Women's Leonard Huseby, Hamilton Chad- two weeks Deliveries will be n| luck, with dishes, silverware and lodges attended the meeting. Fol Society of Christian Service o f the derdon and Ed Knettle were ap-1 oftener when the weather imp coffee furnished. T h e committee Leaves Hospital— Here From Yakima— Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jackson in charge of arrangements con W illiam Altlzer, local barber. Is lowing the regular meeting, an Methodist church w ill be host to pointed on a program committee, es. --------- - of Yakima were overnight guests sists of Mrs. Vernon Parker. Mrs. recuperating at his home follow oyster stew supper was served by the other church organizations. UAsecure future speakers for the! Sunday at the H. R. Sherwood L. L. Kreager and Mrs. Stanley ing a m ajor operation at the Holy the mmtoers o f the Rebekah lodge. The World Day of Prayer is an in group. A film on fires and their Attend Building Opening— ter-denominational observance by prevention was shown by Bernard' Mr. and Mrs. Lew Herriman home. Mrs. Jackson, before her Hill. A display of articles made by Rosary hospital in Ontario. Hrar Marian Anderson— Froat. follow in ' report from| tended the open house and 'tn church women the world over. marriage, was M argaret Davis, the Cub Scouts for the past six Mrs. J. B Ewer attended the ihe treasurer was presented: On l ing warming" o f the M cG t daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Don months may be seen in the window Nvssa Tubs Set Banquet Date— January 1 the balance was $85. Ex- Coal company In Its new bulk The Nysra CUb Scouts will ob Marian Anderson concert present Pinochle Benrfit Given— Davis of California. Don Davis of the Brown M ercantile company The last of a series o f benefit pendftures Included $30 paid to the in Boise Saturday evening. 9tore. serve their annual blue and gold ed in Boise lasit Thursday by the is a former Nyssa resident. oinoohle parties sponsored by the national safety council: $2 for post banquet at the h ^ h school home Idaho concert and artist series. Rebekah lodge will be held at the age, 79 cents for telegram; $22.50 Visit In Idaho— economics room FYiday, February 25. At Nursing Home— Camera Club To Mret— Mr. and Mrs. George Bear I. O. O. F. Hall Saturday evening, for stationary and $9 tor secretary's The Nyssa Camera club o f the A. C. McFarlane is at the Nyssa Following the potluck dinner, pict Riding Club To Meet— The members o f the Owyhee February 19. lied Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ad« I At this time che salary leaving a balance of $20.71. high school will hold an open meet Nursing home fo r medical treat ures will be fthown. Riding club will meet Friday, Feb drawire; on the washing machine former Nyssa residents, at O w;l ing at 8 p. m., February 21 in ment. ruary 25 at the home of Mr. and to be given away will be held. heights south of Homed ale S| Visit In Caldwell— Bni-e Man Here— the high school study hall. Enter They aLso visited Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Nielson and day. M. 8. Ayres o f Boise was a bus Mrs. Curt Ingle ol, route 2, O n tainment will be provided. Pict Here For Church Servlcei Here From Nampa— Mr and Mrs. Clifford Nielson and! Mrs. Earl Snow at Wilder. ures and a photographic dark Rev. Earl Pounds o f Hillsboro iness visitor in Nyssa Tuesday eve tario. Mrs Keith Bailey o f Nampa vis Jill Marie visited Sunday at the Nazarene ning. He was an evening guest at room will be exhibited. Persons held services a t the Walla Walla Visitors Here— Club Will Meet— ited friends in Nyssa Tuesday. Orin Ohoat home in Caldwell. the Lew Herriman home. interested in photography are in church last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs R. L. Fleshman, Mrs. Bailey is a form er resident The Nyssa Civic club will 1 1 vited to attend. in the parish hall Wednes | who have been visiting in Kansas, of Nyssa. Films To Be Shown— Visit In Idaho— Attending Meeting— Four ree's o f sports films from FVebruary 23 at 8:30 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. K en Renstrom and J H. Shepard of the western arrived Saturday to visit fo r a Attend Wedding— Canada will be shown at a meet- Mrs. JL C. Pounds and Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. Stan K eefer spent Corrugator company left Tuesday few days at the home o f M r and I ibrary To Be Closed— The Nyssa library will be closed 'r g of the Eat lies lodge Wednesday Church Services Resumed— C. Beam attended the wedding of Saturday night In Boise. En route for Salt Lake C ity to attend a Ms E. H. Fleshman. T h e visitors Margaret Pounds and B ill Norman home Sunday they visited Mr. Ren- meeting of Ferguson tractor deal- had to stay over several days in Tuesday. February 22 in ob s e rv a n t night. February 23. The lodge will j Church service« will be resu I of Washington's birthday. ateo hold an Initiation ceremony. I at the F^Jlsropal church Sunds er | Pocatello due to storms. stram's relatives at Nampa. at Baker Sunday. Executive Leon Myers Gives Principal Talk At Supper Nyssa Frosh-Soph Team Wins Pennant In Their Division Further Discussion Morals Situation J| Nyssa Held Eagles, Lions 1’lay For Title Frank D. Hall Is Taken By Death $787 Is Raised For Polio Fund [IFire Prevention Speech Is Given