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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1949)
PAGE FOUR THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1949 SALE CALENDER w a y , then 2 miles north on oil road. 33-21. The Emmett Huskier virt-l S. R. V. Basketball Standings ommitted a total of 224 infract ions of the rules in 14 games for PUBLIC FARM SALE—Located 7 place on the West bench. Lunca ually dropped out of the title race (as of Peb. 7, 194a> Lost Pc'. Team Won when they lost their fourth league All XV age of IS fouls per con- miles west of Vale, on Burns high- served on grounds. Sale starts at 1 .909 lu Ontario t^en 4 rn'les west on Art Palmer 1 p. m.. Saturday. February 12. game 47-34 to the Nysaa Build, By Dennis Patch .727 test. 8 3 Vale Coach Ron Runyan's Ontario A pair of victories over Wetser ana Lmmett 8 4 fà e 8 5 .615 ’ in S. R. V. iiandoigs, has won T-gers strengthened .heir top pos Nyssa during the canting week Nyssa 6 5 .5451 i and tost 6 in season’s play to ition in -he S. R. V. title ra.e the would virtually cinch the title foi We.ser .460 6 7 paot week with a pair of victories the Tigers, while a split or a double Fruitland 'lh e Vikings have mode 4 8 .333 da ,.e. over Fruitland 40-38 and New Ply loss would throw the onshi; Payette on 193 out of 667 chances .230 i good < 3 10 Parma mouth 42-30. The Tigers' top pos- race into a battle to the finish. Basketball statistics covering a!) New Plymouth 1 11 .083 . i JtSL i sitian was further Iortlfied with the second p!a e Vale Vikings re games played bv •». R V. • m percentage of -289. Vale ilo J e l l 'i ceiving their third league lor-s at from the beginning of 'he il.v and shooting. *a > h* 1,0 out of 287 .¿lft tosses through Jin. 31st paint to s *nie I 'he hands of tihe Nys-a Bulldogs The league-leading Ontario Tig- 1 for intere ting facts r e t a r d i n g te a m 87 percentage from the ; ers boa^t the best : eason's play ksm h nn re.ord with 11 victories against • out line. The Vikings are tied for three iefea's. Tne three de op honors a> an offensive ciuk feats were a 48- 44 loss to La *uh Ontario and have allowed Irande. a 41-37 overtime loss to me,r opponents to score 33.8 points r ker. and a 27-76 loss to the Em- —»*' H ip vie* Tire Ontario team per contest. Louneu, ranking third in the has taken 6!9 shots at the ba.-ket i e field and hit 197 baskets 3. R. V. League, has won 7 and far a top team shooting average ijot 6 games through January 31. Audits, Systems, f "'"I The Tigers rank fourtn Income Tax Service In the league In effectivenew from the huskies nave registered 133 the f /ul line, having hit 133 out ouskets on 6c0 attempts from the Bookkeeping Service of 282 chances at gift tosses. The iie.d for next to lowest shooting PHONS Tvers and the Vale Vikings share average in the league, a .238 per- M. E. EARLYWINE 1 top offense honors with each team Wilson Bldg, in Nyssa registering an average of 37.6 points entage. Lmmett ranks fourth in BROWNIE’S CAFE -<■¡1 oer game The Tigers have the league in team offense with o , p o m s pc-, comeot and have he.a .ne.r opponents to an average game -ore of 30.8. ll.e Huskies lead he league in fouls committed w ith’ an average of 20.8 infractions U T S S U A J0W -SP BIA I6 W/NÖ irïfu M r o e e OAi£ MONTA LAT£.13 — yuP/ called against them per game. | A M E C H A N IC ! roüöi,E ßoi/r- i h s ì q t v iu G - 'AAv/ÊAj'r VOU M i A P D ? - Y o u r e a lly sta rt We_ser, wao ranked fourth in S .; Ö U f-v M V L Í T A f?£M0\f£ P i n i o n - fu i? Ai TBH it. v. slaiiumgs as of January 31,1 POOP ALsIlH NAV A y o u r b u s in e s s the day MÍÚÍAHIC'SMM í nislOLUtlONS L Ü T AN'tTi.fU. has won 7 and lost 5 games. Tne • k AÍJ«VOU J?gA*CDOVrfA// you start saving regularly at Wolverines lead the league in foul A i d IN, H É P B 5 H ÍP t.T U V r hooting accuracy, hitting 109 out / m u r W it /J y o u « the First National. To make íO fA B T A iH á TAIS of 212 gift tosses for a .514 per C AP ? L t t O U P o n e your ambitions for a business tentage. The Weiser team has hit f x p g ß f t y 157 out of 580 attempts from the of your own come true, r r ? A iM £ D field for a field shooting percent there is no substitute for age of .271. The fifth place Nyssa Bulldogs a savings account. have won 7 and dropped 5 contests on their season schedule. The T oe "R iá u rm Bulldogs have made good on 189 fiR S t m t o V baskets out of 658 attempts from the field for a .287 shooting per- 1 centage, third best in the league. A R R IM A N Nyssa has hit 127 out of 287 at tempts from the foul line for char m o t o r io . ity toss percentage of .442. Wilson, Saw * a t t h e b o x 137 Bulldog center, who did not play during the first semester ranks 4th in league scoring with an average of 10 points per ijame. The Fruitland Grizzlies, the most under-rated team in the S. R. V.‘ conference, has won 7 and lost 6 games. The Grizzlies have hit 153 MIMMR MOitAl DlfOSIT INSUIANCI COftfOftATION baskets out of 618 attempts to rack up a field shooting percent age of .247. The Grimlies have hit only 103 out of 272 attempts from the foul line for a .278 percentage. The high scoring Payette Pirates have won 4 and lost 9 games. The Pirates have canned 165 baskets out of 651 attempts for a .253 shoot ing percentage from the field. The Pirates have the second highest individual score in the league In Meecham, who has ’registered 10.8 points per game. The Pirates lead the lea.rue in fewest rule infract ions with 5.2 per game. The Parma Panthers have won 3 and dropped 10 games. The Panthers lead the league in tak- Thg the most shots at the basket with an average of 6.2 attempts per game, tout they also have the i west shooting percentage, a .207 figure. The Panthers have hit 111 gift shots out of 299 attempts far a free throw shooting per centage of .371, lowest in the league The New Plymouth Pilgrims have won 3 and lost 10 games. H ie Pil grims rank second In the league defensively, having held their op- oonents to 30.4 points per game. From the field the Pilgrims have hit i l l baskets out o f 451 attempts for a shooting average of .246. The Pilgrims have converted 104 free throws out of 246 attempts for a G o o d chi cks, feed, and s u p p l i e s .423 percentage from the gift line. ONTARIO CLINGING TO FIRST POSITION Cattle, machinery, chickens, hay. Term :: cash. W E. Gillespie, own- er Bert Anderson and Joe Church, auctioneers. L. H. Frltts, clerk. OPEN FO R t a s t i BUSINESS Public Accountant SAVE FIRST "IT HAPPENS EVERY D A Y ” By PLOTNER 5 0 m rs y ou)£xm- Micenici po M i NYSSA BRANCH FIRST NATIONAL BANK S use QUALITY CHICK SUPPLIES 'It'P a y i! Better Lights-Better Seeing-Added Beauty from V / V A / H E N you see a tag on a lamp that reads "This is a Certified Lamp," you'll know you are getting the finest product and the kind of lamp you should have. Certified Lamps . . . give better control of light quality . . . distribute light correctly . . . shield against glare . . . and provide much more light and better lighting than lamps of similar appearance. They are built to 105 exacting specifications and certified by Electrical Testing Laboratories, Inc. No other lamps have ever combined so much eye comfort— so much eye appeal for every member of the family. Your dealer has a wonderful selection of Certified Lamps in L r ALL TYPES, ALL SIZES, ALL PRICES \ Ì . . . for happier living p a y o i l in l i f e a n d g r o w t h . Co me in and s e e our fi ne l i ne of s pr i ng- t i me s uppl i e s . LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE TO CREDITORS In tin' Matter o f the Estate of BERKLEY B. BAKER, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned has been duly and regularly appointed the Ad ministrator o f the above entitled estate; all persons having claims against said estate are hereby noti fied to present the same, verified as by law required, to the under signed at Nyssa. Oregon, at the office of Clyde H. Snider, bis at torney. in the Heldt building, with in six months of the date o f Che first publication, hereof. Roe Fenton Duncan, Administrator at the Estate of Berkley B. Baker, Deceased. Date of First publication, Feb ruary 10. 1949 Date of last publication, March 3, 1949. FOR LIFE AND GROWTH FEED LARUE FLOOR f LAMP Earlier neelng alien you read or aew. BRIDGE LAMP When apaee call* for lamp with smaller •hade ■WING ARM LAMP Throw« light where wanted LARGE TABLE lam p Extra light for leee eyeetrain TABLE LAMP For uee beside davenport« or chain PREMONO TARIJE LAMP For bettar light at your eantiy table BETTER LIGHT MEANS BETTER SIGHT PIN UP LAMP Moet versa til«. Hangs on any wall In any room HEW S U P H iy I S / H - 0 K P E H HOW! DISINFECT THE HOUSE Halp guard ch ic k s against disease. Uee this disinfectant with a pleaeant odor. INTERSTATE P L U M B I N G CO. PURINA CHEK-R-FECT p O WER &bcti*C&U 0<xi SoMUT.H-Cotts So UTTLE! P xeU ct CÁ* TVtUtt P U R IN A CHEK-R-TABS (oidi Parma. Idaho FULL L I N E OF P O U L T R Y N EE D S B rood ers • L itter F ounts • F e e d e r s Spray Guns ‘ Thermo static W a fe r s ‘ Poul try T h erm om eters COME AND SEE THEM Quality Repair Parts Expert Workmanship Wr Sell and Install ID AH O Y Many styles and sizes. Durable. F OUNTS C H IC K STA R TEN A FOR YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS Phone 145L2 High grade steel wire. Galvanized. Ì T J J, C HI C K “ P utina, a - POULTRY NETTING Tobler’s Feed and Fuel headquarters PURINA CH O W S C R A N E and HUMI I NG< 4 0 UI MI I NT IRVIN ZIMMERMAN FARM SUPPLIES ■ V e V .V a V e V V V V V V 1 i * d