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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1949)
THE N YSSA G ATE C ITY JO U RN AL, N Y SSA , OREGON, TH U R SD A Y , FE B R U A R Y 10, 1949 | Ishlng equipment. Easily handled i by women. Nyssa Lumber company. [ 3Atfc. P A G E TH REE of the County Clerk and Record- OFFICIAL EXPLAINS I handUn« wtabllshments. water su p - f home in Caldwell by train. er of Malheur County, Oregon, on H F A I T H I I NIT Pbes> auto and trailer camps, deal- - — ------- July 7ch, 193«. of record in the _ era m mattresses and tecidinj, in- To s * “ **** c i i * ~ Book of Plats o f Town and Ad- The people of Malheur county vestigates nuisance complaints and Mr and Mrs Arvil ch lld ’■** FOR RENT—Floor Polisher. Pet- ditions of Malheur County, have, for the first time, a complete, many other activities relating to Mon:iay mornlnS by Plane for Salt erson-Newsom Furniture Co. 22J:fc Oregon; the said plat consisting fulltime public health department.' Ule I,ublte h ejkh and welfare of Lake City. rv . . . . . . . . the community. — of Tracts No’s. 1 to 42, inclusive, Do we anow exactly what th a t1 All of this is an impossible task Return f rom Boise— FOR RENT with 5.6 acres o f land in the means, how it operates, what it for the department That’s ! Mrs. Joe Maughn and Mrs. RATES. Two cents per word for each issue. After one month one center of, and surrounded by Joes, or what it Is? If you are ill Floor qutsitive land you should be) your on everyone Louise McGavem have returned to cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c said Tracts No’s. 1 to 42, in answers are in this article. , . * e cal1 on you’ their home, following a week’s visit Sander clusive, a more further descrip Books and literature say it is “ an “ d^ y ’...and_ coope.r; in Boise. Reasonable tion of said plat by notes and official agency of government re- ation, we have a sincere reason t o ’ do so. Please work with us and At Payette Lakes— ns .die for (1) control o f com bounds being as follows: Com furnace, stoker, water softener, gar- Rates we’ll all make Malheur county a Mr. and Mrs. Dale Garrison and Fcr Sate mencing at a brass disc set in municable diseases (2) prevention better, safer and healthier place ________________ age, fireplace, beautiful yard. Pav- u *vr,ti of disease and (3) improvement to live in 1 Joinne and Mr. and Mrs. Emil a concrete monument establish POR SALE—1946 four-door Fleet! in* ana curbing paid. Shown by '___________ _____ | Stunz spent the “'eek-end at the of tile general level o f health of ed by the Oregon State Highway .he community which it serves— ". I Lake Shore lodge at MoOaLl. Master Chevy, A -l condition, fu lly ! '*Pt'oinu-’ enu Visit In Baker— Commission as the Southeast rnat’s so very true—let’s break it equipped, radio, heater etc. Two 7>xl 16 corner lot on Main street, Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Burton re com er of said commission’s down further—” an official agency turned to their home in Nyssa Sun and one-haif miles west of Adrian. lpf ation' . W e have several good lots on stockpile site, said point being the >f Government” means, in a word, day after visiting over the week O em t Timmerman. 10flxp Park ftvenue for sale. .in integral part of the government Initial point of this description hat is immediately concerned with end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. _ _ — ----- 7 :---- --- Y. . I BERNARD EASTMAN FOR SALE Fur coat, size 14, price, Reftl a ^ t e -in s u r a n c e and further rescribed as being he health o f those It governs— John Burton of Baker. The return trip was made through the storm, Optometrist $50, also lady's suit, size 14, call I Phone 64 3« feet North and 4272.5 feet that’s you, you and you! It not taking six hours to make the trip STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY only is concerned with your health 263J. 10f3xc ! West of the Section corner com from Baker here. Eyes Examined FOR SALE—1946 Hudson, good cut it is responsible to you lor mon to Sections 28, 29, 32 and ,our health by way of doing every- W ANTED FOR SALE—8 to 10 tons of clover paint, good condition, like new. 33, Township 19 South, Range hing it can to prevent and con- Stopped B.v Storm— hay, W. T. Cannon, Sunset valley. Can be seen at the Farmers Co-op, Phone 720 Rev. and Mrs. R. G. Chandler HELP WANTED— Are you raising, 47 E. W. M.; running thence 10I communicable diseases and 3f2tb H. O. Hopkins, phone 31-M.30Dtfc and children of Caldwell were Sun your sights a bote ordinary wages? 718 Arthur St. North a distance of 1279 feet. raise the health level. day evening quests at the W. W. FOR S A L E -M onarch'electric cook i FOR SA LE-Russet eating potatoes, By the way, a "communicable d i The best one-man business in M a l-1 thenc, oo deg. West 914.8 feet Foster home. Mr. and Mrs. Chand stove, cost $269.50. Breakfast set, I *1 P®r sack, bring your own sack, sease” is one that is "catching"— Caldwell, Idaho blue Pedstal cost $75.00. Baby play ^ d Josephson and son, Payette, heur county now available. Car thence South 35 feet; thence you catch it from another person. ler, who had gone to Jamison for a church service Sunday, left their pen and matress cost $25.00. Oostj Idaho, phone 392-J. 27Jtfc. required. Write J. R. Watkins Co., South 23 deg. 51 min. East 78.2 ( You catch it either by way of or ~ir in Nyssa and returned to their $369.50. These are almost new, will FOR SALE—One large size oil 137 Dexter avenue, Seattle, Wash feet; thence South 26 deg. 45' by means of air, water, clothes 10f6xc sell for $236 cash. See Don M. burning heating stove; one heavy ington. or contact—bugs, flies, food or fleas min. East 75.1 feet; thence South Graham, or call 263W. 3f2xc duty horse and cattle trailer; one which connected in some way with WANTED— To buy anything in 29 deg. 18 min. East 1267.3 feet that other person. These are what one beef or veal. Also custom killed FOR SALE—Charter Oak coal lightweight utility trailer; along the easterly boundry of we call "disease veotors" or "germ W E H A V E AN range, almost new, Westinghouse1 550-gallon gasoüne or fuel tank. and delivered to Polar Cold Stor the right o f way of the State transporters,” if you -will. There roaster with stand, phone 05J2 Leo Fife, welding and repairing, age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. Highway, known as the Oregon are laws involved controlling them 13Jtfc 3f4xp phone 016J1. Trail, or U. S. 30 South; thence such as rodent control laws, rest MISCELLANEOUS 90 deg. East 229.6 feet to the aurant laws and many others, made FOR SALE--Singer power, com FOR SALE—Buy direct from farm point of beginning, all of which by people who know the deadly er and save. 50 acres row crop, 15 pound feed, goose neck light, new MISCELLANEIOUS — Contractors is in the Southwest quarter of nature of vectors. These people are meadow pasture, 15 to be seeded, 50 transmission, *4 H. P. motor, full Attention—Coast fir, long timbers, the Southwest Quarter of Section a -part o f your government and complacements, for upholstering, FOR heavy hauling. Do not buy until young fruit trees, starting to pro 29, Township 19 South, Range trained in these matters so we take sacks, light leather, auto, tents you call, phone 1190J, Caldwell. duce, berries of all kinds, grapes, 47 E. W. M. etc. Ready to plug in and start their -good advice and follow it seven-roam modern basement 3f4xp Objections and remonstrances to through. production. F. ‘Lete” Sackett, On house, other buildings, all for $12,- tario, Ore. 16Dtfc MISCELLANEOUS—We need more the vacation of said plat may be The department consists o f a 000. See Devon Larsen, route 2, made in writing and filed with the Nyssa, five miles west of Owyhee FOR SALE—Have farms and homes listings on farms, homes, building undersigned on or before the 8tn Board of Health and active per corner. 3f2xp for sale. Need more, list with Ken lots and business properties. See day of iM-arch, 1949, at the hour sonnel. In our case the board is 27)2xc composed of members of the coun Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29Jtfc. G-rtgg Brothers and Butler. of 8; 00 o ’clock P. M. thereof, at ty court with specially trained doc FOR SALE—40 acres, 35 irrigable, I N S U R A N C E — Insure with E which said date and time a for $7000, term if desired, government FOR SALE!—An excellent selection tors of medicine as an advisory SEPTIC TAN K S AND CESSPOOLS PUMPED appraised, $9250, W. T. Cannon, of farms of all sizes including L. Jamison. 100% service. 13Jtfc mal hearing upon said petition will group. The active personnel are be had and any such objections four in number. These four are Sunset valley. 3F3xp some unimproved, also small acre- j MISCELLANEOUS—General truck ages. Homes of all kinds, several jng. j Qhn Barnett and Kenneth and remonstanees so filed will be the health officers, FYed O. Grae- W e Build Concrete Septic Tanks on the Job FOR SALE—Chevrolet, four-door, new yith FHA terms. Reece, phone 123-R. Utfc. heard and considered by the City ber, M. D.; Che public health nurse, ------ — ----------------------------- Council of the City of Nyssa, Mrs. Elina Farris, R. N. a graduate 1918 sedan, phone 246J or 01-1R4. FOR SALE—New home, 2 bed- — ' PUMPS AN D PUMP SERVICE 27 j tic rooms, fully modern, in good lo- j M l SCELLANEOUS—We buy, sell or Maiheur County, Oregon. nurse with special training in pub cation. PHA approved, $2,750 j trade pianos. Baldwin pianos, Dated this 15th day of January, lic health; the sanitarian, Henry C. FOR SALE—PhilciT Table Model, down, balance easy payments. Grigg Bros and Butler, Bybee 1949. Endres, B. S., and the clerk and W e are Equipped to Service All battery radio, See Bob Thompson. Ralph G. Lawrence, Nyssa Insur- building. 27jtfc E. K. BURTON secretary, Mrs. Alice Simmons. 27jtfc mce agenev. Recorder, Oty o f Nyssa, Mál Health education is one o f the MISCELLANEOUS— Available now department’s -primary functions— FOR SALE—Lady’s white shoe ice FOR SALE— Let us measure your Electrolux cleaners and air puri heur County, Oregon. Types of Pumps windows for Venetian Dlinds. No through the media of the radio, skates, size 4*4, almost new, phone fiers. and service. Ed A. An charge for this service or estimates IN THE COUNTY COURT OF newspapers, etc. We want each 122-R. 20jtfc derson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho. Obtainable in one wee*. Assorted Phone 087-J4. THE STATE OF OREGON FOR and every individual in this coun COMPLETE PLUMBING LINE 26,'tfc. THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR FOR SALE—TJnpalnted cabinets colors in steel or aluminum slats. ty to be informed. Up till now it and chests of drawers. Cabinets Nyssa Furniture company, phone MISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and In the Matter of the Estate of has been humanly impossible to 20Mtfc. free pick-up or your dead, crlppied BURT O. ROBERTS. Deceased aré In section and can be bought 149-W. carry 011 su.-h fud scaie work due Notice To Creditors complete or in sections. Nyssa FOR SALE— Tile wall coverings, or sick livestock. Calls received be to the limited number of person NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN nel. We now have -a full time de Lumber company, phone 118-W. chrome table and sink edgings fore 9 o clock are picked up by ' 16Dtfc waterproof cement, etc. Nyssa Fur noon. Efficient drivers. Call col that ’ the undersigned. Boyce Van partment and with tine cooperation lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys de Water, has been appointed Ad of all o f us, individuals, groups, 6Mtfc. FOR SALE!—Small farm with five- niture Co., pnone 149-W. sa 102-W. ruano Animal Product* ministrator #f the estate of Burt organizations, schools and clubs, _____ _ ___ _____ __ FOR SALE— Business building, room house, two miles on Apple Company. SJtfc G. Roberts, deceased, by the County we can put the education across valley highway. Also acreages for ¡Main street location, lot size 25x116. Court of Malheur County, Oregon, where it’s needed most. Our -bucLjet building. Feed and flour mill, I Ralph G. Lawrence Insurance I N S U R A N C E — For your in and has qualified as such. 22Jtfc. surance needs—E. L. Jamison. 100 is limited so that we cannot do cheap feed, etc. Phone 163-J. 3f2xp agency, Nyssa, phone 53. NOW THEREFORE, all persons this alone. We can advise and or % service. 13Jtfc having claims against the estate ganize, however, in this particular FOR SALE—Extra good two bed- | For Kent of Burt G. Roberts, deceased, are M I S C E L L A N E O U S —We Have neid besides giving much active room house with large utility room, __ hereby notified and required j c and concrete help. fire-place, paved street, reasonable p Q jj r e n t —Electric hand sanding farmers wanting to cash rent good present the same, with proper The health department keeps on down Payment, balance 50 per maohin6i excellent for light sanding row crop land. Grigg Brothers and duly verified, within hand a generous supply of otficial Butler, Bybee building. 27 j tie vouchers month, 4% interest. Three and one-half miles southeast of Nyssa, or work. Ostrom Bros. Appliance, 50 six (6) months from the date of literature (yours for the asking) FOR SALE— New, two-bedroom North First street, phone 269J. 3ftfc MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? this Notice, to the underigned, pertaining to most everything con 11/2 miles south, then V4 mile west of Nyssa junction home, full basement, double Loans on farms ror refinancing, garage, one acre of ground, ex FOR o n Parma-Fi’uitland Highway. cabin at building, improvements, b u y i n g . Boyce Van de Water, at the law cerned with the health and welfare RENT—2-room 1 cellent location. SHOWN BY AP Chadwick’s camp. 23Dtfc Long term, iow Interest, see Ber office o f Harold Henigson at Nyssa, of the county. Oregon, which place the under POINTMENT. If you -have a health -problem or nard Eastman, phone 04. Nyssa. signed selects as his place of One of the nicest two-bedroom j FOR RENT— Polish your own 3Atfc. business In all matters connected want information, ask us or write homes in Nyssa. Full basement, ] floors. Rent our high-speed pol- us or phone us. We will help you with said estate. in any way we possibly can. MISCELLANEOUS — Duplicate car Dated and first published Jan But that isn’t all. The depart and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- uary 27, 1949. ment does far more than educate Sale Stalls 12:30 Noon neman’s. 250tfc Last publication February 24, and give advice. It gives actual 1949. Health service. It maintains vital I N S U R A N C E — For 100 % ser BOYCE VAN de WATER statistics and other records of the vice on insurance. E. L. Jami Administrator o f the Estate of hea.ln of the community. It con son. 13Jtfc Burt G. Roberts, Deceased. trols communicable diseases by 1 M. M. tractor, model R, 1941 model with starter means of promoting protective LOST and lights. AN N IVER SAR Y PAR TY measures, gives vaccinations and immunizations, gives blood tests 1 Cultivator for M. M. tractor for spuds, beans and STRAYED—T o Fhiler ranch, 1 bay OF CLUB IS HELD physical examinations, investigates mare, 800 pounds. Owner may beets. have' same by paying for feed BUE27A VISTA, Feb. 10—Mr. and suspected disease contacts, Isolates 1 Trail plow, 2-way, 16-in. Oliver. and this ad. Ray Russell, Philer Mrs. Edward Topltff were Thurs them, applies other control measur ranch. 3ftfc day evening dinner guests at the es. It assists In early diagnosis of PHYSICIANS 1 6-ft. Oliver disc. LODGES diseases such as syphilis, cancer, home of Mrs. Topllff’s sister, Mr. 1 6-ft. grain drill. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and tuberculosis. And it does it Nyssa Post No. 79 SA K AZIN CLINIC Stock received Monday. Tuesday, and Mrs. Melvin Elmore. confidentially for you! It main 1 Miskin scraper. Mrs. Alva Goodell and Alva Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m tains (or will maintain in the near Dr. J. J. Sarazln American Legion > Goodell, Jr., returned from Colo 1 Valley Mound corrugator to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to )2. future) a treatment and diagnostic rado where they visited three Dr. K E. Kerby Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. No stock received on Sunday. clinic for individuals with venereal 1 Rubber-tired wagon, with rack. weeks. Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery disease who could or would not Dr. L. W . Scott Veteran's Hall— 8 P. M. Those from this district who at 1 Steel-wheel wagon. to Pclar locker plant. otherwise receive treatment. Physician and Surgeons All Veterans Welcome One mile west a Alberta avenue tended the Home Economic club It conducts maternal welfare pro 1 Oliver mower. meeting at Mrs. Garrett St am’.-, Phone 05R1 grams by public health nursing 1 Western land roller. home Friday afternoon were Mrs JAKE. FISCHER L. A . Maulding, M. D. Gate City Lodge service where requested, holds George Oleaver, Mrs. Willis Bert Physician and Surgeon 1 Hay rake. mother’s and father's classes and No. 214 ram and Mrs. Alva Goodell. conferences. Phone 77 1 2-section steel harrow. Mrs. Claude Day entertained at a LEGAL ADVER TISING I.O.O.F. It conducts infant and pre-school Hours: 10 to T. and 2 to 5 dinner Tuesday evening In honor 1 Land float. Daily except Saturday and Meets every Monday NOTICE OF PLAT VACATION of her mother, Mrs. S. B. H off programs, gives nursing service, Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 medical conferences such as -advice 1 Electric brooder. NOTICE IS HEREBY OTVEN man on her birthday. Guest., night, 8:30. that H. O. Johnson and Ida John were Mr. and Mrs Olen Hoffman on nutrition,, habits, clothing, etc., 300 Posts and several rolls of woven wire. South First Street son, husband and wife, as petition and Olendia, Mr. and Mrs. Jim follows up to Insure correction and C. J. Kopp, M. D. treatment by private physician and 1 Manure spreader. ers, did duly file with the under Ritchie and Robert and Garnet Physician and Surgeon signed, on the 11th day of January, Bette, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Day, dentist when needed. DENTISTS! 2 Hog houses, some lumber. Conducts school programs, exam Fry Building 1949, a -petition for the vacation Leland Hoffman and Dave High 1 4-horse fresno. ines students, checks vision, hear Office hours of the following described plat of land. DR. C. M. TYLER ing, teeth, physical development— 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 the City of Nyssa, Malheur County, Forks, shovels, log chains, other articles. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Griffitts enter cooperates with child guidance and Daily except Saturday and State o f Oregon, to-wlt: Wilson Building tained Saturday evening. Guests crippled children programs. Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 That certain plat known as were Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver, Phone 165-J, Nyssa Conducts sanitation programs, in “Glasgow Tracts", the original Mr. and Mrs Jim Ritchie, Mr. and Office hours from 9 to 5 except spection service to schools, food JEW ELR Y STOKES plat and dedication of which Mrs. Deltourt Oleaver and Mrs. Saturdays, 9 to 12. was filed for record in the office Howard day. Refreshment were served. PAULUS J. R. CUNDALL 1 Tractor, Model M International (1945) with The Out-Our-Way club’s annual cultivator and tools. JEW ELRY STORE Dentist lasers and anniversary party was Free Pick Up Union Pacific Time Inspector heldat the Loyd Cleaver home Phone 58-J 1 Lymke front-end heater. 1 machine trailer. JEWELRY — DIAMONDS Thursday at 1 o'clock. A buffet Of Your Sarazln Clinic 1 International two-row potato digger. lunch was served. Mrs. Howard W AT’ HE» NY.SSs OREGON Day, Mrs. Mansel Bishop, Mrs. Main Streei ~ SacoIK 1 International two-row potato planter. Dead and Worthless Leslie Tupliff, Mrs. Delbert Cleav 2 1 1 /2 ton Chevrolet trucks, 1945 and 1938. . . . y o u ’ ll OPTOMETRISTS er, Mrs. La Vern Cleaver, Mrs. W Y C K O fV Animals 1 Plymouth coupe, 1940 model. Olen Hoffman and Mrs. Loyd find out * ‘r i JEWELRY STOKL Cleaver furnished the refreshments. DR J. A. MCTATT 1 set new Planet, Jr. planters, 4-row. Call Collect w h y » o Official Time Inspector lo* Mrs. Joe Callahan, Mrs. Henry Day I Six-foot heavy duty Global disc. and Mrs. Harvey Callahan were Union Pacific many o f your neighbors are There Is a Phone Near You DR. JOHN EAST i Y guests. Mrs. Glen Hoffman was ONTARIO OREGON 1 Moline tumble-bug plow. getting paid more than you Nyssa 100 Parma 29 In charge of the games, with Mrs. are for the time and effort Jim Ritchie and Mrs. George Cleav VETERINARIANS Ontario 53 er winning prizes. The tiext meet they spend milking cow sl ing will be held at the Edward “We Haul the Day You Call’ SURGE milking is Money- DR. H A i T d . W H IT E Topllff home February 10 A Val TERM S: CASH Making Milkinp! Ida-Ore Rendering Co. entine exchange will be held. Veterinarian Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver Davenport & Jacob» Lunch Served on Grounds Phone 21, Ontario, Ore Phone Nyssa 275-W and Gary were Tuesday evening Payette, Idaho Ny9sa, Oregon Auctioneers, Cols. Bert Anderson and Joe Church. dinner guests at the Maipius E2t- Y0UR S U RG E S ERV IC E D E A L E R anger home Clerk, L. H. Fritts. Classified CCl Advertising DR. G. W. GRAVES Electric Pipe Thawer Frozen Water Pipes BROWER PLUMBING SHOP Farm Sale Monday, Feb. 14 Professional and Business Directory Farm Machinery Mrs. Pauline Meier,Owner m Donald Fisher, Owner