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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1949)
7AeNYSSA VOLUM E A.XXXIV NO. 4 Council Favors Organization Of Rural District City Will Help To Give Fire Protection To Rural Areas ..n eMà'àün. *y '•‘r - r - s - z - f r - — .------ — - .•y>tes«v THE NYSSA GATE CITY JO URNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. BOY SCOUTS W IL L H O LD OBSERVANCE OF A N N IV E R SA R Y Observance of National Boy Scout week will be held by the Nyssa troops during the next two weeks. A banquet for scouts of troop 58 and their parents will be held m the hume economics room of the high school building at 8 p. m. February 11. The dinner and pro gram will be arranged by the Mutual Improvement associations f ‘.he second L. D. S. ward. The regular meeting of the troop next Wednesday night will be de voted to commemoration of scout ing. Members of troop 19, sponsored by the Nyssa Lions club, and their parents will attend a banquet Feb ruary 17, probably in the basement of the Methodist church. A court of honor will be held following a potluck dinner. The city couneilmen voted at n special meeting in the city hail Tuesday n.ght to co-operate in the formation and operation of a rural fire protection district, designed to give protection to the homes and other property of rural lesidents in the visinity. The council agreed that when the directors of the district are elected the city will be ready and willing to enter into a contract with the district to make ar rangements for its housing and operation. Under the proposed plan the city will be allowed to use the district’s truck as an aux iliary piece o f equipment. The city will have the use o f the truck when needed, tout the rural district will always have first call on the At the regular m eeting of the machine. Th e Nyssa fire depart Owyhee Riding dub last Friday ment will never take more than evening at tihe Oregon Trail sahool- five men from the city to fight a house, officers were elected for the rural fire unless a second alarm coming yean is sounded, but that will be a suf The new officers are Roy Holmes, ficient number to handle the equip president; Charles Culbertson, vice ment. president; 'Mrs. Lynn Snodgrass, T h e truck, which w ill be purch secretary, and Robert Holmes ased by the ditrict, will carry a treasurer. minimum of 500 gallons o f watei T h e executive committee was and have the necessary pumps to hocen as fallows: Loyd Adams, pick up additional water from can Rolland Holmes and Oce sohweizer, als, ditches or whatever other to serve fo r two years and Chet sources are available. Some of the Sage and Phil Mitchell, to serve farmers plan to have sumps, res for one year. Lynn Snodgrass, ervoirs and other special sources Willis Bertram and N eil Dim- of water. mick will serve on the rodeo com The next step will be to ask mittee. Roy Holmes w ill serve the state fire marshall to draw up as Nyssa director for the W est petitions, which will be circulated ern Riding club, N eil Dimmick in the district. T o be effective, as drillmaster and D. O. 'Bybee the petitions must contain the as junior drillmaster. signatures o f 25 per cent o f the property owners living within the proposed boundaries. Tire petitions ANTELO PES LOSE will be presented to the county TO W ILD E R 45-33 court, which will hold a hearing, The Adrian Antelopes were de and on the basis o f testimony will feated by a strong W ilder basket give a decision as to whether the ball team Friday night, January district shall be form id. 28 by a score o f 45 to 33. I f the court decides in favor of The game was a nip-and-tuck the district, it will call for an affair fo r three quarters, but in election of five direetos, who will ;he fourth period the Wildcats be empowered to levy a tax not pulled away from the Antelopes. in excess of four mills on prop The Adrian jayvees lost their game erty within the district. 50 to 26. T h e proposed procedure is the Adrian will entertain the Home- plan that is followed throughout dale team Friday, February 4. The Oregon, according to firem en who jayvee game w ill be started at attended the m eeting along with 7:30. ■representatives o f the district. Held on Driving Count— Olaf O. Erickson was arrested by FIREMEN CALLED TO state police officers Wednesday SERVICE STATIO N morning following an accident in automobiles driven by Nyssa firemen were called about volving 11:30 Saturday night to the Child Erickson artd Norvelle Rabbins of Bros, service station at Sixth and Nyssa at Garrison’s com er on the Erickson M ain streets to extinguish a blaze Nyssa-Adrian highway. pleaded guilty in justice court in caused by an oil Stove. O il from the stove overflowed Nyssa Wednesday afternoon to a and caught afire. No attendant charge o f driving on the left side was at the station at the time, c f the highway and was fined $5 but a passer-by gave the alarm and assessed $4.50 court costs by He a- and firem en responded immed Judge Don M. Graham. iately. T h e firemen broke into greed to pay fo r the damages to the front door and extinguished Che Robbins car, which were of the flames, which caused only m in a minor nature. or damage. Services Cancelled— No" services will be held in the Lodge Man Visits— Mr. Johnson o f Pendleton, mem Episcopal church until the coal Social functions ber o f the state aerie o f Eagles, shortage ends. representing Jerry Mason, state have also been postponed. president, paid an official visit to the Nyssa aerie Wednesday night Auxiliary T o O n ta rio - Eleven members o f the Nyssa of last week. A class of candi dates from Ontario and Nyssa were American Legion auxiliary attend initialed in honor of the state ed a meeting o f the Ontario aux president. The theme of the meet iliary at the Moore hotel last ing and Mr. Johnson's talk was Wednesday evening. Speakers for “ Child Delinquency and Child W el the occasion were Mrs. Earnest fare” , the subject that Eagles said Sieloff, district president, and Mrs. Mr. Mason had devoted his life to. Les Ballard, state sergeant-at-arms, both o f Burns. Following the pro Four candidates were initiated. gram, bingo was played and re freshments were served. Mrs. E. Here From Idaho Falls— Mr. and Mrs. D, H. Stoddard Otis Smith of Ontario had charge arrived Tuesday at the home of o f arrangements. their daughter. Mrs. Howard Love- joy. They arrived in Nyssa from Goes T o Sea— Loren Calvert, fireman appren Salt Lake C ity »h e re they had tice In the navy, has left on. the been visiting another daughter. U. S. S. Dixie for a nine-months cruise in the China area. He is Move T o Nyssa— Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson a son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Calvert and fam ily have returned to Nyssa. o f Nyssa. and moved last week-end into me Lem Wilson, Jr. residence on North Potato. Onion Men Elect— Klaas Tensen o f Nyssa was re Third street. elected president o f the Malheur County Potato and Onion Growers Leaves For Nebraska— Mrs. Ed Steinke is leaving for association at a meeting held in Red Cloud, Nebraska to visit her Ontario Tuesday. Fred Stoneman father, who is in poor health. Mrs. c f Nyssa was elected vice president Steinke will be gone several weeks. and Leeds Bailey o f Ontario sec retary. T o Boise— Boise visitors from Nyssa last Suffer Heart Attack— C. H. Bennett Is recovering from Saturday were Mrs. B um all Brown and Marion Brown. Janice Frost, a heart attack he suffered Sun Mrs. Campbell Baer. Mrs. Ron day. Campbell and Annette Campbell. T o View Film— At the regular meeting o f me Attends Church M e e tin g - Rev. Donald Campbell left W ed Nyssa Parent Teacher association nesday morning for Portland to which will be held in m e high attend a meeting o f conference o f school building Thursday. February ficials of the Methodist church. 10. the film “Human O row th " will There -will also be Rev. Campbell is treasurer o f me be shown. Idaho conference o f m e Methodist special recognition o f Founder's day. church. Officers Named By Riding Club ^ . jè & JOURNAL THURSDAY, FE BR U AR Y 3, 1949 BURGLARS ENTER Bulldogs Beat Nyssa, Adrian PO W E R CO. OFFICE Huskies 47-34 B U T TA K E NOTHING F. F. A. Boys Win entered m e Idaho Pow- j In Hot Contesti er Burglars Contest Honors company office i.i Nyssa W ta- SUG AR CO M PANY LOANS COAL TO SCHOOL DISTRICT The Nyssa school district is maintaining heat in its buildings .hrou h the courtesy of m e Am al gamated Sugar company, which has made a carload of coal available ,o the district from its supply. Superintendent Henry Hartley said me schools would have been -iused Tuesday o f this week had not the sugar company come to the rescue. He stated that me carload o f coal would last about .wo weeks and he hopes to be able to get fuel from me regular source by that time. The sugar company and schools use the same type of coal. The schools cannot stock enough coal for me entire winter, because of lack of storage space. Game League Is Buying Grain To Save Wild Ducks esday night, but left the build 18 To 20 Tons Of Grain ing apparently without taking any Richard Diven Wins First thing of value. In Public Speaking Needed ¡Donations O f Although two or three lights were Contest Feed, Money Asked burning in the building the burg lars broke a pane in the rear doot The Nyssa Bulldogs overwhelm and reached through the hole to Members of me Nyssa and A d The Malheur Game league voted ed the Emmett Huskies in a Snake turn the -tock. rian chapters o f the Future Farm- at a meeting held in Nyssa M on River vaney league baskeuiail game T h e burglars ransacked all o f the rs of America took many honors day night to underwrite a pro on the Nyssa i.oor Tuesuay m gii office desk drawers, but found no n the eastern Oregon district F. gram of feeding ducks and pheas by a score o f 47 to h w register money and took no merchandise. ants in me area. .neir fourth consecutive victory m Ih ey even overlooked $8 or $16 F. A. contests and meetings held league p.ay, in Nyssa last week-end. Many ducks are starving to death in a polio canister. In one of m e outstanding events Tne N*fosa B squad also won its in this vicinity. Farmers report game, unaiking up its 12th con' f the week-end, Richard Diven the birds can be picked up be >f Nyssa, speaking on '‘Farming secuuve victory toy a score of 30 cause they are too weak to fly. to 16. for the Future” , took first place The league, which has already n the public speaking contest. Bill Tne revitalized Bulldogs, who Hardin of Ontario was awarded played mediocre bail during the started buying food for me birds, second place on "Chemurgy, A ilisc part o l the season, registered estimated m at between 18 and 20 on la out of 42 attempts at field T h e Nyssa Eagles won their Brighter Future" and Bob Akers tons of grain will be required. goals. Koyano was unusually ef- eighth ldaho-Oregon s e m i - p r o of La Grande took, third on his iFeeding operations have been start "By-Products Manufacture xective on shooting, scoring six field basketball game here Wednesday talk ed with employes at m e state game Other speakers goals out o l 10 attempts. night by defeating the Vale Fire and Its Uses". iarm in Malheur county in charge. W ».h tineir plays woiKing e ffect men by a score o f 54 to 43. Bob were Jess Stoker of Adrian, Ray The grain costs $50 a ton, making ively, the Bandogs looked good on Wilson led the Nyssa attack with Omohundro o f Imbler, G ary Hest a total cost o f the feeding oper une offensive and made snooting 21 points, followed by Bob Church er of Baker and Bub Summers of ations of between $750 and $1000. M anager Clinton Keasling of the The league hopes to get some re- difficult for their opponents on with 13 points. Harold Wilson led Halfway. T h e judges were Dr. H. the defensive. They took a one- the losers’ attack with 10 points. H. Haymon o f m e College of Farmers Supply co-operative of unoursement from m e state and point lead at the end of the first The win gives Nyssa a tie with the Idaho, Noah Richards of Ontario Ontario and Nyssa reported at me f e d e r a l government. Governor quarter and were never headed. Ontario Lions in the western di and Calvin Crandall, vocational annual meeting of me organization Douglas M cK ay has already prom agriculture Instructor at Parma. in the Japanese community hall Ny^sa players were Koyano 15, vision of the ldaho-Oregon league. ised help from m e state. The Oregon State Granite, rep near Ontario last Thursday mat Wilder 8, B. Wilson 7, Hunter 3, In explanation of the plight mat Lowe 6, Chadwick 7, Williams, The Nyssa Eagles Basketball resented by W illiam G . Ross of the association distributed approx has overtaken me ducks, game Hale 1 and Pecka. Team defeated m e Ontario Lions Vale, presented a plaque to Diven imately one-half million dollars of league members said the birds have Diven products to members during the become in the habit of staying in Te Nyssa Bulldogs won a pair of in a m illing 59 to .V overtime as m e winning speaker. league victories from New Plym game on m e home court to give tile will represent mis district at the fiscal year, with a net saving of ihe Lower Snake river valley be outh 29 to 25 and from Parina Lions their first defeat in ldaho- state F. F. A. speaking contest $42,000, which will be distributed to cause o f m e comparatively mild 56 to 22 last week. According to Oregon League play here last to be held at Tillam ook April 1 members in proportion to their weather during me last several At the banquet held Friday eve patronage. Principal Dennis Patch of Nyssa, Thursday evening. winters instead of traveling on T h e membership voted to spon south and m is year were caught the Bulldogs trailed the Pilgrams T h e score was tied many times ning prior to the public peaking until the final three minutes, but duing the evening as the evenly contest. Bill Hardin o f Ontario sor six 4-H scholarships for the ,n me grip o f a hard winter. Lwo baskets and a foul shot in the matched squads watched for the won first in a spelling contest. coming year. E. H. Hauser, county They apparently have waited too closing minutes brought victory to breaks. T h e losers led at half Bob Summers of H alfway won sec flub agent, reported on m e winners long to travel to warmer climates. dhe Bulldogs. T h e Parma game time 23 to 21. The Lions started ond and Claence Suiter o f Nyssa of the scholarships last year. Contributions o f grain and money Charles Baker, general manager may be lef t a t me Hollingsworth was a close contest until the sec to pull aiway from m e Eagles at third. Bob Kouns of Albany, president of Pacific Supply co-operative, of store in Nyssa and at the Adrian ond half when the Bulldogs hit a the beginning of m e second half scoring spurt that gave them 40 and held a 34 to 25 lead before of the state association, extended which the Farmers Supply co-op feed store in Adrian. points. In the last two quarters the Eagles. led 'by Bob Church, greetings from the state organiz erative is a part owner, along with Chinese pheasants seem to be R. V. Wilson, vocational 125 other co-operatives in m e Pa Bob Wilson, Nyssa center, hit 20 started hitting m e bucket from all ation. getting along satisfactorily, but counters. angles to pull into a 51 to 49 lead agriculture instructor In m e Nyssa cific northwest, outlined a program may need feed if the cold and According to Patch’s percentage just before m e game ended. The school, presided at the banquet, whereby farmers may enter into snowy weather continues, ___________________ figures as of January 1, Ontario losers tied the score on two free which was attended by 75 rep the production of crude oil and was leading the league with .868, tosses. In m e overtime Nyssa pulled resentatives o f chapters in Adrian, representing eight wins and one away to win 59 to 56. Bob Church Nyssa, Ontario, Halfway, Baker, La ¡ S U C r r S M °ho.PhS “ 'C IT Y KEEPING UP “ can invest in preferred stock of- ON PIPE FREEZING loss. Vale wts second with .777, led the winners with 22 points Grande and Imbler. Winners o f m e contests held Pacific Supply co-operative, w h ich , ----------- Emmett third with .700, Weiser while Frank Bchnms was high for Friday afternoon were announced pays four per cent interest, which | C ity employes are keeping » - fourth with .666, Nyssa fifth with the lowers with 10. .545 and Fruitland sixth with .500. T h e win virtually put Nyssa into at the banquet as follows, with Is backed by four dollars o f assets, breast of the pipe freezing caused Payette, Parma and New Plymouth a firs t place tie with the Lions the boys placing in one, two, three to one dollar o f liability and back by the extremely cold weather, The trai.ed in the last three places. except that me Lions have won order: Grain Judging—Jim Nleh cf which are 14 years of highly they announced this week. one more game m an m e Nyssa olsen of Nyssa, Dee W iniger of successful operation". This money,' city Is receiving only two or three Ontario and Edwin Meyer of La Baker said, will be used fo r the calls a day. H O SPITAL LIG H TIN G squad. Persons who have let water run Next week's program on the local Grande; weed and seed Identi production of two o f me most EQ UIPM ENT SO U G H T court will include two games with fication— Albert Pecka o f Nyssa, essential items that farmers use. in their houses liave had no fro z Baker also told how the devel- en service pipes. However, be- Dr. Lester Scott and Bernard Payette Merchants m eeting the Minard Hart of Nyssa and Paul Frcet of Nyssa and Dr. Ronald Eagles Wednesday, February 10 and Benedict o f Nyssa, tied for first, opment o f th e Columbia and Snake cause o f high sewer pipes and Soli o f Parma went to Boise Tues the Weiser Blue Devils the next Keith Hill o f L a Grande, second rivers can benefit the people of cue condition o f some septic tanks, and Wayne Kerr of Ontario, third; the northwest fo r irrigation, flood it has been inconvenient fo r some day afternoon to inspect lighting night, February 11. welding— Alvin Cleaver of control and low cost electrical j property owners to allow water to equipment in the two Boise hos Nyssa players were Moore 7, L. arc pitals with a view of gaining in Wilson 12, B. Wilson 10, Church 22, Nyssa, Ray Goodell o f O ntario and [lower, especially for the manufact form ation for the purchase of D. Wilson, Steinke, Tailm an 7, Buddy Smith of Adrian; acetylene ure of phosphate fertilizer In south Here From Ogden— lighting equipment for the M al Koppl, Bailey, C. Wilson and welding— Don H att o f Adrian, Ray ern Idaho. Goodell of Ontario and Guy LeRoy Herrman o f Nyssa was un- Mrs. Mary G am er o f Ogden is heur Memorial hospital, now under Bellon. Thompson o f Halfway; farm rec antmously re-elected to me board j visiting at me home o f Mr. and construction a t Nyssa. ord-keeping— Val Child of Nyssa, of directors fo r a three-year term.1 Mrs. Tom Seppich. Mrs. Garner The two doctors and Mr. Frost, head of m e hospital founders or REV. CAM PBELL W IL L Alex Sumida of Ontario and Lowell Other directors are W. V. Rich - j u the mother o f Mrs. Seppich. ------------------------ ganization, will report on their ATTEND CONFERENCE Westenskow o f Imbler; treasurer’s mond o f Ontario, Edward K er of findings to the board o f directors Reverent Donaid Campbell oi books— Imbler, La Grande and O n route 2, Payette, L. B, Hyatt of Return From Portland— next Tuesday night. Nyssa will represent M alheur coun tario; secretary’s books, La Orande, route 1, Payette, and A. P. Goodell j Mr. and Mrs. G rant Rinehart ty at a three day leadership train Adrian and Ontario, and tool and of Nyssa. President Goodell pre- ( returned Wednesday morning from | Portland, where they had gone for Three Boys Held— ing institute for social hygiene shop material identification—'Mar sided at the meeting. Th e Home Economics club of the eye treatment fo r Mr, Rinehart. Three boys are held in the coun workers in Portland February 9, 10 vin Niccum of Nyssa, Norman Well3 of La Grande and Wayne Kerr Boulevard O range served dinner to Examination revealed that con ty ja il on a charge of entering into and 11. 300 members and patrons at noon. dition o f me eye was Improving and tampering wth a motor vehicle Reverend Campbell, who has had of Ontario. and that with care, would be back T h e Ontario chapter won me without the (permission o f the own three years experience in the field procedure contest, Film T o Be Shown— to normal again. er. A car owned by George E. o f Christian education, has taught parliamentary On Friday evening, February 4 Lytle was stolen January 23 from courses In marriage and fam ily Nyssa took second and La Grande the sugar factory lot in Nyssa and life and is at present leading the third. The Judges were Dr. H. H. at 8 p. m. a t m e Moore hotel, a leaves For Montana— Mrs. Howard Whttely left Tues was driven across the Snake river social hygiene discussion group of Haymon, Calvin Crandall and Kirk film showing “ A Day In the Life bridge into Idaho. T h e F. B. I. m e Nyssa P. T. A. His trip to Rush, vocational agriculture in of a Handicapped C hild" will be day from the Ontario airport for presented. Theron Jones, director Great Falls, Montana for a visit. took charge o f me case from the Portland will be financed by the structor at Nampa. Local F. F. A. members and of field services for the society of Nyssa justice court and turned Malheur County T B and Health guests toured m e feed yards at crippled children and adults, and Vale Visitors Here— the boys, aged 15, 16 and 17 over association. Mr. and Mrs. A rt Smith o f Vale to the juvenile court. T h e social hygiene conference the Amalgamated Sugar company Howard Feast, executive director will also be attended by M argaret plant and went through m e fac of the Oregon society, will be were visitors Sunday at the new present to consult with interested home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward W le- Gopher Unit Meets— Beattie, executive secretary o f me tory Saturday afternoon. persons or anyone needing aid. neke. Mr. and Mrs. Wleneke are Farmers of m e Richland gopher health association; Mrs. Edna The Moore hotel w ill donate the now located in their new home control project held a meeting Farris, public health nurse, and Nyssa Girls Place— In a recent Christian doctrine room fo r m e meeting, and E. M. on 5th street. February 1. T h ey decided to con Henry Endres, county sanitarian. duct the work of poisoning gophers test for children from m e 5th to Hauser will show m e film. DISCUSS L IT E R A T U R E 8th grades in the Baker city dloeese. again this year. A fee of 30 cents Entertain Parents— "Literature as a Social A rt’1 was per acre will be charged. W. B. T h e primary and junior depart Irene Jayo and Delia Lopez ol P. T. A. M eeting W ell Attended— The discussion groups sponsored discussed at a m eeting o f the R u ssell, and B. F. Rooks tool re ments of the Methodist church Nyssa received two of m e three In recognition by me Nyssa Parent Teacher as Delphian society lat Friday morn main as chairmen. Woodrow Seuell will entertain their parents at a highest averages. was appointed secretary for the meeting Saturday afternoon, Feb of their outstanding work, each sociation was attended by aproxl- ing at me home o f Mrs. Bert maitely 40 parents last Thursday Lienkaemper. Program leader was 1949 season. ruary 5 in the basement o f the girl received a religious picture. evening at the high school. Fol Mrs. Dale Garrison. The following church. The groups have finish lowing the social hygiene study discussed phases o f m e subject: Nyssa Nursing Home Notes— ed a month’s study o f China and T o le a v e On Mission— Keith Bytoee, who has been at class led by Rev. Donald Camp Mrs. Wesley Browne, Mrs. J. J. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Sam special projects on China will be Allegos, Nyssa, January 28 a boy, displayed. Slides of life in China tending school In Salt Lake City bell, the adolescent group discus Sarazln, Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper, preparatory to his mission wark sed the topic o f teen-age popular Mrs. Bud Wilson, and Mrs. Olea weighing 7 pounds, 4 ounces. B om will be shown. In the L. D. S. church will be in ity, with Dennis Patch as leader. Billings. to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Beck. Nyssa, Nyssa this week-end before leav The intermediate goup had as its January 30, a girl, weighing 5 Move T o Colorado— pounds, 13 ' k ounces. B om to Mr. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Blandin ing on a mission to m e Nether topic "H ero-W orship” with Mrs. G ARD EN CLUB H AS LUNCHEON T h e A. N. K . Garden chib met and Mrs. Ralph Young o f Nyssa. and fam ily will leave In m e near lands. A testimonial for him will Jesse RLgney as leader. The pre- February 3, a girl, weighing 8 future for Eaton, Colorado, where be given by me 2nd ward o f me school group led by Mrs. Lloyd Tuesday of last week at the home Mr. Blandin will engage in farm L. D. S. church Sunday evening, Tobler discussed the topic, “ Free of Mrs. Carl H ill fo r Its annual pounds, 6 ounces. dom from Fear for the Pre-school luncheon. Following m e luncheon a ing. Mr. Blandin has 'been em February 6. business meeting was held at which Child ”, ployed by the Owyhee Truck and Tax Man Coming— time Mrs. W alter M cPartland was A representative of m e state tax Implement company for the past Radio T o Be Given— asked to act as president upon me At the benefit pinochle party to J Return From Utah— commission w ill be in Malheur year. be held Saturday evening. February Mr. and Mrs. Bill Beus and Mr resignation of Mrs. Charles New- county next week to assist taxpay 5 at m e I. O. O F hall, a large and Mrs. Ersel Beus returned by MB. ers with their state income tax Parma Boy Dies— Members reported the local gard James Lloyd, 8-year-old-son ol desk radio will be given away as plane Sunday from Ogden, Where returns. He will be In the court they had been called because of en club had been asked to furnish house in Vale February 7 from 1 to Mr. and Mrs James Lloyd o f a door prize. the illness o f t4)e father of me m e favors for m e Oregon luncheon 5 p. m. and in the Moore hotel Parma, died Wednesday at the two men. meeting at the National Federation Nursing home, following Visit In Boise— in Ontario February 8 and 9 from Nyssa of Oarden Club convention, which Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Judd and complications of an operation per 8 to 5 o’clock. will be held in Portland In May. Robert Overstreet, Sr. visited Sun Go On Skating Party— formed last week. T h e young peoples group o f the Mrs. Maurice Judd had charge of dry at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Speaks At Weiser Bob Overstreet in Boise, Mr. Over- Christian church attended a skat the program on "Principles of Rev. Don M axfield was Here From Caldwell— Mr. C. W Reberger o f C ald street will remain for a visit at ing party at the Ontario skating Flower Arrangements” , reviewing speaker Tuesday evening at a m eet Rockwell and Orayson's book rink Friday evening. ing o f m e m en’s organization of well was a week-end guest at the m e home o f his son. Flower Arrangements." The garden H. R Sherwood home. m e Weiser Christian church. club will meet In February at the T o Huntington— Visits Mother— Mr and Mrs. Bernard Front vis Goes T o Portland— Oorden R ay o f Salt Lake City home o f Mrs. James Spofford. To Boise— Mrs. O. L. Galloway le ft Sunday ited Sunday at the home o f Mr visited his mother, Mrs. Stella But Guests at Tuesday’s meeting were M r and Mrs Laurence Findling and Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Mlchaelson for Portland where the will remain ¡ and Mrs. Perry Ward in Huntlng- ler, last Friday. Mr. Ray was en Mrs. Blaine B a llfh o f Denver and Wilson of Parma. _ route to Portlad. for a while. ton. were Boise visitors Sunday Nyssa Teams Mark up 4th And 13th Consecutive Victories Eagles Nose Out Lions 59 to 56 Large Business Done By Co-Op