Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, FE BRU ARY 10, 1949 with the traditional bride and , nation corsages. as oest man was K en groom under the silver wedding neth Price, crother o f the bride. bell. Miss Belli Ohapin, cut the | Ushers were Joe W itty of Big Bend. cake with Mrs. Richard Ashcraft C assisting. Pouring were Mrs. S. E I and Kenneth Price. The altar tapers were lighted by Flanagan and Miss Estner May ol SU NSET G IR L WEDS Miss Shirley Price, <Uu;hter of three candlelit..ters. Misses Ber- Ontario. Miss Adeline Huifman of utaoit, Oiegon, presided over the Mr. and Mrs. Ira W. Price o f Sun- j najine. Fern Frice, and Jo Ann Price, sisters of due bride, attired „uest oouk. Miss Ciarice Notheis set valley, became the bride of in lorxj pastel frocks. -nd Miss Arlene Piercy were in Robert Albritton, son erf Mr. and j Mistress Pattie Flanagan, daugh m arge of the gifts. Mrs. Ira Price, mother of fne Mrs. Errett Albritton o f Balboa, ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Flanag-.n, Panama at the Presbyterian church in a long gown o f peach taffeta, brioe received in a navy blue en- se.i .le, wearing a white gardenia. of Adrian, Saturday, February 5. was ring-bearer. As istin,; in the serving were Mrs. The double ring ceremony was per- j Mrs. Earl Strickland, pianist, fur formed at 2 p. m. by the Reverend ; nished the musical setting and the j Ed Price. Mrs. Clyde Hoke. Mrs. wedding processional music. Special Harold Snyder, and Mrs. Mildred Henry Moore. Given in marriage by her father, numbers were "Because” and "O Sh.pley. Arrangements were made the bride was lovely in the tradit Promise M e", sung oy Mrs. Dennis by Mrs. Henry Moore and Mrs. S ional long-sleeved gown of white Patch, vocalist, accompanied by E. Flanagan. For nei traveling ensemble, Mrs. satin and a finger-tip veil. She Mrs. Kinsey Kereren at the piano. Immediately following the m arri Albritton chose a peach-colored carried a white Bible topped with red rosebuds and white satin age rites, a reception was held for frock of rayon gabardine with the guests in the church basement. crown accessories. streamers. The bride, a graduate of Adrian Maid of honor was Miss Marian Over ¿00 guests attended the cere h gh s nool, attended the College Price, sister o f the bride, in a long mony and reception. T a ll white tapers, in crystal hold of Idaho at Caldwell and graduated blue sheer, wearing an open bon- net of blue net. Miss Norma Jean ers, and a white linen cloth grac from the Flastern Oregon College Dierking, bridesmaid, was also in ed the serving table, on which was of Education at La Grande. She the three-tiered white has been teaching this year in blue with a bonnet of pink net. centered Both wore pink and white car- wedding cake, which was topped the Madras city school. The bridegroom, who was born in Colorado, lived in Balboa, Pan ama for 10 years, where his father is employed by the Panama gov THE ernment. Albritton graduated from Balboa high school, then attended the l a Grande college, where he met his bride-to-be. He is study ing forestry this year at Oregon W ill Sponsor a Benefit Card Party State college at Corvallis. For The Memorial Hospital Out-of-town guests at the wed ding included. Mrs. Alla Province SATU R D AY, FEBR U AR Y 12 A T 8 P. M. of Caldwell, Miss Vera May of Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wolfe, At Oregon Trail Schoolhouse Misses Kathleen and Betty Wolfe of Everyone Welcome— Come And Have Fun Nampa, Mary Ellen Keyes of Rich mond Oregon, Adeline Huffman of Union, Marjorie Merrick of Ontario Eilena Sherman of Ontario, Father May of Ontario, and Lillian Hof fman of Redmond. Oregon. Many of the out-of-town friends were attending college or teaching. S o c ia l N o te s OREGON T R A I L GRANGE Baby Chicks Guaranteed Radio Repair This year in addition to New Hampshire PETERSON Reds, we are specializing in FURNITURE CO. “LEG - SHIRE” CHICKS Nyssa, Oregon I mmmmm We are crossing New Hampshire hens with R. O. P. White Leghorn roosters, resulting in | a heavy laying, white hen of about 5 pounds at | maturity. Non-broody and less excitable than the Leghorn. Flocks of this cross have been i laying heavily through this bad weather. DANCE. . . Order Your Chicks As Early As Possible Saturday, February 12 LEMON’S HATCHERY Cow Hollow Hall Sponsored by Chalk Butte Grange Nyssa Phone 06J3 N Y S S A pROGRAM Telephone IOÔ THEATRE SATU R D AY, FEBRUARY 12 SA TU R D A Y ONLY Guy Madison— Diana Lynn In “TEXAS, BROOKLYN AND H E A V E N ” Cartoon Musical Mat.. 8»t., 2:30; Adm. .30c-9c knc. Tax Adm. Evening* 44c-9c Inc. Tax SU N D A Y AND M ONDAY, FEBRUARY 13-14 They love to fight they love to laugh but most of all they loved to love! Madeline Carroll— Fred MacMurray ('has. “ Buddy” Rogers— Rita Johnson In “AN INNOCENT A F F A IR ” Cartoon Spoils Mai., Sun., 2:39, Adm. J0r-9c. Inc. Adm. Evrntnxx 44c 9c Inc. Tax Adm. $1.25 per Couple rax. TUESDAY AND W EDNESDAY, FEB. 15-16 Gary Cooper— Ann Sheridan “GOOD SA M ” . . . .the kind of wacky, wonderful, warm-heart ed picture that will help you live happier.. .ever after you’ve seen it. Color Cartoon Matinee Wednenday 2:30, Admission 30c-9c. Adm. Evening* 44c-9c Inc. Tax | for Shirley Standerfer, who is ill, CLUB MEETS The Friendly Neighbor club met j and for Mrs. Myers, who will be February 2 at the home of Mrs. , unable to lead the club for time- erf tie Maze, with eight members at- | being because o f Illness in her fam .ending. The business meeting ily. Mrs. W illiam Ceci will take was presided over toy the new pres Mrs. Myers’ place. Onna Pounds ident, Mrs. Perko, followed by and Connie Ball, yell leaders, led games and refreshments. The next in the song, "Thanks T o You” for meeting will be held at the home i Mrs. Walker, who also served re- of Mrs. Myrtle Kurtz March 7 at | freshments. "2 p. m. ___- 5 - CLUB M E E TIN G PO STPO NED - 5 - The Civic club meeting for Feb ENGAGEMISNT ANNOUNCED An announcement has been made ruary has been postponed until a A the engagement of Miss Audrey later date, due to the coal short Stall to Edgar Shelden of Ironside, age. rfiss Stall, a daughter o f Mr. and vlrs. Ralph Stall of Waukee, Iowa, T U E S D A Y C LU B E N T E R T A IN E D Mrs. Ron Campbell entertained s a teacher in the Nyssa High chool. No date has been set for the members o f her Tuesday even ing bridge club this week. High he wedding. score was held by Mrs. J. J. Sarazin - § - and second high by Mrs. Ed F’rost. NEW B R ID G E CLUB M EETS Mr. and Mrs. Ed Knettles enter- Mrs. Blaine Ballah and Mrs. Bur- ained recently for the members of nail Brown were guest players. a newly formed Mr. and Mrs. ' oridge club. Dr. and Mrs. John Kopp held high score and Dr. and EXPERT Mrs. Don Soli of Parma, second] high. The guest members included Sewing Machine Mr. and Mrs. Ted Morgan, Mr. and Repairing Mrs. Lloyd Wilson, Dr. and Mrs. John Kopp, Mr. and Mrs. Gene SATISFACTION Stunz and Dr. and Mrs. Don Soli GUARANTEED Quick Dependable j f Parma. Service - 5 - HONORED A T P A R T Y Mrs. Harold Reedy was honor Intermountain guest at a pink and blue shower Furniture Company held last Wednesday evening at the home erf Mrs. Walter McPartland, Phone 176-W vith Mrs. McPartland and Mrs. Dennis Patch as hostesses. Pollow- ng an inform al evening, the guest >f honor was presented with gifts from those present. Refreshments were served at the close of the ;vening. D IN N E R CLUB MEETS Mr. and Ms. R. O. Larson enter- ained the members of their W ed nesday evening dinner club last week. Bridge was in play at the Larson home, following dinner at .he country club. High score was held by Clyde Snider and second high by Mrs. Lew Herrlman. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Snider were guest players. HONORJ3D ON B IR T H D A Y Miss Carole Flinders v is honored at a birthday party given FYiday evening, February 4 by her mother, Mrs. J. Elwood Flinders and he: grandmother, 'Mrs. Leo W. Child, at the Child home. The 16 guests were seated at a large table centered with a birth day cake decorated in rainbow colors. Individual favors were tiny rainbow colored cups and saucers filled with candies. Table games were played. Among those present were the Misses Barbara and Ar- villa Sanders of Ontario and An gela Peterson, Phyllis Galloway, Donna Cheldlin. Donna Garner, Betty Bullard. Ruth Russell, Donna Trabert, Janice Campbell. Marlene Mo^s, Gladys Lewis, Belva Hunter, Marilyn Ekanger, Dorothy Erwin and Cleo Flinders, «11 o f Nyssa. Carole received many lovely gifts. -5 - G IR L S HO LD M E E T IN G The Thumible Betts 4«H club held a meeting at Mrs. Std Walker's home January _28. A fter the meet ing Jean Walker and Shirley Thomas gave a demonstration on "Care of the H air” . Tw o new members, Ruth Altizer and Delons Vanzel, were voted into the club. The group decided to buy a gift 100 LADIES’ BLOUSES Whites, Coloreds, Plains and Fancy Regularly Priced From $3.00 lo $5.95 2^9 V NEWS VIEWS W e can’t let February go by without sounding at least a small fanfare fo r G. Wasington, who is probably more responsible for the U. S. than any other individual. He was a man o f action rather than a man of words, but when Boston was under siege by the British -4n 1775 he said," I will raise one thousand men at my own expense and march myself at their head to the relief of Boston.” That’s as blunt as a battering ram and as direct as a pointed finger. Then he quit talking and went to work. T h a t’s a routine that might even work out pretty well today. Too often these days one word just leads to another. The Department o f Commerce announced that National Baby Week and Noise Abatement Week both begin on May 1. Somebody in Washington’s m ighty optimistic. Don't wait for a Be Kind to Your Oar Week. Keep it in top condition with regular service at HI2RRIMAN M O TO D CO. Drop in and see our complete line of Ford automobile parts and accessories. W e have everything for your car, because we’re here to give you the finest and most complete service possible. See us first, and save yourself i trouble. Phone: 77. H e rrim a n M o to r Com pany V ’ #:f # , Valentine Hearts * PERFUMES * M AX FACTOR SETS * SACHETS * COLOGNES * STATIONERY * V A LE N T IN E CARDS Myrtle Wood Novelties OWYHEE DRUG COMPANY Prescriptions Precision Filled G. H. Peirsol Phone 29-W Bargains Galore Si 5-piece bed set, walnut waterfall ................................ $109.50 PART WOOL MATERIAL Plain Colors in Green, Brown, Tan and White. Plaids in Gold. Green and Grey. Regularly Priced at $2.85 LADIES’ NYLON HOSE 51 Gauge. 15 Benier Slightly Irregular I 39 96c Chests, walnut waterfall ................................... 32.50 Cedar chests, walnut waterfall ................................. 32.50 Davenos, from 59.50 .............................................. We are just back from the Western Furniture market at San francisco with the first tnick load of market specials to arrive in this section. 9 x 15 linoleum rugs. As low as ......................... $ 7.45 Armstrong Quaker rugs, all sizes 6 x 9 to 12 x 15. Quaker yard goods, carpet pattern 12 feet wide. Coil bed springs, double deck .......................... MEN’S WORK SHIRTS Hollywood bed frames 3 3 and 4 6 Big Yank and Red Ball Blue and Grey Chambray MEN’S WORK PANTS 111.... Sites 30 «ex to ill 40. I»..., Cl TO Reg. $3.39 MEN’S NECK TIES |6ç ® 3 for [O O T H U R S D A Y & FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 17-18 Adm. Evening« 44c-9c Inc. Tax IT'S IM ITO SAY- F R ID A Y — S A T U R D A Y —M O N D A Y Keg. $1 00 Glen Ford— Terry Moore In a Technicolor Comedy— Fantasy “TH E RETURN OF OCTOBER” The strange story of a Gay Ghost who re turned to earth to have a heart to heart talk with a lazy race horse. Cartoon Sports with pmk snapdragons centering CLUB H EARS B O O K REVIEW Mrs. James Spofiord and Mi's. ihe table. T h e next m eeting will Sid Flanagan were hostesses to the be held at the home of Mrs. G errit members o f the A. N. K. Garden Sum. club at the Spofiord home Tues- EASTERN S T A R S IN IT IA T E day afternoon. During the business ] An initiation ceremony was held meetintz tne group voted to fu m - j Monday evening by the Eastern ish a beadspread for the hospital.; Stars for Mrs. W illiam Dunn. Those Plans were discussed for the favors assisting with the ceremony for ab- to be made for the National Fed e.itee posuions were Mrs. Vernena eration of Garden clubs convention Beam, Mrs. Sid Burbidge, Mrs. Luray Trabert and Mrs. Harry in Portland in May. For the program, Mrs. Walter Miner. Following the regular order, McPartland reviewed the book Mrs. Marcko recently o f Maine, "Flower Arranging in the American spoke to the group. Appointed to serve on special committees were Hom e" by Gladys Taber. The Valentine m otif was carried Mrs. Hilda Tensen and Mrs. Ber out during the refreshment hour. nard Frost. Bracken's Dry Goods — Shoes — Clothing X-Ray Shoe Fitting NYSSA OREGON $16.95 9.95 Nachman spring-filled mattresses ........................ 29.50 Baby cribs, full size, hardwood ....................................... 18.50 -: Horton Washers and Ironers :- Since 1871, 78 years, builders of fine laundry equipment This line has never been cheapened in construction and gives you full value for your investment, double tub, case-hardened gears, roller bearings, 1-3 H. P. motor, auto-timer, all quality- built. Thtee models of \V ashers. Three models of Ironers Plus the Kleenette attachment for small washings of dry cleaninc TERMS TO SUIT ED CASE’S FURN. BARGAIN CENTER North of Y, Nyssa