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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1949)
PAGE TWO THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1949 Loretta Van de Water, who en ing about Mrs Laura Goode of wUl be held at the home of Mrs. tertained with an encore; three, national president of the H. O. Hopkins. The numoers, including "Buttons and American Leg.on auxiliary. - I - Bows". trio of W eLer; talk was made personal, as M u. PA RTY W ELL ATTENDED Goode is related by marriage to two piano solos. Myrna Lane; in The benefit pinochle party spon troduction of visiting clubs; in- Dr. and Mrs. Long. Mrs. H. Collins sored by the Reioekah lodge at the spoke on the rehabilitation pro :i du non of Adrian officers; piano solos, "Deep Purple” and ■The Man gram and ho»- the auxiliary can X. O. O. P. hall was well attended. i L .v e ”, Adr.enne Peterson of assist in this important work. A The door prize, a large desk radio, Nys a vocal solos, "The Old Lamp special feature of the program was was won by V. W. Duus. High Lighter" and "Button and Bows", an informal talk by Mrs. Jam es score for women was held by Mrs. Jess AsumenJi of Adrian; two vo Hartman of Parma, who told of cal solos. ■ Mother Machree" and conditions in Egypt. Mrs. H art Lloyd M arshall and high fo r men •Sylvia", Marvin Trigero of O n man spent a n amber of years in by K eith Moss. Mrs. Tom Johnson was hostess for the refreshment tario; closing song, "God Bless A- Caro, where ;be taught. The next meeting. February 17, r -mmittee. merica” and benediction. Rev. Hen ry Moore. I he Gate City Journal KLASS V. POW ELL SU BSC RIPTIO N Editor and Publisher KATES A D VERTISIN G RATES One Year ................. ........... TJ.UO Six Months $125 Single Copies ...................... .05 (Strictly in Advance) Open rate, per inch.......... Mattonai, per inch Classifieds, per word Minimum 30c 40c 49c 2c PuolisheJ every Thursday at Ny&ia, Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Mails, as second class m atter, under the act c< M arch 3, 1879 YOU ALWAYS GET THE BEST BUY AT FIRESTONE Social Notes N o w You Can Buy Tiresfont SAFETY SLOGAN To Save Your Life You Can’t Beat Safety Church Notes 4 .. ■ CATH OLIC CHURCH Park Avenue and Third Street Rev. P. J. Galre, Pastor Mis,, every Sunday at 9:30 a. m. Catechism classes for grade school children every Saturday at 10 a. m. M ISSIO NARY BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday school. 10 a. m. Morning service, 11 a. m. Young People, B Y. P. U., 7 p. m Evening service, 8 p. m. Wednesday prayer service. 8 p. m. Visisting pastors supply, H IE M ETHODIST C OM M UNITY C H IK C H HEARS FO RM ER TEACHER Mrs. H. E. Collins entertained the members of the American Lagion auxiliary at her home last Mrs. Rolland through February 13. Don t fail to 1 Thursday evening. | hear "A1 G rubb" converted drug Lawrence reported on the legis lation before congress that is of addict. interest to the O. I.’s. Mrs. Law rence also reported on the aux THE Cill.BC11 OF THE iliary meeting in Ontario that a N A/.AKENK number of the Nyssa members had Rev. E. J. Wilson, Pastor attended to hear the district pres 10 a. m„ Sunday school. ident. At 11 a. m., our young people s j Mrs. John Long gave a talk, tell- revival will be starting with Leroy ! Seward, young peoples president, in I charge, Gerald B arker in charge I >1 music and Rev. C. B Gras&ic { A Windsor, Ontario, Canada preaching. 7:15 p. m., young people, teenage uid junior services. 8 p. m.. evangelistic service, good singing, and preaching by the -.pecial workers and on through the | week every night at 8 o’clock. DELUXE CHAMPIONS a t Lo w e r Than P r e -W a r Prices Buy the tire that’s up to 55% stronger, has up to 60% more non-skid angles and gives up to 32% longer mileage. LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE DOiN B. MOSS FIRESTONE DEALER STORE Anything Goes in ford T rucks! 9:45 a. m., church school. 11 a. in., morning wor hip. Ser-1 LIONS CHARTER IS mon: "T he Rebel Prophet”. An PRESENTED TO CLUB them: " If With All Your Hearts’ by Mendelssohn. There is a nur sery for small children during Ult (( ontinued from Page 1) church hour i ner- He also introduced Anthony 7 p. m.. Youth Fellowship. F Ciolalo, chairm an of the ar- 8 p. in., evening service. "The rangements committee. Bible and Human Rights Ways to Bernard Frost of Nyssa presented Secure Them " This is the final memiaership certificates to the lol- resslon in this particular study, lowing members: Robert McCul- Next Sunday the sound picture, lau h , president; Raymond Holly ’Beyond Our Own” will be shown, first vice pres dent; William Webfc Monday, February 14, the work- second vice president; Robei er, conference will be held at the Brown, third vice president; Eugem parsonage. Plans of the church Pratt, secretary; Earl Winn, Lior. school f i r discussion of Wednes-1 tamer; Vernon Parker, taiitwister. day, February 16, the peace group William Looney, Robert Webster Ciofalo and Howard will meet at the parsonage Dis Anthony cussion: “A Peace Program for Hatch, directors, and Cecil Smith. Frank Bicandi, Gayle M artin ana Local .Groups". Louis Pratt. Glea Billings, president of tht SUNSET VALLEY Nyssa club, said "We of the Ityss.i ASSEMBLY OF GOD club, feel that your organization is Rev. Joe E. Dodson, Pastor a companion jlu b to the Nyssa Sunday school. 10 a. m. -lub and we will help you all we Worship services, 11 a. m. can”. Mr. Billings presided during Young People, 7 p. m. ’he program by virtue of his posi Rev. Vlniil Krause, leader. tion with the Nyssa club. Evangelistic meeting. 8 p. m. Daring the dinner, served by the Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. We welcome and urge you to a t members of the M artha society of he church, the tailMvisters inter tend these services. spersed the program with hum- Sunset Valley orus antics that kept th e crowd Community llall in an uproar. T 7 i p humorists were A. K. Herring, Pastor Tom Seppich and Edison Child ot Sunday school, 10 a. m. Nyssa, Vern Parker of Adrian and M li ning worship, 11 a. m. Preston Mortimer of Ontario, w hj Message by Evangelist Lewis E •ollected several dollars in "fin es” Hall. Revival services each night for the Adrian club, Mr. M orti except Saturday at 8 p. m. January mer led the group in singing sev 30 to Febuary 13, inclusive. Hear eral Lions club songs. Evangelist Hall and Mrs. Ida Everett Heldt, secretary of the Elliott, soltst. each night. Nyssa club, presented on behalf A hearty welcome to all. of the Nyssa group a bell and gavel to the Adrian club. ASSEMBLY OF GOD The remainder of the program, Slrrl D. Splrsz, pastor j presented before approximately 80 Sunday school, 10 a. m. [ persons, was given as follows: First Worship service, 11 a. m. verse of "Am erica”, Lions and Inspirational song service and guests; pledge to the flag; invo- Bvangclixtic service, 7:30. cation, Rev. Henry Moore of Ad- Revival meetings continuing rlan; vocal solo, "A Perfect Day”, THIS SYMBOL M EANS... “ Pioduct oj INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER F o rd M o d */ F-9 thown. Wnight rating at a trottar: We rfflP Bonus Gro«« TreJn 39,000 Ibi. by Built Extra Strength • • • Whatever you haul, wherever you haul it, we’ve got the right kind of truck for your work. Fords truck everything! Here’s why! First, each individual Ford Truck can do more kinds of jobs. That’s because it is Bonus Built with extra strength that gives it a wider work range. Second, we offer over 139 dif ferent Ford Truck models. These, multiplied by scores of chassis options, give a job cover age, practically without limit.That’s why we say that the loading dock hasn't been built which has strained toa load that Ford Trucks can't pull. Come in and get acquainted with the wide work coverage of the new Ford Bonus Built Trucks. Check the scores of ex clusive Ford Truck features available on no other truck built. Yo ur Ford Dealer invites you to listen to the Fred Allen Show, Sunday Evenings N BC Network. Listen to the Ford Theater. Friday Evenings C B S N etwork Se e your newspaper lor time and station. " W e a re a m a z e d at the e a se with which the lo a d s a re ha n d le d o n d the econom y o f operation. The new com fort o f the c a b has certainly m a d e friends a m o n g the drivers.” — L o n g D / s f a n c e H a u le r " O u r F ord is now com pleting the trip with s a v in g s o f 2 0 to 3 0 g a llo n s o f fuel. This m eans a sa v in g o f up to $ 7 . 5 0 p e r ha ul." — G a s o lin e H a u le r " W e 'r e sa v in g up to 3 0 % on fuel with the new Ford. It is out p erform ing higher priced units w e a re u sin g ."— G e n e r a V T ru cker " I a m m ore than p le a se d with its pow er, c a p a c ity a n d law o p e ra tin g cost. I am confident this truck will g iv e me m a ny y e a rs o f re lia b le a n d continuous service.' — C o a l H a u le r S (//IT STRONGS* TO LAST IONGSR U S IN O LATEST U F I N SU tA N C e R E G IS T R A T IO N E x PEATS P I O V E DATA F O ID ON J .4 4 4 .0 0 0 TRU CKS. TAUCKS LAST LO NGER I H e r r i m a n M o t o r Co. STATEMENT B ig g e s t o n d m o it p o w e rfu l o f Inte rna t io n a l C r a w le r Tractor* it the IB ton, 180 h p. m o d e l TD -2 4 . . . new est m em ber of a m ig h t y D ie se l lineup. In fields a n d gro ves, fa rm e rs re ly on other In te rn a tio n a ls In tha fu ll c ra w le r line fo r re o d y a d o p ta b ilit y a n d lo w cost p erform ance. * ■ A q ua rte r of a century o go , o n engin ee r 's ide a .. . to d a y a reality; a g r o u p o f five o il p urp o se troc- tors w ith m u lche d m a ch in e s fo r e very site form , e very c ro p o n d so il condition. Fhat s the fo rm o ll S r stern / A b o v e fa r m a ll C w ith T O U C H C O N T R O L I r *% » y ^ y Ì T w o In te rn a tio n a l H o rvester Freezers— 4 o n d 11 cv. ft. siz e s-b r > n g the y e a r- a ro u n d , a t S a n d c onvenience o f frozen fo o d s to lo rge a n d sm a ll fa m ilie s alike. C o m in g so o n; N e w IH h ou se h old r e fr ig erator. Owyhee Truck & Implement Co. rilONK 245 C. W. Glenn, Sheriff and Tax Collector December 31, 1948 STA TE O F OREGON i County of Malheur) Balance uncollected taxes Jun e 30, 1948 ........................................................ Receipts from sale o t County land turned over to Treasurer ............. Interest collected since June 30, 1943. turned over to the Treasurer .............................................. Charged from rolls account tax foreclosures, court orders etc ....... Added to rolls account of Sheriff's assessments ------------------------------- 1948-49 tax rolls ..................— ...... Collections turned over to Treasurer since Ju n e 30. 1948 ........................ Balance uncollected taxes ............... $ 153,950.87 15.503.65 Jun e 30, 1948 to December 31. 1948 Fund Bai 6 30 4 8 Credits Debits Bai. 12 31 48 Cash $ 309,586.70 «2.372304 38 $1297,962.04 $1,383,929.04 S la te T ax 72.16 13328 00 205 44 General County 115,731.41 38.003.17 ' 100,683.56 43.071.02 County Sthool 3994421 8.546.17 35503.73 12,986.65 General Road 37,934.82 209.585.71 100.057.30 147.463.23 Road No. 2 31.790.53 9,700.62 9,700.00 31,791.15 Non High School 20.604 94 11,084.17 14,323.11 17,396.00 Non High Reserve 4.487 96 00 00 4.48796 Rural High School 00 73,686.11 00 73.696.11 Rural Elementary School 134,823 44 00 00 134.823 44 Rural Schools 00 00 370.76 O. D. 370 76 Union Hirh School Dtst. 91,260 62 10.228.47 20,090.47 81.398.62 Malheur Harney Union High No 1 1.884.01 11.75 00 1.895.76 County Library ..................... 10522 35 ........ 3.618 61 8.668.40 5.472.56 School Library 710.10 1.319.47 151947 710.10 Law Library 178.35 841 95 72.50 947.80 Court House Sinking 97.248 68 78.994 00 79.600.00 96.643 68 S tate School ........ 409 56 4.996 36 4.990.85 415.07 Experimental Area 114.17 ........ 5,031.18 2.535.63 2,609 72 Bounty ................ 39 00 ........ 1.253.06 00 1,292 00 Shool Districts 550.562 94 14.799.15 70289 78 495.062.31 City Roads ........ 54.51 21.011.91 31 83 21.03459 OMM 163.723 30 ........ 197.12 28,168 48 135,751.94 Rodent Control 51 ....... 11108 00 11159 Fire Patrol 340 69 ---- 00 00 340 69 Dog License 00 ........ 437 78 437 78 - 00 Estates of Deceased ------ 5.00 00 00 5.00 County Pair 7.609 98 ....... 9.20049 15.000 00 1.81047 Unapportioned Tax ----- 00 770.000 00 770.000 00 00 Weed Control 1,297 06 ----- 16.119 04 10.500 00 6.91609 Taylor Grazing No. 3 228 16 ....... 8.452 09 7,806 87 873 38 Taylor Grazing No. 4 00 2.709.29 2561 96 147 34 V ale-Jordan Grazing No 3 ----- 14915 78 00 00 14915 78 Tayk»r Graxing No. 6 00 564 00 5.64 Liquor Indigent 1.53220 ....... 6 505.80 00 8.038 00 Irrigation Districts 19,948.93 ----- 18.51937 11.509 44 26.656 86 Drainage Districts 3.842 03 10.687.53 1.590 59 12.935.97 State Gam e 868 25 ----- 00 856 75 1250 Lost and FVmnd Property 00 ----- 128.55 00 128.55 Deposit in Lisu of Bond 00 - 13100 130.00 1 00 Special Relief 963 93 1.286 15 1 488 57 74051 Enforcement 96 50 1.11000 110 00 1.096.50 I, O ra C. Hope. Treasurer A Malheur County. Oregon, certify the foregoing to be true and correct to the best at my knowledge and belief ORA C. HOPE County Treasurer $ 15303.66 7,938.61 7938.61 7,110.75 8,736.18 1,387,666.03 1447,715.14 39652721 1573,795.34 1573,796.34 I, C. W. Glenn, Sheriff and T ax Collector of Malheur County, Oregon hereby certify th at the foregoing statem ent is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. W. GLENN fh e r iff and T ax Collector Ma heur County, Oregon by: GLENNA P R U IT T , Deputy Clerk’s Semi-Annual Statement From July 1, 1948 to December 31, 1948 FUNDS ON HAND Cities <fc Towns ........................................................ — City & Town Road Districts ....................................... Court House Building Fund ..................................... Dog License Fund .......................................................... Irrigation & Drainage Districts ............................... Enforcement Fund ........................................................ E tate of Deceased Persons ....................................... County Fair Fund ......................................................... Experimental Area .......................................................... Fire Patrol ...................................................... ■>_............ General County Fund ............................................ ...... General Road Fund ................................................ . Rodent Control Fund ......................................... Indigent Liquor Fund ............................................... Library Fund ................................................................. lo w Library Fund ......................................................... School Library Fund .................................................... Lost & Found Property Fund ................................... Non-High School Fund ................................................. Non-Hiijh School Sinking Fund ............................... Road District No. 2 ...................................................... Etate Fund T ax ............................................................ County Sc-hool Fund S tate School Fund ...................................................... School Districts ............................................................... Soe-ial Relief Fund ........................................................ Taylor Grazing No. 3 .................................................. Taylor Grazing No. 4 . Tay!or Grazing No. 6 ...................................................... Bounty .................................................................................. Weed Control Fund ........................................................ Fund in Lieu of Undertaking on Attachment Vale-Jordan Grazing Dist. No. 3 ............................ Rural Schools .................................................................. S tate Game GENERAL FUND WARRANT ACCOUNT W arrants Unredeemed July 1, 1948 W arrants Issued Last Six Months ............ over 139 models to get coverage of every hauling need! Financial Report of Ora ( ’. Hope. Treasurer of Malheur County, Oregon, In te rn a tio n a l Trucks a re specified right, so ld rig h t o n d serviced rig h t I The p o p u la r m o de l KB 7 In tern atio n al truck tractor s h o w n a b o v e is the S ta n d a rd of Ihe H ig h w a y . Semi-Annual Statement W arrants Redeemed Last Six Months Balance Unredeemed W arrants December 31, 1948 Cash in General Fund December 31, 1948 W irrants Outstanding ...» $135,751.94 21,034.59 96,643.68 437.78 39,594.83 1,096.50 5.00 1,810.47 2600.72 340.69 43.071.02 . 147,463.23 111.53 8,088.00 5,472.56 947.80 710.10 128.55 17366.00 4,487.96 31,791.15 205.44 12,986.65 415.07 578356.69 740.51 873.38 147.34 5.64 1292.00 6916.09 1.00 14,915.78 208,148.79 12.50 $1.383.929.04 $ 5,397.38 102,034.99 $107,432.37 100,683.56 6,746.81 107,432.37 43.071.02 6,74881 $ 3 6 ,3 2 2 21 Resources Janu ary 1, 1949 STATEM EN T O F R E C E IP T S FO R S I X MONTHS ENDING DECEM BER 31, 1948 Collection of Taxes, Sheriff, Clerk, Assessor «1338 967 10 Treasurer and other receipts «1^ *8967.30 D ISBU RSEM EN TS FO R S IX MONTHS ENDING DECEM BER 31 1948 Appropriation for Indigent .Veterans . * *70 q* Circuit Court ....................... * C ounty C ourt 3.275.48 ........................................................................ 2,443.12 Sheriff's O fficf ................................................. 13.381.96 Clerk's Office ......................................................... 6947.73 Assessor's Office 6,950.83 Treasurer’s Office County School Superintendent’s Office ......................... S e r v i o * Officer r iff,r e r ..................................................... Service 1318 03 Children's Aid ........................................... 226.04 Withholding Tax ............................. 389 38 State Withholding Tax 70.13 Sealer ot Weights & Measurers 13326 S tate Industrial Accident Commission 51.63 County Veterinarian ............ 1.045.00 Dependent Children ......... —r- 7,265.70 Official Advertising 1.414 65 W.i term aster & Deputies 1.917.01 Insane, Examination of .................... 15.00 Justice Court ...................... 2,877.19 Coroner .......... ....................... 267.00 County Physician ........ 331.00 Officer's Indemnity Bond Election ............................................. 2.463.30 Vital Statistics ............ ................................ 159.50 District Attorney's Office 982.89 Court House Current Expense (Fuel. W ater, Telephone. Jan ito r, etc.) a 189 70 Court House ......... 3,18»./u (Office Furniture. Improvements. Insurance et* 438672 ' Agricultural Advisor 4,975.00 Old Age Assistance ......................................... 12.937.50 Blind Assistance 819.00 Old Peoples Home 56.27 County Nurse ................................. 4.190 18 Miscellaneous 557.62 Tuberculosis Indemnity 2,076 68 Destruction of Predatory Animals 1,588 77 Rural District Board Expense 65 66 Audit County Books ..................... 675.00 County Fair Appropriations ...... 300.00 Care of Poor 9.262.50 Truant Officer . * ........................... ......... 103.86 $ 102.289 40 $ 8,056 04 72.50 8.500 00 15.000 00 7941.05 2361 95 1.484 07 2335.63 10.946 50 79.600 00 94359 34 M i h eu r County Library Law Library Fund Weed Control County Fair Fund ......... Tayior Grazing No. 3 Taylor Grazing No. 4 S p « ia l Relief Fund Experimental Farm Road District No. 2 Court Hou«e Sinking Roads & Highways $ 230.95 STA TE OF OREGON) ss. County of Malheftr I. H S Sacket. County Clerk of Malheur County. S tate ot Orel of ,OT7 0ln8 1» * «tan. true and correct stttetr Of the financial condition of Malheur County. Oregon, as sh o rn the Records at the Close of business. December 31, ISMS. Dated this 27th day of January, 1949. H. S SA C K ETT County Clerk of Malheur County. S tate of Oregon