« THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1949 R O A D S P L O W E D O U T 115 PE R SO N S A TTEN D IN N U -A C R ES A R E A FA R M LO A N M EETIN G enza the last week. | bedroom home, $35.000. The L. D. 8. Ladies Relief so- Business L -. 200 x 150. $4,300. cietv We have several g >od le-m ential ciety held Literature meeuiut meeting at and business building lots, sev- Flora Garner's home last Tuesday. The men of the community are eral good buys in farms unu acre- fmeaning the hall in Cow Hollow ages. GRIGG BROS and BUTLER and beautifying the premises and Bybee Building. 27jlxc making fence. Wayne Barrett and Charley „ „ „ , _ - - „ __„ ___ Ihirfee were in Weiser S a n a a , to u ed oal , hor't tilne Margam lorjxp PAGE S E V E N I w . O. Fleming, general delivery, , Iris . lOftfc. highway on north bank of Owyhee Nyssa. 10f4xp _Z _?_ river. M M FOR SALE!—18 acres, 13 good farm WANTED To rent spud land. M. lhnd ,mld. u ' n ‘h, ^ A. STRAYED TO VERTRBSS RANCH A Rataezyk. Sunset Q""“ ' valley. 10f2xp ,nrw" houw ■ * P a, er chlck“ “ n ’ house, 8 ? O R R E N T — New three-room sninary, cow barn. $4,500, $1500 —1 Whiteface calf, 300 pounds, house. Mrs. Maude Williams, 611 dowu and *£<> per month, will d is -) owner may have same by paying Grove street, Parma, Idaho, phone count io>" cash. S. W. Allen, one- for this ad. 145L. * lOftfc ,lalf mile west of Nyssa-Adrian 03RU. lOfxp _______ '■* NU-ACRES, Feb. 10—Roger Jenk-1 The annual meeting at the Pay- ins. Wayne Durrington, Betty Davis ette National Farm Loan asaoei- and Carol Shiffler of Fruitland atiun held in the Portia Club hall attended the basketball game at Thursday, February 3, was attended Emmett with Fruitland. by more than 115 members and Betty and Mary Ross of Nampa quests. spent two weeks at the home of Phe meeting opened with a LCiaT— Man's E.gin wrist watch, their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. luncheon served by the ladies of the leather band, lost February 2, re- Thomas Evans, Sr. They have a Methodist church. William Hoover, ward; Clifford O. Wolfe, R. 2. now baby brother. Their parents president of the association, who Wednesday on business. He at- R>FNT-160 acres in Sunset 10Í2X’) are Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Ross of presided at the meeting, told the .ended a graziers meeting. valley. Margaret Terra, Owvhee Nampa group that because the association Miss Shirley Price will be mar- hotel. 10f2xp POR SALE—B. N. Farmall 46 Evelyn Evans, Darlene Bateman ,s a cooperative owned by the ried Saturday. February 5 at 2 -------- model tractor with complete equip- and Barbara Montague attended a farmers who use its services, earn p. m. to Robert Albritton. Miss FOR SALE!—Twelve tons of first ment, like new, price $1700; three birthday party in honor of Wanda ings and ocher advantages accruing Price has been teaching school at cutting hay, loose or baled: one- miles southwest of Owyhee comer She pier a t Fruitland last week. 10f2xp to it are shared with its farmer- Madras. The ceremony will be half mile south of Ole’s corner.! Hugh Glenn, lOflxp Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Baker and owners and that the association is performed in the Presbyterian Neil Dimmick. FOR SALE!—One-bedroom modern family of Weiser and Mr. and ¡frs. again distributing arinual cash divi .nurch in Adrian. M IS C E D L A r. i‘X)US—I wish to an- house, garage, chicken house, small E. M. -.eueil and Darryl of Nyssa dends totaling $'202 This is the nounce that I am the new agent barn, lot 150 by 150. $5250, $1700 were Saturday dinner guests at the fourth successive annual dividend CARD OF THANKS for Rawleigh products in Nyssa. down. Ralph G. Lawrence, Nyssa home of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Seuell. Jeelared by the association. I wish to thank neighbors and i Willard Rees, regional manager, Mrs. W. H. Grasmick and Mary fiends for their kindness, cards, I Lou were Boise "Shoppers Saturday. the principal speaker pointed out letters and help shown my family that the Federal Land Bank of and myself during my recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. EM Meroney and Si Letts made a business trip to Spokane is owned by 74 national They were greatly appreciated. farm loan associations in Montana, Mrs. Cash Turner. Banks, Idaho Monday. idaho, Oregon and Washington and Joy Cullen missed school Thurs .hat these associations have re BUILDING PERMITS day and Friday of last week be ceived from the 'bank, during the A ll types of g eneral insurance, ex cep t life. Standard Oil company, construct cause of illness. She is well now. past five years, dividends approxi ion, Ehrgood avenue and railroad Judy Ann Harm of Payette spent mating one million dollars. F ire, A utom obile, L iability Policies, B onds right-of-way, $1000, 10 L by 30„ the week-end with her cousin, Joy The financial report and a sum masonry and steel. N EW AND U SED Cullen. She returned to her home mary of the association's activities Monday. during the past year was given by Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meroney and Joy Herbert f. Davis, secretary-treas T oo L ate T o C lassify made a business trip to Payette urer. Mr. Davis reported that the Saturday. association closed new loans in ex-1 FOR SALE—The best buy in 10 Ed Meroney is plowing the snow cess of $112,003 during the period acres adjacent to Nyssa, new five- from the local roads with the ! and that its surplus and reserve ac- room modem home full basement. P o p u la r R ecording A rtists Forty acres, 10-cow barn, four county Catapiller. He hopes to counts had been further Increased M ake Y our C hoice From a P ersonal S election have the road cleared through as the result of the year's oper miles N. W. of Nyssa, a combination dairy and row crop farm. Price Nebraska Hollow Tuesday. Several ations. O f A p p roxim ately 500 R ecords people were snowbound the first William Hoover of Weiser and D. $7,500, V4 down. Worth the money. Bring Your Radio Problems A good buy in a new modern of the week. H. Ireland of FYuitland were re To Herb Cox at Western’s Roger Jenkins and Wayne Dur elected directors of the association. five-room home, fire place, garage, rington attended the basketball Holdover directors are A. R. Heap furnace, good paved street, corner location. FHA loan of $6,400, $3,- game between Fruitland and Pay- of Fruitland, Charles Howland of Immediate possession, ette at Payette Saturday night. Weiser, and William Downs of On- 500 doyn. $ 11 , 000 . Fruitland played a good game and tario. Good four-room modern home came out the winner. well insulated on good street. Lot Among those from this commun 165 x 160, suitable for building ity attending the Fruitland-Ontario W . H. LEM ON, two good homes, price $4,200. basketball game 'at Fruitland were Authorized Dealer -------- | 237 ¡and 160 acres stock and row Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Grasmick, Nyssa, Oregon Clarence Niccum has remodeled crt>P deaI- 160 acres irrigated, 3- Wayne Durrini’ton, Roger Jenkins, his house on the outside with a Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans and fam ily, Mrs. F. C. Fry and Mary Jo. gray asphalt siding. Fruitland fought hard but lost by The dance at Cow Hallow com two points. muntty hall last Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Sager made was well attended. The proceeds a business trip to Weiser Tuesday. were turned into the repair and Mrs. Fry went as far as Fruitland. maintenaince fund. The ladies of where She made a visit to the hot the Grange and community sold lunch room. She reports that lunch. several improvements have been Mrs. Loyd Cleaver entertained made since last year on the lunch the Out-Our-Way club last Thurs program. She spent the rest of day at 2 o'clock. the afternoon with Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Callahan AHen Curtis. and Fflza Nicum were in Vale last Among those attending the P. T. Tuesday on business. A. meeting at FYuitland from this Mr. and Mrs. Guy Tanner and community were Mr. and Mrs. Sam children have been ill with influ- New m odels com ing in! A ll th e 1948 m odels m ust go! S en satio n al red u ctio n s w hile they last! Buy N O W an d SA V E! Phillips and family, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans and family, Mrs. F. C. Fry, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thomson and family and also Mrs. Thom son’s mother, Mrs. Lanfear of Cald Westinghouse Com well and Mr. and Mrs. Merl Thom Insurance >. Real Estate mander, America's son and son. Westinghouse Cham Those from this community at most beautiful pion. Lett time, lest tending the basketball game be Phone 64 range! . . . and as work, more leisure . . . tween the eighth graders of FYuit useful as beautiful. Nvssa. Oregon land and New Plymouth Saturday with Westinghouse! . . . the finest range were Mr. and Mrs. O^car Samuels Cook automatically, value ever offered in and VeTda. Mrs. Harley Sager and E. W . P R U Y N more food in less time Boise! See if today! children, Mrs. F. C. Fry, Mrs. Frank; than ever before! See Preston and Judy and Boh Thom- i FO R M ER LY Auto Repairing it today! son. FO R M ER LY Mr. and Mrs. F. C. FYy called at the home of Jim McDroe and [ Reboring, Valve Grind his mother. Mrs. McDroe as their j dinner guest. ing, Lathe work. Paris Mrs. Ralph Baxter and Mrs. F. C FYy made a busines trim to Payette ] and accessories Saturday afternoon. They stopped. enroute to call at the home of Mr. i and Mrs. M. C. Seuell to see their j Phone 56-W new home. The Nu-'Acres Orange held its retrular meeting Thursday evening with all the officers present. Plans are being made to give the third ATTENTION degree at the Grange meeting in March. We Are Now In Position To Do Jim McDroe and F. C. FYy made a (business trip to Ontario Saturday. All Types Of Cabinet Work An« Y O U R W E S T IN G H O U S E D E A L E R Because of the blimard your re Contract Building. porter could reach but a few people in the community. It Is impossible to call on everyone in normal times, so anyone having news should leave Jo h n so n C a b in e t Shop it at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Seuell or in their mailbox or 1 Mile North Of Nyssa- take it to Jean Blakesley at the Parma Junction On Highway 95 city hall at Nyssa from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. except Saturday«* * * S S . ' ”"‘S Friday-Saturday Frank T. Morgan Agency Phonograph Records 19c and 59c C ow Hollow By EDDY’S LITTLE BAKERS SPECIAL ELECTRIC RANGE SALE Bernard Eastm an * 319.95 * 319.95 Now 259 95 Ostorm Brothers Appliance Company N e w L o c a tio n 50 N o . F irst St. - Watch Our Phone 2 6 9 -J Windows - IT MAY MEAN $50.00 IN PRIZES FOR YOU!!! You a re not req u ire d to m ak e a p u rch ase to w in a v alu a b le prize. If o u r nam e a p p e a rs in our w in d o w d u rin g an y one w eek, call in a t our sto re a t th e tim e you see yo u r n am e in o u r w indow . T h en reg ister fo r th e J a c k P o t P riz e w o rth $50.00. T h a t’s all th e re is to do. N am es a re pick ed a t ran d o m . It m ay be your nam e. Y ou will receive a nice p riz e plus a ch an ce a t the Ja c k Pot prize. All you do is w atch fo r your n am e in o u r w indow s. You m ay be a lucky w inner. If th e p erso n w hose nam e ap p ears in o u r w indow does not call in, th e p riz e to be given aw ay th a t w eek will be a d d e d to next w eek’s p rize. STARTING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14 Phone 176W INTERMOUNTAIN FURNITURE CO. Nyssa, Ore. Calvin Vert